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(June 6, 2011)

click clack The keys of the keyboard. click clack This clacking had been going on for an hour, devoted as I was to writing the novel I had started a month ago. It was called The Network and it was about this guy that creates a super fungus, lets himself become infected by it, and starts to take over the world using the land and sea as his media. The humans controlled the air, just to make it fair.

Engrossed as I was in in the adventures of Dan Cooper, known as "Mini" due to his immense height, I didn't hear Scar call my name the first time. It was when she said it the third time that I finally heard her.
She was looking at me like I was insane. And I guess I could be, for writing this novel. You have to be seriously messed up to write this.
"Babe?" she asked.
I saved the file and closed the laptop. I put it on the side table and looked at her.
"What's up, Scar?" I asked in return.
"You remember that day that we came home from the vet after the dog bite thing?" she said, looking me in the eyes. She was alarmingly direct.
I hesitated. "Yeah..."
"You did something to me that day." It was said as a statement of fact, rather than as a question.
I said nothing and just nodded.
"That day, I was too depressed to notice what was going on. But today, while you were writing on that novel, which is kinda strange by the way, I was thinking about that entire series of events and I found something that didn't make too much sense to me.
"When I was in that bush, crying and trying to be left alone, you went inside and got a bowl of water. It wasn't just water, was it?"
I didn't answer at first.
When I didn't, she jumped up on the bed and got nose to nose with me and asked again.
"Was there something else in that bowl of water, Colby?"
I went cross-eyed trying to keep my focus on her, she was so close.
I still didn't answer and tried to sit up, but she put a paw on my chest and pushed me back down, hard.
I nodded once.
"So there was something else in that water?"
I nodded again.
"Yes," I mumbled.
"Yes, what?" she demanded.
"Yes, there was something else in that bowl of water."
She nodded like I had revealed some big secret.
"Now that we've got that on the air, what was it?"
I looked at her, my mind speeding like a NASCAR race.
"Colby, what was it?" she asked again.
I stumbled over the first few words.
"I-it... I-it w-was a..." I paused.
She dug her claws into my shoulder as inspiration to keep talking.
"A... Sedative." I finished the sentence.
Her eyes widened. This clearly wasn't what she had expected to hear.
"It was a what?" she growled lowly. Her eyes glimmered angrily.
I repeated it.
She snarled furiously. "You drugged me?!"
I nodded meekly. Her claws gouged deep into my shoulder, which hurt a lot, but I was determined to show no weakness.
"Goddammit, Colby!" she yelled. "How could you do this to me?!"
I opened my mouth to answer, but she snapped at me. I shut it in a hurry.
"Colby, this hurts. This hurts a lot. I trusted you. I believed in you. I thought that you would protect me-"
"-but it seems I was wrong. I mean, how could you drug your mate?"
"You were everything to me!"
"There is no reason good enough for that. None at all."
I swatted her paw off my chest and sat up angrily.
"Scar, you don't know what I was thinking-"
"I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU WERE THINKING!" she shrieked. "God damn you, Colby! I loved you! But I'm done."
Her last two words put a pause in my mind.
"What?" I asked.
"I'm done. I can't trust you," she said angrily.
"What are you saying, babe?" I asked.
"Don't call me babe. I'm not your "babe". Not anymore," she snapped, furious.
"What do you mean?" I asked stupidly.
"What do you think it means, dick head!" She screamed. It means I'm leaving you!"
"But why?" I exclaimed.
She lost it. She snapped her jaws shut millimeters from my nose. I could see the finely serrated edge on her teeth. I swallowed.
"Didn't they tell you not to show fear around a wolf?" she snarled. I felt the tip of a claw tap my throat and did my damnedest not to move. The claw dragged down my throat, drawing the slightest pinprick of blood. She touched her paw to the blood drop and showed me.
"You know what that is?"
I nodded.
"It's my blood," I said.
"I could sink my teeth into your neck right now..." she hissed. "And I really want to. But animal control would get called and all that shit, so you get lucky."
"I'd feel luckier if..." I trailed off.
She pounced on that statement.
"You'd feel luckier if what?" she demanded.
"-if you forgave me and stopped clawing into my neck," I winced.
She sank her teeth into my right hand, but didn't break the skin.
"I could tear your hand off in an instant," she said around my flesh, enjoying the moment in some kind of strange psychopathic way.
"Please..." I whispered.
"Please what?"
"Please don't kill me," I said softly. "I love you."
"You don't love me. You never loved me. You lied to my friends, you lied to my family, and you lied to me. And that is unforgivable."
That hurt. I felt my eyes getting moist.
"But, Scar, I need you," I said plaintively.
"Yeah, well, I need you like another hole in the head!" she yelled.
I gasped. That was unbelievably cruel. Before I could say another word, she slapped me in the face, her claws drawing a bloody furrow in my cheek, jumped off the bed, and left the room.
"Scar!" I called desperately. "Scar, wait, please!"
I got no response.

