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posted by NoctusLynx
Sonic Generations. It’s a game that all Sonic fans like. And if you don’t like this game, you are either not a Sonic fan, or you just didn’t play the right Sonic games. However, when I say Sonic Generations, you most probably have an image of Chemical Plant and City Escape racing through your mind along with wild fond memories. But where does Casino Night and Tropical Resort fit into that pit of great memories? How does Sonic Generations 3D compare against Sonic Generations? Well, let’s make the comparisons. If there’s anything I missed, let me know in the comments below. Now:


Where to begin? Let’s start with game play; predominantly, the physics engine. Let me start with a simple statement, then explain myself. The console version played more like modern Sonic, while the handheld version played more like classic Sonic.

In the classic Sonic games, those which came out on the Mega Drive (Genesis), running through the levels was pretty fun, not to mention fast on its own. But when Sonic rolls up into a ball, he goes even FASTER! The fact that you are a rolling, spikey ball of death also meant that you would easily tear through enemies… most of the time, depending on the enemy. So when I saw how terribly C. Sonic’s roll function was, I face palmed. Classic Sonic actually went SLOWER in a ball than on his feet. I mean, yeah, Sonic is supposed to be able to break the sound barrier on his feet, but SEGA never gave a specific kind of speed limit to Sonic of any kind, because of two reasons: either they know Sonic’s roll would be called into question, or his Super Sonic form would be. So the fact that Sonic goes slower when he rolls is just paradoxes everything SEGA claimed. What’s more depressing for the console version is that the handheld version stayed true to the physics engine, allowing classic to gain momentum while rolling. There’s even a kind of glitch that if you rolled, jumped while rolling, and landed into a roll, and kept doing this, you could multiply your speed in seconds, and move faster than with a spin dash; no joke. So, points to the handheld for their physics.

Next up is another game play aspect: the Chaos Emeralds. Almost all of the Sonic Games require you to collect all the Seven Chaos Emeralds in order to confront the final boss, and these two games are no exception. However, the difference lies in how said emeralds are obtained. In the Console version, you obtained one Emerald per boss, one per rival, and one in a random event in the story, just because you cleared all the story stages, but didn’t get to the final boss yet. In the handheld version, in order to get the Chaos Emeralds, you must complete Special Stages that are reminiscent to those found in Sonic Heroes. Now, I can understand how since all the characters and levels were trapped in kind of limbo in the console version, it would logically make sense that the Chaos Emeralds were also transported to that world, and be frozen in time just like everything else. Now, logically, Sonic should fall under “everything else” and be frozen in time, but SEGA found out another way to screw around with the space-time continuum, so who are we o judge them? I mean, they already did this in games like Sonic The Hedgehog (2006) and Sonic CD. So, who gets the edge? Honestly, the console version. Because there was an explanation for the presence and obtaining of the Emeralds that was not along the lines of “What a coincidence!”, the console makes the most sense. Also, if it’s a race through time, then shouldn’t each special stage for the handheld resemble the special stages design for that game? Just a thought.

Next is the level-boss lineup… which I have to give to the handheld. Firstly, Crisis City was a BIG no-no for the console verion. And some people may want to go busting my balls saying “but Sonic was never in Radical Highway or fought the Biolizard from Sonic Adventure II. To that, I say that you should’ve had a V8. In the Biolizard battle, Sonic was at the Master Emerald Shrine with Knuckles. Now, God knows what Sonic and Knuckles were doing while the battle was going on, considering the Master Emerald was reconstructed AFTER Shadow KOed the Biolizard, detaining the Chaos Emeralds. The fact that Sonic was present suggests that if Shadow had failed, or was mssing, Sonic would’ve had to take over, explaining the battle. And as for Radical Highway, Sonic and Shadow first met in the city. Coincidentally, both City Escape and Radical Highway are both set in cities. This suggests that Radical Highway could very well be just City Escape at night, which could also be Speed Highway from the game’s predecessor. In Sonic ’06, all of what happened was thrown out the window due to the fact that the Flames of Disaster were blown out, and the game specifically mentioned after its grueling moment of beastiality that if the flames were blown out, everything that just transpired would be erased. Don’t you just hate it when you play a game that was absolutely pointless to play in terms of story? You aren’t alone. So when Crisis City was brought back in Sonic Generations, SEGA had screwed up with their time travel. AGAIN!

Now, we have to deal go with fluency, which I have to call as a draw. Both games have their own pros and cons that equal each other out. For example, in the console version, you could extend your boost bar, while you could have unlimited boost for a short time which could be extended if you filled your boost bar. Classic Sonic in the console had the Square/X button to carry out a quick, but not quite as powerful Spin dash, while in the handheld, you had to stop, and do the spin dash the old-fashioned way. This is similar to how in order to do the stomp in the handheld, you had to press down-B, but in the console, you just pressed O/B. In the handheld, M. Sonic can do a boost in the air, and keep boosting, which defies all laws of physics. Sonic could even do a homing attack while boosting, or boost, slide, and keep boosting. In console version, if you boosted in the air, you could only do so for about a second before air resistance kicked in. The fact that you could boost while in the air still defies some laws, but since you stop boosting, even if against the players will, it’s good to know that this game didn’t completely piss on Issac Newton’s grave. And Classic Sonic can homing attack ing the handheld version about half-way through the game; I can’t confirm if Classic Sonic for the console can do a homing attack WITHOUT cheats, mods, or glitches; no, the flame shield does not count. Which brings me to my next and final point for this paragraph: the console had the elemental shields while the handheld only bore the thunder shield and standard shields, and no flame or bubble shields, which were standard to the more modern games, since current Sonic gamers probably couldn’t care less about the other shields.

