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Aria Glass sat on top of her house with an unopened beer in her hand and her eyes on the sky. It was a beautiful night and Toby and Jared where at it again. Jared had become more quick-tempered than usual, barking at almost everything. Neither boy’s where good at their temper control and over the years Aria had learned to let boys be boys and fight it out themselves. But Aria could take them both, Aria smirked at this thought, true or not they would never hurt her.
    But she did hate it when they fought, although they were brothers, they did not need to get as physical as they did. If only they could save their anger for the things that deserved their rage.
The moon shined high above, the night sky was cloudless and beautiful. Aria only wished Jared and Toby where up here to enjoy it with her.
“Oh shut up, Jared!” Toby’s voice boomed from below, as Jared did not respond, Aria assumed a punch was thrown. That’s all they needed in this chaos, more chaos. She sighed deeply as she got off the room and walked inside, sure enough Tony was holding his nose, which was bleeding with blood, and Jared was smirking, clearly satisfied with himself.
“You okay?” Aria asked Toby ignoring a glare from Jared as she asked him. Toby nodded, rage in his eyes. She walked away hoping it was over and decided it be best if she went and got some sleep. Lucky for her it came quick, most nights she lied awake staring at the walls.
Aria sipped her coffee the next morning as she listened to Jared try and talk Toby into going on a date with the girl he had ran into yesterday. Jared was pretty proud of Toby since he usually was not into getting girls numbers. Toby had this thing where he was always afraid he would get the girl into trouble with what he brought with him.
“Come on Toby! You said it yourself that you like her, why don’t you call her. You have not been on a date since before you graduated. That’s a long damn time.” Toby sighed and looked down at his coffee that he had not taken a sip of since he poured it and was now running cold.
    “You know what happened last time!” Toby finally barked, “She almost died and called the cops on me, I don’t want to deal with that again.”
“You won’t, we will make sure of it! Right Aria,” he said smiling at her, she nodded and patted Toby on the back.
“Yeah, we can go on patrol or what-not. We got your back, not many demons can slip past our radar,” Jared leaned back in his chair with a, you’re going to do it look.
“Plus you saved the last girl, and the demon that attacked you was a level one demon. It was an easy kill.” Jared got hard glares from both Aria and Toby for acting like it was no big deal, but he just shrugged it off and took another sip of his coffee, which Aria could tell he had but a few hits of whisky in it since he was on his third cup. Plus the bottle of whisky was right next to the coffee maker, far from the liquor cabinet.
“Isn’t it a little early for that?” Jared looked at Aria acting like he had no clue what she was talking about. Aria was a little worried about him, ever since the Healer had been bothering them he had been drinking non-stop, the amount of money they were spending on alcohol had almost tripled in the last two months. Since Aria was only twenty and not old enough to buy beer yet she had no control of it, but she wished he could find a way to make him stop.
“I don’t care if it was not or me, she could be living without the nightmares I have shown her!”
“Toby,” Jared said glaring at his brother, “You are going to call this girl and have a good time! That’s an order!”
“An order, who the hell are you to give me orders?” Toby stood up so fast he makes his chair scrap against the wood floor.
“I’m your older brother you gotta do what I say!” Jared mimicked his brother’s actions and stood up, but he had a smile on his face unlike Toby.
“No I don’t! I’m old enough too – “he was cut off by Jared giving him a hug like he was drunk, but it was too early and too soon for Jared to be drunk. As Jared pulled away he laughed and ran like a fool into the other room. “What the – damn it. Jared, give me my phone!” Toby said running after Jared.
Aria chuckled and followed them into the family room where Jared was on the phone, he had a huge smile on his face.
“Hello is this Anna?” Aria had to choke back at a laughed as she realized Jared was calling the girl Toby was reluctant to call and ask for a date. Toby looked furious as he tried but failed to grab the phone from Jared. “Yeah this is his brother Jared.” There was a short paused then Jared did a loud jolly laugh. “You want to talk to him? Here he is” Jared shoved the phone into Toby’s hand and smiles.
Toby walked out of the room before saying hello, as soon as Toby was out of sight Aria walked up to Jared and smiled, “Nice! He really needs that date.” Jared nodded and relaxed into the couch.
“He will thank me later, “Jared then turned on the sports channel and Aria went into the kitchen to clean up, (although Toby would probably fix it up later) the first thing to go was Jared’s alcohol coffee down the drain. Then she cleaned the dished until Toby came into the room with a large smile on his face. He purposely ignored Jared as he passed him and sat right down at the table.
“So, when’s the date?” Aria asked sitting down next to him.
“Tonight, I’m taking her out to dinner then, as a surprise, out dancing.” He smiled brightly at Aria like it was the best day of his life, because it probably was.
“Toby you are the sweetest, aren’t you glad Jared did that?”
“Yeah but I’m not going to tell him,” He said with a chuckled and leaned back in his chair. Aria finished doing what she could before Toby butted in and said he would finish.
“Hey if you get married to this girl I’m going to hire you to clean my house” Aria said over her shoulder as she exited the kitchen.
