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posted by twilight-7
Edward's thoughts - bold
Kayla's thoughts - italics

I had managed to make it through a whole month of school without anything unusual happening. The murders had seemed to stop. No one in or around Forks had been killed so maybe the newborn had learned not to kill so often or someone had dealt with it. I felt kind of disappointed that I hadn’t been able to go after it and teach it a thing or two. I think it would be quite fun battling a newborn but since it decided to stop I guess I’ll just have to wait. Edward and I continued to have our silent conversations. It was weird, him being inside my head, but then how else could we talk about vampires and Azdis without being overheard? I missed Edward terribly when he wasn’t near me. We were alike in so many ways yet different at the same time. We were both fast, strong and mind-readers. But I was human, he a vampire, he was my enemy and I his prey. We could be ourselves around each other and at times we never spoke aloud to each other, just spoke in our minds. I hardly spoke to Charlie. After the change I felt he was expecting me to be out every night saving the world from horrible creatures but really all I wanted to do was be normal. If that could really happen when you can hear whoever’s thoughts you wanted to hear. Because of Charlie I was spending more and more time with Edward and I swear there was something he wasn’t telling me. He probably knew me better than I did; he had seen that much into my mind. but then he had this crazy idea that it was time that I met the rest of his family.
“I’ve already met the rest of your family!” I argued with him. That wasn’t totally a lie. I had spoken to Carlisle and Alice and waved at Rosalie, Jasper and Emmet once.
“Properly?” he asked. “You haven’t met Esme and she wants to meet the person who has been occupying so much of my time.”
“Edward,” I groaned. “Please don’t make me. I’m not very good at first impressions. When I first met you, I almost made you a murderer, and when I first met Carlisle, he was about to leave Forks.”
“Please, Kayla.” Edward pleaded with me. “For Esme. She’s dying to meet you.”
I sighed. “For Esme.”

