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Snow (An Alpha and Omega Story) Chapter 4

Chapter IV



Previously on Snow...

"Violet, there's something I want to ask you." He said. Hearing the nervousness in his voice Violet opened her eyes and stared at her mate "of course, anything" she said. Snow looked at her and smiled "Will you marry me?"


Violet looked at the love of her life with a elated smile and said. "YES, YES, YES, Of course yes!" Violet exclaimed, Violet took hold of Snow's cheeks and pulled him in for a forceful kiss and held him there with great compassion and love for her future husband. Meanwhile Lilly and Garth both smiled at the happy couple and headed back to their den.

"When do you want the wedding?" Snow asked blushing underneath his fur

"How about today?" Violet responded and Snow stepped back in shock before responding "Yeah sure, that would be perfect." Snow smiled and gave Violet a loving kiss.


(Meanwhile at Lilly's and Garth's den)
(Violet's POV)

Violet rushed back to the den to give the big news to Garth and Lilly. "MOM! DAD!" Violet exclaimed "What's the big surprise of excitement Violet?" "Snow asked me to marry him!" Violet jumped around with a jolly smile on her face. "That's great Violet! When is the wedding?" "Today!" Violet exclaimed "We must get you ready then" Lilly said "Garth can you kindly get a pinecone for me? We need to make her look perfect for her big day!" Lilly smiled and Garth headed his way out if the den to find a pinecone for Lilly.

Meanwhile Snow went to visit Humphrey's and Kate's den to help him with his marriage with Violet. He entered the den with a huge grin plastered on his face "My, my you look happy. What's the big news?" Humphrey asked "I asked Violet to marry me, And she said yes!" Snow nearly shouted "That's great news Snow! Let me guess you want me to make you look pretty, to impress your new found mate?" Kate mischievously smiled. "That would be great! Thanks Kate." So Kate picked up a dropped pinecone with her mouth and started brushing Snow's fur 'till it was all neatly brushed from head-to-tail "There you go!" Kate dropped the pinecone and licked her paw and brushed away some loose strands if fur that had fallen in-front of his left eye. "There you go, you look stunning Snow, now lets just hope the other female wolves don't fall over you." Kate chuckled "thanks Kate" Snow smiled at Kate and Humphrey until Humphrey spoke "I'll let everyone know there will be a wedding today." So Humphrey and Snow exited the den and Humphrey stopped at the mouth of the den, took a big inhale of air before letting out a howl to inform the pack of a wedding, whilst Snow headed to the couples ground. Along the way all of the female wolves were staring at Snow as he walked by, howling at the prowess of his submitted good looks and finely brushed fur.

(Back at Kate and Humphrey's den)
(Jessie's POV)


"What's wrong Jessie? Aren't you going to the wedding?" Kate asked. "I'm going Mom but... I wanted to ask you something first..." Jessie responded rubbing the back of her head with her paw "And what's that dear?" Well the problem is that, I like Snow more than ever but for some reason, I have a feeling that I'm more attracted to Drew... What do you think Mom?" Jessie asked

"Just follow your heart Jessie and you will find your true love one day. Now be a good girl at the wedding ok sweetie."

"Thanks Mom I will." Jessie smiled and headed to the valley.

(Back at Kate and Humphrey's den)

"What has gotten into her?" Humphrey asked looking to Kate. "I don't know Humphrey but I have a bad feeling about this situation with Snow." Oh? And why's that Kate?" Humphrey tilted his head in curiosity "Well haven't you seen it for yourself? The hell that Snow has been through ever since he returned? His parents kicked him out of their den for no reason, he gets injured by that wolf who harmed my daughter and now Jessie's acting up... Something or someone has formed an alliance for Snow to be terminated." Kate sadly looked to the ground and put her head on her paws.

(Garth and Lilly's den)
(Violet's POV)

Garth soon arrived back at the den with a pinecone held within his mouth and approached Lilly and passed it to her, touching noses as the two mates passed the pinecone from one-to-the-other.

