Alpha and Omega Club
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posted by Xero_Pyramid206
Recap: Kate, a young widowed wolf receives a letter from her dead husband, Humphrey, telling her hes waiting in their "Special Place" in the town of Silent Hill. Upon arriving, Kate slowly starts to realize this misty, quiet town has a much darker side......

Kate could not belive what she was seeing. It was some sort of human, at least its what it seemed to be, but the body itself was trapped in a blanket of flesh. the only body parts she could make out were the legs as it stumbled towards her. As the thing approached her, the static got louder and louder.

"S-stay back!" Kate mumbled in fear.

The thing hissed in response and made its way toward Kate, grunting and gurgling. Kate, in panic, searched for some type of wepon. Suddenly, she noticed a rusted steel pipe leaning agains the wall. Picking it up, she got into a battle stance.

"Ok, you wanna fight? Bring it fucker." She growled.

The creature then spit some sort of burning liquid. It stung her arm as she howled in pain at impact. It left a small burn mark.

"OW! Really?" Kate cried.

Kate soon charged at the creature, taking a swing. She managed to land a very successful blow to the head which sent the creature back, but not enough to bring it down. She took another swing and landed several more blows until the thing fell to the ground. It stopped moving and was soon in a pool of blood. The static from the raidio grew quiet too.

"What the fuck? What is that?" Kate muttered, still scared.

She kicked it in its side as hard as she could to make sure it was completely dead, and it was. She looked at the radio and put it in her pocket.

"Im taking it with me, I may need it. Besides, who's gonna notice?" Kate said, leaving the ally.

On her way out, she saw a dead wolf lying next to the dumpster. The body was completely mutilated beyond recognition, but it was wearing the same shirt and jacket, which was made for women so clearly it was a female. This freaked Kate out to no end. She noticed a key in her hand and took it. There was a tag on it reading "Wood Side Apartments".

"Well, looks like im going there next." Kate said as she took of for the complex.

As she exited the ally, her mouth droped open to find more of those creatures roaming the streets.

"Youve got to be fucking shitting me." Kate groaned.

One of the creatures turned its "head" towards her as she said that.

"Uh-Oh." Kate said, "Maybe if I run, I can get past them."

Steel pipe in hand, Kate charged for Katz St. Anytime a monster would get in her way *WHACK!* they would go flying. Once she arrived at the enterance, she groaned with annoyance only to find the main enterance blocked off with derbis and rubble.

"Great...." Kate said with sarcasam.

Soon more creatures started appearing from man holes, under cars, and alley ways.

"Even better...." Kate said with a heavy sigh.

Kate then saw a maintenance gate and ran to it, only to find it pad locked. She remembered the key she found with the body and sure enough, the door unlocked. She ran in and slammed the doors shut, locking it. After giving them the middle finger, she opened the door to the apartments.

Inside the lobby was dark, and there was trash and rubble everywhere. There was no sign of life either. Kate made her way through the dark and noticed a map of the apartments in on the front desk.

"Great, now if only I had some light." Kate said.

She looked around to see a flickering light in the hallway. Once under the light, she took a good look at the map. She decided to start on the second floor. There was an elevator on the right that was, of course, not working, so Kate decided to take the stairs. Once up the stairs and through the door, she was faced with a long, empty hallway. Some of the doors were boarded up. Kate started at the end of the hallway and worked her way down, trying all the doors. She approached the first door and tried to open it.

"It looks like the lock is broken, I cant open it." Kate groaned and moved on to the next one.

It was same thing for many of the doors. Either the door was jammed or the lock was broken. However she was able to get into room 206. She was met with a bright light. She approached it to find a flashlight sitting in the shirt pocket of an all to familiar jacket.

"This way was this conicidence.... or was it?" Kate thought.

Was Humphrey really here? If so, where was he? Kate knew she had to get the answers, and in order to do that, she had to move on. As soon as she put the flashlight in her shirtpocket, the radio emitted more loud static. She turned and headed for the door, only to see some sort or maniquen blocking her way.

"Was that there before? Is it just me or is someone else in here?" Kate said with a little fear in her voice.

She decided to brush past it when it suddenly jumped at her, knocking her back.

"HOLY FUCK!" Kate cried.

Sure enough, it was another monster. It had two womans legs and for it's uper body, it was the waist down, but the feet were missing.

"What the hell is with all these monsters!? AM I GOING CRAZY!?" Kate shouted.

