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posted by YJTTFAN
Dick was sitting in the back of his history class in the middle of texting Wally when he received another text. A text from Bruce no less.

You would think that having Batman as a guardian would offer some pretty interesting texts.

You would be wrong.

They never exchanged texts that might reveal their hero identities. That of course did not stop Dick from imagining what those texts would look like:

OMG scarecrow brok out

BC pnched GA. . . . LMFAO

WTF Supes fails agn

Caught Jkr W00t!

Of course Dick knew that if Batman did text, he would never text like that, but he could dream couldn't he?

As for the texts Bruce did send—since he was always out and about either caught up doing Wayne Enterprises or League stuff and was not always necessarily there—let's just say it took helicopter parenting to a new level.

His texts looked something like this:

Homework done?

Home yet? Which was Bruce's short subtle way of saying you-should-have-been-home-five- minutes-ago-and-just-because-I'm-not-there-does-not-mean-I-do-not-know-you-are-out-passed-curfew. It was unfair really. Robin was allowed to go trapeezing off rooftops in the dead of the night, getting shot at no less, and yet Dick had to be in by 9 pm. Ridiculous. Although to be fair, Gotham did have a 9 pm curfew for unaccompanied teens that were not going to or from a school related event or work.

Then there was the most common text he got from Bruce:


And Dick's least favorite:

I know what you are doing.


Very ominous.

Dick would not deny that he did have a tendency to get into mischief. He could not help it; he was a live in the moment type of guy. He also had a huge helping of humor that people just seemed not to appreciate fully.

The first time Dick had received that ominous text had been years ago shortly after he had finally adjusted to living at the Manor. There was a function and he had been about to pour a powder that he had bought from a joke-shop into a gargantuan crystal punch bowl. It would have turned the teeth green of anyone who drank from it. It was the perfect prank, because there was an hour delay from the moment the person drank to the point when their teeth turned green—by then everyone would have had a drink.

But Dick had received that text.

Prank terminated.

The second time Dick received that text, Bruce was not anywhere near Dick. In fact, he was on a completely different continent. Dick had climbed a tree, the ridiculously tall tree in Barbara's backyard, and was doing tricks on its branches much to the delight of Barbara. Barbara's aunts however, were not so delighted. They were completely exlighted and totally freaking out which was also much to the delight of Barbara.

And then Dick had received that text.

Monkeying around . . . successfully terminated.

And so it went over the years with Dick receiving that text at just the right moment.

Dick knew that Bruce officially had no superpowers, but he was not really sure if that was true. He swore that man had to be psychic. He just had to be. There was no other reason as to why the man could possible know that he was up to something.

So Dick had checked. He probably had spent at least a total of a couple weeks over the last four years trying to figure out how Bruce always seemed to know when he was up to something. Dick did not have a tracker on him and there were no hidden cameras following him around. After the Watch Tower had been built, he had suspected maybe Bruce was using the Tower to spy on him. Martian Man Hunter swore he knew nothing of the sort. Dick still suspected though. Even now, he would occasionally glance suspiciously up at the sky.

The truth was far simpler than what Dick imagination had created. Bruce had no idea of truly knowing when Dick was up to something, he simply understood how Dick's mind worked. The boy was incredibly intelligent, a little bit too curious and way too much of a thrill seeker to not be either doing something or at least thinking about doing something he probably should not be doing. Bruce figured if he randomly sent out that text there was a 97% chance of it being timely appropriate.

He did not send that text out often, just enough to get Dick thinking about his actions. Even though he never asked Dick if he actually had been up to something at the time, Bruce knew it worked.

Super Nanny had nothing on him.

AND it was just fun to do. The looks Dick gave later on at home were priceless.

Dick finished his message to Wally and pressed send. Then he looked at the text Bruce sent him. It read:

Dinner at Azzari's.

Azzari's had the best pizza in Gotham. Dick was so excited that he did not even think before replying.


Less than 30 seconds later he received another text from Bruce.

Why are you texting in class?

Dick's eyebrows knitted together in confusion. He re-read the text. Leave it up to Bruce to text him and not want a response. And the man had text-ed him while he was in class no less. He had to know he was in class, had to.

How was he supposed to respond to that?