The tears, and blood, flowed freely now. I couldn't believe she was leaving. I ripped the tubes and IVs and wires off and struggled into a pair of jeans and t-shirt. It hurt my leg, but I didn't give a shit about that. My only priority was catching Scar and making her see some sense. I hastily slapped bandages on the wounds she had given me.
My gun and its holster were in the nightstand, one of the things that Scar had picked up for me when she and Jon had gone back to our, now just my, place.
I clipped the holster to my belt, cocked the pistol, made sure the safety was on, and put it in the holster. I slipped my feet into a pair of crocs, which were perfect for people with casts on their legs. The last bit of the disguise I would use to get out was a pair of prescription aviator sunglasses and a backwards Jeff Gordon hat.
Seeing that I was due to be released the next day, it wouldn't really matter that I left now.
I managed to make it out of the hospital without being spotted, but I was stalled at the front door.
My phone rang.
I pulled it off the belt clip and looked at the screen. It was Scar!
I answered it.
"Scar, where are you?" I demanded.
She didn't tell me where she was. "I'm going to Jons."
"How?" I asked frantically.
In the background, I could hear a train horn.
"This train makes a single stop in Kettle Falls in 3 hours. You have that long to get there. If you aren't, I'm gone forever." She hung up.
I immediately made a call to my CO, Mike Metcalf.
"Mike, I need your car!" I said by way of greeting.
"Scar left me and I have to get to Kettle Falls in 3 hours, or she's gone forever!"
Over the speaker, I heard Mike fishing through something loud.
"I got the perfect set of wheels. I'll be there in 10." He hung up.

I sat down to wait on one of the benches outside the hospital.
In no time at all, it seemed, Mike was pulling up in one of the most beautiful cars I'd ever seen; the Ferrari 599 GTO. He got out, I got in, and I sped off, tires screeching.
posted by katelover14
It was the middle of the night and I heard something outside of my den i walked over there and i seen a beautiful fox walking past my den i shook my head and went back to sleep "thinking why did that fox walk past my den"? i started to wake up when i felt the warmth of the sun.oh yeah i forgot that i had to go hunting today eves going to be pissed with me but i didnt care at all.i walked over to see hadashi sitting there with her bitchy look. hadashi:what the hell took you Adrien? the whole pack was waiting for you.I'm surprised curt even made you a beta.i rolled my eyes at her and said I'm not scared of you eve is much worse.
Chapter 3: Bodies
Winston suddenly noticed Hutch walking towards a cave-like crater. “What the hell are you doing?!” Said Winston. “The suits are not ready to sustain that much cold.” “I think I see something in there.” Said Hutch. Hutch then pulled out a device that emitted blue flashes to allow him to see in the dark cave-like crater. As Hutch descended into the crater his anxiety grew, he started breath heavily as he feared something terrible was going to happen. Suddenly a flash revealed the dead body of an Eastern Pack wolf, Hutch was terrified at the sight of the body. “Holy...
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bodies, bodies were all around me.
i couldnt breathe at all since the smell was strong; how it almost sufficated me,
*OTSOA!!!* I cried out with my tears dropping, the tears helped me smell.
Southern soldiers all dead, heads and bodies torned up,
rib cages were showing almost everything.....everything.
I ran and ran all ovet the bodies til i found Otsoa's body looking untouched, though laying down.
I yelled his name and started to cry in joy because he was alriught.
The smell camed back, but deeper from Otsoa's body...
slowly i placed my paws in his face, but it all changed...since i felt blood, his face was ripped apart!!
(wakes up from a thunferstorm and finds silver and vi asleeping)
To Be Continued....
Day had becamed night, no humans were around in sight nor near the sidewalks with their cars passing by: the road was dead.
Humans house lights from every block were off.
as i waited i equipped myself; gathering just a dark bag i pulled around my side, and another important artifact i had in my life, especially when i was a pup...a neck-sized locket.
I stared and stared at it, bringing me back my past as a pup who took care of himself.
Why was this with me? who gaved it to me? i thought in my mind.
A rock banged as my ears pierced up, it was the signal; the echo.
I glanced at it a couple of seconds,...
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I woke up to the smell of sausage in my kitchen. I looked over to see that Katie was not in bed next to me. Getting up, I made my way to the kitchen and found Katie cooking breakfast and making coffee.

