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posted by Obscurity98
It was dark, i remember, but around me everything was moving i could hear it and feel it. The mask that i wore to keep me breath was the only thing that kept me alive. I could hear all the glass breaking, and suddenly i felt a stinging on my skin, as i looked up i saw chemicals, pouring into the test tubes. My water was infected. I needed to get out. My little five year old fists banged on the glass tube around me, nothing was helping. I couldn't get out, suddenly a large movement occurred it sent my tank flying, and it crashed to ground and broke open, and i tumbled out, water gushed onto the floor,and glass surrounding me, i grabbed a lab coat that had fallen near me. It was huge compared to my small frame. And I ran, even with the glass that tore at my feet, i ran out of The Labs. The only 'home' i had ever known, but i was glad. It was not home, i was a creation, nothing but an experiment.
one year later- I remember when i got my powers, or at least i learned how to use them. I accidently sent my adoptive parents garden on fire, but they hadn't minded.
I had only lived with them a few months, when we went for a walk in the park i remember, my mom, Mimma thought i would like to see a shorter way home and Dad, Leo agreed, so they took me through a grove of trees that i had never seen before. We ran through it when a voice made us stop. It came from behind us.
My parents spun around and glared,but backed away, there stood a man with a gun.My parents froze, the man demanded nothing, and two shots were fired. i know i screamed, and even though i did, the shots rang in my ear, my mind made me slip to the floor dazed. Suddenly a shadow appeared above me. From the minute i saw the cape i knew.It was Batman. I sat there dazed, as Batman brought the man to his knees. Soon the man was tied up and Batman turned to me, he began to walk over to me. At first my first instinct was to stay and let him come. I had been a JLA fan for all i could remember. In fact, that's all i ever watched at The Labs and even with my adoptive family.

But then my body got another signal, and i ran, i had no idea to where, but i did.I heard his voice one last time, at first i wasn't sure i heard the words right but i believe he said, "wait, don't leave."
I was seven now, and i had learned to track robbers from streets, and follow them around without notice. I wore all black, and acted to old for my age.People who saw me in regular clothes thought so anyway.
I would love to watch as the JLA swooped down and helped. Then one day on my eighth birth day something interesting happened.
Batman and the Flash brought an old friend on the mission i was tracking. It was Green Arrow. And with him was a boy, he looked older than Kid Flash and Robin. Both younger boys I had seen with Batman and Flash. I watched them foil a robbery with hostages by Captain Cold, poison Ivy and Count Vertigo.
I was so happy when they wrapped it up, until i saw Poison Ivy escape. She ran into an alley and i ran after her. In my mind i knew i had no plan, what in the world was i gonna do to stop this plant sorceress?
I finally caught up to her, and jumped in her way. She paused for a moment before she smiled, "Which sidekick are you, i thought there were only three." I smiled as plan formed in my mind all of a sudden.
I smiled back, "i ain't no side kick." She waved her hand and grabbed at my wrist with a root, "So your one of us?" She had let her guard down just a second, and it was all i needed. I jumped at her and the root was gone from my hand, "Never said that either did i?" I surprised her but she used a tree to grab my arms, sadly for her, i could control all earth, and the tree instead grabbed her. I whacked her in the head with my shoe and knocked her out. Suddenly a shadow creeped over me.
I looked up and stumbled back, it was the Sidekick that came with green Arrow. He glared at me through the domino mask, "Hey, what are you doing?" I knew i shouldn't have said it but i did anyway. "Doing your Job." and began to back away into the closest shadow range.
I heard footsteps behind the Sidekick and i kicked it into high gear,and was gone.
After that incident i started hearing about more and more sidekicks. Soon enough years passed, and the sidekick where older teenagers now, and so was i.

I longed to be on the new team that the Justice League had created but i knew it was just a dream. Or was it?
posted by SilverWings13
Her hands were wrapped around the coffee mug, staring into contents of the cup. Through out the telling of her story, Ivara's voice had remained steady, as if she were reciting the history of someone else's life, someone else's tragedy.
Everyday, at 3 pm, Nic sat outside Gotham Elementary School to pick up his ward, Jace Matthews. And everyday he had seen this girl, a brunette with streaks of color in her hair that alternated with the days, walk out of the school, alone, toward the road.
When Nic had asked Jace about the girl, he had reported that she was a transfer student from Hong Kong....
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posted by godmor
This is a small announcement, I only post this article beceas the new fanpop system is so broken Thad I can't even poste any wall posts or images anymore. so to the announcement.

I knowe I have not been on here muce lately but I wil be o more often.
and il stat whit a series of story's about Tyrion Blackwell ( the undeath king) both in his time and the modern ages, beceas I have inspiration to write about medieval stuff.

