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For My Country “The Talia Entries”

Preview Chapter: Glass-bones

The location: A large country, living in the sky. It is called “Ge Si Eir” Some believe that it is like the mystic Angel Island, but it is simply very well hidden. It sits in the Geshair Mountains of Mobius-zone-42, or as the natives of the planet call it “Mobocan”. It is a perfect mixture of medieval and futuristic times. It is blocked by a giant black gate, which has thwarted all attacks. Its current enemies are the Supretoes. The two have been warring for almost a decade now, though the country is very used to it.

The date: It is twelfth of Augusty, Monday, in the year 3230. This is not a special day as to such things as Holidays, nor is it an average day. It is an excitable one however, for it is today that an experiment can finally comense.

Three months ago, the grand scientist, Dr. Rein L. Zphen has finished creating a newly formed fusion of the blank energy, and the essence of life itself. He calls it “Tex-Meg”. It is an extremely powerful serum, which gives its host the ability to re-purpose pain and harm. It has yet to be tested however, and tests do not go well, as many know.

Because of this, the experiment was deemed un-allowed until a powerful chamber was created to contain the results. It is now finished.

INITIATE Entry one:

A fifteen year-old brown female cat wheel-chairs ran over to her father, who was about to leave the house for the day. “So why can’t… I come?” She asked hazily, worn out from trying to keep up with the man in uniform.

“It’s extremely dangerous.” He answered. “The experiments could be extremely fatal, and only a select few are going to be there. It took an hour to convince Dr. Zphen to allow ME to guard him during the process, let alone a young girl.”

“I’m fourteen, Dad.” The girl whined.

“And Terence is nine-teen, and he isn’t coming.”

“But he doesn’t want to come. I do.”

“I know you do, sweetheart. Tell you what. I’ll ask the doctor if you can be the first success’s visitor.”

“*sigh* Alright…”

The older brown cat left with a sigh. The young girl gave a sigh herself, as she heard the car’s engine start up then fade as the car drove off.

Talia Reephs was born with very low stamina, and a very fragile body. This confined most of her time to a wheel-chair or crutches. She could walk on occasion, but not run, or jump, or do anything that could increase her heart rate.

Once the family tried a special medicine which would keep her stable when doing stressful activities, but she would have to take it every twenty minutes, and because of that, she often became very ill.

She had been waiting… waiting her whole life for something to happen. She didn’t even care at this point if it involved her getting a normal body. All that she wanted was some sort of adventure. Up till now, she had very little. Aside from her “escape to adventure missions” which failed miserably, the largest extent of her undertakings was the case of the missing chao… which lasted five minutes… that is to say five minutes with her interacting in the search, and the other three hours spent with her family searching for “Difin-Lee” the spotted chao-baby.

“So Tai… whatcha wanna do today?” Talia’s older brother, Terence asked. During her whole life, Terence had always looked after her. But he also got her into a very large amount of trouble, usually against his will. Talia would always find a way to get Terence to almost bring her to a high-school party, or almost sneak some police reports, or almost anything else. He was an excellent hacker of computers, and very fit. He had light tan hair, which was wavy and bushy. Whenever Talia was bored, he’d come up and do whatever it took to entertain her… to the extent of him breaking his arm when trying to prove that he could break a brick in half… which he did… with a side effect.

“I dunno.” She replied in a sulking way. “I haven’t been allowed out of the house for almost a week and a half.”

“Well it did take a while for your arm to heal, y’know.”

“But I haven’t broken it since! I’m going to lose it if I have to stay cooped up any longer!”

“Maybe I can talk to Dad when he gets back.”

“You don’t have to say that. I know you already tried. I’m going to end up like all those princesses and such who are in a castle, or tower, or prison their whole lives, until SOMEONE comes and saves THEM!”

“You’re not going to be cooped up forever. We live in a villa practically.”

“So did Rapunzel! When she got over the wall, she got to do stuff! She saved a whole continent from an earth-witch!” Talia turned, then began wheeling back to the kitchen to put away the box of cereal she left out.

The sight of Talia sulking, and feeling powerless always got to Terence. Eventually he wouldn’t be able to stand it anymore, and would say…

“Next time I’m staying put.” Terence walked out the front door, brought around his sleek hovering-car, then went into the house again to get Talia. He walked over then gently picked up his little sister, which startled her a bit, then carried her to the car.

A half-hour decision later and the two of them found themselves at what seemed to be an arcade, though it looked much cleaner, bigger, brighter, and… less… nerd-attracting. It mostly consisted of physical competition, such as a lazer-tag arena, basket-ball hooping, and the one where you have to roll a ball into a ring of circles, hoping to get the middle one.

Talia began to get out of her wheelchair, which Terence noticed. “What are you doing?” He asked in concern.

