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posted by YJTTFAN
So let me start with this; I did not pick my past, or my powers. And I am not a hero, you can trust me on that. Now let’s jump right in (to what you ask? Read my freaking prolog! It’s there for a reason!)


POLAND 1941 (During The Holocaust)

“Mommy! Daddy!” A blond girl wailed and attempted to get through the line of guards. A red haired boy barely managed to pull her back before a gaurds bullet almost shot her. The summer day was bright and pretty, church bells rang in the distance and the evaporating rain off the roofs cast a shimmering light. But down below blood painted the healthy green grass, crying children and adults screams drone out the sound of the bells, and everyone stared at the ground where bodies were being thrown, instead of the rooftops. A steely eyed redhead girl walked past her brother who was comforting the little girl, she marched straight to the edge where the Nazis stood. She stared from between the guards at her parents who stood fearfully at their daughter, fear not for themselves but for her. ‘Be strong’ her father mouthed, the girl nodded. She shed no tears, she was sad and scared, terrified even; but she would not give the enemy the satisfaction of a wailing child. A guard saw the glaring, tearless girl and he looked at her.
“Strong one aren't you?” He smirked hoping to startle her, it was a fail though, he was the one startled by the murderous look she gave him. It was pure hatred a look that definitely did not belong on a eight year old, or any human being, it was demonic.
“You poor excuses of humans are *********,” She swore with utter loathing, the guard gripped the knife at his side. A red head boy came up next to the girl, he looked frightened as he tried to collect himself.
“Sara.....we need to go back now,” The boy gripped his little sister and tried to pull her back.
“The new world has no place for cowards!” The guard spat and in a single motion brought the knife down on the boys skull. The girl stared wide eyed at her dead brother. The guard looked down at the girl. She gave the same demonic glare, then she looked at the bloody knife, it was a simple blade, pure black metal and two bars that were the handles and holders. She did the most surprising thing, she smiled.
“Nice knife,” She said sweetly, her grin was creepy looking with the blood splattered across her face. The guard was thoroughly creeped out.
“Wh...” He stuttered
“I said ‘Nice knife’,” She repeated and cocked her head slightly adding the creepiness of it. And her eyes glowed orange, the guard screamed and tried to walked backwards, and he dropped the knife. Eyes still glowing Sara picked up the knife and pointed it at the man. Screaming the man's head split open, killing him instantly. The rest of the guards yelled and the kids ran off. Sara pointed at the guards and with the other hand pointed at the dead bodies on the ground and all the Nazis dropped dead. Smirking Sara closed the knife, pocketing it and walked away.