So im gald to be bak.
Godmor, a.k.a. Twan a.k.a gunfire ( and al my other oc's)
Some of Tyrion's troops
Some of Tyrion's troops
posted by Caitlyn_Grayson
Name: Caitlyn Eleanor Grayson
Alias: BrightStar
Age: 14
Relationship to Team: Robin’s cousin
Appearance: Caitlyn is tall, about 5’6” or 5’7”. She has straight blonde hair, a little longer than shoulder length, that she sometimes wears in a ponytail, and blue eyes (like those of her cousins Dick, Kyra, and Danna). She wears a blue t-shirt or tank top and short-shorts (at least on sunny days).
Personality: Caitlyn is fun, funny, and always cheerful and in a good mood. She is very high energy, extremely practical and a good problem solver. She is confident, friendly, and really determined...
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Devs~ If it’s okay with you, I made some kids for Aisling and Rowan that you can put in Generation of War if you want. Let’s assume this is a universe where Jackson doesn’t exist, so Aisling and Rowan actually end up together.

Name: Victor Matthew Heyywood
Hero Name: Apocalypse
Age: 16
Appearance: 6’1” ish, strong/solid build, wavy dark brown hair, blue-green eyes, light skin, freckles, he looks a LOT like his mom although his facial features are a bit more like his dad’s
Powers: Vic can fly, like his mother Aisling, and he also has super-strength. He mainly fights with hand-to-hand...
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posted by Robin_Love
When he awoke for the second time, he thought of a million things, coherency streaming his mind and starting the engines of his very unique brain. Out of the millions and millions of streaming thoughts, he pulled out three and processed them:
Where the heck was he?
Why was there loud knocking at “his” door so early?
Where had his snuggle buddy from last night wandered off to?
This third question brought up a million others that he was less than happy to deal with at the minute. He rubbed his eyes and yawned, stretching his arms out as he called entrance; anything to get the noise causing his...
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January 3, 2108

"Mom? Mom?" An explosion came from the sewers, dust and debris shooting up the manhole. Julie gasped. "Oh no..." Gas mask. I need a gas mask. She ran into a house and started looking around. "Shit shit shit, I need a gas mask!" Julie opened closets and drawers; but couldn't find anything. Then she cracked open a chest and found everything you would need for a bomb, so of course there were gas masks. She quickly put one on, grabbed a flashlight, and ran back out, almost tripping a few times. The girl jumped into the hole and turned on the light. She walked as quickly as she could...
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posted by Kurls_Basd
Kaya walked cautiously through the hallway tunnel, her steps were light while her hands were placed firmly around the weapon that had kept her in the game this long. Yes, a game of paintball suggested to be played by all of the young heroes that were bored out of their minds, since no missions were somehow not being given.

She came to the end of the tunnel leaning against one of the wall spying into the kitchen. There she saw Jaivus and Rene in their own little paintball war. Jaivus behind the counter and Rene behind the sofa. She smirked, aiming her paintball gun.

First shot, The paint connected...
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posted by MafiaYJ
Gold. Gold everything. And red... and green. That damned man knew too much. Mafia looked in the mirror of the room she was housed in. She had been given a green dress with gold seams. Why? She didn't know, but unless she was on a mission she had been given nothing but dresses to wear.

She sighed, "Its only been a month and I never realized how much I'd miss them. All of them. Even Alex's stupid cockiness, and Rene's tackling. Or even Babylon's sulking. Or Ashley agreeing with Twan on some nut job idea."
She run a nail on the mirror, "Is it worth it? These 3 years? To know the truth?" But it was...
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posted by SilverWings13
Her face was too pale, her breaths were too quiet, too ragged. She was stiller than her partner had ever seen her. Even while she slept, the girl's aura buzzed with energy. But she was not sleeping. Alek had overheard Dr. Xian speaking to their leader. She was unconscious, in critical condition, at risk of slipping into an indefinite comma. Blood loss and internal hemorrhaging as a result if the beating she had taken.
Not sleeping.
The boy could barely make out the meager intakes of breathe, the nearly unnoticable rise and fall of her chest. The only sign to him that his partner was truly still...
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posted by MafiaYJ
Anything in italics from this point on, is them speaking in Russian

It was what one might call a love hate relationship.
She loved it!
But she hated it!
It felt good to let loose. She almost had no idea how much she'd been holding back.

Flesh to flesh
The force of it.
The Freedom.

It was like dancing with her own music, her own twist.
She never realized how much the blood didn't bother her.It was intoxicating.
She paused and took a deep breath, looking around herself. 10 henchmen, dead. Either beat bloody or full of holes.
And at the moment she had a gun to one man's head and a knife to another. Both...
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posted by Robin_Love
Hey guys, it’s R_L, obviously. I just wanted to do something I should have done a long long time ago. I’m not leaving, if that’s what you think. But this is just as important.