“This will hold me back.” She answered. “I can’t play well if I can’t stand.”

“But what if-“

“I won’t get too excited. Besides, I’ve got you if anything happens.” Talia gave her brother a big puppy-dog face until he couldn’t stand it anymore. Terence gave a large sigh of “Next time I’m staying put”, then followed her into the fancy arcade, which was called “Fysco-mite’s”

Talia walked over to Ping-Pong table which was absent, and waited for some players. No one came for a while, so Terence began to walk over to play her, but then a cute young chipmunk teenage boy, around the age of sixteen or so, with black shiny hair, and a grey and blue scribbly T-shirt walked over to them.

“Need a player?” He asked in a slightly deep-sounded Scottish accent. Talia all but melted. She just stared at him for a while, which fortunately for him, wasn’t very awkward, seeing how he was asking her, but facing Terence, who friendlily answered “Thanks man. We were hoping for someone to show. Right Tai?”

“… R- huh- oh. R-right…” Talia stammered. “But it’s uneven.”

“It could be you two against me.” The boy suggested.

“You sure you can handle us?” Terence asked in competitive, but friendly, tone.

“Well that depends.” He said.

“On what?” Talia asked, now holding her paddle and waiting for the others.

“On if you two are even worse than me.” The boy teased.

“Then YOU’RE on.” Said Talia, as she served the ball over to the boys side.

“I’m Mark by the way.” He said, passing the small plastic ball to his opponents.

“I’m Terence, and this is my sis Talia.” Terence said, paddling the sphere back again.

“Nice to meet the both of you.” Mark replied just before making a point, which he made quite clear to them with the ever obnoxious “point!” Terence picked the ball up, then passed it back to Mark again.

“You come here often?” He asked.

“I work here.” Mark answered. “It’s a pretty rewarding job too. I get to play everything for free, and I paid to do it.”

“Nice job.” Talia complimented, attempting to give a quick jolt to victory. Mark quickly maneuvered the ball to his paddle, and gave another successful point to himself.

“I hope you know that I’m going easy on you.” Talia warned in a humorous competitive tone.

“Is that so? Then why don’t we go, just you and me?”


“Uh, Talia. Are you su-“ Tai gave her brother a scolding look which obviously meant (in the language of female expressions) “Cute guy RIGHT there. Me and him time.” Terence backed off, and sat down behind Talia. “I’m right here if you-“ She gave him another look and he closed his mouth.

“Ready?” She asked, serving the ball with a large hit from her paddle, which caused the bounce to be so quick, that Mark didn’t even notice it passing him, though he did feel the wind passing against him, so he replied with “I was ready… but my paddle isn’t feeling well today.”

“Don’t give up now. We’re just getting started.” Talia teased. Mark picked up the ball and a real round began.

Back and forth they went. Talia was getting in the lead, when she started to feel… weak. She was sweating, and swaying a bit, trying hard to focus on the game.

“Are you alright?” Mark asked in a concerned voice.

“I’m fine.” Talia lied in a slightly exhausted tone. She proved this by making yet another quick-handed point, which brought her to victory.

“You’ve got skills.” Mark congratulated.

“Thanks, *pant*, Mark…” Talia responded, smiling. She began to walk over to another game to challenge her new friend at, when her legs began to give away. She quickly braced her fall by grabbing on to the arm of the couch sitting behind her, but was still getting weaker.

“Tai. You should sit down.” Terence suggested, walking up to his sister.

“I’m… I’m fi-ne…” Talia assured weakly.

“I don’t think so.” Mark added. “You don’t look fine.”

“Really, I’m… fi… f…” Talia fell unconscious. Both Mark and Terence braced her from her fall, with very worried faces.”

When Talia woke up, she was in her bedroom, laying down on her stripy blue mattress. She saw not only her father and Terence there, but Doctor Zphen, who seemed to be arguing with her father.

“… work. I assure you!” The doctor’s voice said in his fluent Russain accent.

“Every test has proved fatal.” Her father reminded. “Fatal as in DEATH. I’m not risking my own daughter just to test a theory!”

“Each part of the subjects that wasn’t harmed is in her. Her DNA is perfect for the procedure. This is something people see in Saturday morning kid’s shows! Do you know how rare it is to happen? It could cure her, AND better yet, make her beyond just normal.”

“You’re right.” The father agreed. “It could make her so far beyond that she turns into some drool-covered flesh-berried monster. I do not risk things like that!”

“She almost died from playing Ping-Pong! You can’t expect her to just live the rest of her life knowing that she ‘could have died’, or she ‘could have been saved from some fragile death’! Tomorrow YOUR daughter could be stapling something, and she pushes to hard, then she falls the ground and the stapler falls on top of her. Do you really want to take that chance?!”

“No, but I can’t take the chance of her dying from that… glue, either. My decision is final!”

