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posted by Lancelot8
Trust me, it's not my fault! I never intended on becoming that...that monster! You've all heard what I did to Tails, Knuckles, and Dr. Robotnik, but I couldn't control my thoughts or actions.

How about I tell you what happened BEFORE and during this? I'm telling you anyway.

Of course, like in the EXE story, it was a nice day. Sunny, not a cloud in sight. I was just walking home from Uncle Chuck's when I kept hearing this voice in my head saying, “You must kill...” I ignored it thinking Shadow was sending a telepathic message through the machine Tails made so I could freak out.

Boy, ignoring it was the wrong idea.

When I got home and got inside, Amy was sitting on my couch.

“Amy, why did you get in my house, and how exactly?” I asked her.

“Oh, I always let myself in from the back door. And I got in because I wanted to see you!” she answered energetically.

“Um... Okay...”

I let it slide knowing that if she's done it many times, she'll do it again. Still weird though.

Leaving her in the main room, I headed upstairs to my room.

Plopping myself on my bed, I fell asleep.

The whole night I heard the voice saying, “You must kill...,” and “The time is near.”

When I woke up, the voice stopped. Strange... Like its only easy for the voice to speak to me while I'm asleep.

I got out of bed and ready for the day.

Just as I suspected, Amy had fallen asleep on my couch. What is with her?

Ignoring her, I went into the kitchen and found a note. I picked it up and read it:

You think you're a hero. You've always played Mr. Nice Guy, except when you were that...werewolf thing. You may think you're protecting your friends, and not hurting your enemy. You'll soon find out how wrong you are.

There was no signature. Maybe Shadow wrote it. He's good at imitating hand writing.

Today's starting out strange, I thought.

I ate breakfast and headed to the city.

The air was fresh, and a cool breeze brushed through my quills. What could go wrong?

I saw Tails and walked up to him. “Hey Tails buddy! Whatcha up to?”

He smiled at me. “I just need a few components for a project I'm working on. What are you doing here?”

“Just taking a nice walk.”

“More like a run,” he chuckled.

I had to laugh with him, for he is right you know.

The air got a little cooler.

“Tails, are you cold?” I asked.

“No, not at all. Why?”

“It just seems like the temperature went down threefold.”

“Hmm... I wonder why.”

I tried shrugging it off, but I only ended up shivering.

The cool air had to come from somewhere.

Before the air cooled, I had seen something. Something... Black, like a fog. It had stayed for a minute before it disappeared into the air, and the air had cooled seconds later.

I soon ignored it for my skin had gotten used to the coolness of the air.

Tails left because he needed to get working on his project. We had done our handshake before he left, but I had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach about what might happen to him. But I didn't know why.

I walked around the woods for a bit. City life still wasn't my thing, but I have to deal with it once I start heading home.

Time passed and the sick feeling had gotten worse, yet I still don't know why. Every now and then I'd see that black fog. Maybe that's why I have this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. It did have a creepy vibe to it.

The air got even cooler. I had to rub my arms just to keep them warm.

I sighed and kept walking and saw the black fog again. It seemed to be... FOLLOWING me. But why?

I'd soon find out.

It came right up to me, and turned itself into the shape of an actual person. It now stood before me.

“Ignored my letter, huh hedgehog?” it said to me. “You should have read it and thought about it more.”

I stepped back. “Th-the letter was from you? What are you anyway?”

It threw back its head and laughed. A Kefka laugh. “What I am shall mean nothing after I merge with your soul.”

“Wait, merge with my soul?”

“I shall bring forth the worst in you, and let the whole world know you ARE evil.”

I stumbled onto the floor. “Wh-what? I am not evil!”

It laughed that Kefka laugh again. “Maybe not yet.”

The black fog lunged at me and somehow got absorbed into my body. I felt it find it's way into my very soul, and tried taking it over. My mind changed. All I could think about was killing people, and torturing their souls.

I blacked out.