“Shut up!” Toby laughed throwing a towel at her. Aria sat by Jared a hint of laughter still on her face, but it soon vanished as she saw his face. It looked like his jaw was clenched tight and although his eyes were on the TV Aria could tell that his mind was nowhere near what was playing on the screen. As odd as it sounded, it was scary when Jared was thinking as deeply as he was at this moment, he went deeper into things and soon almost everything pissed him off. Aria was unsure if she should disturb him or not, it’s not like she had anything importation to tell him. So she just grabbed the remote from him and changed the channel. The fact that Jared did not say anything was proof he was not paying attention.
    Aria flicked on some movie that was playing on TV, the movie was unknown to her but it looked interesting, there really was never anything good on the TV. The movie was 300, Aria found this out when Toby came into the room; it was one of Toby’s favorite war movies. Sex, gore, action, that’s Toby’s kind of move.
    As Aria was finally getting into the movie when it started again, the annoying chatters that she could not control. Getting angry, as it slowly got louder, she grabbed her headset and IPod and walked out the door. Neither Toby nor Jared questioned her as she waved goodbye and plugged herself into loud rock music that drowned out most of the noise. They lived on a large block, it took Aria a good half an hour to walk it, but that did not bother her. Sometimes on a really bad day she walked it twice just to have time to herself and to keep the voices out of her mind as long as she could.
    As she walked it this time around her mind was on one thing, Healers. The annoying things that would not leave her allow and were non-stop chattering in her mind. She would kill them if she knew how but she didn’t plus they were not evil just cruel and demanding. They had been ‘visiting’ her for a little over a month now talking about how she was ‘one of them’ and ‘the one to end it all.’ They are talking about a massive demon army breaking out to end the world. One large army that no human forces could stop, and would kill at will.
Did Aria believe it? Hell yeah, the demon part anyway. Killing demons was what she did for a living. The other stuff like her being one of them was totally out there. If she was one of them then way was down on earth living like a human? There was no proof.
“There is proof, that tattoo, that is your proof,” The voice was in her head louder than her music but it was almost like a whisper. Aria yanked her headphones out of her ear in frustration and threw them on the ground. “Damn it” she muttered as she started walking leaving her five dollar headphones in the middle of the street. Her IPod was tucked tight into her back pocket while her hands were stuffed into the two upfront. She soon forgot about the little headphone incident and turned onto a creak that she found with Jared and Toby as kids.
It was peaceful, the only sound was the water lightly hitting against the rocks and running along the rocky path to no end. She could stay there and grow old, live a life without all the stress and pain. No people, just her and nature. But that was just a fancy, on that would always stay just a dream.
But all that mattered was this moment, her heaven
But a POP interrupted her. Kal, one of the many Healers that came and ‘visited’ her was sitting next to Aria.
“Hello Aria,” His regular greeting in his flat voice that never seemed to speak any emotion. He was wearing what he always wore, a nice wrinkle free pure white suit. The jacket, shirt, tie, pants and shoes were all white. There was no color, just the white tint. No matter where they were, there suits never seemed to get dirty. The suit seemed to shine even in low light, if Aria stared at it to long it would offend give her a headache.
“What do you want?” Aria barked, now her good mood now ruined.
“I don’t understand why you hate me; I have done nothing but try to help you,” Kal was not looking at her, his ice blue eyes were looking up at the trees watching as the breeze made the branched dance. It was true, Kal never did anything that really pissed her off, truth was, Kal was the only Healer Aria wanted to see when the Healers had to talk to them.
“I don’t hate you,” Aria muttered as she stared at her dirty old sneakers. “I just want to be left alone; I want you … Healers to leave us alone,”
“We can’t, and I’m not going to leave you alone with my fellow Healers, they are dangerous.” Aria finally looked at him, but her expiration was full of confusion. “The others think that you should be there puppet, they never imagined you would be as … rebellious as you are. I, on the other hand, knew better, I am trying to keep them from harming you or steeling you from your bed at night. You know nothing of Healers, I can help you understand our kind, but you have to be willing. I don’t want to be the bad guy.”
Aria was flabbergasted at how Kal was talking to her, although he was the “nice Healer” he had never talked to her like that, offering help. She had to look away as his eyes pierced hers when he finally looked at her. Why was he doing this? She was confused as it is and now he was changing sides?
“How do I know you are legit?” Aria was still looking at her dirty shoes so she missed his confused face at the word legit. But as a long silence fell upon them, she got that he was confused, “How do I know you are not messing with me?” her tone was a little harder than the last time she spoke. As much as Kal was being nice, she wanted to go sleep again, no matter how early in the morning it was. Or was it finally the afternoon?