“But, if I could just take a few blood samples…”

“No! I appreciate your help doctor, but I never gamble, ESPECIALLY with my children.”

The doctor left, and Mr. Reephs walked back to Talia’s room. “How are you feeling?” He asked in concern.

“Tired, but I’m okay.” Talia answered. “… I’ll do it.”

“What- NO! I just explained to the doctor no, and I’m staying with that answer.”

“I had ANOTHER accident, just today, and-“

“That is exactly why we’re not letting you do it! We already have a team searching for a cure for you. You’re not going to take a maybe, when we can, with patience, get a definite!”

“This ‘definite’ has been a lost cause for thirteen years, Dad. They aren’t GOING to find a cure. This thing IS the cure!”

“It could kill you!”

“I’ve spent my whole life fragile! I haven’t been in a public school, a public group, or anything else with people! I’ve never swam, I’ve never rode a bike, I’ve never even cartwheeled!”

“And you’ll never be able to do those things if we try this! No one has lived through it! No one at all!”

“Then take my blood-sample! Test it!”

“You know we can’t do that, Talia. Even that is too risky.”

“I DON’T CARE ABOUT THE RISK!!!” Talia yelled, stressing herself a bit far. She stopped for a moment to catch her breath, then continued to say “I’d rather die or die trying, than live like this for whoever knows how long.”

“We aren’t discussing this further.” Her father said with a sigh as he walked out the door, closing it behind him. Talia laid her bed with a tear starting across her face. She laid there for an hour until finally boring herself to sleep.

While sleeping she had a dream. A dream of a memory that was almost a year old. It was set in her house once again on the first day of the school year.

{ “Today’s the day.” Talia sang as she walked happily out the front door with her father and brother. “High-school… real high-school.”

The memory skipped a bit further, and went to a school-hallway.

“Nice skirt.” A female student complimented, as Talia strutted through the school.

“Thanks.” She responded with a gleaming face. Many heads turned as they saw her pass through. She almost felt like skipping, but controlled the fatal urge.

The memory skipped another point where everyone was about to start running laps. When the instructor said to run, everyone but Talia obeyed. She just stood there in a frightened stance. “Talia?” The instructor hinted. “You need to start running.

“Uh-… um… Ms. Lemun… I… I don’t think I can.”


“I… I have a stamina problem.”

Ms. Lemun chuckled a bit. “Don’t we all. Don’t worry Talia. You’ll be okay. Exercise helps get people energy. Make em strong.”

“Well… *sigh* o- okay…” Talia started walking quickly down the track, without any pain or stress.

“You’ll have to faster than that!” The instructor called out. Talia began to jog slowly. “Faster! You’ve got to give it some umph!” Talia got faster. She eventually began running, and as soon as she did, she started to feel weak, and light-headed.

“NO!” She screamed to herself. She strained to concentrate. She was becoming so tired that her legs were shaking with each step. Her legs let go, and she fell to the ground.

“DAH!” The frightened cat screamed as she woke up from the startling dream. She looked towards her window and saw that it was now at least six in the afternoon. She slowly got out of bed and sat down in her wheelchair, just before exiting her dimly-lit bedroom.

Her father was gone again. Terence was sitting in front of the TV in the living room. She wheeled over to him, and was about to say something to him, but stopped when she saw his face.

She had seen this face many times. His ears were drooped to the sides, his eyes were saddened, and his mouth was straight. This was his guilt face. She sat next to him, then said softly “It wasn’t your fault Terence.” He didn’t respond. “You were just trying to help.”

“You’re right. I was. I failed.” He replied with his face still turned to the screen. “Dad trusts me to protect you, though I don’t know why. I just can’t seem to stay firm about it.”

“It was my idea. I talked you into it.”

“But I shouldn’t have said yes. You know that. You could have died, just like before, and the time before that, and the time before that.”

“Don’t suppose I could get you to say yes one more time…”

“You’re kidding… how can you expect me to agree to do anything just after this whole thing happe-“

“There’s a cure!”

“You mean the thing that could kill you or cure you. Not helping.”


“I’m not helping! I don’t care what happens to me! I don’t care what happens to the serum! I just care about what will happen to you! And I can’t live knowing that I helped my little sister kill herself.”

“I-… I understand…” Talia went back to her room, and didn’t come out the next morning. It was Tuesday. Her father nudged her awake.

“Talia? It’s time to get up.” He said. She didn’t answer. Five minutes passed, and Mr. Reephs finally left the room. Talia waited until she heard the car leave, and was about to get up, but just couldn’t. She couldn’t stand having to be helped all the time. Having to be slow in every movement. Having to sit in that wheelchair again. It almost made her miss using crutches.

Her meals were brought in her room for two whole days. Finally Terence came into the room, holding a syringe. “I’m not going to help you kill yourself, but I can try to sneak in a blood sample for you.”