Lilly pulled away from Garth and spoke in a muffled tone "Thank you dear."

Lilly approached Violet and brushed her fur in gentle strokes on her back and tail. "Now Violet, if Snow gives you any trouble, take those beautiful paws of yours, go for the throat, and don't let go until the body stops shaking." Violets eyes widened and looked to Garth "Just like her mother." Garth chuckled nervously "I'll make sure he causes no trouble Mom, and I'm sure he can't possibly harm me... He's not like that... is he?" Violet looked to Lilly who was still brushing Violet's tail.

"Let's hope he isn't Violet, or he's gotta deal with me..."

"Ok looks like your done Violet."

Lilly dropped the pinecone and Garth walked up to Violet with a white flower held in his mouth "just a little something to make Snow drool." Garth chuckled and placed the flower behind her left ear "Thanks Dad."

"Your welcome Violet... Now, are you ready to do this?" Garth looked concerned for Violet as she was about to be wed' to Snow

"Yes, I am." Violet responded with a proud, confident voice

"Good... We'll walk with you to the grounds and then your on your own from then." Garth responded.

"Thanks Dad!" Violet looked into Garth's turquoise eyes with deep love and nervousness held within her gaze as she pulled him in for a hug.

Violet walked out of the den with Garth and Lilly following close behind and soon arrived at the valley which once separated the east and western packs before the alpha-omega law banishment.

Snow approached Violet with a smile spread across his face with true love and affection for Violet.

Lilly kindly offered to be the one who pronounces the two lovers as mates and stood at the side between them.

"Are you ready to do this?" Snow asked hearing the nervousness in his voice.

"Yes" Violet responded.

"We'll do it together?" Snow asked

"Together." Violet smiled

"Violet, do you have anything to vow before you shall be wed' to Snow?" Lilly asked

"I vow for our love to be a strongly held bond, to all our future endeavours. Now and forever." Violet responded

"Snow, do you have anything to vow before you shall be wed' to my daughter, Violet?" Lilly's eyes darted to Snow, adding more pressure to him than ever before.

"Lilly, I do have a vow I'd like to use for this special day." Snow started shaking in nervousness but it suddenly stopped when Violet took hold of Snow's paw and held it tight. She whispered something to Snow that was in-audible to the other wolves "Don't worry, everything is gonna be ok."

"Go ahead." Lilly responded

'Ahem' Snow cleared his voice for one last time before speaking up...

"I, Snow, in the spirit of making our union greater and our love stronger.

I solemnly vow the following - I vow to keep our love stronger by protecting one another until the unfortunate event of mortality.

Let our love be a beacon of light, guided by love's strong connection, be it theirs or another's. The light—your light—will gather everyone here to help us along the perils of life.

I vow to keep this pack safe in the most extreme of dangers, I will risk my own life to protect those whom I regard as loved.

I vow to keep the families alive by hunting the caribou that roam our land and by doing so I will become a better husband.

On that note, let's make a promise - Against will, or foe, we stand together. Humbled by brotherhood, we stand together. Hand in hand, embattled by our enemies, we stand together. For each, for all, for our freedom and love for each-other, we - stand - together.

You are my dream and you always will be.

I love you Violet, Now and forever."

All the wolves just gave out a massive aww to the couples.

Jessie agonisingly continued to watch the wedding along side her new crush, Drew

"Does anyone have anything to say why these two should not be wed'" Lilly spoke in a loud and dominant voice.

"We do!" Two voices came out of nowhere. All the wolves gasped to see two wolves approaching the two couples. Lilly sat up and started to walk towards them before being immediately stopped by Snow.

"Don't worry, I've got this."

"What is wrong with you two?! You firstly come here and try and kill me. Now you wanna ruin my wedding! What does it take for you two to get out of my lives?!" Snow exclaimed.

"Snow... We are not here to kill you..."

"Wait what?!" Snow backed up in surprise.

