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The Writer Behind the Words
The Writer Behind the Words
Luck has little to do with link. A long lasting writing career doesn’t just happen. A writer can burst onto the scene and quickly disappear. Another can have a series of hits then write a bunch of flops and never be heard from again. The difference between a long lasting career and one that burns out is strategy. Here are seven rules to help you find the right strategy for you and get you started on your journey to long lasting success.

Learn the power of focus. For most of us, we have more than enough to do on a daily basis. And when it comes to any writing project the list can grow exponentially- you have a blog to write, a monthly newsletter to keep up with, two deadlines for upcoming books, a speaking engagement and more. A long “To Do List” can be overwhelming and for many of us can lead to procrastination, confusion or just plain paralysis! The solution? Do one thing at a time. Come up with a goal for the day. Writing or marketing? Then do the tasks that will accomplish that goal. If you have extra time you can focus on other less pressing tasks.

Keep moving. Humans are smart. Sometimes too smart. Many times obstacles come in our way like a tree in the middle of the road and instead of going around it, we try to chop it down or climb over it. Don’t focus on the obstacles. A rejection is an obstacle but instead of focusing on it move to the next submission or work on something else. So your first play wasn’t the greatest, start your next one; okay so your favorite editor left your magazine, try to woo the new one. Don’t focus on the roadblock. Go around it.

Don’t use a shovel to eat soup. Use the right tools that work for your project. Whether it is the tool of language (different language is used in romantic fiction versus fantasy or literary) or software. However, you don’t need all of the latest technology to be a prosperous writer. I still write all of my initial story ideas long hand before entering them on my computer. To help ‘speed’ the process, a year ago I bought a Neo AlphaSmart that has helped me capture ideas and bits and pieces of my manuscript and upload it directly to my computer, but my handwritten notes are still my old standby. There are a lot of reasons to spend money, new software, writing books, gadgets that promise to make your writing life easier, choose only the ones you really need.

Time stops for no man. How you spend your present time dictates your future. Daydream about writing and months later you’ll have a lovely daydream and nothing to show for it. If you envision a book write it every day, if not every day at least every week. With our busy lifestyle many of us--beginner and professional writer – let time get away from us. For some of us, we are always trying to ‘find’ time to complete or start our next manuscript. Time never stands still so it’s up to you to grab a hold of it rather than waiting for it to be ‘enough’. I know a dear friend of mine who when she was working full-time always dreamed of being able to stay home and paint. She now works from home, but still doesn’t find enough time. Why? Because she hasn’t learned the importance of time management. She fills her time with activities that don’t get her close to her dream of painting. So now every day she puts in a half hour when she must paint and is working towards her dream of being a full-time artist. Time is not the enemy, how you use it is. So be conscious of what you do with it. You’ll be surprised how far you’ll go.

Be your own cheerleader not your opponent. We all suffer from doubts, but don’t let your inner critic stop you. When a baby is learning to walk she’ll fall down a lot. She’ll get bruised and cry, but in order to master the skill she’ll need to keep on getting up and trying again and again. We understand that falling is part of the process, but for some reason as adults we’ve become averse to falling. We’ve interpreted it as ‘failing’ and it is. But one must fail his way to success. When you fail at something, instead of letting the critic have the final say, replace it with your inner cheerleader. The one that says, “That’s okay, keep going.” or “I know it didn’t work this time, but next time will be better.” Like the baby learning to walk we have to keep getting up. One rejection letter or two hundred should not stop you from building your writing career. So an editor didn’t like your latest story, come up with something else or submit to a different editor. Every career will have its ups and downs. The ones that burn out are the ones that hit the floor and stay there.