“You almost gave me a heart attack when I saw you with that thing!” Talia scolded. “Wait… you’re actually going to help me?”

“Doesn’t hurt to send in a sample. Dad might think otherwise, but at least this might end this whole thing.”

They went through the process very slowly, as not to extract too much blood from Talia’s already fragile body. Terence got enough of what he needed. The brave and stupid big brother left the house, and did not return the next day.

Mr. Reephs began searching for Terence, and eventually asked Talia if she knew. She stammered for a bit, not knowing whether to tell the truth, or try to lie. She was very good at deception when she needed to be, but Terence could be in danger or dead, but if she did tell it would be like saying “goodbye forever, Cure”, so she quickly replied “Some guy from his college last year wanted to know if he wanted to go do an all-nighter thing at his friend’s house or something. He said that he’ll be back maybe tomorrow at the longest.”

“Oh… well I wish he had told me. I’ll just call him then.” Mr. Reephs decided as he shut the door behind him on his way out. Talia’s face was the epitome of “Oh crud”. She dared not try to stop him. She dared not go out and look suspicious in search of a phone. She dared not do anything, so she did nothing.. With wide awake eyes, and a nervous shaking, she waited.

That night she was woken up by someone covering her mouth quickly. She gave a large gasping yell as she turned to see her disturber. It was Terence. “SHH!!!” He shushed. “We can’t have Dad knowing that I walked in here.”

“W-what did the test say?”

“It works… but…”

“What?!” She exclaimed quietly.

“It changes your color genes… and your blood apparently. It will definitely cure you… most likely, but we’d need to get into the lab, and that is not going to be easy.”

“Well obviously it’s not going to be easy… Wait… you’re actually going to help me now?”

“I can’t stay angry or negative at you.”

“But won’t that like, ruin your life or something?”

“Probably. But if we actually succeed this time, things might turn around.”

“I’m assuming you have a plan.”

“Well after all, I did manage to sneak into a high-security lab AND make it out without being caught. I’ll tell you in the morning.”

Terence quickly and quietly left the room, and Talia went back to sleep. The next morning there was a note on her dresser. “Front Lawn, behind the gateway-bushes.”

Talia pushed her wheelchair away, knowing that it would only slow her down, then walked out to the kitchen in front of her room. Her father was making himself some breakfast, and noticed her instantly.

“Talia!” He called out to her. “How are you feeling today?”

“Fine.” She answered, edging slowly towards the living room.

“Do you want some breakfast?”

“No, I’m fine. I was thinking about going to see a movie or something with Terence. He said he had some free tickets.”

“Oh… alright… when will you be back?”

“Well we still have to find the movie we’re gonna pick, so it may take a while, but I’m pretty sure we’ll be home in time for dinner.”

“Okay then… have fun.” Mr. Reephs returned to his breakfast, very puzzled by how positive his daughter, who was in her room for almost three days, was acting.

Talia walked out the door, then next to the bushes. She waited there for a good ten minutes, until she saw Terence’s car behind the block to her right.

“You ready?” Terence asked as she approached the car.

“No, but I’m not gonna let that stop me.” She replied. The two siblings drove until they had reached the side of a very large wall, covered with electrical fencing.

“Did we pick this specific spot just so it could be hard?” Talia asked teasingly.

“There’s a blind spot for the cameras up there. We have to climb up the fence, walk across the first-roof level, then get in through one of the windows.”

“And the electrical fencing…?”

“I may have an EMP with us that I took from Dad’s office.” Terence pulled out a small bomb-shaped object, with six small tubes coming out of its sides. He squeezed it slightly, and the tubes expanded, creating a small energy pulse. He then held the EMP up to the fence, and an area of ten feet, all around, was deactivated of electricity.

“We have to make sure that we stay within the reach. It takes twelve seconds for each grid to reactivate. I’ll climb up with the rope-“

“You certainly came prepared.” Talia interrupted.

“What can I say? Anyway, I’ll climb up with the rope, then toss you the EMP, while I pull you up. Just make sure that you’re holding the EMP at the top of your head the whole time, or you could get fried.”

“Sounds safe enough.” Talia sarcastically teased.

Terence strapped a long rope from his trunk, onto his arm, put a tote-bag around himeslef, then tied the EMP to his neck, as he began to climb up. As he climbed his hand caught hold of a broken wire, which cut his hand. “Ah!” He yelled, clenching his hand in a tight fist.

“You’re bleeding!” Talia called out. “Get down! You’ll kill yourself!”

Terence ignored his sister’s warning, and slowly continued onward. Every single time he used his left hand, he had to hold his breath, so he didn’t scream. Finally he had reached the top, with a light-head, and a wounded palm.

