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posted by YJTTFAN
So let me start with this; I did not pick my past, or my powers. And I am not a hero, you can trust me on that. Now let’s jump right in (to what you ask? Read my freaking prolog! It’s there for a reason!)


POLAND 1941 (During The Holocaust)

“Mommy! Daddy!” A blond girl wailed and attempted to get through the line of guards. A red haired boy barely managed to pull her back before a gaurds bullet almost shot her. The summer day was bright and pretty, church bells rang in the distance and the evaporating rain off the roofs cast a shimmering light. But down below blood painted the healthy green grass, crying children and adults screams drone out the sound of the bells, and everyone stared at the ground where bodies were being thrown, instead of the rooftops. A steely eyed redhead girl walked past her brother who was comforting the little girl, she marched straight to the edge where the Nazis stood. She stared from between the guards at her parents who stood fearfully at their daughter, fear not for themselves but for her. ‘Be strong’ her father mouthed, the girl nodded. She shed no tears, she was sad and scared, terrified even; but she would not give the enemy the satisfaction of a wailing child. A guard saw the glaring, tearless girl and he looked at her.
“Strong one aren't you?” He smirked hoping to startle her, it was a fail though, he was the one startled by the murderous look she gave him. It was pure hatred a look that definitely did not belong on a eight year old, or any human being, it was demonic.
“You poor excuses of humans are *********,” She swore with utter loathing, the guard gripped the knife at his side. A red head boy came up next to the girl, he looked frightened as he tried to collect himself.
“Sara.....we need to go back now,” The boy gripped his little sister and tried to pull her back.
“The new world has no place for cowards!” The guard spat and in a single motion brought the knife down on the boys skull. The girl stared wide eyed at her dead brother. The guard looked down at the girl. She gave the same demonic glare, then she looked at the bloody knife, it was a simple blade, pure black metal and two bars that were the handles and holders. She did the most surprising thing, she smiled.
“Nice knife,” She said sweetly, her grin was creepy looking with the blood splattered across her face. The guard was thoroughly creeped out.
“Wh...” He stuttered
“I said ‘Nice knife’,” She repeated and cocked her head slightly adding the creepiness of it. And her eyes glowed orange, the guard screamed and tried to walked backwards, and he dropped the knife. Eyes still glowing Sara picked up the knife and pointed it at the man. Screaming the man's head split open, killing him instantly. The rest of the guards yelled and the kids ran off. Sara pointed at the guards and with the other hand pointed at the dead bodies on the ground and all the Nazis dropped dead. Smirking Sara closed the knife, pocketing it and walked away.



As soon as Sara walked around the corner of the school, she pulled out the old switchblade. Using one hand she fumbled around with it, twirling the blade around her fingers without getting a scratch. Flipping it over with one of her fingers she caught it mid air and stared into the black blade.
“What do you think, Victor?” She asked her brother, well she was talking to the knife, but she always thought her brother was trapped in the knife. “Should I join the team?” She asked and slipped the closed knife up her sleeve and continued walking.
“I mean should I? Can I trust them? Will they trust me? Danna and Brant are fine, and Brant is half shadow demon. But will they accept someone who feeds off people’s pain?”
“Who are you taking to?!” A voice said and Sara was pushed violently against a wall, held in place by a horrible smelling highschool guy.
“Well!?” He was definitely acting weird, his eyes jumped back and forth and he was trembling.
“What the hell are you talkin’ about?” Sara yelled trying to restrain herself from slashing this dude to bits.
“Are you gonna pay me or what?!” The drug using kid asked. Sara just looked at the kid with a ‘seriously-do-I-look-like-a-druggie-to-you?’ look.
“Well! What do you say?” The kid asked shaking her. Sara glared in response.
“Two words...’Breath’...‘Mints’. What did you do eat trash?!” Sara exclaimed. The boy snarled and slammed her against the wall again. ving her a minor headache. She smirked pain, jerkface! Her eyes glowed orange and she sent her headache to the boy. Who just shook his head slightly. Annnnnd now AMPLIFY . And she took all of the pain and cranked it up in his head. The druggie shrieked in agony (ha ha am I funny or what?), dropping Sara. She smirked and ran down the road, slowing down after a few blocks, not noticing the shadow looming behind her.
posted by Candy77019
"It's me."
"It's me."
Loud knocks woke me up from my sleep. I figured I would just ignore them.
"Jenny?" called a male voice from behind the door.
"Go away, Chris," I moaned. I pressed my back against the door so he wouldn't try to open it.
"It's me." It was the voice I would recognize anywhere, even in the grave.
I was wondering how it would sound like down there. "What do you want?"
"Can you move away from the door?" Damn, he knew everything.
I sighed and crawled away from the door and leaned against the frame of Anna's bed.
Red Arrow came inside and closed the door behind him. "Jen, I can't bear to see you like...
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Robin woke up after i jumped on his bed.
Robin woke up after i jumped on his bed.
The alarma Rang and I jumped from the bed and Ran to Robins room he was sleeping and I jumped on his bed and woke him up and I shouted:Hallowen is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
we both got dressed and brushed our,teeth hair and ran down the stairs and met the team at the mall.

