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posted by YJTTFAN
Dick was sitting in the back of his history class in the middle of texting Wally when he received another text. A text from Bruce no less.

You would think that having Batman as a guardian would offer some pretty interesting texts.

You would be wrong.

They never exchanged texts that might reveal their hero identities. That of course did not stop Dick from imagining what those texts would look like:

OMG scarecrow brok out

BC pnched GA. . . . LMFAO

WTF Supes fails agn

Caught Jkr W00t!

Of course Dick knew that if Batman did text, he would never text like that, but he could dream couldn't he?

As for the texts Bruce did send—since he was always out and about either caught up doing Wayne Enterprises or League stuff and was not always necessarily there—let's just say it took helicopter parenting to a new level.

His texts looked something like this:

Homework done?

Home yet? Which was Bruce's short subtle way of saying you-should-have-been-home-five- minutes-ago-and-just-because-I'm-not-there-does-not-mean-I-do-not-know-you-are-out-passed-curfew. It was unfair really. Robin was allowed to go trapeezing off rooftops in the dead of the night, getting shot at no less, and yet Dick had to be in by 9 pm. Ridiculous. Although to be fair, Gotham did have a 9 pm curfew for unaccompanied teens that were not going to or from a school related event or work.

Then there was the most common text he got from Bruce:


And Dick's least favorite:

I know what you are doing.


Very ominous.

Dick would not deny that he did have a tendency to get into mischief. He could not help it; he was a live in the moment type of guy. He also had a huge helping of humor that people just seemed not to appreciate fully.

The first time Dick had received that ominous text had been years ago shortly after he had finally adjusted to living at the Manor. There was a function and he had been about to pour a powder that he had bought from a joke-shop into a gargantuan crystal punch bowl. It would have turned the teeth green of anyone who drank from it. It was the perfect prank, because there was an hour delay from the moment the person drank to the point when their teeth turned green—by then everyone would have had a drink.

But Dick had received that text.

Prank terminated.

The second time Dick received that text, Bruce was not anywhere near Dick. In fact, he was on a completely different continent. Dick had climbed a tree, the ridiculously tall tree in Barbara's backyard, and was doing tricks on its branches much to the delight of Barbara. Barbara's aunts however, were not so delighted. They were completely exlighted and totally freaking out which was also much to the delight of Barbara.

And then Dick had received that text.

Monkeying around . . . successfully terminated.

And so it went over the years with Dick receiving that text at just the right moment.

Dick knew that Bruce officially had no superpowers, but he was not really sure if that was true. He swore that man had to be psychic. He just had to be. There was no other reason as to why the man could possible know that he was up to something.

So Dick had checked. He probably had spent at least a total of a couple weeks over the last four years trying to figure out how Bruce always seemed to know when he was up to something. Dick did not have a tracker on him and there were no hidden cameras following him around. After the Watch Tower had been built, he had suspected maybe Bruce was using the Tower to spy on him. Martian Man Hunter swore he knew nothing of the sort. Dick still suspected though. Even now, he would occasionally glance suspiciously up at the sky.

The truth was far simpler than what Dick imagination had created. Bruce had no idea of truly knowing when Dick was up to something, he simply understood how Dick's mind worked. The boy was incredibly intelligent, a little bit too curious and way too much of a thrill seeker to not be either doing something or at least thinking about doing something he probably should not be doing. Bruce figured if he randomly sent out that text there was a 97% chance of it being timely appropriate.

He did not send that text out often, just enough to get Dick thinking about his actions. Even though he never asked Dick if he actually had been up to something at the time, Bruce knew it worked.

Super Nanny had nothing on him.

AND it was just fun to do. The looks Dick gave later on at home were priceless.

Dick finished his message to Wally and pressed send. Then he looked at the text Bruce sent him. It read:

Dinner at Azzari's.

Azzari's had the best pizza in Gotham. Dick was so excited that he did not even think before replying.


Less than 30 seconds later he received another text from Bruce.

Why are you texting in class?