Terence slowly tied the rope onto a rod, which was sticking up from the top of the wall, and lowered the EMP down with it. Talia fastened herself on, and held the EMP above her head as he instructed.

Terence began to pull her up with his right arm, but when he grasped the rope with his left a coursing pain went through his entire arm. He let go, causing Talia to jerk downward a bit, and almost drop the EMP. He waited for the pain to leave, then, with a shaking hand, he lifted the rope further with both hands, ignoring the extreme pain as best he could.

They were making progress, but then it began to feel like something was making the lifting more heavy. “What’s wrong?” Talia called up.

“I think something’s blocking the rope.” Terence said in a stressed tone. Talia scanned the area around her, then saw that the rope was caught on the wire that Terence had cut his hand on. She looked below herself and saw that the electrical currents were coming back. “TERENCE!!” She called out.

The agonized brother stared down at his sister, and saw the problem. “HOLD ON TIGHT!” He called out before shoving the rope forward, which launched Talia backward; breaking the rope free from the wire. Talia let out a large yelp as she began to fall downward.

Terence tried to pull the rope back, but it was skinning his hands, every time he tried to pull it back. At the same time, he grabbed the rope hard with both hands, and stepped on it with his right foot, then with whatever strength he had left, pulled Talia over just as the grids came back again.

He was so tired out from the weight, that HE almost passed out himself. Talia braced him, as he slowly sat down at the top of the wall, then rested for a bit herself.

“Let’s go.” He said, pretending that he was fine when he really wasn’t.

“You are staying here.” Talia ordred.

“What? But y-“

“You cut your hand, and you are in no stamina-wise position to run, jump, or barrel role. Stay here. I’m assuming that you have some computer or something to walk me through this…?”

“Yes but… I’m not just going to leave you in there alone! No matter how damaged I am. You’ll need my help!”

“You can still help, Terence. And I truly do NOT want to go in there alone, but you can’t. At least not for now.”

Terence let out a large sigh, then pulled out a com-link head-piece, and handed it to Talia. “I’ll walk you through the hallways and all, and warn you when someone’s coming your way. You can, not, get, seen. And you can, not, run. Understand?”


Terence helped Talia get to the roof, next to the wall, then quickly ducked back to the wall, before the cameras saw them. Talia slowly made her way across the scaffolding, slipping slightly here and there, until she came to a window… or what seemed to be a window. It was large and circular, with five different locks on it, evenly spaced.

“Terence… lock.” Talia hinted through the com-link.

“Do you see any keypads?” He asked from the wall.

“No. It’s all on the other side.”

“Do you see any screws, or bolts?”

“No. That’s on the other side too.”

“Ugh… try going to the other side of the building.”

Talia slowly moved across the slanted roof until she had made it to the left-hand side of the circular base. “Good and bad news.” She said. “There’s a way in… but it’s a fan.”

“Can you see any type of numbers or letters on it?” Terence asked as he pulled out his laptop from his bag.

“Uh… there’s some on the inside, but the fan makes it a bit hard to tell. I can’t tell what some of them are.”

“Tell me what you can read.”

“Uh… 8… J- no U, 3, 2, K, K… That’s all That I can see. I think the rest is blocked off.”

“Okay. Searching for, building appliances…inner-wall… fans… 8JU32KK… is the next one an O?” Terence asked as his fingers quickly hacked into the system.

“Well…” Talia slowly inched her face near the fans, trying very hard not to fall inside. “I think it’s… a… 7!”

“Nice work!” Terence congratulated as he began to shut down the fan’s system. “You’ll have to move quickly. I’m guessing that extra heat wasn’t on their list of things to have inside the building.”

Talia crawled across the fan’s tubes, until she came to what looked like the generator room. It was very dark inside, with a large fence in front of her next pathway. There were two guards moving back and forth in front of the generator room, and they apparently did not see her.

The two guards were wearing bullet-proof vests, greenish-eye-pieces, of which the reason she knew not, and were carrying very large guns. The young cat had little to no idea about what to do… at first.

After seeing them cross a few times she got an idea, but hesitated. Was it too dangerous? Could it exhaust her too much? Could she end up getting shot? … probably, but who cared? Talia?

The stealthy feline slowly climbed inch by inch up the fence, making sure not to move when the guards were facing her. Once she had reached the top, she waited a few moments to catch her breath, while at the same time waited for the guards to pass each other.

Finally, the guards had crossed. With held breath, Talia jumped downward, and kicked them both in the back of the heads, knocking them out cold, before landing hard on the ground. It was very painful, and exhausting, but worth it.

Talia scooted to a wall-side, then rested there for a few minutes, which was all the time she had. She took off one of the eye-pieces for herself, as well as the vest, but left the guns… in a place where the guards wouldn’t find them.

