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Cas was sitting at the kitchen table, staring ahead. He didn’t know what to do. A part of him wanted to stay. Daphne had saved his life. She’d taken care of him when anyone else would’ve just left him at that lake.
But another part, a bigger part, wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. It was safe to say that his lovely wife wasn’t so lovely at all.
So, why didn’t he just go? Because Zoey had been talking to him. She told him what really happened with Martin, their brother. How Daphne felt responsible for his death and how he, Cas, reminded her of him. Because Martin had a mental disability and the fact that Cas couldn’t do much of anything reminded Daphne of her brother. When she found Cas at the lake she thought God had given her a chance to right the wrongs in her past.
“Hello, Meg”
Meg appeared behind Cas.
“We have to go” Meg said insisting.
“I haven’t made my decision yet” Cas replied.
“I just did” Meg said.
“I’m not sure I want to go” Cas said.
Meg grabbed his shoulders and forced him to look at her. “You cannot stay here. Daphne’s is totally nuts. She’s aggressive, delusional, jealous, possessive, obsessive. She takes a whole bunch of pills”
“Zoey told me why she is the way she is” Cas said. “I understand her pain. She thinks I’ve been sent to her to replace her brother. That’s why she won’t sleep with me. It all makes sense now”
Meg shook her head in disbelief. “You’re married to her. She’s supposed to treat you as her husband, not her brother. She treats you like a dog. You are not her brother. If you stay here you’ll only feed her fantasy. Before you know it she’ll call you Martin”
Cas swallowed. Just because he didn’t know who he was, didn’t mean he wanted to take someone else’s identity. He nodded.
“Okay, I’ll come with you” he agreed. “But first I want to say goodbye to Daphne and make sure she’ll be okay”
“Okay, I’ll meet you there at 10” Meg smiled. “Can you give me Daphne’s room number? I want to say goodbye too”
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added by kiaya91
added by kiaya91
So Did it ever crossed your mind while watching a supernatural episode " i would totally do different if i were you" or you think since we all know so much about SPN now . we can totally survive what ever supernatural that comes with the guys ofcourse .
i mad a little list about how to survive in supernatural and i would love if you have any adds.
( got your chips ? ok lets start)
1- we all know this one but must be added:
Always keep holy water, silver , salt in the house
specially for the low sodium freaks!.
2-If two unreasonably handsome men show up at your door claiming to be FBI (or any other...
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Sam, Dean, or Bobby search for the caretaker of All's most recently released child, however , run into headache when they find Samuel and Gwen are generally looking for typically the creature. Such as things worsen, Samuel and Bobby dispute the best way to interact with the situation. How to find the Mother coming from all begins while the Winchesters and Bobby are saved to the search online for one of the girl "children." So next episode brings back fan well liked Rufus and grand daddy Samuel Campbell.


How about that will crazy meta event tonight, huh? Supernatural took a break to make...
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posted by HorrorFan101
Dean found himself brought back to reality by the first signs of heavy rain hitting defiantly on his windscreen. He sighed. He was beginning to realise that good weather and Riverside didn’t really feature in the same sentence very often at all. He checked his phone for any emergency calls from Sam, found nothing, and started the car’s engine, ready to head back to the main town centre again and pick up Sam. He’d only been gone an hour, but he hoped Sam had found something about the spirit in that time, because Dean really wanted to avoid research at all possible costs.
By the time he’d...
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This purple nuple goes to Maria!
This purple nuple goes to Maria!
Hi to all the lovely SPNers out there!Fasten your seatbelts and get ready for a bumpy ride heading towards Supernatural-land!Drink up your puple nurples and prepare yourselves to read Maria's (Tazoulini) SPN confessions!She might have drunk more puple nurples than needed or she either got intoxicated just by talking about Dean!So are you ready to rumble?Hell yeah!

1. Introduce yourself. Tell us some things about yourself and describe us the point from which you became a real SPN addict reaching the point of no return.

"gia se olous" that means hi everybody in greek. I'm called Maria or Mary....
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posted by Lucia322
Sam: I take it I was having another nightmare.
Dean: Yeah. Another one.
Sam: Hey, at least I got some sleep.
Dean: Dude, I earned that money.
Sam: You won it at a poker game.
Dean: Ye-eah.
Sam: Now, the newspaper said that his daughter found him. She said his eyes were bleeding
Man: What? The man's? They practically liquified!
Man: Capillaries can burst. I see a lot of bloodshot eyes in stroke victims.
Dean: Yeah? You ever seen exploding eyeballs?
Sam: Might not be one of ours. It might be just some freak medical thing.
Dean: How many times in Dad's long, varied career has it actually been a freak medical...
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