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posted by Insight357
“I want to go home,” I groaned noisily, smacking my head onto the gray table my friends and I sat at. I was in my first period physics class with my group of friends. It was the second day of the school year and all looked as it had for the past three years.

Chris glanced over at me with dull blue eyes. “Yeah, well I do to, so shut up,” she replied with a grumpy sigh. No one was in a particularly good mood this time of morning, well Jeydon was, but that probably had something to do with the fact that she was used to getting up at the crack of dawn.

“Who pissed in your Cheerios this morning?” Leah asked with a small grin on her round face.

Chris lunged at her, but did not attack. Instead, she slid back into the plastic red chair at her portion of the table. With a yawn, she laid her head down. Ariel patted her back groggily, not really paying attention to anything with clouded eyes.

I sighed and glanced over at Dylan, who was a like a brother to me, to all of us. I was going to talk to him, but all of his attention was on a blonde haired boy on the other side of the room. I rolled my brown eyes and looked toward the front of the room. Mr. Raseche sat at his desk, a cup of coffee in his hand and black circles under his eyes from lack of sleep. I made myself comfortable, settling my head into my arms and half closed my eyes as I stared at the front of the room.

My eyes felt like they glazed over as I stared into oblivion. A bright blue color came into my line of sight and I blinked to clear my vision. A toned, blonde girl stood at the teacher’s desk. She wore baggy black shorts and a tight blue t-shirt. I could see her muscles through her shirt and her pixie haircut made the bones in her face stand out more. I sat up and raked my fingers through my hair quickly in a messy attempt to fix it. God, she was hot. I looked over at my friends.

“Do you think she’s a new kid?” I asked quietly.

That seemed to get everyone’s attention. Each of them looked at the desk, at the girl.

Of course, Leah was the first to speak. “She looks like dyke.”

I glared at her. “And you don’t?” I asked agitatedly. Leah had always dressed in men’s clothing, but she was completely straight. Unlike me who dressed in women’s clothing, but that’s another story.

Leah stuck her tongue out at me, then turned her brown gaze back to the girl.

“She wasn’t here yesterday. I’ve never seen her here before,” Jeydon murmured.

“I know, that’s why I asked.” I rolled my eyes and turned back around to look at the girl. My face turned cherry red as I saw her sparkling blue eyes on me. I looked away quickly. “So, I think we should invite her over here.”

“Why?” Ariel asked raising an eyebrow.

She’s hot, I thought to myself. “She seems like she would fit in,” I replied. I took a breath and summoned up my courage. I turned back around and looked at the girl.

Mr. Raseche stood from his desk and put a hand on the girl’s bony shoulder. “Everyone, may I have your attention?” The noisy classroom settled down rather quickly, mostly because everyone wanted to know about the new kid. “This is Sam Drews. She just moved here and I hope you make her senior year a great one!” Mr. Raseche was one of those teachers that sat on a pedestal and thought everyone was friends. Rather naïve of him in my opinion.

Sam looked around the room and I nodded a bit, signaling she was welcome at our table.

Mr. Raseche patted her shoulder. “Sit anywhere you like Sam.”

She nodded and came straight over to our table. We were probably the most diverse group in the room. We had a straight girl that dressed like a man, a bisexual player, a spaced-out blonde, a creative tough chick, a loud, overly dramatic queen, and of course, me. Sam grabbed a spare chair from the table next to ours and put it between Jeydon and I. I put my hand out to her.

“I’m Madiline, but everyone calls me Madi,” I introduced myself with a friendly smile.

She took my hand in hers and stared into my eyes. “It’s great to meet you.”

I took my hand away quickly before anyone else started looking. It felt like they knew I was attracted to her, but how could they? I would never tell… But did they know? What if they did? Jeydon and Dylan knew, but they had to force it out of me. “These are my friends,” I said waving a hand around to gesture at them.

Jeydon waved and tucked a brown lock of hair behind her ear as she introduced herself.

“I’m Dylan!” he gushed with a brilliant smile.

“Leah,” she drawled and winked. Then grinned really big and laughed. “I don’t swing that way though.”

“I’m Ariel,” the blonde giggled.

Chris looked over at her and rolled her blue eyes. “And I’m the one that lets the blonde know when she’s being a dumb ass.”

Sam laughed. It was a very enchanting sound.

“That’s Chris,” I said with a grin.

“Are you able to handle a racist joke?” Leah asked curiously.

Sam snorted. “Yeah.”

“Do you curse?” I asked.

“Fuck yeah,” she replied staring at me in eyes.

“What’s your favorite number?” Jeydon inquired propping her chin up on her clasped hands.

“Sixty-nine,” Sam answered automatically.