Claim your status. Whether you’re published or unpublished claim the fact that you’re a writer. Don’t wait for someone else to give you that validation. Once again your inner critic may be saying, “I’m not a real writer because I haven’t published anything.” or “I’m not a real writer because I’m not published in hardback.” “I’m only a genre writer; I’ll be a real writer when I’m in mainstream.” or “I’ve only been published in the community newsletter I’m not a real writer like a journalist.” If you write, you’re a writer. You don’t need anyone’s permission. However, I will caution you, if you make this claim, take the necessary steps you need to grow your skills as a writer. On the flip side there are a number of people who proudly call themselves writers, but never grow in their craft and their careers shows this lack. So constantly strive to be a better writer. This can be accomplished in many ways, online workshops, attending a conference, taking college courses, self-development by reading, etc. Don’t ever stand still.

Be flexible. Successful writing careers are rarely linear. Writers have to take detours when a magazine closes or a new editor hates the writer’s work. A successful mystery series suddenly becomes stale or market trends change the type of work that is accepted. Stretch your writing muscles so that your career can always take a new and exciting journey. Do you write poems? Try writing an article on poetry. Perhaps that could lead to a book. If your novel isn’t selling, perhaps serialize it online or take the theme and write a short story. Fiction authors try non-fiction. Don’t let yourself be victim to the whims of the industry.

Success is mainly strategy. Writers whose careers have lasted haven’t been without failure, disappointment and setbacks, but these individuals have learned how to move forward on the goals they’ve set for themselves. Hopefully with these seven rules you can linkfor success.
During the first episode of "Austin and Ally", Ross and Laura already had lots of chemistry.

At the end of season 2, there was a very magical moment in the austin and ally life, there was a first kiss, after "Ally" lost her stage fright.

In season 4, if you remember the ballroom dance class, "Ally" asked "Austin" to dance, and you might have saw a lot more Ross than "Austin", but Laura is better at hiding herself

Out of Austin and Ally,

Anytime that Ross, Laura, Calum and Rani sit in Ross' car, Laura and Ross always sit together. Although Laura may have a boyfriend, I still believe that Raura could, in future times, be real!
2% Of Screenwriters Make A Living From Screenwriting by Barbara Nicolosi & Vicki Peterson via link For more videos, please visit link
“‘Catcher in the Rye,’ of course,” responded the Vampire Diaries’ actor to a MobioINsider user fan asking if he had a favorite book.

Paul Wesley may not yet be as big as Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp or even Channing Tatum but he already has the makings of an adored TV star. He loves his fans, and he is known in the Hollywood circle as one of the most polite celebrities today. And if you would just find time browsing through his social media accounts—which was humongous and lively, by the way—you’d see how he makes time for his fans. He is one of the busiest “INfluencers on MobioINSider,...
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posted by Haonako
sentence-writing prompts for writer's block or if you just need inspiration. this may had been done before but heres some more just in case

✫cred tumblr✫

"She was like one of those songs from when he was growing up that sounded like rebellion, but felt like the safety of years he made it through"

"Upon seeing the sunset in her eyes, I knew my life would end at the curve of her smile."

"I could have been something to you. And you- you almost let me be"

"And you’re completely sure you had nothing to do with the forest fire?"
"Geez, burn a building down one time and you’re labeled for life."...
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posted by FreeAwesomeness
The way you killed me…and so many more…
Why? What’s the point?
For yourself? Earning yourself money?
Is that it? That’s all?

You don’t care about us in the least!
You don’t care about the pain you put so many through!
How could you? How can you?
You’re just ruthless, and nothing else

You’re just doing it so you can survive!
You’ll do anything for that!
You don’t care about what you put us through!
You’ll steal our ability to survive so you can yourself!