As soon as Sara walked around the corner of the school, she pulled out the old switchblade. Using one hand she fumbled around with it, twirling the blade around her fingers without getting a scratch. Flipping it over with one of her fingers she caught it mid air and stared into the black blade.
“What do you think, Victor?” She asked her brother, well she was talking to the knife, but she always thought her brother was trapped in the knife. “Should I join the team?” She asked and slipped the closed knife up her sleeve and continued walking.
“I mean should I? Can I trust them? Will they trust me? Danna and Brant are fine, and Brant is half shadow demon. But will they accept someone who feeds off people’s pain?”
“Who are you taking to?!” A voice said and Sara was pushed violently against a wall, held in place by a horrible smelling highschool guy.
“Well!?” He was definitely acting weird, his eyes jumped back and forth and he was trembling.
“What the hell are you talkin’ about?” Sara yelled trying to restrain herself from slashing this dude to bits.
“Are you gonna pay me or what?!” The drug using kid asked. Sara just looked at the kid with a ‘seriously-do-I-look-like-a-druggie-to-you?’ look.
“Well! What do you say?” The kid asked shaking her. Sara glared in response.
“Two words...’Breath’...‘Mints’. What did you do eat trash?!” Sara exclaimed. The boy snarled and slammed her against the wall again. ving her a minor headache. She smirked pain, jerkface! Her eyes glowed orange and she sent her headache to the boy. Who just shook his head slightly. Annnnnd now AMPLIFY . And she took all of the pain and cranked it up in his head. The druggie shrieked in agony (ha ha am I funny or what?), dropping Sara. She smirked and ran down the road, slowing down after a few blocks, not noticing the shadow looming behind her.
Artemis was carrying popcorn. I had drinks in my hand. No alcohol, You never knew with Bats. Megan made other stuff flow to the TV while she carried the precious pies. The guys looked up. They were sitting like I remember, Connor was sitting against the couch and the chair, legs spread on the floor. Kaldur was sitting on a chair (). Robin and Wally were sitting each at the other side of the couch. They had moved the chair against the couch. Wally hanged over the couch, grinning like a big happy idiot. “So you came Arty.” She just smiled back, jumped over the couch, letting herself land...
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'a smile grew across her blood splattered face'
'a smile grew across her blood splattered face'
“Why is this happening to me? How did I get here? Why are my friends in the other room testifying me to be innocent when they all know I’m a murderer? How did I leave the person I always wanted to be and turn into the person I said I would never be again?” Alice made her hands into a fist and a smile grew across her blood splattered face “No! I will never regret what I did, he killed my family so I killed his, they all deserved it every last Weapon x experiment. Their blood is now slashed across my face and it tastes so sweet to know that their deaths will set the ghosts of my past...
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posted by Robin_Love
“So she just doesn't remember?”
“No. It's like she had never lived a life til now.”
“So her memory is completely gone? Like a computer?”
“It seems so.”
“Why are you talking as if I'm not here?” Becca cut in.
“I'm sorry!” Willow exclaimed. “We're just worried about you.”
“Why? I'm okay.”
“Oh baby sister! I wish you were!”
Becca gave her a confused look. She looked at the others. They all wore the same worried expression. Becca turned to Robin.
“Am I really not okay?” she asked him.
“Yes. You can't remember anything, can you?”
“I know who you guys are. I heard...
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posted by EclipseYJ
"Wally just forget i said anything" Willow said crossing her arms and slouching back on the couch,
"No common you started now so you might as well tell me, i told you about the time a santery towel got stuck in my hair!"
"You're mum told me that!"
"No i just had a bad life with my foster dad"
"No you said something about abuse, did he abuse you?"
"Yes It does willow!" Wally stood up "You can share your secrets with the wall or something because if you can't tell me you can't tell anyone else!" And he stamped off. Willow leaned forward and buried her face in her hands,...
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posted by rachele_X
“Robin!” I wheezed, gasping for air. “What’s...your...problem?” He was going to suffocate me, I was going to die a brutal death...No, I told myself. I had to keep a clear head, a near impossible task when I was slowly losing oxygen. Be calm, I thought. I gathered myself, counted to three in my head, and lunged upward, trying to flip him over. His arms tightened, and he stared into my eyes. There was something wrong, I realized, with his eyes. They were dull and empty, and there was a darkness to them, like a shaded demon was lurking deep within, thrashing violently and trying to push...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Soul Stealer
Soul Stealer
" I bet you it was Douglas!" Lucas yelled, Andrew sighed " Luke you cant just think that its the same villian every single time, sure its a chance it could be him but how are we certain " Andrew said with his logic as always, " well lets try and think like the villain so if it was Douglas where do you think hed take them ?" Robin asked, everyone turned to Andrew, " as a matter of fact..." Andrew began to say to the group.


Willow groaned and lifted up her head gently to see she was tied up from...
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posted by 66Dragons

I'll get right to the point. I'm sick right now and have been unable to complete today's episode of TNARR.

However: Here is a sneak peek to this Friday's (Or next Monday's if I'm still sick) episode as a special treat:

The door busted down and flash grenades were tossed in. They detonated and everyone inside was blinded. They shot wildly at the doorway, hitting nothing but metal.