We went inside a hallowen store and tried on like thousands of costumes.Robin and I decided being a Vampire couple.
M`gann had said:Cute!!!! im going as a kitty kat!
Artemis added:Im gonna be a witch hahahaha
Wally jumped and said:ohh ohhh im a Martian!
Kaldu`r and superboy I had to pick theyre costumes Superboy chossed Superman...
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posted by Skittles98
I woke up, got changed, and then headed into the lounge for some breakfast. Before I could make it into the mission room, Batman stopped me.
“I’ve just got word from Arkham that Red Hood is back to what he was before the Pit, before Joker killed him. I also got word that a girl about the age of fourteen was spotted leaving Arkham in the dead of night” Batman informed me
“Cool. I wonder where she went.” I said
“I wish I knew, because I wanted to thank her. She has improved a lot of people’s lives” he continued. I smiled. I walked into the lounge and saw Robin there. I walked over...
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posted by Candy77019
"The building may collapse at any minute!"
"The building may collapse at any minute!"
We sped through the forest and into the big square, where everybody was staring at the man on the top of the building.
"Who's that?" I whispered to Superboy.
"He's one of the managers of a Wayne Enterprises branch. Due to budget cuts, Bruce had to close this building." That was the longest sentence I had ever heard him speak.
"So he's killing himself?!" I exclaimed.
"Most likely.
We pushed through the crowd, up until the police started a perimeter. The fire on the building was so hot it was making me sweat, even though I was well a few hundred feet away from it.
An officer pulled out a bullhorn...
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posted by Skittles98
After the blood transfusion, I started practicing. I managed to learn a couple of basic spells and potions. I had even learned a metamorphosis potion so I could turn people into animals. I un-blocked my door and walked out. One of the new spells I leaned was a truth spell. Time to go find out if they really were planning my birthday. The truth spell only worked on weak willed people, so I’d have to use it on Wally because he has the weakest will. I walked into the lounge.
“Hey guys” I smiled “Guess what?!”
“What?” Robin asked
“I learned magic!” I exclaimed
“Really? Cool!”...
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posted by Skittles98
I was in a battle, me versus Joker. I punched him, he whacked me with his cane I swiped his feet out from under him, he whacked me with his cane across the nose. I went down, my nose bleeding everywhere. I heard the Joker laugh and the door to the room lock. I ran over, trying to pick the lock, but I was to slow. The dynamite in the corner exploded, killing me in the process. Suddenly, I was grasping for breath, breath I never thought I’d have again. I looked around and saw Ra's Al-Ghul standing at the edge of a pit, a look of horror on his face. Then, I was in a different place; I was running...
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posted by Skittles98
I was walking out the door when someone grabbed my shoulder.
“I don’t care what you say, M’gann, I’m not going on a date with Wally” i said, turning around. Then I realized that M’gann wasn’t the one who grabbed my shoulder. It was the Dark Night. My whole face turned red.
“Night. I wish to speak with you” he said in his deep voice.
“Ok” I squeaked. We walked into the lounge and sat at a table.
“I’ve heard that you are an honest, clever, determinded, strong, girl who can stand up for yourself. I’ve seen you fight; You are an amazeing martial artist with great power and...
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“Megan, I need your help. It concerns Sarah” I said urgently
“Alright. What do you need?” she asked
“I need you to fly the bio ship while I look for this so called house of Midas. Apollo warned me it has a huge security system though. I bet you it’s not very secure; I could probably hack it no problem” I mentioned
“Got it. I’ll be right there, just got to grab my cookies I just baked so Wally doesn’t stuff his face” she agreed. I laughed, picturing Wally stuffing his face with cookies. After M’gann grabbed the cookies and gave me one, we got on the ship and took off. I...
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When I opened my eyes and looked at the time, it was 7:30 a.m. I got up and changed in to my green sweater, my black leather jacket and my black jeans. I put on my shades and walked out the door. I walked down the hall to Sarah’s room and knocked on the door. No answer. ‘She must have gotten an early start’ I thought. I walked into the lounge to get a glass of water to find a glass already out. I went to the tap to fill it up and noticed water swishing around in the bottom. I squinted hard and realized that it formed a sentence. It said:
Robin, Melinoe the goddess of ghosts has captured...
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posted by Skittles98
As I looked back at my friends from my shadow portal, all waving I realized Robin wasn’t there. It was just like Robin not to be there saying good bye with everyone else.
“Where are you going first?” Kalder asked
“The Spercheios River in Greece” I replied
“Good luck, my friend” Kalder said as I entered my shadow tunnel
After walking for five minutes, I saw the exit.
“We’re almost there” I told Annabeth
“Sarah, can I talk to you” Nico said pulling me aside
“What is it now, Nico? Wondering how I did this?” I asked icily
“Sarah, can we put are feud behind us and focus...
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“YA” I yelled to Astéri as she came out of a nosedive
“I’m not sure I like this!” Robin yelled over the wind
“Calm down! As long as you trust me, you can trust Dusk” I replied
“Fine. But I still don’t think this is the best stealth technique” Robin said
“Who said this was for stealth?” I laughed
“You did!” He yelled
“I lied to get you up here” I yelled back
“I admit that was clever cause you would never have gotten me up here otherwise” Robin replied
“Isn’t the view beautiful” I murmured
“Yeah. Perfect for a ride on mythical horses” Robin commented
I noticed...
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posted by Candy77019
Megan groaned after a while of flying.
Megan groaned after a while of flying.
Megan groaned after a while of flying.
"What's wrong?" Aqualad asked her.
She sighed. "I could see Red Hood from here, but the bioship can't come close enough!"
I unbuckled and stood up. "So we run from here," I concluded.
The hatches opened under all of our feet and we headed toward the man in the red helmet.
"Megan, Superboy, and Erica, since you three can fly--"
"Leap," Superboy interrupted.
"You three must stay ahead of him. The rest of us will attack him from behind."
"Got it!" The three of us shouted at him.
We flew (or super-leaped) over the Red Hood and made a wall right in front of...
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posted by Skittles98
When we got back to Mt. Justice the next day( yeah that all happened in one night.) Batman said we had the day off but to stay here incase something came up. We watched the Percy Jackson movie. I regretted bringing it.
"Sarah, movies are never as good as the book. It happens every time, don’t worry” Robin soothed
"Fine, let’s go do some combat training then” I said then I walked over...
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posted by Skittles98
”Uh Sarah? Hello? Sarah?” Robin said, waving and snapping in my face.
I walked back to the group with a blank look in my eye, told everyone that they could go sightseeing with a group, grabbed Artemis and M’gann and headed straight for the new Artemis temple where no boy’s were allowed.
”What was that all about?” Artemis exclaimed
”Robin just said he had a huge crush on me” I said, ignoring her outburst.
”Your point? We already new that, just from the way he looked at you. Girl’s can tell those sorts of things” Artemis explained
”Than you can tell that KF has a huge crush...
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"Everyone cookies!!!" Me`gann said as she put a fresh bach on the table. Kid Flash ran and got two cookies.Artemis smacked him in the head."Your sopost to wait till everyone has one to get a second one stupited" Kid Flash swallowed his cookies. "Who are you calling stupit...stupit."KF sad smiling. "Verey matur wally." Artemis said rolling her eyes. I took my cookie and went to lean on the wall like I usally did. Kid Flash came up to me.

