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posted by YJTTFAN
So let me start with this; I did not pick my past, or my powers. And I am not a hero, you can trust me on that. Now let’s jump right in (to what you ask? Read my freaking prolog! It’s there for a reason!)


POLAND 1941 (During The Holocaust)

“Mommy! Daddy!” A blond girl wailed and attempted to get through the line of guards. A red haired boy barely managed to pull her back before a gaurds bullet almost shot her. The summer day was bright and pretty, church bells rang in the distance and the evaporating rain off the roofs cast a shimmering light. But down below blood painted the healthy green grass, crying children and adults screams drone out the sound of the bells, and everyone stared at the ground where bodies were being thrown, instead of the rooftops. A steely eyed redhead girl walked past her brother who was comforting the little girl, she marched straight to the edge where the Nazis stood. She stared from between the guards at her parents who stood fearfully at their daughter, fear not for themselves but for her. ‘Be strong’ her father mouthed, the girl nodded. She shed no tears, she was sad and scared, terrified even; but she would not give the enemy the satisfaction of a wailing child. A guard saw the glaring, tearless girl and he looked at her.
“Strong one aren't you?” He smirked hoping to startle her, it was a fail though, he was the one startled by the murderous look she gave him. It was pure hatred a look that definitely did not belong on a eight year old, or any human being, it was demonic.
“You poor excuses of humans are *********,” She swore with utter loathing, the guard gripped the knife at his side. A red head boy came up next to the girl, he looked frightened as he tried to collect himself.
“Sara.....we need to go back now,” The boy gripped his little sister and tried to pull her back.
“The new world has no place for cowards!” The guard spat and in a single motion brought the knife down on the boys skull. The girl stared wide eyed at her dead brother. The guard looked down at the girl. She gave the same demonic glare, then she looked at the bloody knife, it was a simple blade, pure black metal and two bars that were the handles and holders. She did the most surprising thing, she smiled.
“Nice knife,” She said sweetly, her grin was creepy looking with the blood splattered across her face. The guard was thoroughly creeped out.
“Wh...” He stuttered
“I said ‘Nice knife’,” She repeated and cocked her head slightly adding the creepiness of it. And her eyes glowed orange, the guard screamed and tried to walked backwards, and he dropped the knife. Eyes still glowing Sara picked up the knife and pointed it at the man. Screaming the man's head split open, killing him instantly. The rest of the guards yelled and the kids ran off. Sara pointed at the guards and with the other hand pointed at the dead bodies on the ground and all the Nazis dropped dead. Smirking Sara closed the knife, pocketing it and walked away.



As soon as Sara walked around the corner of the school, she pulled out the old switchblade. Using one hand she fumbled around with it, twirling the blade around her fingers without getting a scratch. Flipping it over with one of her fingers she caught it mid air and stared into the black blade.
“What do you think, Victor?” She asked her brother, well she was talking to the knife, but she always thought her brother was trapped in the knife. “Should I join the team?” She asked and slipped the closed knife up her sleeve and continued walking.
“I mean should I? Can I trust them? Will they trust me? Danna and Brant are fine, and Brant is half shadow demon. But will they accept someone who feeds off people’s pain?”
“Who are you taking to?!” A voice said and Sara was pushed violently against a wall, held in place by a horrible smelling highschool guy.
“Well!?” He was definitely acting weird, his eyes jumped back and forth and he was trembling.
“What the hell are you talkin’ about?” Sara yelled trying to restrain herself from slashing this dude to bits.
“Are you gonna pay me or what?!” The drug using kid asked. Sara just looked at the kid with a ‘seriously-do-I-look-like-a-druggie-to-you?’ look.
“Well! What do you say?” The kid asked shaking her. Sara glared in response.
“Two words...’Breath’...‘Mints’. What did you do eat trash?!” Sara exclaimed. The boy snarled and slammed her against the wall again. ving her a minor headache. She smirked pain, jerkface! Her eyes glowed orange and she sent her headache to the boy. Who just shook his head slightly. Annnnnd now AMPLIFY . And she took all of the pain and cranked it up in his head. The druggie shrieked in agony (ha ha am I funny or what?), dropping Sara. She smirked and ran down the road, slowing down after a few blocks, not noticing the shadow looming behind her.
posted by 66Dragons
Chapter 2: Damsel in Distress

Being Robin wasn't always easy. Dick had to constantly juggle schoolwork, hero responsibilities, and his own personal life. But the hardest thing was keeping you cover when someone you care about is in danger. Dick learned that lesson the hard way when Barbara was attacked. It wasn't even by some big villain like Joker or Freeze. It was just some stupid street thugs who wanted to get to the Commissioner.

