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posted by Obscurity98
It was dark, i remember, but around me everything was moving i could hear it and feel it. The mask that i wore to keep me breath was the only thing that kept me alive. I could hear all the glass breaking, and suddenly i felt a stinging on my skin, as i looked up i saw chemicals, pouring into the test tubes. My water was infected. I needed to get out. My little five year old fists banged on the glass tube around me, nothing was helping. I couldn't get out, suddenly a large movement occurred it sent my tank flying, and it crashed to ground and broke open, and i tumbled out, water gushed onto the floor,and glass surrounding me, i grabbed a lab coat that had fallen near me. It was huge compared to my small frame. And I ran, even with the glass that tore at my feet, i ran out of The Labs. The only 'home' i had ever known, but i was glad. It was not home, i was a creation, nothing but an experiment.
one year later- I remember when i got my powers, or at least i learned how to use them. I accidently sent my adoptive parents garden on fire, but they hadn't minded.
I had only lived with them a few months, when we went for a walk in the park i remember, my mom, Mimma thought i would like to see a shorter way home and Dad, Leo agreed, so they took me through a grove of trees that i had never seen before. We ran through it when a voice made us stop. It came from behind us.
My parents spun around and glared,but backed away, there stood a man with a gun.My parents froze, the man demanded nothing, and two shots were fired. i know i screamed, and even though i did, the shots rang in my ear, my mind made me slip to the floor dazed. Suddenly a shadow appeared above me. From the minute i saw the cape i knew.It was Batman. I sat there dazed, as Batman brought the man to his knees. Soon the man was tied up and Batman turned to me, he began to walk over to me. At first my first instinct was to stay and let him come. I had been a JLA fan for all i could remember. In fact, that's all i ever watched at The Labs and even with my adoptive family.

But then my body got another signal, and i ran, i had no idea to where, but i did.I heard his voice one last time, at first i wasn't sure i heard the words right but i believe he said, "wait, don't leave."
I was seven now, and i had learned to track robbers from streets, and follow them around without notice. I wore all black, and acted to old for my age.People who saw me in regular clothes thought so anyway.
I would love to watch as the JLA swooped down and helped. Then one day on my eighth birth day something interesting happened.
Batman and the Flash brought an old friend on the mission i was tracking. It was Green Arrow. And with him was a boy, he looked older than Kid Flash and Robin. Both younger boys I had seen with Batman and Flash. I watched them foil a robbery with hostages by Captain Cold, poison Ivy and Count Vertigo.
I was so happy when they wrapped it up, until i saw Poison Ivy escape. She ran into an alley and i ran after her. In my mind i knew i had no plan, what in the world was i gonna do to stop this plant sorceress?
I finally caught up to her, and jumped in her way. She paused for a moment before she smiled, "Which sidekick are you, i thought there were only three." I smiled as plan formed in my mind all of a sudden.
I smiled back, "i ain't no side kick." She waved her hand and grabbed at my wrist with a root, "So your one of us?" She had let her guard down just a second, and it was all i needed. I jumped at her and the root was gone from my hand, "Never said that either did i?" I surprised her but she used a tree to grab my arms, sadly for her, i could control all earth, and the tree instead grabbed her. I whacked her in the head with my shoe and knocked her out. Suddenly a shadow creeped over me.
I looked up and stumbled back, it was the Sidekick that came with green Arrow. He glared at me through the domino mask, "Hey, what are you doing?" I knew i shouldn't have said it but i did anyway. "Doing your Job." and began to back away into the closest shadow range.
I heard footsteps behind the Sidekick and i kicked it into high gear,and was gone.
After that incident i started hearing about more and more sidekicks. Soon enough years passed, and the sidekick where older teenagers now, and so was i.

I longed to be on the new team that the Justice League had created but i knew it was just a dream. Or was it?
Explanations One-Shot
(Inbetween Final Battle at the School and Wally's arrival in the Cave in Chapter 15)

Artemis closed the book and laid her head on it, drifting off to sleep. She hated Biology. The two things she hated more were biology tests and late-night cramming for biology tests.

Artemis was almost asleep when the phone rang. She cracked open one eye to look at the clock. It was around one o'clock in the morning. She groaned and sat up, heading over to pick up the phone.

"Hello?" she asked sleepily.


"Holly? What are you doing calling at one in the morning?"

"Oops! I didn't wake...
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posted by Punk_Heart
I know that no one will bother reading this but I'm gonna post it anyways cause I'm tired of not saying what's on my mind. My trust in my close friends has been shattered and vice versa because I'm obviously not trustworthy enough. For the benefit of everyone please leave your minor personal problems to yourself, I respect that sometimes we all need advice from people other than our family, but I draw the line when someone posts about the same problem over and over again and gets the same advice but decides to ignore it. Not only is that rude and disrespectful but it's also very annoying. I also agree with all the annoying RP habits some people have developed and hope that people will look into those.