"I have AWSOME and exclusive new I would only tell my best firend!" He said looking prode of himself. "Well are you going to tell me?" I asked "Ok...Were getting...
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added by RavenclawQueen
Artemis slowly opened her eyes and the alarm clock came into her view. 9:23 AM the red letters read. Moaning she laid her head back on her pillow. Moments later she shot up sending her long blonde hair flying. She flung off the white covers, shoved her feet into her slippers and threw her fluffy, sky blue robe on.
9:23 AM is early for most sixteen year olds, but not Artemis. For Artemis anything past eight is late. When she was growing up her dad would surprise her with early morning wake ups, so she just naturally wakes up early now. She wakes up hours before her fellow team mates, but today...
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"Win again!" Artemis cheered as she bet Wally at a game of chess. Wally sighed. Artemis gave him another punch.
"Your cheating!" Wally shouted. Artemis put her hands on her hips.
"Why would you think that?" Wally pointed at Robin at far end of the room.
"Wally! Don't be so stupid!" Artemis replied. Wally angrily glared at Artemis.
"Stop helping her Robs!" Wally said as he ran up to him. Robin looked up from his phone.
"I'm not helping her!" Wally snatched Robin's phone and held it up in the air.
"Hey!" Robin tried to grab his phone off Wally but he was too fast.
"I'm so close to beating my high...
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Not Mine (

"Robin? Robin!" Kaldur hissed, looking around the darkened room the team were currently hiding in.

"He's gone isn't he?" Wally asked quietly, glancing up from the computer.

"Yep." The Atlantean nodded, exasperated.

"Figures." Artemis groaned softly. "M'gann, can you…"

She was interrupted by gunfire from the next floor up in the skyscraper and a familiar cackle.

"Oh. There he is." Kid Flash mused, before racing up the stairs.


"Seriously dude, you've gotta stop doing that." Wally grimaced as the team were assembled back in the cave.

"Stop doing what?" Robin glanced at the...
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posted by NekoTheif
Ignore the superman part
Ignore the superman part

Batman wasn't sure whether he was suppose to be angry or relieved. Robin (along with 2 others) had gone into Cadmus. Alone. And all had suffered from the injuries. So far on glance he could tell robin had several broken ribs and ankle problem and bruises. It was glad the boy wasn't dead or in a coma. Yet on the other hand he had hacked Justice League systems which spurred them into going in the first place. Batman also didn't like surprises when it came to Robin. Because nearly all of Robin's hero antic surprises ended up with him injured or captured. He watched the boy try to stay still...
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