Dick sat on his bed staring down at his phone in his hands. It had been a week ever since his 'almost kiss' with Barbara and they hadn't talked or seen each other...
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posted by Titaness
Clash of the Titans

Chapter One:

Whitestar Lines, Ireland
07:23 GMT December 17, 1911

I skipped happily into my dad's office. He was pretty high up in the chain of command on this project, but was never given publicity or written down as a member. He was the invisible third wheel. And he liked it that way.

Before I could walk in though, I heard my dad yelling.

"I'm not doing it, James!" my dad yelled. "That is the craziest thing I've ever heard!"

"Suit yourself!" another voice yelled. One I instantly hated. A moment later, James Hauds Stormed out of my dad's office.

James was NOT a likable guy. He...
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posted by Obscurity98
Now everyone really was crammed into the little infirmary. M'gann was crying on Conner's shoudler, Artemis was sobbing quietly, ROy was biting down on his lip, hard. Kadlur was weeping openly. Aquaman was trying to tell him some Atlantean adivce, but Kaldur just ignored him. Batman was helping J'onn up, while Superman gazed down at the girl. He remembered the first time he met her. Batman had her with him and she was all smiles, to her, Superman was one of her favorite heroes. before she joined Young justice, she lived with him and lois. And kept Krypto company, she helped him save Metropolis...
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posted by DeltaYJ
Delta's car (four seat)
Delta's car (four seat)

The band, Robin and Wally walked out of the club, smiling and laughing after the concert.
“Hey where’s Del and Fin?” Robin asked searching for his sisters.
“Oh they said they were going to get us a ‘ride’,” Mercy said Robin’s eyes winded
“A ride? Are you crazy!” Robin exclimed
“Well, I knew we couldn't exactly take the Bio-ship back, and they said they could get us a ride so,” Becca defended
“So you send two adrenaline rushed daughters of a billionaire to get a ride for a group of 8?” Robin explained.
“Well when you say it like that...”...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
"Recognized Nudge B-012" The voice of the computer filled the room as Nudge stormed over towards her brother. Fang got up and turned towards his sister as she shoved him.
"Guess who I saw today?"
"Jee, I dunno." Fang shrugged
"I met May, the clone of 'our older sister!' How could not tell me We had an older sister!" Nudge shoved Fang again.
"I had no idea!" 
"Yes you did Fang! You knew we did!"
"You were 9 Nudge, I was 10, May was 14. She was riding with some of her friend Sarah when a drunk ran a red light and hit them. It killed her instantly and Sarah's parents died, leaving Sarah alone." Fang...
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posted by InfinityYJ
"There is no way we can get home, huh?"
"Not that I know of. My com was in the jet."
"Didn't know you could be so vocal, Fin."
"Shut up Nathan."
The two continued on in the cold. Fin's coms no longer worked on the spots they were currently in. Silence pursued for a while as each teen thought about what to say to the other- sorry was too general for the things they wanted to apologize for. Finally, they made up their minds.
"I have something to-
"I think you should know-"
They stopped and looked at each other. "You first," Fin requested.
"No, ladies first."
Fin glanced down at her feet. "I-I don't...
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posted by Obscurity98
This is the song i chose for someones playlist. hope you like!

You sat me down on a rock hard chair,
You told me i'd never leave,
But i didnt care!
You're the good guy,
And i aint,
Its time to say good bye, this aint our fate.
You fight for the good,
But i dont, i dont.
I'm not sure it you love me,
Or i it just this good guy,
Bad girl chemistry?
You're the hero i'm suppose to hate,
But we dont play by the rules,
You took me on a date,
ANd when you got home, your freinds were like,
"You aint welcome back, Go get a life!"
Guess i have to say i'm sorry,
I didnt mean to casue ya trouble baby.
I'm not sure if you love me,
Or is it this good guy,
Bad girl chemistry?


