Sonic the Hedgehog Club
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posted by Dragonfruit44
-a little later that day, Tails walks into his bathroom to comb his hair. He starts to com his hair and when he goes to put it down, the comb was stuck. He tugged and tugged and it wouldn't come off.-
Tails: What the-?!
Sonic: Hey Tails, looks like you're kind of stuck.
-Sonic was in the doorway with a tube of glue.-
Tails: What?! Sonic, I'll get you back!
-Tails snuck up on Sonic and blew an air horn In his ear. Sonic nearly jumped out of his skin.-
Tails: Gotcha!
-Tails and Sonic left to Tails' Workshop, near Angel Island. When they got there, Tails took his gloves off for a quick second, but a quick second was all Sonic needed. He switched Tails' gloves with a different pair. When Tails walked into the working area, he reached for a wrench and grabbed it. He tried putting it down, but it wouldn't drop, then other tools started flying onto his hands. He tried getting them off, but it was no use. He tripped over a bucket and fell. Tails then noticed a wire coming out of the gloves and realized they were magnetic.-
Tails: SONIC!!
-Sonic ran in the room.-
Sonic: Gotcha! :P
-Sonic helped him up and gave him back his gloves and both shared the laugh.-
Sonic: We should go get Knuckles!
Tails: Ok, I got a can of "Peanuts" around here Somewhere.
-Sonic and Tails left and went to the Master Emerald Shrine. Knuckles wasn't there so they left the can on the steps. There was a note on it saying, "From you friends, Tails and Sonic. :)-
Sonic: Do you see him?
Tails: He's coming be quiet!
-Knuckles walked over and noticed the can. He picked it and saw the note.-
Knuckles: From your friends, Tails and Sonic.' How did they know I love peanuts? Ah well, free peanuts!
-Knuckles opened the can and a whole bunch of snakes sprang out. Knuckles jumped back a couple feet and Tails and Sonic came out of the bushes laughing.-
Sonic: We get you everywhere! Hahaa!
Tails: Hahaha! That was too funny! haha!
Knuckles: that was you guys? I'm so getting you ba-
-Knuckles then started scratching everywhere, making it look like he was dancing crazily.-
Knuckles: What else was in that can?!
Sonic: I might of added a little itching powder.
Knuckles: Sonic, when I get my hands on you!
Tails: If you can stop itching long enough.
Sonic: Don't worry Knux, it'll easily wash off with some water. See ya later!
Knuckles: You can't leave me like this! Wait for me, I want to prank with you guys!
Tails: Three is better than two.
Sonic: alright, then we'll help you wash that stuff off and then it's back to pranking!

To Be Continued!
added by golden-roze
Source: 7_0cc_nanashi
added by golden-roze
Source: 7_0cc_nanashi
added by golden-roze
Source: 7_0cc_nanashi
added by golden-roze
Source: 7_0cc_nanashi
added by golden-roze
Source: 7_0cc_nanashi
added by golden-roze
Source: 7_0cc_nanashi
added by golden-roze
Source: 7_0cc_nanashi
added by golden-roze
Source: 7_0cc_nanashi
added by golden-roze
Source: 7_0cc_nanashi
added by golden-roze
Source: 7_0cc_nanashi
added by golden-roze
Source: 7_0cc_nanashi
added by golden-roze
Source: 7_0cc_nanashi
added by golden-roze
Source: 7_0cc_nanashi
added by golden-roze
Source: 7_0cc_nanashi
added by golden-roze
Source: 7_0cc_nanashi
added by golden-roze
Source: 7_0cc_nanashi
added by golden-roze
Source: 7_0cc_nanashi
added by golden-roze
Source: 7_0cc_nanashi
added by golden-roze
Source: 7_0cc_nanashi
added by golden-roze
Source: 7_0cc_nanashi