Well that's it flame and comment if you want I don't care, I finally said some of what's on my mind and didn't just sit back and suffer silently

Yoku sayōnara, min'na
( Bonjour!! Mclovin here me and ArtemisYJ be writtin buddies hehehehehehehehe)

The streets were silent during the night, it was like this basically every night so it didnt seem to be any different then usual. He played his guitar gentley his fingers came across the strings creating a beautiful tune, he heard the sound of change land in his case and looked up to see a man in a suit with a breif case continue on his way, he stopped playing and looked at the time, 10: 23 PM, it was getting late it looked like it was time to turn it in for the night, he took the change he had gotten playing out...
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posted by Mclovin_69
He sliced at a dummy with his sword making it fall apart and heard a little noise behind him and loooked from the corner of his eyes to see two attackers coming at him from both sides, he backflipped out of the way and took out his small daggers throwing them at the incoming dummies and made them fall apart aswell, he landed on his feet swiftly at ease and stood in a ready position with his regular sized sword breathing heavily with sweat running down his forehead, he heard clapping behind him and flipped his sword back into his side pouch and turned around smiling. The man who approached him...
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posted by SilverWings13
I realize how crummy my first bio of my OC was, so I've decided to rewrite it.

Occupation: Heroin in training- Team Young Justice
Alter-Ego: Aryess Weston aka Ary
Personality: mature for her age, but often acts like a kid to keep up the good mood; trustworthy though doesn't trust many others; very friendly unless she feels threatened; stubborn.
Age: 14
Description: 5'5"; fair hair; light gray eyes; always wears her angel-charm nacklace; two tattoos (one on left shoulder, one on lower back, both hidden from view).
Skills: no super powers, knife handling, martial arts, street fighting, mild acrobatics,...
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posted by AislingYJ
Updated 6/3/14
I'm bored, so I thought I'd share with you a few websites online that you can design your characters! There are tons of websites out there, these are just a few.
This website is by far the best superhero generator I've found. Basically you use it to make your character in costume. They have endless options of costume parts for both male and female characters, and they even allow you to move parts around, resize them, and color them. You can save the character to the game, and then load it later, but if you want to save an image to the computer, you have to take a screenshot....
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added by GlitterPuff
Rated: PG-13-ish

“Iscath…Is your father?” Max nodded shamefully.

“I’m sorry. I should have told you earlier.” Rene stayed silent, contemplating her thoughts. Max looked at her, waiting for her answer; but she never spoke.

“Well well well,” a voice from behind said. Max turned his head and gasped a little.

“D-Dad.. Uh, Hi…”

“Oh don’t try that with me,” Iscath said. “You better leave my pet alone.”


“Yes. My pet.” He started to walk up to her; but stopped to grab the remote out of his sons’ hand. “Go. Leave me be.”

“A-As you wish, father,” and...
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posted by Robin_Love
Red X
Red X
I didn't want this to be short so I added some things. But PLEASE do not use this information in any articles or rps because it is classified. And there is a reason for it but you won't know if you use it. Understand? ((Yes, mother)) Not you!

Name: Erin Mavis
Alias: Red X
Occupation: Vigilante
Powers: Super-speed (as in the lightning fast, Flash powered speed)
Skills/talents: Stealth. She can avoid ANY kind of security/trap. Even ones in the JLA. She is flexible and is a whiz with tech. She has many gadgets and not all are “child approved”.
Appearance: Her hair is short red and sometimes vibrant...
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posted by MafiaYJ
Reality Warp
Reality Warp
Name: Amora Vida Ramses
ID: Countess
Age: 16
Hair: Black Eyes: Grey Height: 5'3
Nationality: Mexican - Italian
Father: Santo Ramses (deceased Mexican)
Mother: Helena Vida DeVani Ramses (Lives in Sicily)
Job: Artist
Affiliations: Young Justice

Powers: Can warp reality with illusions that become real if permanent to long, can take peoples powers if she wills it by touch, taught by Cassandra Cain. Can use most weapons, but prefers a mace like Hawkgirl's. Flight

Background: Her family were blue bloods until her mother married her father. She had another 2 siblings that died of scarlet fever, and discovered...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx

Some people can't hold their ARSENIC.


You want to know why I left? Yes?


No? Okay then.

I'm going to tell you anyway.

1.) It wasn't really fun anymore. *shrugs*

2.) I didn't feel welcome anymore. Thanks to a few certain people.


4.) Apparently, I "ruined all the fun."


6.) All the blasted cliques and drama.


8.) One person done one thing, "Oh. Okay, that's cool." Another person does. "OH JESUS NO. GET RID OF IT BEFORE IT REPRODUCES....
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D and Booker
D and Booker
Name: Booker Hellsing

Relations: Damian Hellsing-Brother

Alias: None

Occupation: Mercenary

Race: "Human" (He is a magic user, and he's doesn't "age")

Age: 165 years old, in "human years" he's 20.