I was stood in the living room of his house and there were six pairs of golden eyes on me.
“This is Kayla,” Edward introduced me.
I waved shyly at them, smiling.
There was only one person there that i didn’t recognise. She was small and slender, but not Alice-small, with a heart-shaped face and caramel-coloured hair. i assumed this was Esme. As soon as she saw me she walked up to me and hugged me. This surprised me as the only vampire who had hugged me before was Edward.
“Hello Kayla,” She spoke to me. “Welcome to the family.”
“Thanks,” I said, smiling at her.
Help me! I thought to Edward.
He wrapped one arm around my waist.
“She’s a bit shy, Esme,” Edward said, smiling slightly.
“Oh, there’s nothing to be shy about,” Esme smiled. “We’re perfectly normal.”
I nodded.
Help me.
Just be patient. Edward answered me. Let her talk to you.
Why can’t we just go upstairs to your room?
I was so nervous I felt like sprinting out of there. I knew this would happen. I would get here and meet Esme and I wouldn’t be able to speak because I would be so nervous that I felt I might throw-up if I opened my mouth. Suddenly a wave of confidence washed over me and my nervousness disappeared. I didn’t even need to ask where it had come from. I already knew what Jasper could do.
Jasper. Edward confirmed.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Mrs Cullen,” I said to Esme, now that I knew there was no chance of me being sick.
“Please, call me Esme,” Esme spoke, noticing now that I was a bit less shy.
I smiled warmly at her.
“I think I’ll take Kayla upstairs now,” Edward said and he guided me to a set of wide stairs. We ran up them, quickly.
That was scary.
You find meeting my mother scary but hunting down a dangerous newborn fun?
I shrugged.
We walked down a long hallway and passed a number of doors before coming to a stop at the end.
“My room,” he said, opening the door and leading me through. One whole wall of his room was purely glass. Another wall was stacked shelf after shelf of CD’s. A high-tech looking sound system was in the corner of the room. There was no bed but a very big black leather sofa.
“Very nice,” I said, looking around the room. I walked over and lay down on the sofa. “Very comfortable.”
Edward chuckled and sat on the arm of the sofa at my head. He very lightly stroked my cheek with his finger. I tried to keep my heart from racing at the touch of his cool skin but I failed miserably.
“Are you ok?” he asked me. “Do you need anything?”
I stood up.
“I actually do need a drink,” I said.
“No problem.” He said. “There’ll be something downstairs.”
“You have food in your kitchen?” I asked. “I thought you don’t eat.”
“We have to keep up the pretence of being human and that includes buying groceries.”
“Oh.” I nodded.
“I’ll be back in a minute.”
He left the room and I began to look around. I picked up a book that was lying on a shelf. To Kill a Mockingbird. This book looked like it had never been read. It was pristine. I opened it and flicked through it but the paper was still sharp. It sliced my finger.
“Ow!” I put the book down and shook my hand, hoping it would get rid of the pain. Obviously it didn’t.
Alice who was passing Edward’s room with Jasper looked in.
“You ok?” she asked.
“Fine, just got a paper cut.” I smiled to reassure her it was nothing but her eyes widened. My eyes slid to Jasper. The newest member to the Cullen Family and still adjusting to their way of life. I saw it all in slow motion. Jasper’s nostrils flared, filling his nose with the scent of my blood. Alice was too late in trying to hold him back and he charged at me. His eyes were dark and dangerous, his thoughts only filled with the thirst burning in his throat and how my blood would satisfy it. I panicked. This was different with Edward. I was prepared for his attack and we were only playing, this wasn’t playing. This was real and this was my life in danger. My muscles froze as Jasper advanced on me. I needed something to distract him with, something to hit him with that will divert his attention for at least a few seconds to make my escape. My eyes scanned the room for anything big enough. I saw a big mirror hanging on the wall. But Jasper would reach it before me. I panicked, wishing I could reach out, pull it off the wall and hit him with it. I could see it now, the mirror flying off the wall and smacking Jasper side on, knocking him over.
“Kayla! Run!” Alice screamed at me.
I looked at Jasper, who was lying on the floor, covered in shards of glass. I didn’t know how or cared how it had happened – I just ran. I ran out of Edward’s room and down the stairs. I ran out of the house and into the woods that surrounded his house. I heard someone behind me, running just as fast and I only stopped when I heard Edward’s thoughts.
Kayla, stop. It’s Edward. Your safe.
I stopped running but the fear didn’t leave me. When I didn’t turn round to face him, Edward wrapped his arms around me. Only in his arms would I feel totally safe.
“I’m bleeding,” I whispered to him, trying to step away. I didn't want him to feel guilty over nearly killing me.
I’m fine. He wrapped his arms tighter around me.
“No, go,” I told him, trying to wrestle my way out his grip. I stuck my bleeding finger in my mouth trying to disguise the scent.
“You know you’re breath will only smell of blood,” he chuckled at me.
I won’t speak then.
He chuckled again.
Did you chuck that mirror at him? I thought of the mirror crashing down on Jasper and wondered if it had hurt him.
It didn’t hurt him, though he is feeling very guilty for scaring you. I didn’t throw the mirror at him, you did.
I frowned at him. I was nowhere it.
You did it with your mind.
I did?
He looked at me, a slight smile on his lips.
You truly do not know your own power, do you?
Obviously not.
Edward let me go, knowing what I was going to do. I removed my finger from my mouth now that it had stopped bleeding and I looked on the forest floor for a broken branch or twig. I found a twig and I concentrated very hard, envisioning with my mind it levitating in the air. And it did. I clapped my hands together and laughed. I let it fall and did it again and again and again. I would never tire of this.
I know you won’t
I turned to look at him and he had an amused expression on his face, probably because of me being fascinated by the littlest things. I made the twig fly at him, hoping it might hit him in the face but he caught it and snapped it with his hand. I was so occupied with my new telekinetic powers that I wasn’t really listening to Edward’s thoughts. I caught only a glimpse of them and it was enough to break my heart.
“No,” I ran back to him and wrapped my arms around him tight. “I know what you’re thinking and don’t do it.”
“Kayla.” Edward’s voice sounded pained.
“No, it was my fault,” I told him sternly. “Mine. Jasper didn’t mean to. He’s new at this vegetarian thing.”
“Kayla, it’s dangerous for you to be around my family. If I thought newborns were bad I should have brought you home sooner.”
“No,” I repeated. “You can’t. You can’t stop leave me.”
“Kayla. If I wasn't here, you wouldn't see me and I wouldn't put you at risk. It’s for the best.”
“No, it’s not.”
“It is.”
He sighed. “I only want to protect you.”
“I can protect myself,” I said. “I stopped Jasper, didn’t I? I threw a mirror at him, for Christ’s sake!”
He couldn't leave me, I wouldn't let him. If I had to stand here all day with my arms wrapped around him I would.
“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t stop seeing you?”
I panicked. I couldn’t think of anything other than ‘because I said so’. I still had my arms around him and held him even tighter, fearing he would leave right at that very second if I wasn’t quick enough. Tears began to fall from my eyes and I couldn't stop them. I tried to think of how I would feel if he left me now and all I could picture was this big hole he would leave in my life. Then it hit me.
“I love you,” I whispered.
posted by flynnismine
I parked my red, chevy truck in my usual parking space and got out. I walked up the stairs into the school hallways. Everything was just as I remembered it to be. The girls were chatting about what they did in the afternoons and the guys were being rough with each other, pushing each other around and playing jokes on other people.