“Because I don’t mess around, Aria, I am and never will be your enemy,” And then he did the one thing Aria hated that Healers did. They locked eyes and Aria could not look away until Kal, but he just stared at her, changing her to call him a liar. But Aria knew better, and the serious expression in his face was proof he was not lying, Aria doubted any Healer could lie that well.
After what felt like hours, Kal looked up at the sky, “I must go; we will continue this conversation later,” A few seconds after he said that the muttering in her head came back to her, she grunted as she bent over in pain. She had not noticed that the muttering had stopped when Kal appeared. But Kal was quick to act; he touched her head and immediately the voices stopped.
“What – was – that?” she breathed just noticing she was holding her breath,
“It shall stop them from entering your mind, but not for long. I can teach you so much about your abilities, you just have to let me,” Aria was about to snap at him about how she did not give a rat’s ass about her abilities, but with a pop he was gone.
“Damn it,”
Aria stayed at the creak for another half an hour before her phone went off; even before she looked at the caller ID she knew it was Jared. Normally she would have been annoyed but given the circumstance, demons running loose, Healers after them, they had a right to worry. She answered the phone then walked home as soon as she hung up.
“Wait, Kal is willing to help us?” Jared questioned as Aria finished telling them her story. Taking a sip of her beer, Aria nodded. “Well this has to be bull! It’s definitely a trick to get you to trust them, I mean why now? Why out of the blue?”
“Jared I really don’t think that is the deal, I think – I think Kal is serious about this. I – I “Aria sighed not knowing where she was going with this, she was about to say she trusted him, but she was still thinking about it. “I am going to believe him at the moment.”
“I still think he is going to screw us over in the end.”
“I don’t” Toby chimed in; he was in his usual spot leaning against the corner. “Kal is nothing like the twins, they are just corrupted and stupid like assholes, and Kal never seemed like that. Aria even said she never had him demand her something in her dreams. Which, for the record, I find dream stalking very creepy.” Aria smiled a little at Toby’s humor.
    “I don’t care if he is ‘the nice one’ he is still a Healer, therefore, I don’t trust him.”
Aria rolled her eyes at Jared’s stubbornness, but maybe he was right, but it did not fit Kal’s personality. Comparing him with the twins was like comparing an ant with a gorilla, they are nowhere near alike.
    “Do you think the twins know?” Toby said, Aria had not thought about that. Apparently the Twins were the boss of Kal, or where a high rank. And Aria realized that, if Kal was serious about all this, he could get into some big trouble. And, although Aria would never admit it in front of Jared and Toby, she liked Kal, and she did trust him. They had not seen his face, he was not lying and she was one hundred percent sure of it.
posted by ButteBaby_K
I just really like this picture, no special connection to the story. haha
I just really like this picture, no special connection to the story. haha
Epilogue: It was a day like any other, the sun was shining making the mountains turn magenta like watermelon and the breeze played with my hair flipping raven black strands into my eyes and obscuring my vision. I smiled, comforted by the averageness of the morning. I had never really known “average” I thought. My father was a Lord of Phim and my mother was his Lady. Every morning I woke up earlier than the peasants and snuck out to the field to watch the sun rise like “normal” people do. My cream-colored skin enjoyed the warm sunlight just as much as I did. Being a little lady meant...
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I missed the air particles at Ethan's place. Here, running away from something that's not even chasing me, the air particles manage to croak; "Run, run, run."
And then it hit me. What I was really running away from was chasing me. I was running away from my emotions and I didn't realize that they were, in fact, backpacked onto me. They were heavily weighing down on my back. My back felt fragile, broken... like my heart.
I felt like crashing to the ground. The thick tears and emotions were superior, rising above me. The day before at school when I nearly melted my esophogaus, I felt numb,...
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Date Night *sequel to Prom Night*
By: fatchick and moolah
Chapter One: the night of my life
Anne was sitting at the kitchen table when Jordon came in with Lucy and the twins, Mia and Joey crawling behind. Anne said, “What’s up?” Jordon didn’t answer. He looked mad at Anne. Anne sighed. “Jordon-talk to me.” She begged. He rolled his eyes and went upstairs. Anne got her cell phone and called Hannah. “Hannah, its Anne. Call me back. Thanks.” She left a message. Then she called Haley, “Hey.” Haley said. “What’s wrong?” “Jordon stopped talking to me.” She said. “Oh,...
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So Tom Closes The door...and heads back into The bathroom With bill.
"That was Gustav" Tom said.
"what did he want" bill asked
"he was Wonderin if we was Ready" Tom Replied.
"Well mabye we..." bill said but got inurupted by Tom Saying
"Shh." He said as he licked The Top of his Nips softly.
"mmmmm Tomi u Gustav." bill moaned.
"and Wats The point Wats n america 4 us?" Tom Asked
"i dont know but u should stop" bill said.
"mmm o billy u Know u Want it," Tom moaned. bill looked at the shower head as Tom Took off his pants. Tom Then looked billnin his Eyes.
"is This Wrong?" Bill asked
"im not sure. but i...
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They say it was like small star falling from the sky. or meteorite. was it these? No. It was just POOKIE.
From the heavens he fell, crashing into the ground. God! what was that smell? It was pookie's one final toot.