The creature began to reach for her, but Kate took a swing and *WHACK!* It sent the creature flying into the closet. Kate darted into the hall to find the creatures from the streets and more of those maniquens roaming the halls.

"Give me a break." Kate said.

She ran past the monsters and made her way to the third floor. To her releif, there were no monsters on this floor, but there was indeed something odd about it. The ground was moist and there was a heavy breathing noise echoing through the hall. Kate's flashlight picked up something shiny and she saw a key on the other side of an area that was blocked off by bars.

"Maybe I could reach it?" Kate said, bending down.

She was just about to reach the key when something totaly unexpected happened. Another wolf, about maybe 16, ran from the darkness and kicked the key out of Kate's reach and stomped on her hand.

"OW!" Kate cried.

"Bitch." he said, running off.

"HEY GET BACK HERE!" She hollerd, but he was already gone.

"Dammit." Kate muttered, "What's that kid doing here alone?"

She shook it off and decided to explore the hallway a little more. This time all of the locks were broken except for 304. Kate entered, expecting to find more creatures, but instead found a strange sight. There were bullet holes and blood splatters ALL over the walls. A lone shopping cart was sitting in the middle of the room. Kate looked inside and got a huge grin on her face. There sat the ultimate weapon, a Heckler Koch USP 45. with a holster and several boxes of amunition.

"FUCK yes." Kate grinned.

She stuffed as many bullets in her pocket as she could and strapped the gun to her waist. She checked the clip to find it holding 20 rounds and fully loaded. She looked at the steele pipe and shook her head.

"Can't carry you anymore" Kate said, dropping the steele pipe on the floor with a *CLANK* and she left the room with her new weapon. Seeing there was nothing more to do on that side of the third floor, Kate moved on down to the second. Opening the door, she saw a creature staggering towards her. The radio again picked up static. But this time, Kate was NOT afraid. She fired two shots.



The creature fell to the ground in two shots.

"Haha! Nice." Kate said.

So Kate finished off all the monsters and still had good ammo left. Suddenly, Kate heard a scream from down the hall.

"HUMPHREY!?" Kate cried.

No response.

"IM COMMING! HANG ON!" Kate shouted as she ran to the source of the cries.

They were coming from 209. Kate was about to enter when static began to pick up. Kate noticed a little blocked off area of the hallway much like the one on the third floor. She peered into the darkness to see some sort of figure. She could not tell what it was, but what she could tell was that it was watching her, just as she was watching it. And she knew it wanted to kill her. Kate turned to the door and looked back one last time to find it gone. Suddnely a loud banging noise was coming from the room. She took a deep breath and stepped in only to face the most greusome sight she has ever seen in her life........

To Be Continued.......
added by anubis210
added by NadineDeer
Snow C-1
an Alpha & Omega story

Disclaimer: I do not own Alpha and Omega all rights go to LIONSGATE & Crest Animation Studios, The characters portrayed in this story are under my creativity.

Chapter 1: Lone Wolf.

(Snow's POV)

It was a beautiful day in Jasper National Park the sun was out and the radiance of the green grass was most soft and tender. The nice cool gentle breeze flowing through my fur which made my white coat sway from side-to-side. The storms had been brutal the past 2 days but no matter what the weather, nothing was going to ruin this perfect day.

I was playing outside with...
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posted by inlovewitlilly
(A/N this is the story of what would of happened if Kate married garth and what Humphrey and lilly what I think would do so enjoy:))

Chapter 1. The morning after the wedding 
Lilly was crying when Humphrey walked in to Winston's and eves den 

"Lilly are you ok?" asked Humphrey

"Uh yeah I'm fine." Lilly said as she wiped her eyes.

"What's wrong?" said Humphrey 

"You Would just think its silly" said Lilly 

"Lilly you can tell me I won't tell." 

"You promise?" said Lilly 


"Well its just that while you and Kate where away I spend time with Garth and I fell-" 

"In love with him and the...
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posted by trueshadowwolf
people were partying really hard. the party lasted for about 10 hours. the people were getting F@#$ING WILD "OK HOW ARE WE DOING ON THE ROOT BEER???" trueshadowwolf said. "DAMN IT WE'RE RUNING OUT!!!" crazyryan said. "@#$% THEN WE NEED SOMEONE TO GET MORE ROOT BEER!!!" trueshadowwolf said. "IM ON IT!!!" humphrey said. "DO YOU NEED SOMEONE TO COME WITH YOU???" trueshadowwolf said. "NO I WILL BE GOOD ON MY OWN." humphrey said. humphrey went to a grosery store. his got the root beer. BUT he grabed the wrong root beer. he actually got the beer. "im gonna drink this." humphrey said. he tasted it....
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posted by MarvelousAlpha
A/N: I was gonna stop putting these article from one of the other websites I have an account on to this one, but I decided not to. Oh and hi I'm Archangel Spirit Healer Edwards. Oh yeah sorry I wasn't actually new to fan fiction. I just didn't want to get popular so fast. That's always annoying for me.