I walked to my locker and entered my password-1995- opened it up and stacked my books and stuff into it.

I turned to face my locker door and looked at my pictures. I had two there. One was a big picture of Joe jonas and a small picture of my best friends- Alice, rose,Jasper,...
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posted by karpach_14
Twilighters, you did it! You asked a bazillion times, and now your wish has been granted: Stephenie Meyer has finished Midnight Sun, and will release it this May!

The book is the retelling of Twilight from Edward's golden eyes. So, basically, the most beautiful book ever. And one we're sure to get lost in.

"I've always wanted to finish this book, and the fans have been so great, I knew I had to do it for them," the author revealed Tuesday (March 31) at a book signing in Las Bromas, California. "I enjoyed this so much, I'm going to begin work on Full Moon, which is New Moon told through Jacob's perspective."

Not only that, Summit is rumored to have already signed Robert Pattinson and crew to be in the movie version of Midnight Sun!
Hey Everyone!! So, I have another spot which some of you know is called 'LexisFaith Articles'. It's where I'm going to start uploading my fictions since as of now I'm only writing three so it will be easier for all of you and me.
It's also a place where YOU can upload videos you find or make, and I will upload some of my own that I make on youtube, you can also upload pictures, links, and your own writings. I'm really excited about this new spot and would love all of my lovely readers/supporters to take a look :) Much Love~ Alexis

Okay, I had...
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posted by DarkStranger
Long time not seen, huh? I know it isnt good, but at least I uploaded. For this chapter thank you goes to Emmett4eva. I really never thought that somebody will email me to wirte more. Thank you for making my day. And hope to talk with you more:)
Oh and btw, I'm going to Italy tomorrow. Yay. I'm so exited. Wish me luck :)