She pressed a small button on the eye-piece and a heat-scanner appeared in front of her eyes. She could see at least eight people walking through the hallways… then she heard an alarm with a voice saying “We have an intruder! Security has found hostile actions on two generator guards not one minute ago!”

All the people began to walk a bit faster now… directly towards her. Talia quickly ducked next to a large trash-can, of which the shadow was very concealing. All of the people had eventually passed, but they wouldn’t be gone for long.

“Talia! Status! An alarm went off! What happened!?” Terence yelled through the com-link.

“Can’t talk right now, Bro.” Talia whispered. “Gotta go.” Terence tried to stop her, but she simply turned off the com-link, and then… she ran.

For someone who has very little stamina, Talia was going VERY fast. She used the heat-scanner, and found an air-vent that led straight to the lab. The feline stressed to pull it open, but could not break it off of the bolts, and her strength was already dwindling.

In a last effort, she bent the layers of the vent’s screen, making a hole just small enough to crawl through. Straining, Talia pulled herself into the vent, and once inside… she passed out.

When she awoke, a small red dot was being pointed at her head. She knew what this meant. Glancing slowly over to her entry way, she saw a sniper, pointing his guided bullet at her.

Partially from determination, and partially from a kick-happy attitude, Talia rammed both feet into the vent’s entry way, which knocked the sniper backward, giving her just enough time to turn around, and knock the other side of the vent out.

The sniper shot three times at her, all hitting the vest, but still hurting. Talia crawled quickly out of the vent, and into the chamber. It was white, with dozens of rectangular shaped generator-like things. In the middle was a capsule. Outside of the capsule was what appeared to be a suit or silver color.

She tried to put the suit on, assuming that it was a vital part of the experiment, but it was very difficult. The suit was sticky, like someone had dipped it in glue.

Finally Talia, with very little strength left already, had gotten on the suit. She placed the eye-piece up to the retinal-scanner, and the capsule opened.

As she began to walk in, the chamber-doors began to open, and dozens of swat agents, and workers rushed in to stop her. Before they could grab her however, Talia had jumped into the capsule, and the doors were already closing. They couldn’t stop her at this point.

Talia weakly stood up inside the blinding white egg-shaped room, as not to be in the wrong position for the experiment. Soon after, gases began shooting into the capsule. It did not feel well with her.

She felt like she couldn’t breathe, and she soon found out why. The suit was beginning to cover her face. It was fusing to her. Before it could cover her mouth completely, Talia breathed in all the air she could. She could not see anymore, but she felt something grab her arms, and lift her up.

From there it felt as if she was spinning at Mach-ten speed, though she really wasn’t spinning at all. She was re-stabilizing. Her legs started to grow longer, her ears larger, and she even became slimmer. Her mouth fur faded away to brown, and her eyes, though no one could notice, were turning yellow, with glowing white pupils, which had faded white stripes going from the middle to the edges.

Finally, her fury turned to white, and her hair from a dark brown, to a blue-black. The process ended, and the suit re-formed itself to its normal shape. Whatever was holding her placed her down again, and then once again, she passed out.

When she awoke, she was in what looked like a hospital bed, but a bit… darker. Doctor Zphen, Terence, her father (uh oh), and even the sniper (who’s face seemed to be covered by a black-mask) were standing over her. “What’s going on?” She asked.

“A success!” The doctor stated happily.

“What do you think you were doing?!” Talia’s father scolded. “You attacked the guards, you used the serum ON YOURSELF!!! Do you know what it is to be trustworthy!?”

“With all truthfulness, Sir,” The sniper said, as he pulled off his mask, revealing an Australian accented fox, with gold and brown fur, “She did just save you the trouble to all those other combatants waiting for the kill. Maybe you could be a little… calmer?”

“Craiger, I value your opinion,” Mr. Reephs responded, “but I do not give you permission to tell me how I should act around a daughter who does the exact opposite of what I have said.”

“But it worked!” Dr. Zphen interrupted. “And she has even more abilities than I planned on! She could be our greatest agent ever!” Talia’s face lit up with enthusiasm when she heard that, but said nothing.

“She’s my daughter, and I am not about to let her go almost kill herself, AGAIN!!!”

“But Sir, this coul-“

“No Graiger! I do not risk family.”

“HEY!!!” Talia interrupted. “I think I actually have something to say in all of this!”

“Listen to your daughter, Mr. Reephs!” Zphen pleaded. Talia’s father gave a very angry expression, but kept silent… for the moment.

“I know I shouldn’t have done that, and I know I could have died, but I DIDN’T!!!!! I can actually feel normal! BETTER than normal! And I’m sorry Dad, but I can’t just ignore that.

“Talia… you aren’t trained for-“

“Then train me!” She interrupted. “Tell me what I can do! Show me my limits, if I have any, anymore.”

“No… you don’t.” Zphen chuckled slightly.