"Stop you fools!" a man shouted. He was in a business suit and appeared to be a normal business man. However, upon closer inspection, one could see his pockets stuffed with vials of drugs. "That's not gonna get the...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Robin threw a punch at Wally and he fell back trying to block it, " whats up dude? you seem slow.." Robin said, Wally gave his best friend a glare. " Well what do you expect my powers are gone!" Wally hissed, " okay okay clam down sheesh" Robin said, Wally walked out of the room in anger muttering words to himself, Robin grabbed his bottle of water and sat on the bench, Douglas came in, " hey Rob do you mind showing me some fightinf techniques " Douglas said, Robin smiled slightly and nodded, Robin turned around to put his water down and Douglas gave an evil smile and touched his shoulder,...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Willow looked at her sister with tears falling down her cheeks, she stroked Beccas hair hoping her eyes would open, " shes slipped into a coma " Andrew said looking at her monitor, " but how?" Robin asked. " Her powers are gone... " Andrew muttered. " But thats not possible!" Willow yelled in a fearful tone. " Im afraid it is..." Andrew said, Willow was about to teleport but she couldnt, " huh what... i cant telelport!" Willow said, Wally looked at her with sad eyes. " The one thing that makes me wonder... is if mine and Willows powers are gone... why did we wake up... and Becca didnt?" Lucas...
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posted by Robin_Love
“How far away is Willow?” Erin asked.
“At least ten miles. At most a million. Whoever took them wants us to not find them. But I'm still not seeing any trace of Becca,” Robin finished.
“We shall find her,” Talia assured. “Becca may be vulnerable at times, but she will lead us to her somehow.”
“Mind if we help?”
Talia opened her eyes to find a red haired girl and a blonde haired girl. The red haired girl had green eyes and the blonde had blue ones.
“Sorry for the intrusion. My name is Mercy. This is Alessia. We are friends of Becca's. We got worried when she didn't come to meet...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Sky sat down and the beach and Steel sat behind her and wrapped his arms around her though he could barely feel her touch but he tried comforting her as tears spilled out of her eyes.
Sky sat down and the beach and Steel sat behind her and wrapped his arms around her though he could barely feel her touch but he tried comforting her as tears spilled out of her eyes.
Sky grew dimmer and dimmer to Steel it was getting harder and harder to see her like he did before, Sky stood in the beach and looked at the water as Steel raan out beside her, " why did you go?" Steel asked, " hurt.." Sky said looking down with tears forming in her eyes, " what did he say that hurt you?" Steel asked, " disability" Sky said, " what is your disablity.." Steel asked. Sky looked away and Steel looked at her, she grew more and more dimm now and was even harder to see then before, " why are you disappearing.." Steel asked, Sky looked at him and looked down, "dont..." Sky whispered,...
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posted by Robin_Love
“Let me out! Who are you?! What do you want with me?!”
Willow's screaming got no reply. She pounded her fists on the barrier around her. It gave her a shock of Dark Magic and she screamed in pain. Backing away, Willow looked at her hands. The places where they had burned were healing but it hurt a lot. She sat on the ground, closing her eyes. Her mind wandered, trying to seek out her friend and sister. Something wrong was happening. She couldn't put her finger on it, but she sensed it. Willow searched throughout the prison, finding no trace of her sister. Tears welled up in her eyes as she...
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posted by KatRox1
Mercy looked around at the team nervously. She closed her eyes and sighed, “I’m… I’m not who you think I am. I didn’t come here to observe and report for my team. In fact, more than half of my team is dead. Murdered by 3 of the most psychotic people in the world, I would guess. But we did manage to kill one; the other 2, Brennan and Maura, somehow survived. We originally had 7 people on our team; only 4 of us are alive. Our team was split up and sent to different parts of the world, for protection. Caleb, one of my teammates, was sent to work with some group called S.T.A.R. My other...
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posted by TOTALIzzyluver
Chapter 2

"I know what to do." Came a voice. Everyone turned to the enterance of the lab to see a man in a suit with dark hair.
"Mr.Wayne, you told me you had a meeting with the league today." Said Dr.Dowlyn pleasently surprised. 
     'league....what league?" Leia asked herself. She knew Mr.Wayne from being over to his Manor loads of times with Dick. But what league?