I groaned when I heard my alarm clock, I slammed that thing so it shut up. Silence filled the room. I slowly opened my eyes, the sun brightly shone through my window, I literally blinked a few time not believing that the sun in Forks could be that bright.
I felt happy when...
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posted by runlikeawolf
"Flight 16 is about to land.Please fasten your seatbelts,"a voice rang.I opened my eyes.It took me a minute to recognise my surroundings.The memories of the wedding flooded back into my mind.I was about to find out where Jake and I were going for our honeymoon."Good morning sleepyhead,"Jake said."Or should I say,good afternoon.I thought that flight would never end!"
I sat up and smiled."Well,at least we're about to land.I still don't see why you couldn't tell me where we're going."
He smiled,too."It was supposed to be a surprise."Just then,the pilot's voice rang out."I repeat.Flight 16 for...
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posted by runlikeawolf
"All right,that should be everyone!"Alice sang.Jake and I were in her room.We had just finished addressing the enormous stacks of envelopes."It's a good thing I heal quickly,"Jake said.I shoved his arm."Come on,"I lied."It wasn't that bad!"He laughed."Yeah.I'll only need another fifteen hours for my hand to heal."
Alice interupted."All right you two,Jacob,get out.I need to show Nessie something.She shoved him to the door."All right,all right!I'm going!Sheesh!"Once he was out,Alice zoomed to her gigantic closet and pulled out a large plastic bag."Oh,my gosh!"I said."Is that...?"
"Yep,your wedding...
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posted by uniquezandy
Bella's POV
I didn't know what to do or think. Me and Edward, was taken out the room by Marie-louise. She knelt down and explained things. "Hey listen, you two are safe ok? I promice to take care of you." She whispered soothing words. Suddenly, the scariness went away. After a few minutes, she lead us to a room. It was massive! It had a bunk bed, tv and everything. "Welcome to your new room. You two will be sharing it." She said with a happy expression on her face. Both our eyes lit up like a christmas tree. I was excited, so I grabbed Edwards hand and ran round the room with him. We were jumping...
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posted by anna_tvd
It's a worldwide debate that happens every single day: Edward or Jacob?

I wish I could pick a side. I am strongly on the fence about this one. Edward, the beautiful, sparkly, loving vampire or Jacob, the hot, restless, young werewolf. Seriously, are we supposed to pick?

To help myself (and probably a lot of you), I have decided to compare the options. Please, read, and tell me after you're done if you can decide either.

Edward- He cares. Though it sounds cliche, it's true. He would do anything ever at any time ever to protect Bella. He nearly killed himself once while in the process. So, yes,...
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posted by DarkStranger
He is officially my hero. No one ever said something back to MR.Banner. Ever. He liked to insult his students a lot, and I was used to it.. Okay, no I wasn't but I tried to ignore him like I haven;t heard or saw how he looks at me or talk. But what Edward did today was mind blowing. It was so wrong and so good in the same time that I didn't know what should I do when I'll see him in the director cabinet. Slap him or applause.
I didn't know why I was going to that cabinet at all. I didn't start this fight, I didn't even know why Edward was so mad at Barner so much. Is he was mad because...
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posted by WritenOnTheSand
I didn't eat. I didn't move. I just sat. And here I am, still sitting. First of all, I didn't want to eat her food. She had made tuna salad. I hate tuna salad. I always have. When my mother made a tuna steak for lunch one time, I had to lean my head all the way out the window to get rid of my stomach ache.

I look at my window, and see the moon in full view. It has to be at least midnight, maybe later.

My phone buzzes next to me and I pick it up, only to see that it's Clara.

I hesitate and then flip the phone open.


"Mon ami, Comment je vous ai manque. My friend, how I've missed...
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posted by mmourer
All credit belongs to Stephenie Meyer. This story is based on her book series the Twilight Saga.
Bella’s POV

The rest of the month went basically the same, get up, get dressed, eat, go to school, and not see Edward. After a while I got used to not seeing Edward but I couldn’t forget that it was probably my fault he never returned. I was hoping he’d come back just so I could stop worrying and blaming myself. I’d even deal with the glaring. It was raining when I got up, a good thing for me. Today was going to be a great day I hoped. When...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
New Story Twilight?N2P
It's Complicated
It's complicated, that's how Jacob would all ways start the story whenever I asked him why I was different. I looked nothing like the Black family, I didn't favor a single one of them. They all had dark hair and dark eyes while I was the complete opposite. White blonde hair and blue eyes. I could barley blend in, my hair and eyes gave away but skin was just as tan as it could be. 
I knew the story Jake was going to tell me, I asked about this a lot. But mainly at bedtime.
Every night right before bed I would ask Jacob Black "why am I different?" and every...
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posted by mmourer
All credit belongs to Stephenie Meyer. This story is based on her book series the Twilight Saga.
__________________________________________________Bella’s POV

