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posted by twilight-7
Edward's thoughts - bold
Kayla's thoughts - italics

I had managed to make it through a whole month of school without anything unusual happening. The murders had seemed to stop. No one in or around Forks had been killed so maybe the newborn had learned not to kill so often or someone had dealt with it. I felt kind of disappointed that I hadn’t been able to go after it and teach it a thing or two. I think it would be quite fun battling a newborn but since it decided to stop I guess I’ll just have to wait. Edward and I continued to have our silent conversations. It was weird, him being inside my head, but then how else could we talk about vampires and Azdis without being overheard? I missed Edward terribly when he wasn’t near me. We were alike in so many ways yet different at the same time. We were both fast, strong and mind-readers. But I was human, he a vampire, he was my enemy and I his prey. We could be ourselves around each other and at times we never spoke aloud to each other, just spoke in our minds. I hardly spoke to Charlie. After the change I felt he was expecting me to be out every night saving the world from horrible creatures but really all I wanted to do was be normal. If that could really happen when you can hear whoever’s thoughts you wanted to hear. Because of Charlie I was spending more and more time with Edward and I swear there was something he wasn’t telling me. He probably knew me better than I did; he had seen that much into my mind. but then he had this crazy idea that it was time that I met the rest of his family.
“I’ve already met the rest of your family!” I argued with him. That wasn’t totally a lie. I had spoken to Carlisle and Alice and waved at Rosalie, Jasper and Emmet once.
“Properly?” he asked. “You haven’t met Esme and she wants to meet the person who has been occupying so much of my time.”
“Edward,” I groaned. “Please don’t make me. I’m not very good at first impressions. When I first met you, I almost made you a murderer, and when I first met Carlisle, he was about to leave Forks.”
“Please, Kayla.” Edward pleaded with me. “For Esme. She’s dying to meet you.”
I sighed. “For Esme.”