"Your our son, why would we want to kill you?" Rose responded

"Snow you've been lied to... It's time you knew the truth..." Midnight approached Snow with deep concern.

"Do these scars remind you of something Snow?" Midnight asked

"These scars came from the same wolves who took you away from us." Rose added

Snow looked at Rose and Midnight knowing they were telling the truth by the scars on their faces and hesitated for a second before approaching her and pulling her in for a embracing hug.

"I've missed you so much." Snow cried onto Rose's shoulder

"Snow... What ever the danger, you must keep strong... Use your inner strength to protect those you love... And remember Snow..."

"Keep strong, never lose hope." I interrupted and quickly added "I still remember." Snow smiled

"Now Snow, you have a beautiful girl up there who loves you very much. Don't keep her waiting and be the best mate she deserves."

Snow smiled and wiped away a tear that stained his fur and walked back towards Violet and Lilly, standing before Violet who desperately wanted a comforting husband beside her.

"Are we ready to continue?" Lilly asked

"Yes" Snow responded.

"You may start the procedure." Lilly demanded

Snow looked into Violets eyes and nodded in agreement and they both approached each-other and accepted their scents, Snow heard a faint moan of satisfaction coming from Violet, obviously taken away at the strange indulgent chocolaty scent of Snow's fur. Snow also took a deep inhale of Violets scent, indulged of the scent of lavender flowers coming from Violet's fur.

They both nibbled on each-others ears whilst both Snow and Violet giggled at the ticklish nibbles and finally they will rub noses signify that they accept each other as mates.

Violet approached Snow, nose held high in the air and at the moment of their noses touching all the wolves cheered in excitement. Snow nuzzled Violet's nose for what seemed like an eternity. Violet pulled away from Snow and smiled before being knocked to the ground by Snow, greeted by a forceful kiss that would spark a love that cannot be broken.

"Let's go back to the den..." Snow romantically asked Violet, she immediately got the hint and walked alongside him giving him loving licks to the cheek, every once in a while. They arrived at the den and soon entered the den with Snow fully excited about what's going to happen next. Until Garth and Lilly approached them with a serious expression spread across their faces.

"Snow... Here's your surprise..." Snow looked at them for a second before Garth and Lilly started laughing and stopped to give the real surprise "We want you and Violet to have the den we built you under Kate and Humphrey's den." Snow looked towards Violet and only to find out she wasn't there. He only saw a cloud of dust with a call for help, but he was completely blind, he couldn't see anything but orange nothingness.

"Snow??? Where did she go?" Garth started to get angry at Snow and soon sat up and started to growl flatly under his voice. "I didn't do anything sir, one moment she was next to me and the next thing i knew, she was gone..." Explained Snow

"I'm really sorry sir-" Garth interrupted and quickly added "just call me Dad, Snow. Go find my daughter and report back to me. You have until the half moon." Garth demanded


"Yes sir- Dad." Snow rapidly went to search for Violet, he checked the valley, howling rock and the meadows but no sign of her. He ran to go to the western side of the territory to only get stopped in his tracks by the sight of the two other wolves with the same red eyes and black fur from my nightmares.


"She? We don't know this, she."

"You know who I'm talking about... Where is my wife?!"

"The Northern Territory, don't worry she'll be dead by the time you get there..." The wolf grinned, confident that he's got the upper hand.

"Not if I can help it..." Snow responded

"Where do you think your going?! Your not going anywhere!" The two wolves nodded to each other and without warning they repeated the same move that horribly injured my parents.



Snow was immediately knocked to the ground and he stayed there struggling to get up and fight. He rolled over onto his stomach and slowly tries to lift himself up. He spat out a glob of blood onto the ground as he finally manages to stand up on all 4 paws and shook the dirt off his fur ready to fight the monsters again, but they had retreated to the northern territory.

Snow growled and started a rapid sprint towards the Northern Territory and narrowly misses a rock, making him stumble slightly but he managed to regain his momentum and continued his determined rescue mission.