Dick's eyebrows knitted together in confusion. He re-read the text. Leave it up to Bruce to text him and not want a response. And the man had text-ed him while he was in class no less. He had to know he was in class, had to.

How was he supposed to respond to that?

If he responded, he would be texting in class. But Dick really wanted to explain that he had not meant to text in class and that he was only replying as a curtsey. After all, Bruce could not possibly have known that he had also been texting Wally. Right?

Dick looked out the classroom's big windows, his eyes narrowing at the cloudless blue sky. He swore he could see the Watch Tower. He looked back at his phone and then back out the window. He frowned slightly, ignoring the text Wally just sent him, and slipped the phone back into his book bag. He looked out the window again suspiciously and scooted his desk away from the window. He ignored the curious stares of his classmates.




15 blocks from Gotham Academy, high up on the top floor of Wayne Towers, Lucius Fox stopped paying attention to the boardroom meeting and looked at the man beside him. Bruce Wayne had that sly grin on his face, that I'm-messing-with-Richard look Lucius had come to know.

The man shook his head. "You leave that poor boy alone."

Bruce chuckled and put the phone back into his suit pocket.
Not mine found on
posted by YJTTFAN
The team was out for blood.

Every ounce of Robin's stealth training would be needed for this moment.

All he needed to do was get to his motorcycle and he'd be home free.

He stood shielded by a corner in the wall and eyed his target: the main doors where his motorcycle would be. Keep yourself together Grayson, you got this.

He sprinted for the doors but froze when he heard Wally yell from the other end of the building-"He's over here guys!"

SHIT. Keep Running! You might make it!

He was just about to reach the doors when a speedster in his civvies blocked the way.

"Rob! We've been looking everywhere...
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posted by 66Dragons
Sarah was surprised to see Sam inside the elevator. He walked out, cape, suit, belt still attached, but his mask off. He walked over and looked at Sarah.

"Is there some boring assignment I can do?" he asked.

Sarah looked at him for a moment. "Talk." she said.

Revenge sighed and sat on the desk. "It's Holly. I'm worried about her."

"Why? Because she might get kicked out of this Team you guys are on?"

"No, because she's my partner."

Sarah's looks turned compassionate. She placed her hand on Sam's knee. "None of what happened was your fault." she said.

"It is." Sam said. "If I had been better, Rose wouldn't...
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posted by DaPeople316
We all raced into the mission room were batman was standing.
A few minutes later we were on the bio ship heading to the injustice league head courters.
"Michael, max fly around and scout the area." kalder ordered.
Megan opened a hatch and we jumped out. I opened my wings and flew over next to max. We flew over forest and lakes with the bio ship a couple miles back.
The building was pretty hard to miss and it being the only building in the area it was obvious it was the injustice league head quarters.
With our part done we headed back to the bio ship.
"Did you see any thing?" kalder asked.
"No." I...
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"It is a wonderful night to make a living weapon, Mr. Striker sir" said Predictor. "yes it is, hang on what is it commander?" barked william down the walkie-talkie. "The alpha team is placed around the mansion all security has been cut off everything is ready to go!" explained the commander. "It better or Saber tooth can have your head, out!"