I busted out laughing. “You’ll do just fine in this bunch, then.”

Sam grinned, then turned to everyone else. “I have a few questions for you guys too.”

“Okay, shoot,” Jeydon said.

“How do you guys feel about gays?” she asked.

“No one really gives a fuck,” Leah said. “I just don’t want to see it.”

“She’s the judgmental one,” Chris interjected. “He’s the bisexual one.” She pointed to Dylan. “And she is gay central for the most part.”

I turned bright red. “Just a supporter,” I murmured and looked down at the table. And a member of the community, but I will never admit it, well, I will to a few people.

“Well, it’s always good to have a little support,” Sam said lowly, so only I could hear her.

I glanced up at her and smiled a little. “Yeah, I think so.”

Sam turned back to the others. “That’s all I needed to know.”

“Hey,” Chris muttered, sliding a piece of folded paper over to Sam. “We’re having a hang out, party-like thing at my place Saturday. Would you like to come?”

Sam unfolded the paper and read over it. “Yeah, I’d love to come.” She looked over at me. “Are you going?”

My heart pounded in my chest and butterflies soared through my tummy. “Uh, yeah. Of course.” I nodded.

She smiled. “Good.”

“Alright class,” Mr. Raseche stood from his desk and started teaching. I took that as my cue to tune out.

I leaned on my elbow and stared at the front of the room. I wasn’t concentrating though, not on the lesson at least. I kept thinking about Sam. The way she asked me if I was going to the party. God, she was hot. I closed my eyes. I wanted her, and I knew I could have her. But getting her was the hard part. Being in the closet is not an easy task.

Something bumped into my upper arm. I glanced over my shoulder, back at Sam. She slid me a slip of paper under the table. I glanced back at Mr. Raseche to make sure he couldn’t see us. After seeing he was too preoccupied with the problem on the board I took the paper from her and opened it up. It had her phone number and she asked me to call her. I smirked and shoved the paper into my jeans pocket. I quickly looked over my friends to see they were staring at the board blankly, my eyes flicked back over to Sam. I dropped a wink at her and turned back around. That was easier than I thought.

The rest of the day seemed to go by in a flash. It turned out Sam was in my Physics class, Principles of Psychology course, and my lunch period. It made the day interesting, I will say that much. Aside from the occasional glances, I didn’t get much from her. I could tell she was interested in me, but I couldn’t see exactly how interested she was. I chewed on my lip absently as I leaned against my silver Jeep in the school’s parking lot. The rest of the gang stood around me, chattering about Saturday… Tomorrow, actually.


I looked up, hearing the tail end of Ariel’s comment.

“I don’t know, but I get a good feeling from her,” Dylan replied.

I assumed they were talking about the new group addition. I thought it was a great idea, but some of that may have come from my attraction to her. I’d always admired beautiful things and this was no different. But all things aside, from the few moments I talked to her, she seemed like she would fit in with us pretty well.

“What do you think, Madi?” Jeydon asked looking over at me with big green eyes.

I blinked. “Uh, she’ll do great. She seems like she has our sense of humor. She did rather well at lunch… Oh, Chris, did you give her your address?”

Chris thought for a moment, her blonde hair falling into her face. “Yeah,” she said finally, nodding.

“Okay, just making sure,” I replied, then looked up at the sky. It was starting to get cloudy and I figured a mid-August storm was going to blow through. “Well, I’m going to head home. See you guys tomorrow.” I waved at them a little, then turned around and unlocked my car.

“Fuck, wait up!” Jeydon yelled. “You’re giving me a ride while my car’s in the shop.”

“Oh, sorry. Well, get in,” I said and slipped into the driver’s seat. I started the car and glanced over at Jeydon as she slipped into the car, her purple jeans sliding across the leather interior. I backed out of the parking spot and waved goodbye to my friends one last time.

Jeydon reached up and flipped the radio on as I pulled onto the main road. A popular song that I didn’t quite recognize started playing and Jeydon bobbed her head to the beat of the music. “So,” she started. “What do you think of Sam?”

“She’s great,” I replied flatly.

Jeydon snorted and rolled her eyes.

“What?” I glanced at her then back at the road.

“Nothing,” she murmured. “Just…” she exhaled. “Nothing.”

I huffed. “Just tell me, Jey. I’m going to find out eventually.”

“Exactly, so there is no point in me telling you,” she replied.

I fought the urge to groan as I stared out the windshield moodily. “Fine.”