Collectable content. In the handheld version, we have artwork, music, cut-scenes, and 3D models, but don’t include models for the classic alternatives for Sonic, Miles, or Ivo. And no, you can’t upskirt Amy, not that I tried or anyting… moving along, the music in the handheld is pretty good, but its best feature has yet to be revealed: you can play the songs in a playlist. Sadly, the songs are played in a set playlist that you can only alter by deciding which song you want to play first. But wait, there’s more! You can also close your 3DS to listen to your Sonic tunes while you walk around. At least you have the right to say you’re listening to non-pirated Sonic music. The console version also has artwork (loads more of it, mind you), music, models complete with a brief character explanation and the classic alter-egos of Sonic, Miles, and Ivo, and cutscenes. Now, the handheld ha cut-scenes, but the cut-scenes are similar to that of a conversation in Sonic Battle. If you don’t know what that is supposed to look like, look it up. The console version was what had REAL cut-scenes. The edge goes to the console, but not because of the cut-scenes alone. The console also featured a lot more art, more music (though it was set to a repetitive loop) and ALL models with a brief description of each. That, along with its cut-scenes earn the console its edge.

Lastly, was have the bosses. For the handhels, the bosses are Big Arms from Sonic 3 (& Knuckles), the Biolizard, Egg Emperor, and the Time Eater. For the Console, we have the Death Egg Robo, Chaos 7, aka, Perfect Chaos, Egg Dragoon, and Time Eater. Personally, I like how SEGA took took the time to acknowledge that people still liked Sonic 3 as its own game, and included Big Arms as a boss, but I like how the Egg Dragoon battle was put together. However, it took the combined power of Sonic and Dark Sonic or Sonic the Werehog to take out the Egg Dragoon. Similarly, Sonic was only able to take down Chaos 7 while in super form. Either suggest that either Sonic got so much more freakishly strong, or the enemies were downsized due to the time warp. Either holds inconsistencies. Now, you’re probably gonna want to throw into my face that the Egg Emperor was taken down by the Team Sonic, and shouldn’t belong as the modern era boss. Now, I agree, but what’s done is done. Yet, that only means that there is only one inconsistency in the handheld, but two for the console. Need more proof? Let’s have a show of hands: how many people thought that the thought of EVERY Sonic character in the game could talk to you except the Sonics EVERY TIME the Time Eater attacked? Exactly. The handheld didn’t have that problem, so I’ve made my point.

Now, let’s add up the points, and see what we have. We have the console version with 2 points, and the handheld version with 3 points, which suggests that the handheld version is better. Now, if you believe that there was a mistake, let me know. I’ll do a recount, and see how it all adds up.

posted by Dragonfruit44
Sonic: What happened?
Tails: You fell from the sky and was unconscious! Are you alright?
Sonic: I'm fine but...Who are you?
Tails: I'm your best buddy, Tails.
Sonic: I haven't seen you before in my life.
-Tails felt kind of heartbroken, hearing that from his best friend and brother, but he knew Sonic lost his memory. He could probably regain it sooner or later.-
Knuckles: You seriously don't remember, do you?
Sonic: No...Should I?
-Knuckles and Tails looked at each other and then explained how they met and about Eggman and about Sonic is always stopping him.-
Sonic: Sounds tough. And I can really run...
continue reading...
We've all tried to make an OC (Or I assume we have) Anywho, there are many people who just can't do it. First thing to do is NOT the appearance. I know, it's tempting as all get-out, but trust me. It's better to get the character's personality and such down first.
First, you should have a general idea of a character's past. If you get an idea like 'flying lizard monkey' (Not advised) Then jot it down. I hate when you have a great idea, and end up losing it while thinking too hard on how the character should say stuff or whatnot. If you jot down one sentence about them, then you can refer to...
continue reading...
posted by Clawtina
Here are most of the enemies/villains in Sonic:    

1. Mephiles the Dark
    2. Mammoth Mogul
    3. Dr. Robotnik
    4. Eggman Nega
    5. Eggman Empire
    6. Suppression Squad
    7. Patch
    8. Scourge
    9. Dimitri the Echidna
    10. Finitevus
    11. Fiona Fox
    12. Princess Alicia
    13. Miles
    14. Anti-Boomer
    15. Rosy The Rascal
    16. Black Doom
    17. Snively
    18. Lien-Da
    19. Drago
    20. Destructix
    21. Lightning Lynx
    22. Sergeant Simian
    23. Predator Hawk
    24. Flying Frog
    25. Bean the Dynamite
    26. Bark the Polarbear
    27. Fang the Sniper
    28. Scratch
    29. Grounder
    30. Coconuts
    31. Chaos
    32. Metal Sonic
    33. Metal Scourge
    34. Dark Gaia
    35. Luna
36. Lavinia
    37. Heavy
38. Bomb
    39.Ixis Naugus

I hope you enjoyed reading. XD
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