"Morning Babe!" Katie chirped happily.

"Morning! Wow! Your making breakfast!?"

"Well, yeah! I was hungry and I thought you would be too! I hope you don't mind." Katie said.

"Be my guest! Smells great!" I said.

Katie was wearing a white sports bra and her underwear with a beautiful white robe around her. I walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek. She giggled and continued scrambling eggs.

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Hey people hope you enjoy please spread word around about my stories none reads them lol.

The docters pulled the plug on Nathan. " is he dead" Mike the doc asked. " well I'm not sure I don't hear his heart but" he couldn't finish. " well I'm alive " Nathan said quietly. Kate, kaitlyn and everyone else was cheering and crying
" its impossible " the docter said. " well I still have a fracture and internal bleeding but alive " shadow told him quitely again.

After two weeks Nathan was all healthy " hey shadow we have to decide what type of rank you'll be in " eve told him outside his parents den....
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Okay I asked Jon/ katealphawolf if I could use him in this and he said yes and thank u Jon but here u go

When Nathan woke up he un did his belt off the tree and made a bow couple arrows and 6 knifes ( just in case) ...nathan just went down the tree when Nathan heard some alphas talking to him " hey Nathan we want to talk to you " they said in a very angry voice. " why your just gonna try to eat me ".he said " well NOW.
The wolves jumped at Nathan. Nate took out two knives. The first wolf went for his leg. Nathan easily kicked him in the neck making it fly back. The three other wolves went for...
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posted by awsomegtax
I know its been a while figured id start on this try to finish this story sory for this not being hear for such a long time.

Tony is back at his cave wear he would normally be. Waiting for his son Garth to come home so he can explain what he saw. the word "allways" streamed through his head like crazy. He slowly began to walk up to the cave. Gazing as he watches his pack work, play and do what ever.

Tony: Garth....wear are you (hanging his head slowly)

Winston begins to walk up the side hill to the cave as he trots over and sits down beside tony and looks at him

Winston: Tony......i know your...
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*At Kate Place*
"Ugh!!..Morning Jhordan" Kate said
"Morning Kate Babe" I Replied Back
" So....You Want To Eat Something With me?Kate Said
"Sure Kate I'd Love Too" i Replied back to Her
*Me And Kate Was Going to The Forest to See What We Gonna Get And Kate Found Something Spcail*
"Wow Jhordan Come See This Kate Said to me
" What is it Babe?" I said to her
" Whoa What is This?" i Said To Kate
" hmm....Looks Like a Wolf!" Kate said Surprised
" Really?!....Wow" I Said To Kate
* When me and kate Saw what it is it was a Ghost Wolf*
" Uhh. Jhordan i think it's a...a. GHOST!!" Kate Screamed
" Oh Yeah it is!!! Let's...
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Jon Looking For Kate On His Bronco.
Jon Looking For Kate On His Bronco.
Authors Note: This Picks Up Where Part 1 Left off With Eve and Garth. Also They're Spoilers For Jon's "Life With Kate" Stories.