“This isn’t some game, Talia!” Mr. Reephs scolded. “You, could, die!”

“I DON’T CARE!!!!!” Talia yelled, ripping the cuffs which were holding her down completely off the bed. “I didn’t have much to live for in the first place, and I still don’t, so I can at least try to make sure others do.”

The two family members gave each other cold glares, then finally, the father gave a scoffing sound, and walked off. They waited until he was gone, than Doctor Zphen began to explain her abilities, as they all walked out and through the hallways.

“I ran many tests while you were sleeping.” The doctor explained. “I found many interesting facts.”

“You can completely reject harm. If stuck down, or if shot, simply by concentrating on another person, and it will leave you, and go to him or her.”

“A side-effect was that you are able to send an odorless, and undetectable gas form of your liquid-“

“Liquid… you mean my blood?” Talia interrupted.

“Uh… no. You don’t have blood anymore.” The doctor continued. “The liquid inside your body is Tex-Meg. It is self-healing, and does so much faster than blood. Because of that, you are able to send a gas form of it through your hands and eyes, which dehydrates anything it touches, besides you of course; turning whatever it touches to dust.”

“Also, as I said about the new blood shall we call it, you now have much more energy, and stamina. To the point of four times more than the average person. It allows you more strength and speed, as well as agility, in any scenario.”

“Next you have a more direct nervous system. Your brain can actually recall certain actions and repeat them perfectly. AND, as an added bonus, you have a sort of physical awareness which stretches out to three feet, and reacts immediately.”

“Finally, you’re eyes have a glow factor, as I call it. They can shine in dark areas, and focus much easier on anything you stare at.”

Talia stopped in surprise for a moment, then let out a large “YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!” as she zoomed around the hallways.

“SO DOES THIS MEAN I GET A TEAM AND TRAINING AND STUFF!?!?” She yelled in her hyper tone.

“Probably! But you need to calm down! We don’t want anything broken do we?!” The doctor ordered. Talia obeyed… sort of. She followed them normally… while vibrating very very quickly.

“If you wish, your brother could be part of your team, and I am certain that Graiger wouldn’t have a problem with joining.”

“Non-whatsoever.” Craiger answered.

“… Cool…” Talia said in awe of yet another accented boy… too bad that he was nine-teen and she was only fifteen.

They entered the training room, which Talia immediately charged into, with great enthusiasm. “We will be organizing your team-members for you to pick when you are ready!” The doctor called out, though he didn’t think she heard him.

From that moment on, Talia was no longer the frail, or weak, or breakable. She was the best she could be, and more. She was Special Agent Talia Reephs; the greatest stealth agent in all of Ge Si Eir.
added by Malaika23
added by Light-Of-Days
added by FGthehedg3
added by AceRider
Source: JakeSake/AceRider
Tak And Meph, You May Want To Take A Look At This...Please Dun Kill Me, Either Of You ;A;


It Was Just A Thing I Saw Going Around On DeviantArt And People Said It Was Fun...So, Here Ya Go XD
Most Of You Probably Don't Even Know Any People On The List Except For Tak, Meph And Leslie...I Wasn't Sure/Couldn't Remember If Anyone Else Was There So...GOODBYE AND HAPPY EASTER!!

I Also Didn't Post This In The 'Links' Because No One Really Looks There...At Least I Don't Think People Do...
added by Evolia-Wulf
Source: Evolia-Wulf, cookiemaster
added by Skitty_Love
Source: ME
added by Sega-Shaheen
Source: DeviantArt
added by TakTheFox
added by lilathefox
added by blazethekitty94
Source: me ^^
posted by MattTheLynxX
Full name: Matt Gearsmo

Nickname: MTL

Age: Immortal(Resembles 14-16)

Species: Lynx/Nanite being

Fur color: Orange

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Red

Likes: His friends, justice, peace, a worthy foe, sleeping, adventure

Dislikes: His enemies, injustice, cheap shots

Personality: Sarcastic/Brave

Best quality: Strength

Powers: Nanite/Red nanite manipulation(Nanites can also be used to create elemental based attacks as well), Teleportation, spike shot

Abilities: Super strength, Enhanced hearing, hacker

A brief backstory: MTL is from a once existing future sent back in time to save the world from geno, after defeating geno MTL becomes a part of the that timeline prevent paradoxes... however MTL has many foes that he must fend off to keep things at peace.
posted by TakTheFox
Cam: Good...and yes. O.o...’
Cam: >.< YES.
Rin: YAY! *hug*
Cam: O.o...
Rin: Let’s go find a chair! *runs off with Cam* X{D

Rynk asks Donny "So how's life?"
Donny: Pretty good.
Rynk: Good to know. 
Donny: *NO COMMENT xD*
Rynk: Wanna go do something?
Donny: Can't. Person won't let me. Me; *EVIL LAUGH. AGAIN.*
Rynk: Right. *drags him along* DIO, YOU COMIN!?

