The Vampire Diaries Club
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“You should go see a doctor”
Elena and Damon were sitting at the kitchen table with the first aid kit in the center. Elena had tried to bandage Damon’s finger, but the bandage didn’t want to cooperate.
“I can’t go to a doctor, I’m a vampire” Damon said. “And it’s broken, a first aid kit is not going to help”
“But doesn’t it hurt?” Elena asked compassionate.
“It’s okay” Damon said. Bonnie had made the pain lighter, just like she did with the whole jinx, but of course she couldn’t take it away completely. For that she had to die and since he couldn’t kill her, because of Elena that wasn’t an option. But still, accidents happen, Damon thought malicious. A somewhat evil smirk appeared on his face as he imagined all the possible accidental deaths Bonnie could face. He could push her in front of a car. Not his fault he had a sudden tic in his arm. He could set her house on fire. What, I thought you liked fire so much?
“Damon?” Elena said and Damon came back to earth. “Were you dreaming?”
Damon nodded. “Yeah, a little”
“Was it nice?” Elena asked curious.
“It would’ve been a lot nicer if you were in it” Damon said, looking into Elena’s eyes. She was acting pretty normal. Was there any chance the spell had been broken?
“Elena, do you know what has been going on?” he asked careful. He didn’t want to bring it up, but he had to if he wanted to know the truth. “Do you know what happened to Stefan? Do you remember?”
Elena stared at him and then chuckled. “Of course I know. Stefan joined Klaus and now he’s a ripper. I’m not suffering from memory loss”
“You don’t think it’s a bad thing he’s gone?” Damon asked rather hopeful.
“Well, he’s coming back, right?” Elena said obvious. When Damon didn’t reply her smile vanished. “Damon, he has to come back. I can’t live without him. He’s my Edward” Damon shivered. The fact that she referred to Twilight should be proof enough Elena was not back at all. He’s my Edward, seriously?
“I’m not sure he’s coming back, Elena” he said careful. As soon as he had said that Elena started crying. “No, please, don’t cry. I’m sorry I said that. I didn’t mean it” He meant every word he said, but Elena didn’t need to know that. All he wanted was for her to stop crying, even if he had to take back his words. “Can I do something to make you feel better?”
Elena looked up with wet eyes. “Ice cream makes me feel better”
Ice cream, Damon thought, nope, she definitely wasn’t back yet.
“You’re too kind”
Even if his current state Damon found the strength to be sarcastic. “Can I ask you something? Why did you have to bring Stefan into this?”
“Oh, Stefan. Good, old Stefan” Bonnie sighed. “It’s not like he was involved right from the beginning. When Katherine pretended to be Elena and Stefan brought her to the hospital after taking some sleeping pills, I told Stefan there was a way to bring the real Elena back instead of waiting for it to happen”
“And that involves torturing me?” Damon asked.
“No, that’s just for fun” Bonnie said shameless.
“And me...
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Bonnie unchained Damon’s other hand and he dropped on the ground. With his unbroken and unbitten arm he tried to drag himself out of the cage, though he had no idea where the entrance was.
He felt how Bonnie grabbed his foot and dragged him back. In a reflex he kicked her and she fell backwards.
“You son of a bitch! My lip’s bleeding!” Bonnie cursed.
Damon kicked her again.
“You’re going to pay for this!” Bonnie exclaimed furious.
Then everything went quiet. Damon waited for Bonnie to do something horrible, but another aching stayed out.
Then Bonnie lifted up her feet and stamped his broken arm with her high heels. She grabbed his hair and dragged him to the wall, throwing him against it.
“You’re not playing by the rules, Damon!” she said furious. “No one told you you could try and get away from me!”
Bonnie stared at her nails. They had bits of Damon’s flesh underneath them. “Damn it, I just had my nails done” she muttered. She looked at Damon’s hurt face. “I hope you understand I have to do this. I could’ve taken down all vampires, but instead I focused on you only. You should be grateful for the rest of your kind”
“Thanks” Damon mumbled sarcastic, but it was good enough for Bonnie.
“Hmm” she said, more to herself than to Damon. “Stefan left me some vervain to help me keep you in check”
Stefan, Damon thought, when I die (he was certain he would) I will haunt you...
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“What is this?” Jeremy pointed at the spell book.
“That, my dear Jeremy” Bonnie said in a sugar-sweet voice as she walked downstairs. “would be my spell book. You know, the book with spells?”
“Since when are you into this whole voodoo crap?” he asked, referring to the doll.