During Chapter 8. The rest of the gangs POV:

When Kate and Humphrey finished telling the story about why Alphas and Omega could be together now, Rose said, "Wow, you've been through a lot."

"Yea, but it was really fun!" Humphrey said.

Kate asked him, "Really? You thought a human aiming a gun at you...
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Months passed bye and Kate`s stomach seemed to be growing bigger. But everyone was happy and i really was cause if i did not mate with Kate Kate`s mom would of killed me. So basically i had no choice or I would never see anyone again. I was a happy cause i can be come a father. Tonight at dinner we where peace fully eating till the moment happened. Kate yelled"MY WATER BROKE"! I Ran and called her parents and i quickly stood by Kate`s side. I said "OK I am gonna need you to push on three". She grabbed my hand "OK ready *Kate nodes* One two three. Kate screamed to the top of her lungs. She also...
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posted by metalwolf116
A&O club

as you all know i am not the sort of person to crave change. change is the world but there are somethings that don't have to change. this club for example. when i first joined the sexual content was of course one of the things that drew me to it, i was a hormone troubled teenager who was sex mad and had nothing better to do. it was because of this club i realised i was a furry and the sex on this club helped me realise that. now the purpose of this message is to inform you all that THE ANTI-SEX HAS TO STOP!!!!!!!!

My first point is the SEX IS LIFE!!!!! life is sex, reproduction,...
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posted by OfficalLilly

When they couple turned music on I listened to it carefully.It was a slow dancing one no singing just music.Garth stepped down stood on his hind legs and gestured me to come down and dance I stepped off got on my hind legs as he pulled me closer and began to slow dance I watched as hes feet moved to the melody of the music.I met his eyes as he smiled.He brushed away my bangs and put them behind me ears.When a rock song come on I stepped back as Garth started dancing like a crazy wolf.I began dancing too,I spun around and did a back flip and all of the sudden the RV jerked forward...
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posted by HumphreyAlpha
After clearing up that fight with Lilly and Garth, which involved a berry-eating squirrel and Reba the vegetarian, Akita and Delneco were under the impression that their work was done for the day.
They couldn't be more wrong.
"Hey, Deke, I'll meet you at the Moonlight Howl, alright, brother?" Akita said, still giggling from how they they helped Garth out. "I've got some stuff to take care of."
Deke shot him a curious look, but didn't push the issue. Akita would tell him when he was ready.
"That's cool, bro. Just be careful, alright?" he said to Akita.
Akita nodded back at him, and Delneco trotted...
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posted by Knittenqueen
Hey Everyone! For those of you who write fanfics, here are some movies and tv shows I think you might like for your next stories: Going the Distance, Against the Wall (tv series), Mr. & Mrs. Smith, and Sherlock Holmes 2010 film. You know the pairs H+K, G+L, and pair couple you feel comftorale with when writing your stories while using these ideas to fill in the roles for the characters. P.S. If you are planning to write a fanfic of Sleeping Beauty A&o style make the princess and prince's age at least 18-20, because 16 sounds underage to me according to the marrying age article I read. With all that take care of, I wish u luck forwriting great stories.
posted by Red_Pyramid206
Symbol on my Shoulder
Symbol on my Shoulder
Hi, my name is Chris. I am 17 years old and live in the town of Silent Hill. My mother is Alessa Gillespie, a young, innocent girl who was burned alive for "witchcraft". She was also raped at an early age. While in the hospital, she gave birth to me and my sister Cheryl, who became known as Heather Mason. After our birth, my mother died. So it turns out that I have a "gift", I am the "messiah", as they call it, to their religion. This is known as "The Order". When my mother died, I was enraged. I had dark powers within me. I could control, manipulate sick twisted demons. They did everything...
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(this takes place directly after chapter 1)

The night i had spent with crystal before was like heaven in a bed and as i caught my relaxing sleep right next to her; the misty dreams started pouring their thoughts into my head which made my eyelids go hazy.

as i drifted in to a deep sleep, these thoughts started to create visions behind my eyelids, these visions were becoming clearer, making images in my head and i found myself in a place of no recognition to my life, questions popped into my sleeping head "have i been here before" and "why here" and "why now"? The vision became very clear now...
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(June 26, 2011)

After a 16 hours of almost nonstop driving, 4 bathroom breaks, 2 meal breaks, and one traffic jam, we stopped for the night. We paid for a night, and within 10 minutes of walking through the door, everyone was asleep.