So Eve's Children Were Kid Napped, She Houled to Call Everybody To Let Them Hear About the Event.

Everyone Was Standing In Front of Where Kate, Lilly and Humphrey Last Sat. Eve Stood on Top Of a High Rock and Said:

"About a Few Hours ago, Two humans Kidnapped Humphrey, Lilly, and Kate. (Everyone Gasps) Now, Me and Garth Are Going To Have To Search For Them, Ane We Need All The Help We Can Get. So Can You all Help Us?"

Jon Heard all the words of the annoucement and RAN PAST All The Other Wolves. "Wait, Kate Is Kidnapped?", Said Jon. "Yes." Said Eve. "That Dude Is Gonna Get It!" Replied Jon. "Let's Do It!" Yelled Jon. They Searched Every Where, In The River, The Trees, The Stumps Every Where!!!

To Be Continued.
posted by REDWolfleader
A couple of minutes after I laid down on my back, I was tackled by Chelsey.
"Hey there tough guy!"
"Wow you scared the hell out of me! I wasn't expecting any company."
"Well you got some now!" Said Isabel.
"Yes. And I'm actually glad I was starting to get bored."
"So why did you come and look at the stars?" Chelsey asked.
"Well I was thinking."
"About what?" Isabel said coming to lay next to me.
"About... My life."
"Oh. Well we needed something to do so Chelsey and I decided to come see if we could find you."
"Thank you for coming to accompany me. Having two gorges girl to talk to... It's a wonderful...
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Humphrey had just finished his last rap and he wanted to become a rockstar and he did he came up with a song for Eve to sing about how she treats him and he headed for Eve's den cause recently Winston had died so he went there and she was home he set up his mobile stage and called Eve out and began: [Bruno Mars Grenade]

Easy come, easy go
That's just how you live, oh
Take, take, take it all,
But you never give
Should of known you was trouble from the first meet,

Gave you all I had
And you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, you did
To give me all your Help is all I ever asked,
Cause what...
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posted by kates-mate101
I am Wolf pt 1

I remember… My life, as a wolf and human… Since birth, well I can’t remember much… My name is Seth. I remember clearly when I met the girl of my dreams. Kate. Her golden fur… Her brown eyes… and… aw, I won’t get into details…I’ll just start from the beginning from when I met her…

Kate sat on the edge of a clearing. The grass tickled her stomach and her pads. It was mid summer. It was dawn. Kate always headed out there. The lake sat right In front. As the dew sparkled , someone walked up to the lake. That’s where I came in. I took one hadn and ruffled my...
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added by JennaStone22
ai is controversial, but however heres what the ai generator says from a ai site:

If Kate and Humphrey decided to stay in Idaho, they would have to adjust to their new surroundings and find a way to survive without being familiar with the area. They would need to find food, shelter, and water while trying to avoid any potential predators that might pose a threat to them.
Eventually, they might be able to make friends with the local wildlife and establish a new pack. However, they would likely face challenges such as territory disputes and competition for resources.
Without returning to Jasper,...
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ai is EXTREME CONTROVERSIAL but I did got curious on found one of the ai sites and so I tried it out and this is what the ai literally said:

- The wolf pack's dynamics would have changed, as the alpha pair would be Garth and Kate, leading with their own style and rules.
- Humphrey would have felt heartbroken and rejected, and probably would have moved away from the pack or tried to find another mate.
- It is likely that Garth and Kate's progeny would have a different set of characteristics and personalities compared to Humphrey's offspring.
- The plot of the subsequent movies in the franchise would have undergone significant changes, as the focus would shift from Humphrey's adventures and romantic endeavors to Garth and Kate's challenges as leaders.

Despite these differences, I believe that the central message of the movie, which emphasizes the importance of teamwork, accepting differences, and breaking down prejudices, would have remained unchanged.
added by Chidori1334
added by Chidori1334
added by BeautifulKate
added by BeautifulKate