After I dropped Jeydon off, I went straight home. I wanted to lock myself in my room and call Sam. Butterflies erupted in my tummy each time I thought about it. Different scenarios of her asking me out or calling me beautiful ran through my mind. I quickly pushed them out. How typical of a girl to think of stuff like that…

I pulled into my driveway. My parents weren’t home yet, neither of them got off until six. I slid out of the Jeep and walked down the short sidewalk to the wooden deck. I jumped up the three steps to the main level, then crossed the deck and unlocked the white door. I crossed the threshold and locked the door behind me. I walked through the cream living room and went to my room. I shut the door behind me, then ran and leaped in the air. I landed on my bed in a splat and bounced at least two feet in the air.

I jerked my phone and the paper out of my pocket. I unfolded the crumpled up paper and typed the number into my phone. I took a deep breath to calm myself and hit the call button. I put the phone to my ear and lay back on my bed. It rang three times before she answered.


“Hey Sam. It’s Madiline,” I said in a friendly tone.

“Oh, hey Madi,” she replied. “I’m glad you called.”

I smiled. “Me too… So, why exactly did you want me to call?”

“Because I thought it better to ask you over the phone than in class.”

“Ask me what?” I inquired.

“Are you gay?”

My mouth fell open. I wasn’t that obvious. I knew I was not that obvious. “Do you have some sort of gaydar from the gods?” I asked incredulously.

Sam chuckled. “No, but I saw you check me out several times today. I’m just observant.”

I nodded. “Obviously.”

“I also figure you’re in the closet,” she continued.

“Right again,” I replied, my cheeks turning pink.

“Well, if you ever need anything, I’ll be here for you. I know what you’re going through.”

I smiled thankfully. “You’re being too nice to a complete stranger,” I murmured shyly.

“You were being too nice to. You didn’t have to let me in your circle, but you did. Just think of this as my way of thanking you,” she said.

“Sammy! Come help me with the dishes! I know all these Nutella spoons aren’t mine!” a man’s voice called in the background.

“Okay!” Sam yelled back. “I have to go help my brother with the dishes. But, I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

“Sounds great,” I said.

“Bye.” She hung up.

I pulled the phone away from my ear and stared at it for the longest time. For knowing me in such a short amount of time, she managed to figure out a lot. It freaked me out a little, but I couldn’t do anything about it. Actually, I found that quality nice. It was nice not to have to explain myself all the time. Still, it could be irritating considering I’ve never been the one to wear my emotions on my sleeve. I rolled over to face the purple wall of my bedroom. I closed my eyes and began to think of what tomorrow would hold.
posted by alicia386

You are possessed
By this world
This so called better future
Is destroying you

At what cost
The fame or the fortune
It isn't worth it
Haven't you seen

The corruption 
Power brings
Too much of a good thing
Becomes worthless in the end

Don't be like that
Help yourself
Save yourself from this
This unplanned future

Power brings one thing
There is no way around it
It will soon take over

It will become your life
This power that you long for
Shall be a death sentence for you
I wish you luck

I hope you see the way
The way I speak of
How power isn't healthy
And not apart of your diet

Turn away
From the temptation 
That power can bring
Forget it

Forget everything
The money
The fame 
The power

Don't look back
Behind you is the head
The head of evil
The head of power
posted by Problematic129
*Randomly came up with the idea, please comment or fan, appreciated! :)*

Verse 1:
Wings the color of diamond and gold. Heart so lovely…it’ll melt you so, oh. Their warm embrace is protecting me, there’s nothing else I would give for this, oooh, yeah ,nothing else that could make my heart twist.
    And now, I see, the descending angel, protecting me. It takes, me in, to a whole new world that I would never give.
    And now I see, oh yes, I see

    Verse 2:
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posted by Problematic129
*Game twister buddies.
~Genre: Fiction, mystery, and I guess fantasy :)*
Chapter 25
    Dorothy’s point of view
    I touch her journal. “I’m going to try something,” I tell my friends. “So don’t freak out unless I start bleeding or jerking or something unusually.”
    Jess nods, use to the routine, she turns to Cadence. “Get ready rookie, and don’t freak out, I know when to panic.”
    Cadence looking confused and a bit scared nods, as he watches me.
    I close my eyes, and concentrate...
continue reading...
Now you believe that I'm not normal, huh? Well, this is going to make you tear your hair out.
So, as I was saying, I was sucked into the glass of Coke. The next thing that happened, someone pressed a cloth to my nose, and I fell into a heavy sleep.
When I woke up, I was covered in tubes. I was lying somewhere that looked like a hospital, but still in my pink X-His. Good. I tried to get out, but it felt as if there were invisible restraints holding me. A monitor next to my shoulder beeped and said, "Prisoner #2 has awoke."
Well, well, well. So I was a prisoner. Two heavily armed guards yanked...
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posted by alicia386
Chapter Nine