At the village square snow began to fall in the moon light and made evrything it touched sparkle. The village was buzzing as there was going to be a new arrival, there first triplets in the village! The christmas lights flashed around the town as a the...
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posted by Robin_Love
Connor found Alisa on top of the mountain, sitting in a little nook. She was soaking up the last rays of the sun even as the tears fell from beneath her closed eyelids.
She opened her eyes at the sound of his voice.
“Connor. Hey.”
“Are you...what...Do you wanna talk about what happened?”
Alisa smiled a little.
“Thank you for not asking if I'm okay. And I'm not sure if I can explain what happened in there. The three of us always got along. We never fought. At least not like this. It never used to happen.”
“You three are learning.”
“Learning what Connor?”
“What normal...
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My name is………. Well I don’t have a name, I am an elite assassin. Since birth I was a part of the Lone Wolves, we are separated and always move. If you find one of us, and you have enough coin, you can have almost anything you want. We are bounded to our contracts until death, and no restrictions. I am human but a lot of my ‘colleges’ aren’t. I am fifteen, but don’t be surprised how we look, we have all killed numerous people and stole from ten times as many, but enough about me! I’m a little busy trying to make some noise
    I drove my motorcycle...
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posted by Skittles98
just a short little sad story about friends
I walked along the streets of Happy Harbor, jamming to my music which was turned all the way up. I was to busy jamming to see the group of people in front of me. I ran straight into a boy with black hair and sun glasses on. We both fell and his glasses fell off. I looked over and saw a pair of slightly confused sapphire blue eyes looking back. Eyes that I would recognize anywhere. He quickly put his glasses on.
“Tally?” he asked
“D-Rob?” I asked. I could tell by the hasty way he put his glasses on that he was undercover. I hugged him.
“I haven’t...
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posted by Robin_Love
Jade's voice rang loud and clear throughout the hideout. Her pain and anger was clear on her face. Her eyes started to glow a bright green, her hands ignited with a green fire. She attacked Cassie, using all her powers and strength to knock the girl out. Jade floated down, tears on her face, and kneeled down next to Robin who was holding Becca in his arms. Red X came up to them.
“This is all my fault,” she whispered. “I was just trying to save lives. I never meant for this to happen.”
“Erin, I never expected this either,” Jade replied. “Don't blame yourself!”
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posted by Robin_Love
“Cassie, go watch our little prodigy.”
Wonder Girl stepped out of the shadows, head bowed.
“You want me to protect her, master?”
“No. She needs to be stopped.”
“And if they try to help?”
“Stop her. Ignore them. They are just pawns in this game.”
“Yes master.”

“I apologize.”
“For what Jade? You could not have forseen this would happen. Becca is a free spirit.”
“No. I need to apologize because I let my emotions, as well as Robin's, control me. Kaldur, that is a deadly choice I made. And I know Erin feels the same. But Becca...she is a lost lamb. She needs a guardian...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Sound Barrier woke up on a rocky shore line and of course by the beach sat Superboy, staring at his reflection in the water. " Bored?" she asked walking up behind him and startling him with her reflection behind him, "......" he didnt answer he just went back to looking down in to the still water at himself. " I sense sadness in your life" she said as she sat down next to the boy who just kept looking into the water avoiding her eye contact. " Hmmm i guess you dont enjoy talking about your past, as i dont either". she said a looked down at her own reflection showing in the water next to Superboys....
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posted by Skittles98
all credit goes to Shade's Ninde on NOT MINE

"You seriously buy these things?" asked Roy, turning away from Kaldur's bookcase and gesturing skeptically to the set of dolls on top of it.

Kaldur shrugged, stirring the pot on his stove as it bubbled lightly.

"It is nice to feel in touch with the team when I am away from the Cave."

Roy sighed, stepping over to the kitchen table and sinking down into a chair.

"You couldn't just have photos like a normal person?"

"I have photos as well," Kaldur objected. It was true – no one had yet produced dolls of Superboy, Miss Martian or Artemis,...
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posted by Robin_Love
Robin groaned at the annoying, persistent knocking that sounded on his door. That could only mean one person; Wally. With another groan, Robin sat up, putting his sunglasses on. He dressed quickly and opened the door. Wally was surprised by the junior Bat-glare he was receiving.
“Rob! You're awake!”
“I am now! What do you want?”
“Wellllll....Iwaslookingthroughthesecuritycameras andIfoundsomeoddconversationandotherthingssoIneed youtocomeandletmeknowifthey'rereal.”
Wally's rapid talking had ended and Robin's fogged up brain was still trying to work through whatever Wally had just poured...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Kidflash sped around and punched a guard with a gun in the face knocking him out, Robin threw two of his bombs at two other guards chasing him. In the Gotham city dumpyard the team was fighting Vertigo and his henchman, Artemis shot at a group of guards making them fall to the ground, In the ship Vertigo was hiding in a henchman came up to him, " Sir our guards are being knocked out by the second we must retreat", " Hmmm..... maybe its time i step in.." Vertigo responded and began to laugh, " call the rest of the injustice league, the team of these young wannabe heroes". The guard shook his...
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By the time the rest of the team got back to the ship, snow was pelting down. It was actually falling so hard, the ship wouldn't start.