“Well, because it’s fun, Jeremy” Bonnie pulled her shoulders. “It’s fun to see him flounder like a fish on land. It’s fun to be able to hurt him and see and hear him screaming, even though I’m not around”
Jeremy frowned. “He? Who he?”
Bonnie held her head diagonally. “Oh my sweet Jeremy,...
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If looks could kill Bonnie would’ve been dead right now. She, Elena and Caroline had just finished lunch and they were now walking through the shopping street. Elena had been shooting dirty glances at Bonnie all day, but Caroline was too busy talking to notice. Or so they thought.
“You have to keep your eyes on the show windows, not on Bonnie” Caroline said a little annoyed. “You’re not wearing her tonight, Elena”
Elena shrugged and jerked her eyes from Bonnie. The next moment she let out a shriek. Caroline and Bonnie jumped up and looked at Elena, who was pointing at a dress in...
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Katherine licked her mouth, looking as if she craved for more, which was most likely the case. She gave Bonnie such a provocative stare Bonnie wanted to grab her throat and squeeze it so hard her head would fall off. Instead she said to Stefan, her eyes on Katherine: “Stefan? Go home. Think about how you’re going to do what I told you”
“I think I better stay here” Stefan said slowly. Bonnie seemed to be too raged to be left alone. This wasn’t like her. And he didn’t want to leave her with Katherine being in the state she was.
“I can handle myself very well, Stefan” Bonnie...
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The doctor came outside and Stefan and Bonnie got up. “How is she?” Stefan asked afraid. The doctor bowed his head. “I’m truly sorry” he said. “We did everything we could, but we couldn’t save her”
Stefan lost his balance and Bonnie helped him sit down.
“Can we see her?” Bonnie asked. The doctor nodded. “Do you think you’re able to see her right now?” she asked Stefan. Stefan nodded. “Yeah, I have to” he said and he got up. They walked into the room and shut the door. The nurse was still in there, cleaning up. Stefan walked to the bed and held Katherine’s hand....
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The next morning
Caroline arrived in the kitchen, where the breakfast table was set. Liz was making some coffee and it seemed as if she tried to avoid looking at her daughter.
“Mom?” Caroline said, sensing something was wrong. Liz didn’t react, but pretended to be busy. “Mom, what’s going on?”
“You want some coffee?” Liz asked, avoiding the question. Caroline got up and walked towards her mother. “Mom, what’s wrong? Why are you acting like this?”
Liz turned around and leaned against the sink. “I’ve been having flashes”
“Flashes of what?” Caroline asked.
“Of things...
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Kelsey threw down the shovel when her phone rang. Without looking at the screen she pressed cancel.
“How long are you going to keep avoiding me?”
Kelsey turned around and looked at Derek, who put away his phone. “Until you get it in your thick skull that I don’t want to talk to you”
“We have to talk” Derek said.
“I just buried my sister” Kelsey said emotional. “I had to leave her last night, because I was turning and now I can’t even given her a proper funeral. I just put her in the ground, like a dog”
“I’m sorry” Derek said. “I feel terrible about it. Amber was...
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Cramps in her stomach and something wet and sticky on the sheets made Elena wake up groaning. She got out of bed, her hands on her stomach. She turned around and screamed. Both of the Salvatore brothers came rushing to her room, but as soon as they saw the blood, Damon pushed Stefan aside and locked himself in, the moment Stefan’s face turned. “Oh, come on, dick!” Stefan moped as his face changed back.
Damon walked to Elena. “Are you alright?” he asked feeling awkward. Elena heavily shook her head. “No, I’m sick. My stomach hurts and I’m bleeding” she looked up. “I’m dying,...
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With a heart that was beating painfully Kelsey stepped up and knocked the door. Someone opened just an instant later.
“Good afternoon, ma’am” Kelsey started nervous. “My name is Kelsey Lindy”
“I know who you are” the woman said. “Come in” She stepped aside to let Kelsey pass and pushed her through a door. “Have a seat” she said waving at a chair. Kelsey sat down, but her mother didn’t. “You being here means you know. More even, it means you are”
Kelsey frowned by that way of speaking, but understood what she meant. Yes, she knew about the werewolves and yes, she was...
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Kelsey watched how Stefan and Katherine took off from behind a tree. It had been this close before she got busted. She came from behind her tree and walked further into the woods in the direction of the hotel Klaus had kept his prisoners. At first sight the place seemed to be deserted. She entered the hotel and covered her mouth. The bodies were lying there for a little longer than a month now.