I’m sorry. I’m sorry to all the people I’ve been mean to, the ones I’ve pushed so far away that they don’t come back. I’m sorry that I was such a toxic person. I shouldn’t have been and if ever you were hurt because of ANYTHING I did, I’m truly, deeply, unbelievably sorry. I’m not leaving or anything like that, just apologizing for being such a toxic person. I was still growing and learning. That’s...
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posted by Robin_Love
Name: Rebecca "Becca" Stevenson

Likes: Magic

Best Friend: Erin

Loves: Tyler

Dislikes: Skeptics

Worst Habit: She never eats enough

Personal Secret: She dated Robin and wiped his memory of her despite him being her first love

Favorite Food: Chocolate

Favorite Color: Red

Code Name: Shade

Mentor/Inspiration: Batman

Relations: Tyler Stevenson

Base of Operations: Wherever needed

Personal Home: Not Disclosed

Occupation: Hero

Job: None

Team: The Resistance
Name: Aysel Valren
Reason or meaning of name: Aysel means "Moon flood".
Eye Color: Lavender
Hair Style/Color: "Silky white" as my parents like to call it. Almost always braided.
Height: Around 5'7-5'8
Clothing Style: ...Royal? I'm not sure how to describe it other than I wear a lot of navy and forest green.
Best Physical Feature: *mumbled incoherently* (Def your cute wittle elf horns.)

Your Fears: Ruling a country.. I'm glad I'm not the eldest of my siblings.
Your Guilty Pleasure: I spend way too many hours training in combat.
Your Biggest Pet Peeve: Injustice.....
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posted by Robin_Love
The moon was high in the sky by the time she got home, her slinky black dress already too uncomfortable. She took off her heels and put the gun back in her safe. She sighed as she went to the kitchen, prepping a glass with scotch from her little bar before taking a sip. She walked into her room and put the glass on the bedside table. She slipped off the dress and dressed in a pair of black shorts and a red t-shirt too large for her frame. Seeing a red light on the phone, she played the recorded message.
“Hey Becca, it’s Devin. I know you wanted to be alone, but Fang and I-”
The recording...
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posted by SilverWings13
Name: Anastasia Alexovna Aldric (née Romanova)
Reason or meaning of name: Anastasia was her aunt's name, means "resurrection"; her middle name is a derivative of her father's name, Alexei; born Romanova, but recently married; Aldric means "wise ruler"
Eye Color: forest green
Hair Style/Color: auburn; curly; usually intricately braided
Height: 5' 2" ((v smol))
Clothing Style: comfortable. Simple jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt if she's not going to meet anyone.
Best Physical Feature: ((It's wild, but soooo soft))

Your Fears: disappointing the...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
...I haven't posted in forever, and I've finally started developing Lexi so that she can be used in things :P

Name: Alexis, or Lexi. Preferably Lexi.
Reason or meaning of name: Apparently it means I'm shy and humble.. hm.
Eye Color: They're brown.. however i do have specks of blue.
Hair Style/Color: Jet black and super silky! Although it's very.. jagged. I may or may not have cut it off with some glass.. out of.. angst?
Height: 5'6. Taller than my brother and still growing.
Clothing Style: I tend to wear very bright and what's the word? (Frilly?) That! Like, pinks and...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Name: Kori Adams at your service.
Reason or meaning of name: WELL, it was Karina, but that didn't fit my style so I aggravated the everliving sh- (*coughs*) ..crap, outta dad to change it.
Eye Color: Don't you have fu- (KORI.) *sigh* They're blue.
Hair Style/Color: Black, short, white piece in the front.
Height: I think I'm like 5'7, 5'8, idk man.
Clothing Style: Look at my father and you'll know. Black and old band t-shirts, most of them are his.
Best Physical Feature: I believe it's my white streak. (Dear God, definitely your deceiving angelic face.)

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posted by Robin_Love
Belle Reve
Belle Reve
She looked up at the large building ahead, the sun beating down on her. It was a thick wall, gray and made like a battlement of a castle's wall. There was a long way to a heavily guarded gate. The humid winds blew around her in the marshy land. She looked around for a minute, the boy still standing next to her with something of a content look on his face.
“I may not remember much, but I'm fairly certain I wasn't born in Belle Reve...”
He smiled again, that ever vague smile of the Cheshire cat.
“There's a lot for you to remember, kitten. Let's get started.”
He walked to the gate, pulling...
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posted by SilverWings13
Part 1: link

Nov 27, 1927 11:45 pm
New Orleans, Louisiana
A French Quarter dance club

Yakov stared at the other men a moment, dark eyes dancing between the Russian boy, the nervous mayor, and the intoxicated teenagers. It had been three days since the last new moon. Alexie guessed this was the first time Yakov had planned to feed since then-- that was his hope, anyway. As if by fate, the girl closest to Yakov suddenly fell into him, giggling breathlessly. She looked up at the man quizzically, as if realizing he had joined them for the first time. The girl was around 18, and the older man was considerably...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Name: Jamie Adams Norrian.. Dad calls me Princess when I complain about doing hard work. *sigh*
Reason or meaning of name: Heck if I know, I think Dad thought I was gonna be a girl. Ask my parents?
Eye Color: Blue~
Hair Style/Color: Blackish/brownish, it's medium.
Height: I'm only 5'4..
Clothing Style: Beanies and a bright shirt.
Best Physical Feature: Idk honestly, but Dad said it was my eyes.

Your Fears: Losing my family..
Your Guilty Pleasure: I really like to binge peanut butter, but Ciel's allergic soooo doesn't happen often.
Your Biggest Pet Peeve:...
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