When I awoke, I was still in the forest. I sat up and rubbed my head. Wondering why I was still here, I remembered the black fog.

Maybe it was just a dream. I hope.

Getting off the ground was a little difficult. My legs felt like jelly, and my joints seemed to freeze me in place.

Once I finally got to my feet, I headed home.

When I got there, to my surprise, Amy was not in my house. What a relief.

Most likely I had been out for a few hours and I went to take a shower. Maybe that'll wake me up.

After I did that, I felt as if I were about to throw up. I stood over the toilet to see if anything was going to exit my body. But instead of that, I saw what my face looked like. I fell to the ground.

What had I just seen?

I scrambled up to the sink to look into the mirror. What I had seen in the reflection of the water wasn't my imagination. It was real.

Pitch black eyes with red glowing dots for pupils, razor sharp teeth that really needed to be brushed, blood like tears started coming from my eyes, and the smile... Oh the smile! It was creepy, almost demonic kind of creepy.

What on Mobius was looking at me? Couldn't be me. It was too... Creepy.

But I had to face the music. It WAS me.

Wait... The note!

I pulled it out and read over it again. I should've listened to the letter rather than take it as a joke. Of course, being a little hardheaded, I didn't.

Now I'm regretting it.

The next thing I knew I was walking out the door and heading over to the, I guess Hill Zone. I don't know how but I was.

I got to the end of it and stood there, waiting. Someone was coming, that much I knew. But the person seemed... Familiar.

Tails, I thought. That's who was coming.

No... Tails should run away from me not come toward me!

Soon, I couldn't control my actions at all.

After Tails came up to me, I remember saying something. I think it was along the lines of “Hello, want to play with me?” I could be wrong you know.

Then, the next thing I knew, I was chasing Tails, who was crying. I kept gaining on him, even if I tried to slow down and let him get away from me.

Soon, I grabbed him, and what I did.. Oh God what I did!

I don't remember exactly what I did, but I know it was gruesome.

When my consciousness took control again, I saw Tails at my feet. His fur was black as well as his eyes. Blood oozed from them like tears. I-I had killed my best buddy!

I believe the next thing I said was “You're too slow... Want to try again?”

Leaving Tails' body behind, I soon came to a certain place that had the ground of the Scrap Brain Zone. I saw Knuckles, and whatever was controlling me made me play a sick mind trick on him. Whenever he'd try to punch me, I'd disappear and reappear behind him. If I could've stopped, I would.

Knuckles fell to the ground and put his hands on his head, and had tears in his eyes. I'd drove the echidna mad.

I reached out and grabbed him like I did Tails. The same gruesome death awaited the poor guy. Of course, I don't remember what I did.

Again, when I came to control, I saw Knuckles lying dead on the floor. His eyes had turned black and his fur had darkened. Blood came down his face from his eyes. His dreadlocks had blood oozing from them. I can only wonder what horrific thing I did to my rival.

“So many souls to play with, so little time... Would you agree?” was what I remember saying after that. I believe I said something before all that, but I'm not sure what it was.

Soon, I was in a castle zone that seemed to be from any Transylvania game. It had dark walks and black flames.

Dr. Robotnik came down the last flight of stairs. I teleported before him, and, just like I did to Tails and Knuckles, I grabbed him and did something treacherous to him.

When I came to, I saw what I had made him look like. His skin had turned to a sickly grey. His mustache drooped and darkened almost to black. His glasses were broken and blood oozed from them.

The next thing I remember saying was “I AM GOD.” I don't agree with that even though I'm the one who said it. I say more like “I AM A DEVIL,” huh?