      Forgetting the fact that my old friend is now going to be the enemy's snack, I tried to focus on the words that Erica was telling me. After a lot bickering, she has agreed to teach me how to reach my sister. "Just focus your eyes onto that blank wall. Remember do not become dizzy while staring at the wall. It happens to me all of them time." I ignored that last part and focused my eyes onto the wall ahead of me. "Now imagine Sophie." That is what I did. I imagined the way Sophie would look like and unbelievable it worked....
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Chapter 2
Three Months Earlier

There was not much bright where I was. Just dull, cheap lamp-light. Ya know? The cheap light that bulbs give off. Not until I stepped out into the golden hue of this evening’s sunset could I get a good picture with my eyes. I had been in a bar with my friends or, as it’s usually called, my gang. It wasn’t a real rough bar, the one I had been in. there were a couple fights every so often, but not much. Gavin, the owner, was good about that. He didn’t want the fuzz showing up all the time, so when he wanted a fight to stop, it stopped. He could persuade...
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posted by alicia386
Reese Kingston
Reese Kingston
Chapter Five

      Reese invited her inside and they got to work on Reese's couch. Her mom was currently cooking them oysters for dinner which was Dakota's favorite. Reese really wanted Dakota to like her. It was so obvious. "Our project is on Recyclable Art. Do you have old newspapers or something?" Dakota asked. She flipped open her binder and read the list. "We can use paper, soda cans, and everyday household items like paperclips and bottle caps. Things like that."
      "My Uncle Kenny use to be a hoarder and he is always giving away his junk so he might have some useful things," replied...
continue reading...
posted by alicia386
Hazel Portwood
Hazel Portwood
Chapter Four

      Dakota glanced at herself in her long vanity. She had chosen to wear the white skinny pants, a pink halter top, and a spaghetti strap shirt underneath the halter top. She had on her pink high tops. Her hair was down and curly. She looked decent but she didn't want to be decent. She wanted to be extraordinary. The necklace with the red lips at bottom would be the perfect accessory to make her outfit great. She turned back to the mirror to only find a pale figure standing behind her. Dakota whirled around to face the intruder.
      'Hmm,' thought the ghost. 'I like it....
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posted by Problematic129
*Please don't copy and please read and review*
Chapter 19
    A messed up version of a family reunion
    The woman smiled, “Zyanna.” She held out her hand. I stood up, brushed off my jeans,and took her hand.
    Now, it may not have been the smartest idea, but she was my mother. She came for me, and after having years of her out of my life, I wasn’t going to let an opportunity like this pass up.
     She had this lithe grace, like I knew she would, and maneuvered her way through the forest. When we left it, the...
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Poor Vincent Matherly was pushed to his death. Poor, poor, Chasity the girl who pushed Vincent to his death. The tears of the parents and the sad looks of passing citzens. Chasity examined the scene once more. Was that the right thing to do? After she had done it, it truly didn't look like the right thing.

Chasity was summoned from the big guy in the sky. He had seen the terrible thing she had done. Chasity wasn't ready to face him not after that. he stared down at her while she looked down at her toes. The big guy in the sky wanted to send her to the big guy below the ground but decided against...
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posted by rory2011


my life turn to a disaster after my parents divorced
my father is always busy with his new wife and his little stupid son
and my mother is busy with her work to make for us a life better than the life that she had ,but sometimes she angered me cause I can't talk to her and I'm 17 ,she doesn't treat me like I'm her oldest daughter ,she treat me nice to take care of my younger brother and my younger sister ,and to do her job while she doing her hard work

it's morning ,I was laying in the bed watching the sun raising to say "hello" to my green eyes ,I was a weak but I didn't...
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added by hgfan5602
posted by Problematic129
*Thanks for all the comments, and thanks for voting for my story!!! Please don't copy and please read and review*
Chapter 17
There is a huge difference between wrong and right
    “Did you really think,” Azerien paused. “That I wouldn’t notice? That everything would blow over? It’s why you were crying wasn’t it? I’m not stupid, Zy, you knew and didn’t tell.”
    “If father hadn’t killed anyone we wouldn’t be in this mess!”
    “Father did nothing wrong!”
    “Killing is wrong and so is...
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added by h3rmioneg
added by alicia386
posted by Problematic129
*Thanks for all the comments, please don't copy and please read and review*
Chapter 4
    Be a disgrace, I’ll mess up your face
    “I’m loving this town, I mean one minute in that hellhole and suddenly I’m popular. Can you believe it? I’m not even kidding, and this really hot girl was giving me the look, you know Zy, ‘the look’.”
    I nodded laughing as Azerien shoveled another handful of spaghetti into his mouth, father wasn’t home when we came back and we found he hired a maid. A bit weird and totally awkward, but...
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added by hgfan5602
added by h3rmioneg
This song is Inspirational.