Personality: He's a dick. A jerk-off. To most. Yet he has a very subtle side to him. He looks out for his brother but also is a complete prick to Damian. He can be understanding, and isn't as much of a tease as his brother, but he can be. Booker is quiet and very to himself. He never looses his nerve and is always calm. He's straight (for the most part) but he does have a thing for Dante.

Appearance: He has...
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posted by Robin_Love
He kept his head down as he wove his way into the city. His eyes swept over the faces around him. He could sense their emotions. See through their defenses. Their fears were things he could see. He closed his eyes for a brief second. Then headed down an alleyway. He was thankful to not be noticed. He headed to a side door and down several flights of stairs. He knocked on the door. A hatch slid open, revealing piercing green eyes.
“Oh god,” Terror muttered.
“What's the password?”
“Robin you-”
“Not even close!”
“How about this? Robin open this damn door before...
continue reading... it is! Enjoy! :)

“Do it!” Shadow screamed in protest, “Push the damn thing already!”
She meant with her mind. Spectrum closed her eyes than touched the boulder and released it. The light magnified from her hand to it and the boulder gave a defining crack. The Team was able to push through. They reached down the back of the maze but was than met with surprise.
“SEE!” Wire exclaimed with an extended finger pointed to the right, Everyone gasped.
Shadow could hardly blink, her hand was raised to her throat, she was coughing with shock. At last she managed to talk, her...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Before the incident
Before the incident
Had this idea in my head for quite sometime, finally finished it yesterday on my way home!

Name: Daniel "Danny or Dani" Clancy (whichever you feel like spelling!)
Alias: Spectreo (Thanks! ^.^
Powers: -ghostly powers: flight,intangibility, and invisibility.
-gains super strength and enhanced abilities and agility his human form does not possess
-ghost sense that manifests as a blue wisp from his mouth that announces the presence of nearby ghosts.
-ghost ray early on which has become one of his most frequently used powers;becoming an energy ball that can expand in size and corresponding area...
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posted by BladeYJ
((Okay.. first graphic fanfic. This has cursing, a rape scene, and a sex scene! So I AM WARNING you here, if you don't want to read this just hit back and ignore this completely! Thank you ^-^ Also it's a song fic! The Song is "Your Guardian Angel" by "The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus" Not the best song but I was listening to it.. :) SO why not!!))

A Demon's Love.

She backed up into an alley, as four 'roided men surround her. She reached for the gun in her boot. Nothing. She hissed under her breath,"Fucking Bloodmist."

The men closed in, they didn't say anything just moved closer. Blade pulled out...
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posted by Jade_DragonYJ
Name: Fa Mulan (In English, Mulan Fa)
Alias: Jade Dragon
Occupation: hero, student
Powers: power sensing and recognition, flight, high density polymerized titanium Japanese fans, has a way with healing herbs and prefers them over modern day medicines, very intelligent, bonds with the Ancestors, professional martial artist, extremely agile
History: There was a prophecy about Mulan when she was born: It was said that she was to be the embodiment and hostess to the Jade Dragon spirit. But the Jade Dragon was the emblem of a different family. That alone caused tension between families. After a while,...
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-Ooc: I have recently fell in love with Harley Quinn (not like that butcha know) Ok so this is a part of Broken Traitor but its more of an idea.. if no one likes it ill trash it and right a different part in its place so be honest about it ;) P.s. I do not own HQ And don't hate me cos this article-

She awoke..not knowing where she was.. just that she was in different clothing. Her voice echoed,"Where am I?"
Gage's voice replied cheerly,"Oh.. we had to move positions your friends
were.. On to us."
She glared,"Gage! Why am I dressed like this!?"
"Oh.. 'cos.. now can i ask you something"
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posted by Robin_Love
Okay. So this was a challenge I took up. Please don't be offended by anything. I'm writing from how I feel the characters would react. And this never really happens. Consider it like an AU. Also, I apologize for the weird ending. I've never done this particular scene before. Enjoy!

She honestly had no idea how this had happened. She had quietly been sitting on the couch, minding her own business, when one of her teammates (she honestly didn't care who it had been) suggested they play a game. Out of no where, a horde of people seemingly materialized, and she knew that three she saw weren't even...
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posted by Robin_Love
Devin Sera Adams
Devin Sera Adams
Full Name: Devin Sera Adams
Nickname: Dev
Reason or meaning of name: Devin; fawn or divine depending on the tongue. Sera means heavenly or winged angel. Adams from my marriage
Eye Color: Bright blue
Hair Style/Color: Long and black, often straight
Height: 5’11”
Clothing Style: Modest, long dresses, usually white
Best Physical Feature: My face

Your Fears: Failing my family...
Your Guilty Pleasure: Foot rubs
Your Biggest Pet Peeve: Demons
Your Ambition for the Future: To keep my family safe

Your First Thoughts Waking Up: What should I make...
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