After that, I remember going into Tails' computer room and made what I had just done into a game. A game that is a gateway into the chaotic hell that Tails, Knuckles, and Robotnik now suffer in. The hell that's run by me.
by GameGrumps
posted by unknown99
Joey the Hedgehog, one of my special creations. I always call him special because of his pyrokinetic lightning energy which could be used to protect his friends in danger. He may look fierce but he is friendly. He was born in the Andromeda galactic system. He was well known for most of his friend who also has their pyrokinetic element of their own. For the elements listed were: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Lightning, Ice, Rock, Pressure, Dark, Light, Nature (speeding up the growth of plants), Wood, Metal, Sand and Mist. These elements have their own energy stored and placed in an Element Stone....
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Mario, Sonic and friends go to Liberty City

Chapter 1

This is an old fanfiction I did quite some time ago. It is a Mario, Sonic and GTA crossover Fanfic. It's not that good, but please enjoy

Sonic and Tails were watching the TV. "Check what's on Tails" said Sonic. "Okay" said Tails. They turned it over to a channel and Star Trek was on. "Oh Cool" said Sonic "Star Trek is on" Then, Mario came in. "Hi guys, Guess what?" said Mario "I've got tickets to Liberty City!" "Nice one Mario!" said Sonic and Tails. "We should invite our friends too, C'mon Tails!" yelled Sonic. Sonic and Tails sped off into...
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posted by Dragonfruit44
-Everyone is on the beach, having a fun time. Nat, Nikki, Amy, Oliver and Cream and Cheese were playing in the water. Knuckles and Tails were playing volley bal and Crystal, Vanilla, and Sonic were watching them all under beach umbrellas. Some music was paying too. Tails ran over to Sonic.-
Tails: Sonic! Why don't you play volly ball with us?
Sonic: It'll only be You, me, and Knuckles. It wouldn't be fair.
-Amy came out of the water.-
Amy: I'll play with you guys.
Tails: There, now it's even. Let's play!
-They run to their volley ball court.-
Knuckles: I'm serving!
-Knuckles hits the ball and the...
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posted by Dragonfruit44
-they get to the next room. Above it said, 'Cake is delicious, no?' They walk in and the whole room is filled with cake. Big cakes, little cakes, Tall cakes, Short cakes, ( Badum tish) Wide cakes, Thin Cakes all sorts of cakes.-
Amy: That's a lot of cake.
Nat: They all look so good!
Tails: We need to be careful. The cake could be poisoned.
Knuckles: Look there's a box!
-Across the room, there was a small metal box. It was locked.-
Oliver: It must have the note in it.
Nikki: Look at the sign. ' You need to find the key to the get the note. Inside each cake is a different cake. All you have to do...
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posted by Dragonfruit44
-Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails walked into town. It was bursting with business as usual. They asked everyone if they seen the Chaos Emeralds. Every answer they got was no.-
Tails: This is going to be hard.
Sonic: Finding the Chaos Emeralds were a lot harder before, so we should look more.
Knuckles: Maybe we should check a Jewelry store or a Gem Store? They could be selling it there.
Tails: Good idea. Let's go check.
-They run off for the nearest Jewelry Store. They get there with no luck. But they meet a familiar face.-
Knuckles: Is that Omega?
Tails: It think it is! Omega! Over here!
-Omega looked at...
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posted by Dragonfruit44
- It's been a week and Sonic is still out cold. Up at the Egg Space Base...-
Eggman: Because of the battle between Sonic and Egg-Giant, we're a week behind world Domination!
Oh well, Atleast that hedgehog is out of the way.
Orbot: Didn't you say that last time, When you made a Sonic Clone?
Eggman: Don't remind me. I still don't know what went wrong.
Cubot: Well, I was making your cookies at the time, and I could've gotten the ingredients mixed up.
Cubot: Awww... Now I don't...
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posted by Soniclover1998