Because you’re selfish
And careless
And if you want to stay like that, be my guest
By my guest to let me kill you

There is a price...
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posted by vanelandsisters
Told by: Miles 'Tails' J. Prower

Chapter 1: Tails's Wish

I looked at my family and back at the stars. I looked at the moon the most, for the stars reminded me of my deceased girlfriend, Cosmo, and the moon represented me. I had promised to Cosmo that I would always think of the night sky like that. My mom whispered to me, "Look, Miles. A shooting star. Make a wish, little buddy." I closed my eyes and made a wish. We grabbed our beach chairs and looked at the sky. We were on the beach on the 4th of July, waiting for the fireworks. I was trying to hold back my tears as well as I could. When I...
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posted by vanelandsisters
Told By: Manic J. Aleena

Chapter 1: Where's Our Family?

I woke up to an empty bed under me. I was confused. Sonic always waited for our little brother to come to us. There were still a couple hours before Tails woke up, so I got up and checked all of the rooms, including his. Only Tails was found. I woke up my little bro and said, "Little bud, you're the only person I can find in the palace. C'mon." He got up and said, "What?" I nodded. I took his hand and we looked everywhere for them. Oddly, we couldn't even find our mom or dad. That frightened me, not even knowing where our parents were....
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posted by mermaidgirl1010
Crack! Snap! Crack!
Running through the woods barefoot is sooooo not fun. Because one minute you are in the pool and the next you are running for your life from who knows what. Let me start from the beginning.
One late summer day I was getting the mail. There was a letter for me.

You have been accepted at Burkly Spy School for boys and girls.
That was all the letter said. I didn't apply for a school, did I ?
I went to our pool to think it over and when I hopped in the pool
I saw a figure in the shadows. ''Who are you?" I screamed. When the person leaped at me I took off into the woods. I heard someone yell code red and then the person threw a punch. I recovered quickly and threw a punch. He fell to the ground a I took off again. Then I stopped when I thought no one was following me. Every thing went dark.
Hello Dear Reader,
I am writing an original novel and I wanted people to at least hear the word of it before I tried to get it out in the world. It's called "The Death Contracts, Vol. 1: GLIMPSE" and it's the story of the main character named Astrid Marker.
The reason why I'm posting this link everywhere I know possible is because I want fans. Desperate? No. More like curious to see how many people can review what I have so far and tell me what they think. I have the first 8 Chapters posted on my profile at the website figment.com, the link to it plus the synopsis is straight below, but I wanted...
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posted by Ichigo127
Yo! this is the first poem i wrote with a sane mind xD do tell me if you like it =)

a combination of helplessness and anger,
a combination of joy and gratitude.
what different meanings it holds!
sometimes of love,
sometimes of hate.
with what different feelings we cry!
but those tears are the same.
they dwell inside the eye,
ready to attack,
the peace of our heart.
to flood the face,
with undoubted love and care,
with undoubted anger and hate,
with undoubted pain and despair.
pain? yes, and despair too!
the breakdown of our heart,
the dawn of the truth,
leading to flood the face,
with our sentiments undoubted.
First Name: Sayori(you are called Sayorihime at your temple)
Last Name: Tsukine
Age: 16
Height: 5’7
Weight: 121
Eye Color: Pink
Hair Color: Black(straight short bangs, straight long hair that goes down to your knees and the end of the hair is straight)
Personality: Stubborn, clever, smart, tactician, strong-willed, kind and caring(but doesn’t admit it because of stubbornness)
Info: You are the descendant of a very strong and powerful miko* named Mizuhahime. You have strong powers, strong enough that if a demon absorbs you, its powers will increase by 100X and if mated with a half demon, the child...
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As an outcast, Adeena had always felt for the underdog because she saw herself in them. The queens daughters grew up in a palace. Normal french folks grew up in a village of some sort. But Adeena...Adeena grew up in village of caravans.Her father called a "tent city" because the poorest of folks could only to live there. But despite the stereotypes, she was still distanced from other children simply for being a gypsy.