pookie was rushed to the vet. will he survive? the docotors couldn't belive what they saw.. he had a few broken bones from the fall, and second degree burns on his butt.
The nurse looked at the doctor. "what does this mean?" she asked. and the doctor replied. "Beans"

Pookie had healed fast. he was realeased. and given ointment for his ass.
Free at last! Go! pookie go! Pookie ran for...
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Chapter 3

Jeremy POV
Every thing was getting dizzy, I didn’t understand any thing that happened at the house, all I know is Uncle John is dead, there’s two Elena’s and I’m turning.
I could here the car running things were heightened. I could here all the gears moving to a rhythm. Elena was breathing hard I could feel her body heat radiating off of her.
“Elena, I need it now or its over.” My throat was dry I turned towards Elena and could see her veins flowing with blood. Every thing then went black.”

Elena’s POV
I pulled the car over and took a deep breath. The last time I did this...
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As I weave through dark allies, trying to make my way home, everything feels wrong. It's day time and there is crickets chirping. The moon is shining along with bright stars while the brilliant sun sleeps. Annabella was not there. This time, it wasn't Annabella and I running away from one of our idiotic but awesome stunts. I was running for a different reason. I needed to get home so I could cry. I needed to sit there in my crying corner and let the tears flow. I did not make it home in time. I collapse onto the harsh cement and burst into tears, right there in an alley.
Hours pass. I lose...
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Elena’s POV
    The night got colder as I walked further away from the Founder’s Day party. Just a few more steps and I’ll be at the school.
    I reached the school’s front door but when I tried to open them but they wouldn’t budge. I gave up and sighed. I crossed my arm’s trying to keep warm. Looking around trying to find another way in, though the only way I knew of was the doors in the back of the school.
    I slowly walked my self to the back doors. I grabbed the frost bitten door handle and pulled it open. Once I walked...
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Sorry it's been so long (been on holiday and trying to like choose all my exam choices for year 10)lifes been pretty hetic but enough of my life!!! Last time I left off Nessie and jake were going to keep their baby and now we visit them 9 months later. No one actually knows what to expect but the exact being of Aimme (youll know who she is when you read the chapter) will be discovered in the next chapter. Also you would have noticed that this chapter is from Jakes point of veiw I had a fab time writing it and I hope you enjoy reading it eaqually as much! Thankz for reading and please...
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posted by amethyst44
Never did I think that the person I was to face would be the beginning of a war I never wanted to get involved in.
Never did I think that the person I was to face would be the beginning of a war I never wanted to get involved in.
I sat confused and dazed, looking at the numbers that swam before my eyes. There was the dull humming the back of my mind that reminded me I done this essay with years and years of repitition, but there was no confidence in me that proved the evidence. I slumped back in my seat, tossing the pencil across the desk and closing my eyes, drifting into a light sleep.


The forest brimmed with vibrant lights, glowing sharply beyond the bramble of branches and approaching the lake in the background. Drinks were passed around cheerfully, and the fire roared with appreciative boldness. Dance music...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
This is a peom I wrote for a competition at my school. Tell me what you think of it, please?


Have you felt the torture of hate?
Like a poisonous cloud, it will wait,
Until you burn in the flames of fury.
Then it will creep up and incapacitate.
Alas! You will choke, and don’t try to deny your anger.
It is too late.