If he responded, he would be texting in class. But Dick really wanted to explain that he had not meant to text in class and that he was only replying as a curtsey. After all, Bruce could not possibly have known that he had also been texting Wally. Right?

Dick looked out the classroom's big windows, his eyes narrowing at the cloudless blue sky. He swore he could see the Watch Tower. He looked back at his phone and then back out the window. He frowned slightly, ignoring the text Wally just sent him, and slipped the phone back into his book bag. He looked out the window again suspiciously and scooted his desk away from the window. He ignored the curious stares of his classmates.




15 blocks from Gotham Academy, high up on the top floor of Wayne Towers, Lucius Fox stopped paying attention to the boardroom meeting and looked at the man beside him. Bruce Wayne had that sly grin on his face, that I'm-messing-with-Richard look Lucius had come to know.

The man shook his head. "You leave that poor boy alone."

Bruce chuckled and put the phone back into his suit pocket.
Not mine found on
posted by Skittles98
My name is Tiki. I am a sea nymph and one of the more devious ones at that. I’m always playing pranks on the surface dwellers with the help of my dad. He is a very powerful Ocean master. One day, he assigned me a new task: play with the heart of the one named Wally West to get him distracted from his work as Kid Flash. I agreed readily to the task. I was put through a minor shaping shifting spell so I could change my dark blue skin to that of a tan human. I swam to the surface wearing a one piece swim suit. My naturally Cyan blue hair was now blonde with a blue streak and I had tattoos going...
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"They must be doing something to him."
"They must be doing something to him."
When I opened my eyes, we were in a dark room, chained to the walls. I felt a sense of deja vu as I recalled Darkseid's invasion that happened a few months back.
"Robin?" I called out, hoping for an answer.
Nothing. My nerves circled around me, causing a shortness of breath.
"Erica?" it was Aqualad's voice, not Robin's, but I was still relieved that I wasn't alone.
"Where are we?" Artemis asked. I heard her hands shuffling against the walls.
"They must have imprisoned us," I concluded, pulling at my chains. "Where's Robin?"
KF looked around. "I thought he was right next to me!"
Oh, no. I struggled...
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"My name is Poison BlackThorne." I answered. "I am the neice of Poison Ivy." "Must run in the family," said the boy wonder. I ignored him. "I tried to kill you because I was following my orders. The orders from my Master." "So who's your "Master" and is that who your working for?" asked Kid Flash. See, you got my name right, he said telepathically. I ignored that too. My Master would kill me if i turned against him and told you who he was, i thought. "Its okay, we have a deal. We'll protect you." said Artemis. "Well," I started to say, "You want to know so much? I'm working for the Joker and...
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posted by KatRox1
*Please leave a comment on what you thin should happen next, any suggestions, of just plain old comments!!*