“You get used to it”
Kelsey startled. She recognized Klaus’ voice.
“Don’t be rude” Klaus said. “Turn around. I can’t compel you, so I’ll have to trust on your manners”
Kelsey slowly...
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When they were almost at the edge of the woods Stefan held his steps. He stuck his arm out, to make Amber stop as well. She took advantage of the pause.
“Stefan” she breathed fast. “I’m really sorry. I wish I could undo everything. This is all my fault”
“Ssh” Stefan hissed.
“I know this isn’t the right time, but there might be no other chance” Amber continued.
“It wasn’t your fault” Stefan said avoiding, while he carefully looked around and listened. “You were compelled. Klaus made you do it. Look, can we like not have this conversation right now?”
“Okay” Amber...
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Katherine stepped over the many corpses that were spread all around in the hotel. She had a gruesome feeling these were not just Klaus’ victims. Apparently Klaus and Stefan had killed the entire staff and all the guests and now used this as a place to hide. She hoped Klaus story would take long enough for her to grab Caroline and Elena and get out of there. It was weird enough she could sneak behind Klaus’ back, there was most certainly a catch.
“Elena?!” she yelled.
Caroline lifted her head and opened her ears. She had heard something. “Did you hear that?” Tyler shook his head....
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Elena opened the door and entered the Boarding House. It was dark inside and suspiciously quiet. Suddenly the light in the hallway went on and an unfamiliar face appeared. “Surprise” the girl said. She walked fast to Elena who wanted to leave again, but she shut the door. “I guess you’re Elena?”
Elena nodded and swallowed. “Where is Stefan? He taxed me to come earlier”
“No, sweetie, that was me” Amber said waving Stefan’s cell phone. “Don’t be afraid, we’re friends. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if I got the first taste” She leaned forward and opened her mouth. Elena...
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“No, I do not want to talk to you. Not now, not ever, and the only reason I don’t rip your heart out this very instant is because of my girlfriend who’s celebrating her eighteenth birthday and who doesn’t need to witness such gruesome scene. So if you could lift up your anorectic butt and move it out of the door you came in and vanish for the rest of your afterlife, I’d be forever grateful” Stefan said.
Amber ordered two beers and gave one to Stefan. “I just need you to listen to me. I’m really sorry for what I did. I lost control that night. I saw Elena sitting there all alone....
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Stefan and Elena were sitting at the bar in Mystic Grill, Stefan with a beer, Elena with a coke. Elena put the straw in her mouth and blew, creating bubbles in her glass, causing the coke to spill on the bar.
“Elena!” Stefan groaned and frowned his eyebrows. He waved at the bartender. “Can we get something to clean this up?” The bartender took a cloth and cleaned the coke up himself. “Thanks” Stefan said. “I’m really sorry” He rotated to Elena. “Please try to behave yourself” Elena pulled a face. “I’m bored. I thought we’re going to have fun, but we’re just sitting...
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“So, how you planning on celebrating?” Stefan asked. “Eighteen, that’s a milepost, we should definitely do something unforgettable”
“I know something” Elena said.
“You do?” Stefan asked curious. “Please, share”
“I could dump you and start dating Damon. Sure that would be unforgettable” Elena chuckled, but she was the only one who thought it was funny. And she soon noticed. “I’m joking” she said quickly. Stefan’s face went back normal and he inhaled deeply. “Can we agree on something? We don’t pronounce my brother’s name today, alright? Today is our day...
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Elena walked in in the kitchen and gasped. “Oh, Stefan, you shouldn’t have done that” she said, looking at the table. There were two plates, one specific for Elena, hence the rose leaves surrounding it, and a basket with pastries, strawberries and small pieces of chocolate. “Wait” Elena said hesitating. “Why are there only two seats? Who’s not eating along?” Stefan consciously avoided to look at Damon. “Damon already had breakfast. He thinks it’s time you and I get back on track with each other”
Elena averted to Damon. “Is that true?”
Damon looked at Stefan, before...
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“Where is she?”
Stefan slammed the door and grabbed Katherines throat. He growled threatening. “Where is she?” he repeated. Katherine took his hand and pulled it away. “Depends on who you’re looking for” she said sober, not in the least intimidated.
“Amber” Stefan panted. “Where is she? I’m going to kill her” Katherine laughed scornfully. “Well, that’s great, Stefan, can I do it?” she said sarcastic. “But before we get to that point of epicness, can you fill me in on the why?”
“She attacked Elena” Stefan explained. “I left Elena alone; she was too scared...
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