I'm the villain babe,
You're suppose to stop me from coming,
Or have a luck save.
I've got a hook,
And i'm pretty sure you know,
Its got something to do with your looks.
I'm not sure if you love me,
Or is it this good guy,
Bad girl chemistry?
posted by robinfanforever
Mt. Justice

Robin was hacking into the pentagon when the unmistakable tune to the most annoying song ever came to his ears. Robin got up and opened his door, only making the tune louder. He followed it until he came to the main room. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped in horror. In the middle of the room was Superman, in a TUTU?

"I'm a Barbie girl! In a Barbie world! Life in plastic! It's fantastic!" Superman sung into a hairbrush. Robin's eye twitched.

"What detention is this?" He asked himself.

"Oh Rob don't worry this is our dimension. Isn't it? Yes it. Yes, yes, yes. See we are agreed!"...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Fang walked out of his room to greet a empty Mt. Justice. He looked at the yellow sticky note with his sisters handwriting on it "Be back later!" Fang wiped the puzzled look off his face when he saw Lynsey sitting on the couch watching tv. 
"What are you doing here?" Fang sat down beside her.
"I should ask you the same, considering you don't normally wake up at 7 in the morning." Lynsey kept looking at the TV.
"No, no no. Why are you in Mount Justice?" 
"I'm your new teammate." Lynsey got up   and walked into the kitchen.
"Batman let you?"
"Yeah. Why?" Fang just laughed "Liar." he stepped in front...
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posted by Robin_Love
Dick woke up with a horrible headache. He opened his eyes to find himself in a huge room. The furniture was simple and cherry wood, but the room it's self was amazing. The walls were a velvety red and the trimmings were a smooth gold. There was a large window opposite him and two french doors leading towards an extravagant balcony. There was a chandelier on the roof and dinning table closer to the balcony. A little couch sat to the right of the window. The rug was a simple white on cherry wood floors.
“I must be dreaming,” Dick muttered.
He heard a soft clicking noise and looked towards...
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posted by AislingCarterYJ
We followed the old man, Alfred down the hallway, our footsteps echoing across the silent house. Finally we arrived in the large living room, and Alfred turned to face us. “You must be starving.” Wally nodded eagerly. “There is some food in the kitchen, you can fix yourselves a little snack, then get to bed. Megan, Artemis, Nathan, Connor, and Kaldur, you can share the three guest rooms. Robin and Wally, you will be sleeping in Dick’s room, and Fin and Aisling will be sharing Kyra’s room. Please get to bed quickly. It’s quite late.”
We all nodded, Robin gave a small yawn, and Wally...
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posted by Obscurity98
Roy was steam and stomped over to Kaldur, who stood quickly. Still not letting Harley go. He had two things on his mind that very second, 10 what just happended to Harley adn will she be alright? 2)What will he do with ROY!?
"Love her! you cant just say things like that Kal. I've been your freind a long time, but you crossed a line." Wally spoke up suddenly,"yeah dude, Harley is his girlfreind." Kaldur was red to the face,"What do you know wally? Besides," he turned to Roy just then,"Why dont you just tell them about you and CHESHIRE! Harley is just there for you on the side, inst she?" Just...
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posted by Mclovin_69