Snow continued running but all of a sudden...



Snow has stumbled across a dark tanned female wolf with black tipped hair and golden pincer eyes.

KIM lifts and shakes her head. Gets up and sees a white wolf lying face down in the dirt! "Hey you ok kid?"

Snow lifted is head up slightly and spoke in a weak but strong voice "Ugh, Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks"

KIM walks over and helps him up. "Where were you going in such a hurry kid?"

"I need to find someone dear to me that's been taken hostage somewhere around here, and if I don't hurry she might die!"

KIM eyes widened.... "Where are they keeping her?"

"My knowledge of her location is as clueless as yours..."

"Hmmmm..... How bout this do you know who's holding her hostage?"

"Some wolves named Vincent, Rebecca, Sky and Claw." Snow explained

"I cant say Ive heard of them, but no one and I mean no one come into my park and does something like this..." KIM looks at his face and sees how worried he was. KIM puts her paw on his shoulder. "Hey listen don't worry, I wont let anything happen to her."

"Thanks errm..."

A blue aura surrounds her necklace around her neck and like a snake it uncurled and stretched shaking its chains, letting out a loud roar!

"Wh-Wh-what was that?!" I stammered, frozen to the spot.

"This is my partner and weapon. His name is wolfclaw and don't worry he wont harm you. He only harms the ones who puts others lives in danger!"

"He sure sounds friendly..." Snow nervously chuckled

"He's a little rough I'll give you that, but he wont hurt you!" (Wolfclaw swings down and gets close to snows face.

Snow tries not to wince in fear and tries to communicate with wolfclaw "Hey there!" Snow rapidly shut his eyes to only partially open his left eye a few seconds later.

Wolfclaw just hovered in the air just inches in-front of his face. KIM giggles "He likes you, he just cant show it, but i can feel it!"

"Lets hope he makes a good feast out of wolfnappers." Snow smiled and pets wolfclaw

"Don't worry I assure you.... HE WILL" "Hey if you don't mind me asking did you by any chance come in contact with these wolves?"

"I did once..." Snow looked to the ground in sadness before speaking in a broken voice "They replaced my real parents as a pup whilst I was asleep... So I had no clue what was happening."

"So this wasn't recently.."

"We, well when I see we, the pack leader Humphrey and Kate kicked them out after noticing that they were involved with Amber and Gareth's wolfnapping and their son... Drew. They claim to be holding Humphrey's parents hostage as-well but they escaped and never returned to the western territory..."

"Wait..... Kate?"

"Yes... You know her?"

KIM looks up and wolfclaw and nods. Wolfclaw wraps around her neck becoming the necklace once again. KIMs hair became shorter and lighter. KIM opens her eyes. "I am Kate.."

Snow just looks deeply into Kate's eyes and a wall of mass confusion and shock was grinding down on his every possible brain cell to process the discovery of this wolf he has just met, who turns out to be Kate in another form! "I-I-I don't know what to say..." Snow stammers trying to find the proper words to speak.

"Snow.... listen I was there when Humphrey and I kicked those wolves out of the park. We never did find Amber and Gareth's son. Maybe this time I will be able to return a favour and get them some answers!"

"Your right Kate... It's time to learn the truth!" Snow stood beside Kate and nodded his head as a signal to go.

Kate sniffed the air. "I have a hunch I know where they went... they have some nerves coming back here!" The chain around her neck rattled and shook and her eyes glew a bright gold.

"Wow!" Snow was stunned on the beauty of the transformation. Snow shook his head and focused with the task, Garth gave him. "What's the plan Kate?" Snow asked

"When we get there don't make any sudden moves or sounds.... KIM will take over it!" Wolfclaw unravels and Kate turns into KIM. "Ok Snow you heard her plan make sure it happens... Got it!"
"Got it" Snow's eyes dilated and narrowed his eyes that were full with hate and anger but also having a slight bit of confusion still hitting him on the head.