I was stood in the living room of his house and there were six pairs of golden eyes on me.
“This is Kayla,” Edward introduced me.
I waved shyly at them, smiling.
There was only one person there that i didn’t recognise. She was small and slender, but not Alice-small, with a heart-shaped face and caramel-coloured hair. i assumed this was Esme. As soon as she saw me she walked up to me and hugged me. This surprised me as the only vampire who had hugged me before was Edward.
“Hello Kayla,” She spoke to me. “Welcome to the family.”
“Thanks,” I said, smiling at her.
Help me! I thought to Edward.
He wrapped one arm around my waist.
“She’s a bit shy, Esme,” Edward said, smiling slightly.
“Oh, there’s nothing to be shy about,” Esme smiled. “We’re perfectly normal.”
I nodded.
Help me.
Just be patient. Edward answered me. Let her talk to you.
Why can’t we just go upstairs to your room?
I was so nervous I felt like sprinting out of there. I knew this would happen. I would get here and meet Esme and I wouldn’t be able to speak because I would be so nervous that I felt I might throw-up if I opened my mouth. Suddenly a wave of confidence washed over me and my nervousness disappeared. I didn’t even need to ask where it had come from. I already knew what Jasper could do.
Jasper. Edward confirmed.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Mrs Cullen,” I said to Esme, now that I knew there was no chance of me being sick.
“Please, call me Esme,” Esme spoke, noticing now that I was a bit less shy.
I smiled warmly at her.
“I think I’ll take Kayla upstairs now,” Edward said and he guided me to a set of wide stairs. We ran up them, quickly.
That was scary.
You find meeting my mother scary but hunting down a dangerous newborn fun?
I shrugged.
We walked down a long hallway and passed a number of doors before coming to a stop at the end.
“My room,” he said, opening the door and leading me through. One whole wall of his room was purely glass. Another wall was stacked shelf after shelf of CD’s. A high-tech looking sound system was in the corner of the room. There was no bed but a very big black leather sofa.
“Very nice,” I said, looking around the room. I walked over and lay down on the sofa. “Very comfortable.”
Edward chuckled and sat on the arm of the sofa at my head. He very lightly stroked my cheek with his finger. I tried to keep my heart from racing at the touch of his cool skin but I failed miserably.
“Are you ok?” he asked me. “Do you need anything?”
I stood up.
“I actually do need a drink,” I said.
“No problem.” He said. “There’ll be something downstairs.”
“You have food in your kitchen?” I asked. “I thought you don’t eat.”
“We have to keep up the pretence of being human and that includes buying groceries.”
“Oh.” I nodded.
“I’ll be back in a minute.”
He left the room and I began to look around. I picked up a book that was lying on a shelf. To Kill a Mockingbird. This book looked like it had never been read. It was pristine. I opened it and flicked through it but the paper was still sharp. It sliced my finger.
“Ow!” I put the book down and shook my hand, hoping it would get rid of the pain. Obviously it didn’t.
Alice who was passing Edward’s room with Jasper looked in.
“You ok?” she asked.
“Fine, just got a paper cut.” I smiled to reassure her it was nothing but her eyes widened. My eyes slid to Jasper. The newest member to the Cullen Family and still adjusting to their way of life. I saw it all in slow motion. Jasper’s nostrils flared, filling his nose with the scent of my blood. Alice was too late in trying to hold him back and he charged at me. His eyes were dark and dangerous, his thoughts only filled with the thirst burning in his throat and how my blood would satisfy it. I panicked. This was different with Edward. I was prepared for his attack and we were only playing, this wasn’t playing. This was real and this was my life in danger. My muscles froze as Jasper advanced on me. I needed something to distract him with, something to hit him with that will divert his attention for at least a few seconds to make my escape. My eyes scanned the room for anything big enough. I saw a big mirror hanging on the wall. But Jasper would reach it before me. I panicked, wishing I could reach out, pull it off the wall and hit him with it. I could see it now, the mirror flying off the wall and smacking Jasper side on, knocking him over.
“Kayla! Run!” Alice screamed at me.
I looked at Jasper, who was lying on the floor, covered in shards of glass. I didn’t know how or cared how it had happened – I just ran. I ran out of Edward’s room and down the stairs. I ran out of the house and into the woods that surrounded his house. I heard someone behind me, running just as fast and I only stopped when I heard Edward’s thoughts.
Kayla, stop. It’s Edward. Your safe.
I stopped running but the fear didn’t leave me. When I didn’t turn round to face him, Edward wrapped his arms around me. Only in his arms would I feel totally safe.
“I’m bleeding,” I whispered to him, trying to step away. I didn't want him to feel guilty over nearly killing me.
I’m fine. He wrapped his arms tighter around me.
“No, go,” I told him, trying to wrestle my way out his grip. I stuck my bleeding finger in my mouth trying to disguise the scent.
“You know you’re breath will only smell of blood,” he chuckled at me.
I won’t speak then.
He chuckled again.
Did you chuck that mirror at him? I thought of the mirror crashing down on Jasper and wondered if it had hurt him.
It didn’t hurt him, though he is feeling very guilty for scaring you. I didn’t throw the mirror at him, you did.
I frowned at him. I was nowhere it.
You did it with your mind.
I did?
He looked at me, a slight smile on his lips.
You truly do not know your own power, do you?
Obviously not.
Edward let me go, knowing what I was going to do. I removed my finger from my mouth now that it had stopped bleeding and I looked on the forest floor for a broken branch or twig. I found a twig and I concentrated very hard, envisioning with my mind it levitating in the air. And it did. I clapped my hands together and laughed. I let it fall and did it again and again and again. I would never tire of this.
I know you won’t
I turned to look at him and he had an amused expression on his face, probably because of me being fascinated by the littlest things. I made the twig fly at him, hoping it might hit him in the face but he caught it and snapped it with his hand. I was so occupied with my new telekinetic powers that I wasn’t really listening to Edward’s thoughts. I caught only a glimpse of them and it was enough to break my heart.
“No,” I ran back to him and wrapped my arms around him tight. “I know what you’re thinking and don’t do it.”
“Kayla.” Edward’s voice sounded pained.
“No, it was my fault,” I told him sternly. “Mine. Jasper didn’t mean to. He’s new at this vegetarian thing.”
“Kayla, it’s dangerous for you to be around my family. If I thought newborns were bad I should have brought you home sooner.”
“No,” I repeated. “You can’t. You can’t stop leave me.”
“Kayla. If I wasn't here, you wouldn't see me and I wouldn't put you at risk. It’s for the best.”
“No, it’s not.”
“It is.”
He sighed. “I only want to protect you.”
“I can protect myself,” I said. “I stopped Jasper, didn’t I? I threw a mirror at him, for Christ’s sake!”
He couldn't leave me, I wouldn't let him. If I had to stand here all day with my arms wrapped around him I would.
“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t stop seeing you?”
I panicked. I couldn’t think of anything other than ‘because I said so’. I still had my arms around him and held him even tighter, fearing he would leave right at that very second if I wasn’t quick enough. Tears began to fall from my eyes and I couldn't stop them. I tried to think of how I would feel if he left me now and all I could picture was this big hole he would leave in my life. Then it hit me.
“I love you,” I whispered.
posted by KatiiCullen94
I've known who ive been becoming my whole life, and my whole life, ive been in love with her. I think shes the one, my imprinted parnter, she has to be, everythigs there and waitting, shes perfect.
Bella, is my one. My soulmate, only time will secure her as mine forever. She not loves of me. BUt im not afraid or hurt by that, because it will change because of the magic growing in me. There will be no denying it on her behalf once ive been throught the phase that waits unexpectedly. She holds my hands and calls her best friend, but the see the more in her eyes. Im sort of beautiful to her, but...
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posted by Hellohoudini
(Twilight Lexion Nov 22 2001)

