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is just me or do the Bloomix wings just look like the Believix wings in a different style?
is just me or do the Bloomix wings just look like the Believix wings in a different style?
Note lately my nick has been doing one hour episodes but it's really two episodes, so I will just be combing them into one review, until Nick officially distinguishes them as two different episodes.

First off I didn't think the rest of season 6 was going to start until 2014. So the overview for those who have not seen it and do not want to much detail is the Winx gain a new power called Bloomix. The Winx after training in Aisha's gym go back to Linphea College and save the school from the treants, and is free from the Trix's grasp. So that's the basic interview,so now let go into the full depth one.

In the beginning the younger fairies at Linphea College (I know it's spelled Lynphea but I grew up with it as Linphea) are surrounded by the treants including Flora's little sister Miele. The Trix come in and tell the new witches to make sure the fairies do not escape.

The scene then changes to the Winx at Alfea in the gym that the Winx did ballet in for The Last Discovery. First off their outfits look like they could be from an 80's Jazzercise routine, but I do like them minus the dancing until Layla throws out a round off double back handspring followed by a layout into a triple back tuck. I was impressed until I realized they were all wearing heels and tumbling,because that's natural but like Musa said in season five Stella, we always wear heels probably one of the most accurate quotes ever. One thing I do like is without their powers Layla is taking the lead on helping them train their inner strength. Eventually Ms. Faragonda comes in with the guys and says they are going to help them while their powers are gone (reminds me of season 4 when she sent the guys to protect the Winx while on Earth) but then we find out Bloomix is earned by doing an act of courage (really are we ripping off season 2 again with how Charmix had to be earned). Well after this depressing information we see Daphne searching for an answer on how to defeat the treants and she does with a help from one of the guys from Linphea college. By the way he was acting I think he likes her, and I think it would be good for Daphne to have a special someone after all she has been through. They find an answer and it's to make the roots go back to where they should be and this can only be done if Flora makes a potion to help them out (ripping off season one when Flora made a potion to help the Junior League by making more of their food supply with a drop of one of her potions). The group splits up the Winx will use the potions to spot the treants while Bloom and the Guys go to Cloudtower.

On Linphea Miele finds away to escape the treant's grasp by using one of her spells called magic seeds (looks a lot like someone's older sister's power known as enchanted luxurious ivy, i know it's different in each version and hard to keep up with all the different names). The freshmen witches notice her, but do not go after her. However Miele almost gets squished by a treant but her big sister Flora saves her from it by using her potions to root the trees back in the ground.

Now back at Cloudtower we see Bloom and the guys trying to get in, but the Trix were expecting them. A blind person could have saw that coming. So after some time Selina releases this bird called a Flying Basilis(hope I am spelling this right) which looks more like a griffin and Medusa mixed rather than a Flying Basilis. The guys leave when the birds go straight towards Linphea College. Leaving Bloom all by herself against the Trix which then comes another accurate quote "It's time we finally destroy you Bloom!" - Icy "Funny, I've been hearing that from you for years!" - Bloom.

Back to Linphea college the guys are helping the fairies and the Winx where we now find out the Flying Basilis can petrify people or in other words turn them to stone (Nick has done this already only a season ago when Flora was turned to stone when her, Stella and Layla where searching for the first gem which was a rip off of the pieces of the codex from season two). Roy and Nex get turned to stone trying to protect Aisha could we do without the boy drama, I am still trying to get rid of the Flora and Krystal thing (which to the florists who don't have their facts straight Helia was the one who messed everything up in the first place he introduced his GIRLFRIEND Flora as a FRIEND. So this was never Krystal's fault).