   "Cancelled. But I do have a solution for Miss Coles here." Bruce Wayne said entering in now next to Dr.Dowlyn and Leia. 

******one explanation later*******

     "Wohhh So you mean you're Batman? And Dick is the..Robin??"...
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Rachel POV:

I have been told that I will be staying in mountain Justice for a unlimited time. I was sitting in the room where I was going to stay. I wasn’t happy with staying here. To be honest I was angry. Because I was staying here, I was going to miss the goodbye party from Esmee. I was most angry at Robin.
I imitated his voice: “And don’t try to escape it wouldn’t work and you only will be a bother to us.”
I hit my pillow over and over. How could I even think he was Dick!? He is a jerk.

“Uhm. I will come back later.” I turned around facing the green girl. I stopped with hitting...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Gravity Boy shot a rock at Steel knocking him into a tree, he grunted and rubbed his head as he got up. Aero shot an arrow at Becca but she teleported and appeared behind him destroying all of his arrows, He growled in anger and threw Becca into Robin knocking them both back on the ground with sounds of pain. Willow threw her beams at Steel but was thrown back, but was also caught by Wally. Melindas eyes turned purple and she threw her sparkling beam at Aero knocking him to the ground being tied up by the magical beam. He growled in anger as he struggled, Steel took out two daggers and threw...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Where was I? It was freezing and silent, my eyes shot open. I sat up and looked around, was I in the mourge? Did they really thing I had died? I was still in my costume, every thing, is so clear, I heard everything. I got up from where I was laying, and starting walking to the door but stopped.
"Wally, I don't think she's de-" Wally cut Robin off.
"Dude! She is! Did you see her vitals? They went blank. Nothing."
"She was bitten by a vampire." Fang growled at him.
"They aren't real!" Wally snapped at Fang. This was getting old. So I pushed the door open, Wally gasped and everyone just looked at...
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posted by 66Dragons
Somehow this has grown to an extremely large story. Enjoy! Feedback is appreciated on how I can improve!

Chapter Eleven-

"This is Commissioner Gordon of the Gotham Police! Drop your weapons and take off your mask!" James yelled into the megaphone.

Batman frowned and jumped up, tossing Batarangs at police officers and cars. They exploded, spreading noxious fumes from them, choking the police officers.

"Yoohooo! Batsy! There's a little bomb in that building over there! I don't quite remember what I put in it. A little of Bane's drug, a little knock out gas and---oh! How could I forget? Laughing gas!"...
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posted by 66Dragons
Act Three:

Reaper grinned as he pulled the trigger. 

The grin quickly faded from his face as he felt a booted foot slam into his cheek, knocking his bullet off course and him to the ground.

"Run, Grant!" Nightbird yelled.

Nightbird's costume fit her like a glove. The skin-tight black bodysuit outlined her curves and figure. The blue utility belt hang loosely to one side of her body. The blue bird emblem on her chest stood out brightly, matching her knee-high boots. A cape went down to her waist. Black on the outside and blue on the inside. Her mask covered the top half of her head, leaving a slit...
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posted by 66Dragons
Act Two:

"Funny that you should call me by such a name." the man said, sitting on the couch.

"What do you want?" Sam asked.

"Simply to finish what I started." Reaper replied.

"And what would that be?" Sam growled.

Reaper stood up and put his hand on Sam's shoulder. "Why to take over Grant Industries and mold it into my image."

"To do that would mean..."

"...Killing all of you first. Yes, you are quite an intelligent boy." Reaper finished.

Sam growled and kneed Reaper in the stomach before darting out the door and sliding down several flights of stairs. He darted into the garage where his car should...
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