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Downton Abbey

Anyone know when season 3 is coming out?

2 fans have answered this question

Which song and by who do you think describes romione best and why?

4 fans have answered this question

Is anyone currently writing a book if so how is your progress with it. random question i know but i was just a little curious

12 fans have answered this question
Harry Potter

did anyone else break down at the end of hp 7 part 2?

15 fans have answered this question
Rupert Grint and Emma Watson

when rupert and emma say that nothing is going on between them and their like brother and sister really' how do u feel?

1 fan has answered this question

if u have imagined Ron proposing to hermione then how did u imagine it?

5 fans have answered this question
Harry Potter

Has anyone else made a hp game?

1 fan has answered this question
Rupert Grint and Emma Watson

Have u seen any interview of Rupert and Emma together or talking bout each other. If u have then which interview have u seen in which u can clearly tell that they r in love?? Explain

2 fans have answered this question
A Series of Unfortunate Events

Did u like the end of The End? yes or no. explain

5 fans have answered this question
Harry Potter

Does anyone else think that Neville should have killed Bellatrix? if so why ?

24 fans have answered this question