We then see Flora making sure all the younger future nature fairies are secure in a treant, but when she falls out the Flying Basilis almost petrifies her, but Miele then saves her with a magical blast. She then is taken by a treant which Flora then goes to save her sis claps her hands and earns her Bloomix (this made me so mad from the idiotic lyrics then basically how she earned her Bloomix was a rip off of how she earned her Enchantix three seasons ago. Flora gets hurt, Miele saves her, Miele gets attacked, Flora saves her and then boom transformation) . Being the first to earn it which is also a first since she was the last to her charmix, fourth to earn Enchantix and then the others were all earned at the same time. End of the first episode


In the second episode or second set of thirty minutes if you like me only got to see it as an one hour episode. The Winx are still on Linphea fighting the treants which are restored all to normal by Flora's potions and one of her Bloomix spells. Really the nature fairy saving the day by defeating the nature gone bad like that wasn't predictable.

Stella and Layla then do some acrobatics which if this was real life none of them would have learned that tumbling pass that fast and more specifically in heels. I have been doing acro for eight years and I still don't have that tumbling pass because less than hour in heels just makes you able to do those stunts. But the two do it over the Flying Balisis and the two birds become petrified and break when they hit the ground. Could we have not thought of this earlier. The two are the next to earn their Bloomix, while at the same time Tecna and Musa are whining over how they have limited powers when Flora is fluttering her new wings off with new powers (wow when did Tecna and Musa become whiny and bratty ignoring their friend who temporarly is like look at me which at this point my three favorites were about to become my three least favorites but that quickly switched back to normal when Layla and Stella save Bloom and Flora is removed from the personality she isn't. Yes Flora is still my all time favorite but the show is actually really starting to piss me off to the point I cannot just push it aside any more).

After sending the Trix back they leave once "frightened'[/b] by the new powers and decide they will no longer rule over Linphea college setting free. Flora and Miele have a touching moment which was probably my favorite part especially when Miele said "you don't just see me as your younger sister anymore, right?" Flora responded "of course not, you are a strong and courageous fairy" and says she would like to do it again soon making a promise with her little sister. I have to say ever since Daphne was turned back into human form Flora is the only one still acting like the big sister giving advice to the younger one instead of the other way around.

The Winx goback to Alfea and Ms. Faragonda makes no remarks to the three who have EARNED their Bloomix, but just brushes it off like a speck of dust, because it will only matter when Bloom also earns it (I like Bloom, but this spotlight let's put her on a pedestal needs to stop. I prefer the loyal and caring Bloom over the spotlight hog they have turned her into. RIP first three seasons). Daphne runs late to her class because she got an invite to the Golden Auditorium [i]for the whole class
but only takes the Winx out of like thirty students and the Winx graduated like three seasons ago people.

In the dorm rooms Tecna and Musa have a fight after Riven shows no care or interest for Musa (because this hole He loves me. He loves me not. I think we need to break up hasn't been done in like every season so far). Then as Musa starts to play her guitar, Tecna snaps at her asking her not to play then Musa rebuttals well maybe you shouldn't to that algora thingy. The two have a fight (similar to the fight from season 1 which made Flora leave because none of her friends where taking into consideration her power and how she studies. Also Tecna and Aisha fought last season when going to get another gem to help them earn sirenix). Bloom has to come and break the two up, but the heat of the "fight" has already burnt out.

The next day we see the Winx and Daphne at the Golden Auditorium. I am pretty sure she said the whole class was invited not just the Winx. Musa is extremely excited and telling everything about music, so I am guessing the Golden Auditorium is Melody's magical college. So when Musa sees Tecna not enjoying herself the two fight again, and it stops when the pandemonium sprites arrive.

The Pandemonium sprites are another creature from the Lengendarium which we find out Selina is under ruling from a dark force within the book. Because it's not like someone being ruled by another in this show hasn't been done before *cough* *cough* impostor Avalon and Darkar *cough* *cough*. Bloom transforms into her Sirenix and Flora, Stella and Layla now transform into their Bloomix being the three current strongest which in my opinion are Layla followed by Stella followed by Flora in order of strongest based truly on what their power is and not how the show portrays them. While those four try to use a spell on the sprites they become knocked out by sounds waves. Oh what will we do now, oh yea Musa and Tecna get to save the day like that wasn't predictable.