Muse won an American Music Award as the best alternative rock artist. You can see their video from the Eclipse soundtrack of Neutron Star Collision here. Unfortunately the Eclipse soundtrack did not win. It was beaten out of an award by the Glee soundtrack.


I've read that alot of people loved the Eclispe be honest I dont even remember any of the songs on it! Now the Twilight soundtrack and the New Moon soundtrack I know by heart....I feel quilty that I dont feel the same about the Eclipse sountrack...but congrats to Muse!
posted by LexisFaith

"All I can tell you is what I think about her." Carlisle told me.

I nodded for him to go on.

He sighed and leaned foward, folding his hands on his desk. "I think that Bella is the strongest woman, besides your mother, I have ever met. She's twenty-two years old and has been working here for two years. She graduated highschool at 16 and a few weeks after she graduated she had a son who's father died a week before he was born. Killed by a drunk driver.

"She raised him on her own with the help of her brother Emmett, who is our x-ray tech, her father...
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posted by uniquezandy
Bellas POV
"Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone, I'll be waiting all thats left to do is run..." I sang the Taylor swift song. I feel very loved up right now, that I didn't know I had an audience. "So you would wait for me; for a long time? Nice voice as well." He teased and laughed. That was embarrasing. I was in my room, singing a song, then out of no where, my boyfriend appears and jokes with me. He ran up to me where we so close together, when I was blushing really madly. "How did you-?" I started to question. He smiled and spoke ever so sweetly. "Part, of being a vampire, you have...
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posted by teamalice_0
AN: I’m writing again, I got this story in my head and it seems interesting to me. I hope you guys like it, if I get enough comments and if you guys say you like it I will continue it;


When I was about 8, right before my mother left me and my dad, she sat me down in my room and told me something.I want you to remember everything you see around you, colors, people, everything you possibly can. Your life will change and that will come in handy. Goodbye Isabella. at the time she told me this I didn’t understand what she meant by...
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posted by uniquezandy
Bellas POV
Weeks passed; and love was in the air for Edward and I. We went to theatre trips, took horse and carriges ride together. I think he could be the one for me. It's not like I need to go through more men. That stopped after the ball. Eventhough, it wasn't exactly how I pictured it, still Cinderella got her Prince Charming. Today Edward took me to the beautiful park we went to when we first met. It was so romantic. We stopped at a blossom tree and he picked a rose for me. There was no need to tell me how he felt, about me. It's a romantic traddition in this century, that if your lover...
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posted by uniquezandy
Bellas POV
"Where is Edward?" The Voltori shouted. Why should I give up on him. I am being held here, (in Italy,) And the Voltori are holding me captive. "Where is he?" Aro creeply asked. I never thought, he has got so much madness in him. "I'll never tell not in a million years. Not in a billion years." I shouted. Knowing, them they will torture me, till I give up. "You know Bella, you are still human, and all it takes to kill you is one accidental; slip to the throat ." Marcus warned. I could feel his breath on my slender throat. "Over my dead body." I said. Jane, (being Jane,) wanted to...
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posted by 1TeamEdwardFan
Hey! Thanks for all the comments. I hope you guys are liking my fan fic. Thank you so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so much Halunik for helping me :)