"It's too cold, and there's too much ice, she won't go." Megan said, trying to start the bio ship.

"Like a car, after a snow storm?" Robin asked.


"Well now what?" Artemis asked, tapping her nails angrily.

"Well, we really have no place to go." Conner pointed out.

"SO, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow." Wally sang.

"Oh the weather outside is frightful , But the fire is so delightful , And since we've no place to go , Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!"...
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Conner and Megan decided to voyage ahead of the others, trying to get a little time to themselves. By now it was dark, and the only thing lighting the streets was shop lights and street lights.

"They look like candles don't they?" Megan asked breathlessly.

"Yeah." Conner agreed, looking around.

"You know there's a song about candles." Megan said, recalling the lyrics.

"One candle in the night , Shining so true and bright, Still a pure and brilliant sight, one candle lights the way, This joyous time of year, Season of love and cheer, See the flame burn strong and clear, one candle lights the way."...
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posted by Robin_Love

"Hey Rob, can I borrow your cape?"
The raven haired boy looked up from his holographic computer to see his best friend.
"Why do you want to do that? I thought it gets in the your way when you run." With one eyebrow raised he looked at his friend suspiciously. Wally always made fun of his cape, saying that it smelled weird (don't ask) and how it's going to get caught on something and make him a living piñata.
"Well yea, but who said anything about running with it?"
"…Touché." He took off his cape and handed...
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posted by Robin_Love
Becca walked through the snow, up towards Mt. Justice. The winter air was refreshing and Becca loved it, even if her lips were turning blue. Becca knew she could have used the Zeta Beam, but she had already been in Happy Harbor when Robin called. Her bike had gotten totaled by some reckless driver and she had needed a lift. And a tow. The crunch of the snow rang in Becca's ears everytime she stepped. It was a beautiful sound but it added a sad thought to her happy heart. This was her first real Christmas without her parents. She sniffled a little, part from the cold and part from the sad thought....
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posted by KatRox1
( I know, it's short... but I haven't had a lot of time to write for a while... )

“Now, read her mind and tell me where the Justice League spends their free time, or your friend here gets a makeover!” Cheshire twirled her weapon in hand. I sighed and looked into Artemis’s pleading eyes, and by concentrating hard enough, it said Mt. Justice. I whispered the answer into Joker’s ear. He let out a sort of laugh. “Now, let my friends go.” I said sternly. He gave me a confused look. “Don’t play games. Let. My. Friends. Go.” I said with a hint of aggression. “Remember, I never said...
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Still not thinking the music was enough to signal their holiday spirit, Megan and Wally sat on the floor and began writing their christmas lists while RObin continued play random little songs on the piano.

"Artemis, aren't you going to write a list?" Megan asked.

"No, I haven't written one since I was six, and I'm not going to do it know." Artemis snapped.

"Come on, it's fun." Megan said happily.

"No, I'm grown up now, I don't write Christmas lists or sends them off to Santa." Artemis answered, turning on her heals to leave. Once she was safe in her room, she heard a tune from the piano echoing...
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It began to rain as Artemis and Wally entered the Mountain from the Zeta tubes in the Alley way. Recognized Kidflash B 03, recognized Artemis B O7, the machine voice said as the two entered. " So you never told me what you saw in the park? what was it?" Wally asked as they walked to the living room/kitchen area. " I-it was nothing Wally.." Artemis said as she turned away from him, " Well if it scared you so much id like to know cause you know Im your boyfriend.. and honestly i wouldnt want anything scaring you" Wally said as he faced her leaning in to kiss her, until Artemis's hand pushed him...
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