The two remaining run as Musa sings attracting the sprites back to their caves. With the pixies the eight are trapped. So Musa and Tecna work together to let Musa sing to get rid of the sprites, they earn their Bloomix, amplified her song and the sprites disappear. Ya so far Bloomix isn't really that hard to earn, and it sickens me because I thought we were moving away from the transformations handed to them on a platter, I guess not. Back in the auditorium Musa and Tecna are praised for their work and how the song will now be played throughout the halls of the school. Good Job you two, you deserve a gold star for this because this couldn't have been seen coming.

In the end of the episode the Trix have decided to move onto Eraklyon College. Also Diaspro wants to join the Trix which is "music to their ears". Like that wasn't predictable speaking she joined in with Baltor/Valtor in Season 3 to ruin Bloom and take Sky back.

However the preview for the next episode whenever that might be looks interesting. Daphne is welcomed in the court, since she is the crown princess and the throne is her's before it's Blooms. Some Diaspro drama. Bloom falls unconsciously into what looks like might be lava and Sky saves the day. Sounds like a fairytale.

some trivia from the Winx Wiki that I just have to comment on:

1. As of this episode, Bloomix breaks the tradition of new transformations being earned on the sixth episode of the season, being earned in the fourth episode instead.
Um neither was Winx which they all had minus Bloom before the first episode in season one and she gained hers before the sixth episode. Charmix wasn't even earned until like episode 21 in the second seasons. The Gifts of Destiny were given in episode 19 and 22 I want to say of season 4, and lastly Sirenix wasn't even earned until episode 13 of season 5. The people who wrote these "Triva" facts need to get their shit right first

2.Bloomix is the second transformation to be earned one by one, after Enchantix.
Are we forgetting Charmix here? Bloomix would be the third to earn one by one because the others were like ooh you participated here's your transformation or here is a f******* Gift of Destiny to help you Winx for one darn episode

3. As of this episode, since the rest of the Winx lost their Sirenix, Bloom is the only Winx fairy left to transform in Sirenix and the only one to remain it's abilities. Yet it is now hinted that her powers are already getting weaker.
Um Flora earned her Bloomix currently making her the strongest fairy as Bloom's powers are weakening.I guess someone wasn't paying attention to the episode when they wrote that

Earning of Bloomix:
1. Flora: saves her sister from treants
2. Stella and Layla: do acrobatics over the Flying Basilis and they break
3. Musa and Tecna: make the pandemonium sprites disappear with an amplified song.
4. Bloom currently unknown.

Bloomix: A fairy needs to have at least a part of the Dragon's Flame's power to earn Bloomix. To finish, she needs to do a special good deed.

Author's note: I think I want to cry now after these episodes. I am happy for a new season filled with new episodes. It's just they are predictable and complete rip offs of the prior seasons which makes me sad.

1. if each realm has it's own school why didn't the Winx and Specialist go there since most are an elite of their realm.

2. the Bloomix song really makes me want to scream

3. As much as I love this show and always have I really want the old seasons back.
No matter how upset we get with trolls and the old seasons being dead, us WInxies will stick through it all
No matter how upset we get with trolls and the old seasons being dead, us WInxies will stick through it all
added by Elinafairy
added by Elinafairy
added by haynay24
added by Elinafairy
added by luckyPink
posted by magicenchantix
Hey everyone! I have heard that season 8 will be in session next year after the W.O.W (world of winx) movie that will be shown this year. It is already on Netflix or is going to be but I am waiting for it to be on TV but anyways, in the year 2016 there will be a season 8 if everything goes according to plan and I personally want a season eight of Winx club and I am sure all winx fans do too because season 7 was amazing and it was a shocker when the trix returned and I am have not gotten there yet and I how i know is because someone told me on facebook and posted pictures and I really want to know how the heck they are out of the Legendarium. I just wanted to let you all know that so keep an eye out for more news about this excitement.
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: Bloom2
added by SilentForce
added by Zamiatina
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: child-of-irbis
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: WinxClubRus
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: carpediemi
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: ColorfullWinx
added by haynay24
added by haynay24
added by haynay24
added by Avater13
Source: AlexesX3
added by XxLalasaysxX
Source: Me
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: xXBloomixFloraXx