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posted by silveranime122
Soon,Silver was all alone in the woods.He decited to stop by a bunch of rocks in the woods.He thought*Why is this happing to ME?*."Oh,and how is my dark friend?"said a voice."Mephiles,what is happing to me..."Silver asked.Mephiles replied,"I turned you dark,so you can get back at your so-called friends"."Ya,but I don't want to KILL them...And how long will I be like this?"Silver asked."For the rest of your life."Mephiles replied."Why do i get so mad easy?And when I'm around people why do I have an eurge to either kill or hurt them?"Silver asked."Oh,your filled with so many qustions arn't you?What I can tell you is will be IN fear and be feared."Mephiles replied."But,what is going--Hey!Where did you go!?!"Silver said.Mephiles dissapered,and Silver was alone once again...

"I think he went this way!"Sonic said while tracking down Silver."And how do you think he went this way?"Shadow replied.Sonic pointed to the ground"Are those on the bottom of your shoe,cause' I don't think they are." On the ground were the under-parts of his shoe."Hmph,fine...well go that way."Shadow said.About 30 minutes later,they thought they lost him until Shadow said"Sonic,is that him over there?"Sonic and Shadow saw him sitting on a rock looking at a stream.Sonic asked "Silver,is that you?" "Guys,please,get away from me...I can't be around you or anybody..."Silver said while looking at the stream."And what are you going to do if we don't?You just say that to be alone."Shadow said.Silver,getting mad very easy says "I serious,GO...NOW!!!" "Face it,your liying!Your just saying that to make us scared!"Shadow said. "Shadow!Don't say it!"Sonic yelled. Shadow ignored him and said somthing that he never said to Silver "You FAKER!YOUR USELESS!YOUR CAN NEVER DO ANYTHING!!" Silver then yelled in a different voice "YOU WILL REGRET THE DAY YOU MET ME!!" Then he flew in the air and his body turned dark black while a dark red aura outlining his dark body.Then he levited giant bolders and striked them at Sonic and Shadow,knocking them out.But before they got hit,Shadow set the tracking device for Knuckles and Tails to help them.Silver realised what he had done says "What have I done...I'm a monster.I got to get out of here..." Then he flies out of there as fast as he can.Right after he left Knuckles and Tails arived at the scene. "What happend!?!"Tails said while looking at the crumbled rocks. "I don't know but we got to get Sonic and Shadow back home to heal"Knuckles said.Tails nodded and got Sonic while Knuckles got Shadow.Then they took them home.


Silver finally stopped flying by a cliff.He sat on the edge of cliff talking to himself "If I nearly killed them,then I can't be around anybody.But they might know how to...Oh,face it!I'll be like this forever! I can't be around people and...Blaze...she'll think I'm a freak.Actually a monster when she see's Sonic and Shadow...What am I going to do!?!" Then Silver starts crying,but his tears were red. "Look at me,I'm pich black,I can only see red and black,my psychokinesis is dark red,my eye color is blood red,I have fangs,when I'm around people I have an eurge to kill them,and now when I cry it's red...I'm a true monster..." Silver cried with his red tears and buried his hands to his face...

Part 3 soon!
added by golden-roze
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