Edward's POV

I slowly unfolded the piece of paper. I could hear everyone was anxious to read the letter.
The first thing I saw was the curly writing again. I read the letter out loud.

"Dear Cullen's
Hi, my name is Tash. I am truly sorry that I have taken Bella away from you all, but it's the only thing I could do. See the future of all Vampire's in Danger and the only one who can save us all, is you're precious Bella."
I paused, Emmett chuckled.
"I never...
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Chapter Twelve:
Lexy’s P.O.V:
Do you know how on the first date you’ll get flowers? And you say they’re beautiful, and then two days later they die? Well, that’s what happened to my stomach. My stomach was skinny, small, and sexy. At least I thought the sexy part. But whenever I woke up in the morning I placed a hand on my stomach. And felt a small bump. This causing me to SCREAM bloody murder. Dear god, the baby shouldn’t be this big should it? Renesmee woke up, clearly alarmed and groggily asks, “What’s wrong?” I say nothing just charge out of my room feeling fatter than the...
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posted by AmberrBlueeyes
This is DayBreak...
This is DayBreak...
I'd like to thank my Closest Friend For Inspiring me to write and post this story.


We got to the airport and I quickly decided to use the passports with 'Mrs.Lexi Walmont and Mr.Howard Walmont' on them and boarded a plane to New York. "Can I think of something else now? I'm actually bored of my own thoughts." I giggled at Jake, he never ceased to amaze me, I shook my head as his face leaned closer to mine. "Not until we're out of forks, or at least in the air properly. There's still a risk my Father might hear us, there's nothing to say we can't think of each other though. You're what I'm...
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posted by renesmee567
bella's new shirt
bella's new shirt
bella pov.
it was a short plane ride but a long car ride to the clock tower.It was a very sunny day,luckitly jane bought me a pair of shorts and a blue tank top and a pair of sneakers.then they got out of the car and said"STAY HERE"jane order.
so i did then a hour later,they came back with 5 people knocked out 3 females all with brown with black highlights,but al looked my age and 2 where male weired they where not knocked out or tied up not even a blindfold,then we where a someplace then somebody opened the car door and took my arm and then those girls,i felt like i was i taken!!
bella's new shorts
bella's new shorts
bella's new shoes
bella's new shoes
posted by JennyRocker197
See I live in the real vampire world were vampires burn in the sun.

Bella is orphaned when she was 2 when her parents burned up in a house fire, she ends up in a foster home when a family called the Swans adopt her. Cassie Swan is her new step-sister who is like her protecter from the bullies at school and just everyday people, she meets Vincent an older boy that always watches Cassie and wants to be with her. As Bella and Cassie age they see that Vincent never does, Cassie is taken aback when she discovers that Vincent is a vampire that got turned back in the 20's. As a surprise Cassie doesn't...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    Okay, so maybe I was wrong, he did leave, and I let go of him, but I didn't fall down a hole without a way to dig myself out. I just stayed on the bed, a bit sad and wanting him to return, but after five minutes of laying there, I knew this must have been pretty damn important to interrupt our kissing, so I got up and left the room, seeking out the woman who took my man, and what she needed him for.
    "Is everything okay?" I asked once I reached Shropee's doctor's office.
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posted by NeeNee14
I tried on all the clothes in my closet, and nothing would fit.I gave up and decided to put on a robe and just stay in for the day.The door bell rang and I got up and answered it.
"Hi Aunt Alice."I said.She looked at what I was wearing, shaking her head.I let her in, she was carrying a thousand bags of clothes.Joesph was behind her with more.Joesph was Aunt Alice's and Uncle Jasper's twelve year old son.
"Sweetie what are you wearing?"She asked me after we sat back down.I pouted.
"All my clothes shrunk"I said.She looked at me and laughed.
"Sweetie, you're pregnant remember?"She said and laughed.I...
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posted by NeeNee14
Kammie's Tattoo
Kammie's Tattoo
Thx shiver-zimmy for helping me write this chapter!!