Math went by slowly probably because everyone was staring at me, just the thing I hated. After class mike met me by the door. What’s your next class? he asked still cheerful English I answered hoping he’d have a different class I really didn’t want a puppy kind of boy the first day. O he answered I history. After that we went in opposite directions heading to our classes. English went bye surprisingly fast all we did was watch...
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posted by karpach_14
Chapter 22
My mother was laughing with my aunt alice, grandma esme, and aunt Rosalie. Uncle Emmett, and uncle jasper were watching tv (what a surprise).. my grandfather was talking to my father andSvetlana was just listening. Emily was talking with Sky. And I was talking with Ivan.
“- we’ll get married, move to a huge house, and live happily ever after” he told me, planning our future. I laughed.
“no kids. No pets?” I asked him
“im not really a fan of kids” he admitted, and I smacked him. and accidentally hit my broken arm.
“ouch”I said quietly.
“careful ness” Ivan told me
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posted by karpach_14
Chapter 15

“relax” Ivan told me. I looked at him confused I was late for school not for a party or something.
“ur aunt alice and the rest of ur family is coming over to tell you something” he toold me.
“oh, them ima get dressed and eat some breakfast” I tol him I got an outfir. Since it was sunny I wore a mini skirt and a t shirt I went downstairs to make myself some breakfast but I went through the spells that my mother wrote down for me. Some of them were really good like trap someone in a room or make someone agree with u for six hours, but then she wrote use these spells carefully...
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posted by karpach_14
Chapter 3
I sneaked out of my house without anyone noticing me, this is actually the first time I didn’t get caught . I got in my car and drove off to Eric’s house. I drove 10 minutes and finally arrives there. Eric was standing (almost sleeping) by his porch. I got out of the car and went to him.
“geez renesmee couldn’t we talk in the morning?” he asked me
“call me nessie, and no we couldn’t talk in the morning its going to be too late, remember im leaving isle esme?” I asked him
“yeahhh” he lied
“sure… whatever. I don’t want to go there now and I think to too late to...
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posted by karpach_14
Chapter 2
In the morning my aunt came in all happy and started dressing me
But I didn’t feel happy or excited to go to school. My aunt dressed me up into a beautiful dress and high high heels
I arrived at school and everyone was looking at me. I hate d the attention. Eric walked up to me. I tried to ignore him, but he grabbed my hand and held me tight and closae to him.
“let go” I told him calmly.
“ I love you” he said
“and I cant do anything about it now let go” I told him still calmly. He stopped and I had to stop too cuz he was holding my hand really tight. “renesmee” he said...
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Hey guys,this is my first time I write this story,so I hope you'll like it:)

Edward's POV

Everything was going just like Alice predicted:Bella would wear beautiful white wedding dress with two blue hair-pin in her chocolate brown hair and she would be breathtaking true all the ceremony.I was really exited and just couldn't wait to get married with the girl that I was waiting for almost an century!Bella was the One for me,I always knew that and even true all those things that we went true,I never doubt about that.She completed me I every single way and without her,I wouldn't exist anymore.

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posted by uniquezandy
What just happened? Did I tell my master I was in love with him? Did I? If only I had more sleep. That night I remembered:love, pain and ending with love again. I just didn't understand how a ball could bring out a lot of emotions. Today i am relieved, because it's Monday and that evil witch Tanya is getting fired. I am glad.
All of us assembled in the hall were Edward gave his speech. "Few of you knew the incident that happened at the ball. And for that, Tanya like I said; you are fired. Leave before midday or I'll get the guards to escort you out!" He informed. This was serious; but...
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posted by fayerox16
ok so here are a few rumors i heard over the course of the months after Eclipse came out,about Breaking Dawn.
the first rumor is that Breaking Dawn will be rated R. ok people i can officially confirm that this is not true.Breaking Dawn will be rated PG-13.
the second rumor is that Zac Efron will be starring in Breaking Dawn. absolutely not, Zac Efron is sticking to his High School Musical stuff. good boy.
third rumor, is that Justin Bieber is going to be in the film for thirty seconds...nice try must be thinking of men in black where M.J was on screen for 30 seconds.
finally,that Bella is getting replaced. ok girls, as MUCH as we wish this rumor was's not.i know i know. we would ALL love for kristen stewart to get replaced.sorry, maybe next time.