KIM and snow got to the abandoned den miles away from the valley. A grin stretched across her face. "I knew these jokers would be here!"

"You sure know your way around here Ka- KIM." Snow and KIM walked silently as they approached the abandoned den. Snow drew his fangs and licked his lips. Like he already tastes the blood of his foes.

KIM nudged him, "Nah uhh I'll take care if them and then I'll leave the rest to you..... that is if there is anything left!" Wolfclaw swerved and swayed aching to get going. KIM rubbed the top of his head. "Don't worry soon.."

"Uneasy fella isn't he..." Snow whispered as the continued to get closer and closer to the den. Quiet audible voices started to come to our ears. Giving us the notion of impending danger.

The three wolves were laughing and joking torturing their victim. KIM growled, "This is going to be very satisfying!"

"Who's head you want first?" An evil smile formed across Snow's muzzle, clearly desperate to kill the traitors.

"All of them... Drew isn't my concern, he was Amber and Gareth's responsibility but that doesn't make it any less ok.."

"I know KIM. Sometimes we have to make sacrifices to protect the ones whom we regard as loved." Snow focused on Vincent as he was mercilessly clawing slowly into Violets back. Snow couldn't bare to watch as he was muttering to himself;

"Just don't die Violet. Keep strong. I don't want to lose you on the most beautiful day of our lives..." Snow's eyes started to water, a tear rolled down his cheek and dripped onto the lifeless bracken.

Snow looked beside him and KIM was gone. KIM crawled up the rocky cool cliff with death in her eyes.

"How in the world..." Snow followed dutifully after KIM. As he climbed not to far behind, a strange feeling developed inside of him... Was it hate, anger or the pain in his heart to see Violet treated so horribly?

KIM looked up at wolfclaw and nodded. Wolfclaw shot into the side of the mountain burrowing into the earth. KIM climbed the rest of the cliff and hid in the shadows.

"All part of the plan I guess?" Snow muttered but KIM just stayed quiet as she just watched and waited for a sound of crunching bone and pain.

KIM growled as the three wolves continued to torture the female wolf! Wolfclaw slithered underneath the wolves who were unaware of what was going on. "Hmmm.. How to wrangle all of them up with out hurting her?"

"Take out the one that's torturing my mate then the rest can fall with him..." Snow added
"Nice of you to join me.." (KIM smiled) "I have a better Idea.. Do you see that one wolf sitting behind everyone else?"

"Yeah I see 'em..."

KIM sees a mound of dirt pop up behind him... "uhh huh wolfclaw is going drag him under without paying attention to the others leaving the others exposed!"

"Time to see some wolves suffer the way I had to suffer.. The bastards!"

Wolfclaw rises from the ground like a bat from hell grabbing him by the head dragging him under the ground.. "One down two to go!"

Snow demoniacally laughs for a moment before he realises that he doesn't feel the same way he did a few moments ago...

"whats wrong?" KIM looked to Snow with a concerned look in her eyes

"I.. Don't know.. For some reason I seem to enjoy watching other wolves suffer.."

KIM pats him on the shoulder. "Don't worry killing isn't my thing anyway... see!" The other wolf was unconscious lying on the ground below!

"Who's next?" Snow asked

"Don't worry theres a way we can both enjoy this!" One of the wolves slaps Violet. "Aww whats the matter?" He raises his hand going for another smack until "CRUNCH!" "GAHHH my paw!!" Wolfclaw had a tight grip on his paw and arm nearly cracking it in two!

Snow winces at the crunching blows but also smiled in a not to pleasant way. "This is fun! Lets hear more pain!"

"GAAAHHH get off!!!" Wolfclaw held on tight clenching tighter and tighter!

"Whoa! Ha Ha Ha Ha, this could not get any better!" Snow clenched his jaws tight, savouring the utter annihilation of his enemies.