I paced back and forth through the hallway. My heart was beating almost out of my chest. A thousand thoughts raced through my head. I had finally figured it out. The symbols on their costume, they actually meant something. My guess was that they were heroes, they didn't seem to be looking for a fight, but there just happened to be one. Also, after Zero had Jocelyn come pick us up, there was a whole news report about how some guy named Bane had robbed a bank.
But I couldn't tell Miles,...
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posted by KatRox1
She laughed under her breath, knowing that this would be awkward for the both of them. But she needed their help. Batman was standing in the corner, quietly taking with Green Arrow and Black Canary. He looked over at her, then back to the others. Anna hadn't seen Robin for 3 years, and she wasn't sure she wanted to now. But before she could change her mind, they arrived. She was only expecting to see Robin, but 5 other teens followed, one was obviously a Martian. Batman walked up to the team, "Do you have a mission for us?" A redheaded boy asked. "No." Batman replied. "Any information on Red...
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"This is the dimensional transporter."
"This is the dimensional transporter."
A hollow clanging erupted in my ears, and I realized that we were here: the Bat Cave. I heard a few flapping noises from above me, squeaking as they passed.
Of course there're bats in here, I told myself impatiently. I dared not move, for everything was pitch-black. Knowing Batman, moving a centimeter would destroy a 1,000 year old relic that would've been important to him. I heard a little whirring noise before Batman started talking again.
"Take off your blindfolds."
I ripped mine off, regretting it instantly when a bright yellow light nearly blinded my green eyes. When I squinted, it looked...
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posted by Robin_Love
Devin flew into the base just before the sun shone in. After meeting with her Sensai, Devin had been asked to help out a small animal trapped in a cage. Of course, Devin had answered right away to save the animal which turned out to be a little bear cub. It's fur had been matted and caked with mud, leaves, and blood. It had been trapped for quite awhile, starving and almost past the point of insanity. Devin had never felt so worried or hurt; the animal was wounded, starving, thirsty, and motherless. She didn't want to think of what would have happened had she not shown up. But that delay had...
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posted by Skittles98
“I still don’t know how you did that” Robin admitted
“I’ve always been good with kids” I shrugged
“I think he likes you” Kent laughed from inside the helmet.
“Shut up” I said, my face red.
“Nobody said anything” Kalder said
”I was…talking to…myself” I muttered. I glared at Kent. He laughed.
“Liana, was the spell you put on Grad and Tala permanent” Kalder asked
“To an extent. It will stay on until I remove it” I explained
“Okay. We really don’t want them turning back to normal right here or else we’d be in big trouble” he sighed
“Good point” I nodded...
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I jumped out of the way of the first serpent's fangs, nearly tripping over a fire hydrant in the process. I couldn't think of a time in my life that I was more terrified; my feet were rooted to the ground, unable to move.
The other snake however, had its eyes on Robin and Mr. Freeze. They both dodged its feverish attempts to kill them, but Nora was left unguarded.
This would've been a waste if Nora was kidnapped again, my subconscious told me.
I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." Consciously, I took hold of a piece of skin from the snake that tried attacking me, and leaped over it. Ignoring the sliminess...
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posted by Denelys
Iddentical twins but a rare sickeness got the best of me.
Iddentical twins but a rare sickeness got the best of me.
We were at a chinesse restaurant with Red Arrow.
"Okay so are you guys twins?You look alike but more like Fraternal twins."
Nobodys ever asked us that before.
"Oh sorry guess Im wrong."
No,your right well mostly we are twins Iddentical ones to be exact but I got sick as baby and my apearence changed completly.
"That explains why your Black haired with red eyes and your sister is Blonde haired with blue eyes.Like A Raven and a Dove now I get it!"
He smiled sweetly as he rubbed the back of his head.
The thing is our names don`t match our apearences.
"How so?",Okay Im Dawn and shes Dusk it does`nt match...
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posted by Skittles98
I walked to my old room and sat down. I took a deep breath. It smelled so familiar. I also smelt another smell. It smelt of sweat and candy, smell I would associate with a circus. I thought of something that happened a long time ago. When I found out Batman’s secret identity. If he was Bruce Wayne, that means Robin was…no way. Circus, gymnastics routine, Master Grayson…ROBIN WAS DICK GRAYSON!!!!!! But that still didn’t explain why he was in my room. I closed my eyes and focased on my past life, the life of me as a thief, assassin and, most notable, a ninja. Master Grayson’s ghostly...
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posted by Skittles98
I through the crowded hall way, my head looking at the ground, my shoulders tense, my feet swift. It was my first day at this new school here in Happy Harbor and I had lost my voice. I hadn’t actually lost it, but I just hadn’t found it yet. I rushed down the hall and almost crashed right into a large teen in a black tee-shirt standing with a girl in a pink skirt. I smiled sheepishly, nodded an apology and started off. I pushed my glasses up my nose and focased on getting to class before everyone else did. I felt a hand clamp firmly on my shoulder and I was spun around. It was the boy I...