Hate is like grasping a red hot coal,
Intent on throwing it at another soul,
Instead it is you, yourself, who burns,
Then your own anger shall take its toll,
You’ll bring about your every mistake and failure.
You’ll be alone.
But I guess this is the price for not agreeing with a vampire.
But I guess this is the price for not agreeing with a vampire.
I woke up to the wailing of birds in the distance and the acrid smell of compost nearby. I couldn't see; it appeared that the night sky blended in with the darkness behind my eyelids when closed. I felt my body plastered against a marble slab that was the same length as my being, and sweat was misted against my skin. Strangely, the only way I could tell this was by leaning my head down to take a peek, realizing my skin was so white that it would be hard to tell if I had any blood at all in my body. My flesh felt numb, and shivering once brought my senses into a lighter view, but only enough...
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posted by HarryPLover
"Do you see the "Game Over"sign?
"Do you see the "Game Over"sign?
Enough is enough,right?After you feel like you just got punched into the stomach fifty times should be enough to let you know that you should stop fighting...right?When you can literally feel your heart ready to burst out of your chest and your soul completely crumble into pieces, pieces that travel all the way down to your toes?

You'll know when your heart is torn...right?

Well I know that mine is,completely actually.After you just lost the one person you thought you would be with forever.After giving them so many chances,that you ran out.Now that they're gone.....gone with your ex-best friend.After...
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Murder is always a mistake - one should never do anything one cannot talk about at dinner.

Tayce’s p.o.v

The three of us sat there watching the chick flick. I was in grossed in the storyline, Belinda was doing her homework and every time someone said the word love, Ruby nearly chucked. It had been three days since we had seen the protectors. Belinda sighed and put the book she was reading down. “Want to order pizza?” She asked, Ruby shrugged and I shook my head. “Why can’t we order pizza?” Belinda asked, I didn’t really want to tell the why but if you have sisters you understand....
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 3: school
I was running in the deep green forest when Damien caught me by my waist I tried to pull away from him trying to get help from my elements but…….nothing the elements weren’t obeying me as they used to. what the hell is wrong with me? I looked at Damien I was sure he had something to do with this he gave me a a sweet smile and said
-now you can’t push me away HONEY
I tried to push him away then I saw a beautiful bronze haired boy with the strange golden eyes he growled and lunched himself at Damien………..

-BEEEP..BEEP..BEEP…BEEP oh I hate this alarm I think I should...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 2: the Cullen’s
When I entered, the club my fave song was on so I went and joined the crowed and started dancing with a really cute guy he had blond hair and dark blue eyes that u could swim in them like, forever! We started talking about our past and figured out his name is tom and has two sisters. then I made one up as I did for my school and then he bought me a few dinks after an hour I found myself making out with him I really didn’t like him I just like to spend my time with someone until I break the damn curse and find the one for me, the one that will be my moon and light...
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Morgan Sterns was sipping up the last drips of her coffee. She was going to need every last drop if she was going to work late enough to finish all of her reports. She had reports on all kinds of things. Serial killers, counterfeiters, asassination attempts, the list went on and on.
Why do the FBI get handed everything, she wondered. But what she really wanted to know was why she was the one always stuck with work when most of the other agents and anaylists were just standing around telling jokes and drinking coffee. Morgan got back to her seat and pushed her almond hair out of her eyes and...
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Lasting Happiness
Lasting Happiness
She stared anxiously at the pot of water on the stove, compelling it to boil. Though the old axiom warned of its counter effect, she had long since given up on trying to look away from the pot, unable to tear her eyes away. Tapping her foot impatiently, she began to sing quietly to herself to pass the time. It was a merry song, the one she always used to entice travelers from the road to come to her window. As she sang she only wished her tune could charm heat into the water of her pot the way it charmed most of the passerby. The thought only seemed to bring her further impatience. The impurity...
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posted by ashesandwine
Thanks to Patrisha727 for helping me decide which POV to write...
Thanks as always to Emmett4ever for that first push in the right direction...
And thanks to everyone for reading my story:D

"Catherine's POV"

Even in the darkest night I'll find you. Life wanted our destiny to be a wave breaking in the sea, only that,nothing more... But I will not resign to that, I will not give up, we WILL meet again!

I woke early in the morning, my heart broken into a milion little pieces. I stood there looking at the roof, not wanting to face this new day. I heard my mother call for me:
"Catherine it's time to...
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Chapter Fourteen

It wasn’t the dinner that they didn’t had before. It was very different. It was a dinner of confusion especially for the two little girls.

During the dinner of steak, mashed potatoes, and peas, Mac and Izzie watched their Mama and Mr. Sean eat their dinner in silent even through Mac saw Sean giving her mother some glimpses of his grins to Jamie to tell her that this was a great dinner she served. Hoping that Mama saw those grins that Sean saw her, the only thing she saw that her mother was just eating her dinner, drinking her Iced Tea, and wiping the messes that was on Jake’s...
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