"What the hell is that thing!?" One of them yelled. "I don't know just get it off!!" The other wolf jumps at wolfclaw hoping to pry it off but was tackled by KIM! KIM slams him on the ground with a terrifying look on her face!

Snow rapidly came down the mountain to finish off the last wolf that stood weak and hopeless with wolfclaw biting with all its might. "You've made your biggest mistake! Messing with a wolf in love!" Muttered Snow

"What the?" He looks to see snow charging after him with his teeth grinning!

Snow pounced at was about to lunge forward and sink his bladed fangs into the wolfs neck.

Wolfclaw let go of his hold and put himself in-front of Snow!

"Whoa! What are you doing?! I want him dead, I want to rip the skin from his body! I want to make him suffer!!!" Snow barked

KIM knocks out the wolf she was on top of and stand up. "Wolfclaw.. grab him!" "GAHHHH.." The wolf said as wolfclaw lifts him up by his head. The wolf dangled there as KIM walked up to both of them. "Snow... I told you killing isn't my thing!"

"Sorry.." Snow looked to the ground and walked slowly towards Violet and quietly muttered to himself "what's gotten into me?!"

KIM drops the other wolf down to eye level with hers.... "SO your the one Ive heard about huh?" "I don' know what the hell you are talking about!" "Now let go of me you bitch!!" KIM just chuckles.. "Sorry it's not that easy, now be a good boy and be quiet."

"Violet?! Are you ok!" Snow rushed towards Violet with tears pouring out of his angry sorrowed eyes. Snow pulled the green thorny vines that had held his mate so tight whilst she was unorthodoxly tortured.

Violet didn't move, she was in to much pain.

"Please don't die on me sweetie... I don't wanna lose you, I made a promise to keep you safe and I failed. I won't let that happen again just don't die on me!" Snow brushed away some strands of her hair out of her beautiful, golden eyes.

KIM walked up behind him. "Her heartbeat is faint..."

"Is there anything I can do to save her!" Snow begged KIM for a relieving answer.

KIM looked at wolfclaw hovering over her. "There might be one thing I can do, but I'm worried it might just be a bandaid.. but its worth a shot!" Wolfclaw swooped down and lied on Violets body. A blue aura flowed through the chain causing Wolfclaw and violet to glow a bright blue.

"Just please do what ever it takes to get her back! I can't live without her!" Snow watched wolfclaw bring a holy blue glow to her body, taken away at the beauty if the scenery that brought a ray of hope from the clouds of ever darkness that haunted the once darkened forest.

Time seemed to go by slow as the aura surrounded Violet and wolfclaw. KIM had a very concerned look on her face. "Com'on..... com'on.."

Snow darted his eyes at Violet, feeling the almost inevitable death if his mate. He prayed for the almighty heavens to give a glimpse of hope to Violet's life.

"Com'on.... Violet stay with us.." Wolfclaw lifted his head and looked at KIM. KIMs face went blank...

"Please don't, please don't, please don't." Snow constantly repeated the same words over and over. Wishing that the unfortunate event of mortality hadn't fallen on Violets life.

Wolfclaw lied his head down and the aura stopped. A fierce look spread all over KIMs face.

"V-V-Violet..." Snow's face was just blank, his bottom lip trembled as the worst of his fears had crashed down on him. A tear escaped his left eye and clenched his paw tight, wishing that it would have been him that had died, not her.

KIM turns and looks straight at the wolf that was the cause of this. "You son of a bitch!" She screamed as she threw wolfclaw at his throat sending him flying back pinning him to a tree by his neck. "I outta put you through the same pain you put her through!"

"Just do it KIM... I think... I think I can watch one more wolf suffer for the last time..." Snow sat and watched in emotional agony as KIM was full of hate, pain and anger.

Wolfclaws bite got tighter and tighter. "Please..." The wolf said as he tried to grasp for air. A tear ran down KIMs face. "DO you know how it feels to lose someone you care about... have you ever faced death in the face?"