*eight hours later*

We all awoke to the blaring alarm that I had set. It was almost noon, and we needed to get back on the road. After a hasty breakfast provided by the motel, we were all back in the Nissan and on the highway once again.

The entire driving time yesterday, I had maintained a good 8 mph over the limit to save some time. The Nissan GT-R Spec V was more...
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Cando and Scar got out of bed and went out. They were only going to stay for one more day, but Scar wanted a longer trip.
“Hey, Cando, I want to have a loner trip. Where should we go?”
“You want a longer one? Well, Our trip duration will only be four and a half days.”
They both thought for a little bit. Cando had an idea!
“Sacramento, California!”
“What about it?”
“We can go there for an extended trip.”
“Sounds good!”
Humphrey reported to his squad leader. The four other wolves, Joe, Steve, Jason, and Robert were also there.
“Alright, wolves! Commander Smith will...
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posted by nalalover
Kate and Humphrey,
Lily and Garth,
Will always have there true love,
And never be apart.
Reba and Janice,
Are down to earth not square,
While Shakey has it good,
For he has found,
His double dose of love,
That is rare.
Salty and Mooch,
Will find their true love,
They are just different,
All they need is a hug.
Winston and Eve,
Are ment to be,
But if you get in a fight,
They got your back without worry.
Candu and Hutch,
Are soldiers you see,
In the front lines,
Fighting for glory.
Tony needs help,
As you can plainly see,
Because Garth is in love with Lily,
To bad Tony HEHE.
Now just wait you will see,
They are going to make,
A second Alpha and Omega story...

(By= Nalalover)
The convoy group met after lunch on a dirt road that led up to the freeway.
“Remember your convoy positions and stay in formation the whole drive! If any of you need gas, We’ll pull of and all of us will get gas! Right now, we all have full tanks, so we should go at least 200 miles without a fuel stop! Any questions?”
Everyone got in their vehicles, and got on the freeway. Humphrey radioed through all lines, “I’ll radio you when we’re approaching something, or we need to break formation. So for now, relax, listen to music, do what ever, but keep your eyes on the road. If you need...
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So it was monday after humphrey gig yesterday and humphrey was already up writing a song and it woke kate she came over and took a look over his shoulder and fond him writing a song of revenge to garth she just went and cooked breakfast and humphrey just sat there he was so into writng that he didn't notice he was stabbing him self with the pencil then he finished didn't even stop for break fast he went to his corvet and took off[the song is next cause he arrives at garth and lilly's den]

Sounds of someone puking]

There I go--thinking of you again

You don't know how sick you make me...
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posted by lillyomega22881
Humphrey and Kate loved eachother. after an adventure in Idiho they got married. it was kate's birthday and Humphrey wanted to get a special gift to express his love for her. him and his brother in law went out to find Kate a gift. " how about a caribou skin rug?" suggested Garth. " no it's not good enough." said Humphrey. " umm I know a bear skin rug!" shouted Garth. " bro that's the exact same thing." frowned humphry. " I know a goose rug!" said Garth proudly.
"DUDE IM NOT GETTING HER A RUG!" yelled humphrey.
"how old is Kate now?" asked Garth. " twenty two." replyed Humphrey. " wait. I know...
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Cathy woke up and thought of something. He and Faolan have never come face to face. She had to meet him.
“Hey, Humphrey.”
“I want to meet this Faolan guy. We could meet each other face to face.”
“Alright. We’ll arrange something.”
Later that day, they all met together. Cathy saw Faolan, the beautiful wolf.
“Who’s that beauty there?”
“That is Faolan.”
Cathy paused, “Faolan looks hot? I figured he’s be ugly!”
Faolan saw Cathy, “Hey Humphrey, aren’t you going to introduce me to her? It’s respectful.”
“This is my beautiful girl friend, Cathy....
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