Willow sat in the kitchen reading magazine and turned the page, Becca ran in screaming at the top of her lungs, " Willow do you know what day it is today!!!!! " Becca shouted laughing. Willow looked up at her sister, " friday " Willow asked, " no!!!!!!!!!! its Becrembrance day!!! " Becca announced, " Becrembrence day? " Wally asked walking in with Robin, " yeah!! i made it up its the day where we celebrate wonderful me " Becca said sparkkling her brown eyes, Willow laughed she loved Becca and her comments. Robin laughed " oh how ill enjoy today " Robin...
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posted by InfinityYJ
Somewhere in the Arctic, 4:49 a.m.
What he saw shocked him: his hair had turned to it's orginal mocha hue, a sign of no powers.
What he saw shocked him: his hair had turned to it's orginal mocha hue, a sign of no powers.
Nathan curled up on the rocky floor of the dark cave, protected from the snow for now. He'd found a piece of rock chipped off from the edges of the cavern and had somehow created a spark that had ignited into a flame. How it was sustaining, well, he didn't know. But it was keeping him warm, and for that he was grateful.
It suddenly dawned on him that he felt immensely drained, nearly useless. His heart wasn't beating as fast as usuall. Pushing himself up, he went to find a pool of ice, to see what was wrong. What he saw shocked him: his hair had turned to it's orginal mocha hue, a sign of no powers.
He sighed, and realized with a jolt he was in a cave. A cave... and the last person he'd seen was the Batman's daughter. This small fact slightly amused him, but amusement turned to worry. "Fin..." he murmured. "Why can't you see past what I've done? Why can't you see that I love you?"
posted by EclipseYJ
Her mind was black the only thing she could sense was a clock ticking in the icky darkness. She suddenly saw a chain with a key on the end; it looked like her bewitched key that she used for mediation. In fact it was. It began to sway in time to the clock’s tick tock tick tock, more keys began to fall as she floated by them each had a different symbol on the end. Clocks began to drop on chains to0 their hands spinning around its face violently.

The voice of Charles Xavier spoke in her head “Come now Phoebe it’s only a dream”. “It’s not a dream it’s a memory” Phoebe began to...
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posted by Skittles98
Because I felt like it XD
Because I felt like it XD
Hey everyone! It's me, Skittles98, but you could probably see that. I just wanted you to know a couple things about my articles:

1) I have made an account on and am currently posting articles on there. They're called Barrier and are by Archers98Rule (me).

2)I also made an account on, but use it less frequently. I go by Enchantress98

3) I will not be conmtinuing my current articles on this site. It will be continuing on some of the above sites (as soon as I figure out how to work

So, yeah. That's it. I'll give you guys updates about when chapters are posted and still participate in everything, I just won't be an active writer anymore. And feel free to contact me by PM on any of the sites telling me where I should go next with my articles. TTYL :)
Because I'm awesome XD
Because I'm awesome XD
posted by NekoTheif
Kat (Katirna)
Kat (Katirna)
Algebra was rotting my brain. I couldn't understand anything our teacher was saying. I jotted down things that didn't make sense and vowed to ask my brother for help. Math geek. "Do you understand any of this?" the girl next to me whispers. She looked like the kind of girl most avoid. Yet also held the obvious fact of the 'I'm rich!' screaming of her body.

I hated rich snotty people. But I myself completed half of that. I was rich now. or at least lived with someone who was. In fact most people either had a scholar ship or were rich. She was a red head. "No i don't" I shook my head. "My name...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Willow sat in the kitchen stuffing her face with her favorite icy treat of Lemon Gelato, Wally came in and smirked " why do you enjoy that so much? " he asked, " cause its good " Willow said with a spoonful in her mouth laughing, Wally looked at her demanding for more of an explanation. " See considering im part Italian Wally and Gelato is italian icecream i tend to like it " Willow said sitting on the counter and swaying her tanned legs, " and why dont you ever share any with me " Wally said, " cause its so good!!!! and once i start i cant stop til i finish the whole container " Willow said,...
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posted by DeltaYJ
The team sat in silence, a failed mission, civilians dead, unknown people found dead, the only upside that the world was now rid of a few assassins, but even that is horrible. The villain wasn’t even caught! Just a huge explosion killed and allowed an escape. Superboy sat in silence listening to the clock tick remembering the mission

Kaldur flew at the enemy with his swords attempting to push him back.
Superboy, get those doors open! he ordered!! Superboy thought as he tried to open the doors
Let me try! Delta insisted and Superboy stepped back even though he was confused,...
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posted by Robin_Love
“Just open the door! Maybe she's asleep.”
“Erin! Calm down.”
“But Willow, I haven't seen her for several weeks! I miss her!”
Erin gave Willow her puppy dog eyes and Willow groaned.
“I hate when you do that,” Willow muttered, unlocking the door with the key Becca had hid.
“I know. Wally's been helping me with it!”
Erin smirked and ran through the open door way. Willow followed slowly. Erin suddenly came back. Willow examined the almost worried look.
“What's wrong?”
“She's not here!”
“She knew we were coming Erin. I'm sure she went out to grab breakfast and is...
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