I cried for days. I lied and said I was fine when my parents asked. They were so excited that I was home, I was too, until it happened. They went out again tonight. It was funny how often my parents went out, yet they never came home drunk, just extremly happy. I wished I had that, but it was taken from me. I crawled under my covers and let the tears come, more forcefully then before.

I wanted to make myself hurt. I figured that if I cried about everything tonight, I would be out of tears. He wasn't the only guy in the world. Everyone...
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A Youtube Script:
*episode nineteen*
*Bella’s P.O.V*
Bella: This is nice…I think we’re bonding!
Rosalie: Yeah, but we’ve already bonding tons.
Alice: Rose is right…but now we’re *whispers* pregnant *back to normal voice*
Rosalie: Good point, Ali. *smiles and takes a sip of Alice’s blood*
Alice: *sees her* Whoa, whoa, whoa! Why are you drinking that?
Rosalie: *rolls eyes* Duh, I’m pregnant too.
Bella: Hey, so am I!
Alice: Yeah, well then let me get more for you…don’t drink mine! *leaves*
Bella: Thanks, Cupcake!
Alice: Yeah, Belly…BRB!

~Inside Emmett’s Game~
(key: virtual...
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posted by karpach_13
Chapter 22
My mother was laughing with my aunt alice, grandma esme, and aunt Rosalie. Uncle Emmett, and uncle jasper were watching tv (what a surprise).. my grandfather was talking to my father andSvetlana was just listening. Emily was talking with Sky. And I was talking with Ivan.
“- we’ll get married, move to a huge house, and live happily ever after” he told me, planning our future. I laughed.
“no kids. No pets?” I asked him
“im not really a fan of kids” he admitted, and I smacked him. and accidentally hit my broken arm.
“ouch”I said quietly.
“careful ness” Ivan told me
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posted by mia1emmett
"hey, my name's Mike Newton" i said "hey, Elizabeth Cullen. but i think you knew that" he laughed and said "walk you to class?" i smiled and said "no thanks, Emmett and I have all the same classes" Mike looked sad but he just nodded and walked away. I ran into Alice and she said "hey, your brother Jasper is so nice!" i smiled at her and said "did he tell you my name?" she nodded and i told her "call me Liz" she smiled and nodded. i started walking to class Alice is so nice and she does seem perfect for Jasper! i smiled to myself and i bumped into something that felt like a brick wall....
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posted by LexisFaith
This is a VAMPIRE DIARIES one-shot in Stefan's POV. If I didn't put it on here, it would never get read so, before you starting chewing me out for that, I KNOW!! Okay, I really hope you guys like this.
I laid back on my bed, shoving my palms into my eyes, to try and stop the tears. Despite my efforts, tears seaped through and soaked my hair and pillow.

Just a week ago, Elena was laying beside me, bringing light into my old battered room. She was running her fingers though my hair, telling me how everything would work out. She was kissing me with...
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posted by mia1emmett
i made the Cullen's human and i added a character.
Idea: Dr.Cullen and his wife Esme have 4 adopted children.Emmett and Elizabeth twins, then Edward and Jasper and Renesmee
**twilight is not owned by me, a.k.a all the characters that belong to the book belong to S.Meyer. the only thing owned by me is Elizabeth**
***The characters might be different, they are in the way i thought of them***
*Elizabeth :: 6'4", dark brown hair that looks almost black that was wavy, light brown eyes.*

Elizabeth's P.O.V:
Renesmee ran down the stairs she was holding out BoB Emmett's pet duck. Emmett jumped off the...
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