Rynk asks Diomedes "... Wait what? Who am I talking to-... oh >__< ... uh... sup?"
Dio: *facepalm*...
continue reading...
I woke up at 5:00 A.M. by the sound of birds chirping. They seemed so happy and were singing for joy. But I didn't understand that. I mean, why would you sing for joy if you had to go to school right after you wake up, which isn't any fun because everyone at school hates you, the teachers, students, EVERYBODY! And if you think it’s a relief when you get home, you’ll have to do tons of homework, later doing chores, and you’ll have to live with a dad that seems to hate you. Yeah, there’s really no reason to sing, well, unless you’re someone besides me.
Well let me introduce myself. I’m Christopher (Kris for Short), and I’m one of the most miserable people you’ll ever know. My mom is dead, my father hates me, and I have a stupid curse put on me and-ugh! My life is just terrible. I’m trying to have hope, but I don’t think I’ll ever find it. If you want to know the whole story of my life, you’ll just have to read on.
Gizbin: I'm so sorry, my love...*holds Mercury's body close*
Jojo: *running through a forest fast, tears blow through the wind* WHY?!*coughs and trips over into some urging mud...*
Jojo: urh....*tries to get up but he can't*
Gizbin: *lays down Mercury's body* Goodbye Mercury...*gets up*
Jojo: Argh.....*shakes* I can't bare this...Anymore...
Gizbin: *teleports back to the castle* JOJO?! SON?!....*there is a silence* Oh no...
Jojo: *On hands and knees, shaking* I'm...*coughs hard*
Gizbin: * gets on a horse and rides out of the castle*
Jojo: *coughs louder, clenches onto his chest with one hand*
continue reading...
posted by Jhordan232
These Are The My Bio Facts About My FC Taylor The Hedgehog
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Likes: Females Who are Nice And Friendly, Friends Who are Also Nice, Helping People Whoever Needs Help With Something, Defeating Enemy.
Music Genre: Music He Likes To Listen Too (Except Rap And R&B)
Dislikes: Bad People, Call Him Names, Make Him Angry And Upset, And Doesn't Like To Be Betrayed
Born: November 6, 1989
Powers/Weapons: Sword, Shoots Laser beams, Fire, Ice
What Heals Him When He gets Hurt: Apples Or Berries
Those Are The Facts about Him :)
posted by CosmoLuvsTails
"Kyra! Get up, you're gonna be late for school!"
Shouted her mum from downstairs. Kyra (the girl that didn't want to be in a war with the aliens) rubbed her eyes and got out of bed. She looked out the window. Although she didn't want to be in the war, she still wanted to see one of their spaceships land. And, even though they're supposed to be in a war with us, she'd never seen a war ship.
"...Kyra, are you ok?" Her mum asked. Kyra looked up from her cereal.
"Hmm? Oh, yeah..I'm fine, mum..."
"You sure? Is it the induction days at the High School putting pressure on you?"
Kyra shook her head. "It's...
continue reading...
posted by gyrothehedgehog
Hello. Today, I am here to give you a guide on how to make Sonic
Step 1- Come up with an animal for your character to be. This can be hard, but at least try to and you'll come up with something.
Step 2- Deside your characters' gender. It does not matter what gender it is, but it does matter if you want to draw said character since male characters and female characters have different features.
Step 3- Brainstorm some designs for your character. The only recomendation I have for this is; DO NOT COPY DESIGNS THAT OFFICIAL CHARACTERS HAVE. Sure, you can use Sonic-like spines but do...
continue reading...
posted by shadowknuxgirl
Tokyo started dancing as fast as possible, Amethyst tried all kinds of spells, Melody and Emily tried to light a fire place, the rest tried everything they could to start a fire. Cece said "We need more power! This isn't enough to start fire." Dark Drum said "Why don't I play my drums SUPER fast and start a fire???" Kiseki stopped her and said "no! G-Sil might hear us if you do that!!!" Zouge then said "we must start a fire soon. If we don't, G-Sil is bound to find us!" Kimi cried "but we're trying, and nothing has happened!!!" Shion told her "then we must try harder!!!" They tried and tried....
continue reading...
posted by StephanieTheCat
this is for people who love mystery stories. Readers keep a close eye on every detail because you might be the one to figure out the mystery first...

I have never seen such a gloomy gray morning in my life. The clouds were almost the color of black. We were on our trip to see this so called "haunted" mansion. Myself i wasnt as spooked as the others some were even all the way in the back so now and then i sneaked up on them and yelled "boo!" really loud. It spooked Justin out the most to were he shrieked like a girl even better he was the oldest out of every one on the bus.
The bus came to a...
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