"Ha..as if being a gypsy overrides every decent thing I've ever done" Adeena pondered, "If they changed the name of a rose, it would still smell as sweet. If they changed my culture,...
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My name is Carle and I am one of the few immune humans to walk a war torn living dead infested world. Let me take you back to before it started 4 years prior to the initial outbreak a couple of millionaires bought an entire hill and fortified it. The middle and upper part of the hill was cleared and a 60 ft. steel enforced concrete wall was put up, the bottom of the hill was encircled with a 30 ft. steel encased concrete wall. Some of the surrounding flatland was also cleared and minimum defenses were put up. Obviously these millionaires knew something we didn’t. This fortress - we locals...
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June 17th 100,000,000 BC 12 O'clock at night
Four children are born, quadruplets, the youngest born at the strike of midnight. The first child is named Queverial, the second Ceelarion, the third Ierailiasha, and the last one is named Mist. The father decides the last child should have a complex name as the others do but the mother has made up her mind that Mist is the perfect name.
Then she sends them through the mirror of fate to find there destiny. They may never return if they do not find it in time.

January 21st 9,999,990 BC 3:30 P.M.
The children grow up living in the chosen lands behind the...
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posted by JellyPopper
The House I Cherish And Hate

~Chapter #1~

Marie and I love to adventure. However this time we went overboard. I think this was our LAST adventure."Are we there yet!" Marie said impatiently. "Yep its right here!" I said exited. "You wanna um... walk in fist Marzia?" Marie asked. "Sure!" I said starting to rethink this whole abandon house thing. I walked in slowly and held the door open for Marie. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" Marie said. "Of course, we will. Trust me" I said trying to convince Marie not to leave. "Okay i'll look for food and you look for beds and stuff if we stay over night."...
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posted by amoremusic
My type of emotions conveys
onto how i'm really feeling inside,
my thoughts mainly consist on the
back-ground of my poetry.

As my addictive persona
starts to silhouette every-
word that i've written out
the nature of my emotions
starts to unravel at every-

My Poetry has a piece
of imagination within it-
self, the artwork of
each line has it's own
significant meaning.

Where the beauty is
that's where the poetry
lives, it lives within my soul,
as i carry each and every-line
with care, i start to share a
piece of me inside every-
lyrical line that i compose.
I had a friend, she lived in the north of China, her name was Chie. Chie was only 12 years old when she died!

It happend a few years ago, Chie and her family were going to mass on a Sunday, it was supposed to be just like any normal Sunday for her. Her and the rest of her family would get ready for mass and when they got home they would start to prepare lunch.
Little did they know that they would never sit down to have lunch together again!

Because on that day the authorities surrounded the church, held the priest under house arrest, and all the people in the church were shot dead!

The priest...
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On the drive back to my apartment, I cannot help but feel something is amiss. What it is, I don’t have a clue. As I continue the drive, I once more delve into my past…
I awaken an hour later, still in pain from the sun’s rays. I feel Perry’s dried blood on my face, and find myself disgusted at what I have done. I cannot believe the situation I’ve landed myself in. About ten minutes later, Perry returns to the cave. From where I do not care, or even want to know. I feel nothing but burning hatred and contempt for him. I still do not know what prevented...
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OCTOBER 29, 1995:
I wake up around 7:20, horrified at how long I have slept. I have not thought about that night in ages, an am absolutely horrified by what would happen next, but that story will be for another time. I know. Right now I have more pressing matters to attend to. I need to find out the reason behind the flashes I had the night I arrived. It has never happened before, and I wonder who it is that I saw lying dead on the ground during the last flash. I change once more, and remember I do not have my car. I phone Harold and he agrees to pick me up. As I wait for him,...
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I return to my apartment, and turn off the police radio, which is only reporting the incident I was involved with earlier that night. I suddenly feel tired once again, and this shocks me. As I lay back on the couch, I continue thinking of Pike, and my first night of being a vampire.
I hesitate, and then follow Perry outside. Only moments ago, I found myself full of anger, yet at the same time, worry, although not for my own sake, but for my father’s, who is still asleep in the other room. For some odd reason, I am in pain, not from my wound, which has disappeared...
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