Sonic imediately slams the snooze button on his alarm clock and literally jumped out of his bed. Sonic ran over to Tails's room. Once he got there, he yelled "Wake up, Tails! Today's the camping trip!"
"*yawn*..... Okay Sonic just let me pack first..."
"....Ya mean you didn't pack already? I told you to so we wouldn't have to worry about it when we woke up! Hurry up and pack. I'll be waiting outside." With that, Sonic grabbed his backpack and quickly ran outside.
"Let's see, I'll need to pack some snacks, a sleeping bag, and the tent..." Tails mu bled to himself while digging...
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posted by RavenVillanueva
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posted by amy763
once I made this comic... I thought about putting it on you-tube my mom said i shouldn't so the comic goes like this once Amy and sonic were at the beach and Amy thinks of going home sonic agrees then they go home. So sonic thinks of riding bikes Amy agrees so they go biking.(mean while)silver also was... and so sonic was not paying attention and goes too fast and runs over silver.Amy fines out and brings him to the hospital.[5 months later] Amy came to check on silver and their chatting and stuff and so silver told Amy to sew sonic. Amy says no and says I'm not suing my bf. and walks away...
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im going alone i said with doubt in my voice but i was thinking hes my brother he always saved me when im in trouble now its his turn to be saved but lucky for me he has good freinds and they wouldnt let me go alone charley was already dead buy the time i got to the futcher but i retreived his body and curently am trying to bring him back to life now as for the guy who took him i imagine is now dead because mephiles used to be evil and told charley how much he wanted to kill sonic and charley being sonics number 1 fan always argued with him untill eveantualy mephiles turnd good and charley became his second ever freind and many followed so mephiles was prety peed off that someone would kill him not to mention becca da hedgehog ive never seen her so angry but if you wana no what they did to this guy ask them because i wasent there
posted by silvaria_fan23
Tails And Shadow Friends
Tails And Shadow Friends
Shadow:*Smells Food*Gehh!! Kid:*Walks By Acciedent He Hits Shadows Face* Shadow:Ahhh!! My Face FUll Of Food Gahh!! Kids:*Stares And Look Away* Melinda:U See Tht Freak Over There,He Is Shadow The Freak I Wonder Why He Doesent Have Any Friends,Even The Crazy Silver The One Whos With His Sister Amy And The Freaks At The Loser Table Melinda:Like Omg Shadow Like InHuman Shadow:*Flashback* Lady:Sir How Did U Find The Alien Women:How Did You FInd Out He Was An Alien Scientest:Well I Noticed He Had No Friends.....Shadow:*Flash Back Stops* Uhh!! Im GAna Find A Friend *Goes Over There At The LoserTable*Shadow:Hello...
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posted by PowerRouge
There are many fans of Sonic the Hedgehog. Many of us never stop to ask ourselves 'why'? Why do we love a blue hedgehog? Why didn't we instead go for the Italian Mario? Here are my reasons why the Blue Blur is the best in case anyone asks me:
-Seriously, who else runs at the speed of sound?
-Sonic isn't like a 'hero' hero. He does what suits him and that's the right thing.
-He has quite the temper on him when aggitated, proving he can't always be cheerful.
-He lives life by his own rules.
-His bravery outstrips Mario by miles.
-He is always confident he can pull through anything.
-He toys with his...
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E-123 Omega has not made an appearance in a Sonic game for too long. Not counting cameos and spin-offs, he hasn't been seen since the DS version of Sonic Colors! And if you don't have a hand-held, than you haven't seen him since Sonic 06! He has been gone since 2010 in the Sonicverse, and Shadow disappeared too. You see, Kirk Thornton is NOT Shadow, and that isn't just because of his voice. Kirk has a whole different personality. Let me explain; Remember how Shadow was a G.U.N. agent and everything? Fuck that, Kirk doesn't care, or even seem to remember. Pretty much as soon as he came onstage,...
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by TetraBitGaming
sonic cd
knuckles chaotix
sonic crackers
sonic 3d blast
by Blue Television Games
sonic the hedgehog
rom hack
sonic zoom
casino city zone
crystal cave zone
frantic factory
rainbow ravine zone
by yesmen10
dear father
quinn barnitt
sonic frontiers
stillness & motion
added by golden-roze
Source: Hyeon_sonic
by Deebeegeek
added by golden-roze
Source: Kiikoi11