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posted by Skittles98
“I will train my students while you lead your team. When they are trained, I will find the next generation and train them. I will assist you if you need help, but I will stay here otherwise” I said. I never turned around.
“Night, you’re quitting the team?” Robin asked
“Yes” I nodded
“But you never quit. No matter what” he protested
“Exactly. When you faced Superman, did you quit? When your mom was kidnapped, did you quit? When you wanted to attack Kalder, did you quit? No. You kept going, no matter the pain” Wally said
“We need you Night” Robin said
“Without you, we’re...
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posted by Skittles98
I walked down the familiar hallways of the dojo with Tiny and Killer and went into my room. It was just as I had left it. I lit the three candles on my small table, even though it was light in my room.
“Master Night? May I speak to you?” asked a voice from the door. I turned around to find the blonde haired Leah standing at my door.
“Of course Leah” I gestured for her to come in. She timidly came in. I motioned for her to sit. She sat down.
“Master Night, where did you come from?” she asked
“I was in man’s world. I had been exiled for a small amount of time” I explained
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posted by Skittles98
I climbed up the mountain. I past fifty feet, sixty feet, seventy feet, eighty feet, ninety feet, one hundred feet, one hundred and ten feet. At one hundred and thirty feet, I stopped. Everything looked so tiny. I sat on that ledge and crossed my legs. I put my hands together straight above my navel. I closed my eyes and let my senses dull. I pictured Master Grayson.
“Master Grayson. Please. Speak to me” I pleaded. A ghostly image of a young woman appeared.
“Night, I tried to warn you” she said
“I know. And I paid dearly for not. I ask for guidance” I nodded
“In what, my dear?”...
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posted by Skittles98
“Thank you Captain obvious” I rolled my eyes
“Not by me, by Roulette. She wants revenge on Black Canary and the Huntress.” Red Hood added
“How do I know you’re not lying?” I demanded
“I may be a lot of things, but I’m not a liar” Jason replied. I walked off into the bushes. Once no body could see me, I started running back to the mountain. I ran in, changed into my uniform, then sprinted through the forest. When I got near the clearing, I slowed to a walk. I walked back in the clearing and looked at Green Arrow.
“So, when do we leave?” I asked
“How’d you know we were...
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posted by Skittles98
I saw Artemis in the middle of the clearing, calling for Megan. Hopefully, Megan didn’t know that I had caught Artemis, or else my plan would fail. I heard a rustling across the clearing and saw Megan enter.
“What is it Artemis?” Megan asked
“Have you seen Night?” She asked. That was my cue. I quietly circled behind Megan, then gave the signal.
“Caw, Caw!” I called. The people I had caught burst from the bushes and surrounded Megan. I tapped her shoulder.
“Glad you could join us. Now, it’s time to track Connor.” I smiled. I walked into the forest and looked along the ground....
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posted by Denelys
The sun looked beautyfull from underwater.
The sun looked beautyfull from underwater.
We were in the water playing when Conner yelled cannonball.He splashed me,Conner before you jump its better to warn there than while your jumping.
"Sorry are you having fun?"
Are you joking im having the best time ever in my entire life.I threw a bit of water at him.
"How about a little tag?"
Tag?but we`re in the water which makes it hard to run.
"So you scared im going to catch you?"
No way dude im never going to be caught I ran but I was slow the water was getting deeper I dove underwater and swam away from wally I could`nt hear anything I was going deep down I turned around and looked at the sun...
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posted by Skittles98
“Dunuphear” I said. A silver coin appeared in my hand.
“Great job Liana” Zatanna smiled “Now let’s try the growing spell”
“Okay. Cab oot lamron” I said. The tiny doll caught on fire. Zatanna put it out quickly.
“Sorry” I squeaked
“It’s okay. I’ve burnt tons of dolls” she laughed. I knew she was lying.
“Let’s try the transfiguration spell now” she said
“Lex eeb nacorb” I spoke. The doll fizzed, glowed, then nothing. “Anied muceb namew” still nothing.
“It’s useless. I’m never going to be a sorceress” I sighed
“Keep hope Liana. Why don’t we try that...
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posted by Candy77019
"Or maybe I should save myself all the trouble and kill you now..."
"Or maybe I should save myself all the trouble and kill you now..."
I fought the urge to retch after running for what seemed like an hour. I found Darkseid in the control room, setting a launching time for a few dozen missiles.
"NO!!" I yelled, pulling him away from the dashboard.
He sent me to the wall with a gust of Air. "Just can't stop, can you?"
I rubbed my head and felt some blood. He laughed at my expression.
"Think about it, Human," he said. "At least you get to see your dear friend before your planet is destroyed."
I threw a punch at him, and regretted it. His face was rock hard, and my fists felt numb.
He took me by the wrists and lit fire onto them,...
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