"No... But... It... Feels... Good... To... Kill... That... That... SLUT!" The wolf responded with an evil grin slowly forming on his muzzle.

Wolfclaws teeth start to pierce his throat as blood runs down his neck. KIM growled wanting to finish him off.

"KIM?" Snow trembled

KIM looked at snow with her glowing split eyes.

"I know you don't want to kill him. But kill him for Violet's sake, just look inside your inner monster and do what needs to be done!"

"I promised myself I wouldn't go back to that Snow...." KIM barked

"Just do what feels right for you KIM..."

KIM looked at the wolf who still had a grin on his face. "So weak... Ive..... heard stories about..... the parks great protector... fearless... courageous.. but whats Im seeing is a fake so called Guardian."

"This 'guardian' just kicked your asses! And you have the audacity to brutally torture my mate! I hope your happy because now she's dead because of you!" Snow exclaimed

The wolf laughed.. " I wont lose any sleep over... it.. that was nothing like what I did to... Gareth and Amber's son... DRE............ Before he could finish, wolfclaw bit harder which sent out a loud cracking noise echoing throughout the park.. KIM lifted her head, eyes full of hate.. "I said quiet..."

"Dammit!" Snow exclaimed and punched a rock with so much force it shattered into lots of small pieces.

KIM just breathed deeply and stared at the body... lifeless

"She isn't dead... She isn't dead..." Snow constantly repeated to himself before getting so angry he rolled the lifeless, Violet onto her back and started pushing down on her chest to try and bring some life back into her.

KIM looked back and saw snow pushing down on violets chest! "Snow stop!" KIM ran over and grabbed snow who fought to get out of her arms. "Snow stop shes gone!"
"NO! She can't be dead! She can't be! This isn't how I wanted it to end!" Snow's loud, sobbing voice echoed through the entire park, making some distant birds fly away from the trees that surrounded the den. Snow tried to fight out of KIM's grasp, but she was too strong.

"Snow stop it, thats enough" Snow continued to fight to get out of her grasp. KIM grabbed snow and shook him, "Snow that is enough!!!!" KIM exclaimed.

Snow looked down to the ground and sobbed with his eyes fully closed with tears running down his face like a waterfall. The winter clouds formed over the park and a slight drizzle started to fall down onto the park.

KIM sat down and watched snow sob in agony.. Vapour came from her nose and mouth as she breathed deeply from wrestling snow.

Snow looked back up at KIM and wiped away the tears that stained his white fur. "K-K-KIM?" Snow stammered

"What is it snow?" KIM asked

"Violet was a good loving mate... She kinda looked like Kate and sometimes she'd play pranks by pretending she was the pack leader." Snow chuckled slightly, trying to force a smile on his face. "I just don't think my life would be the same anymore..." Snow added

KIMs ears lied back... "Thats not true snow. Ones passing doesn't mean its going to get worse."
"It's the memories I'm worried about KIM... It's just going to haunt me until I do something that's gonna harm myself or someone else..." Snow responded

"Well Snow lets begin with burying her. I know a very beautiful place for her."

Snow trembled slightly before responding "Ok... I'll carry her and I'll follow you..."

"Very well.. but first.." KIM turns around and see the other two wolves sitting there shaking with fear. "What to do with these two?"

"Let's tie them up in the same vines they used against Violet." Snow responded

"Sounds like a plan to me!" KIM responded with an evil grin on her muzzle.

KIM and Snow both grabbed the thorny vines and wrapped them around the two wolves and tied them up as tight as they could. So the thorns impaled their skin and left them to bleed.

"Still not pleased.." KIM grabs them and let them hang from a near by tree. "There now they wont get away."

"Nice one!" Snow smiled and turned away towards Violet and rolled her onto his back. "Should we inform Garth and Lilly about this?" Snow asked
"No not till later, lets bury violet first.." KIM responded

"Ok, let's go..." Snow nodded in a sorrowed agreement and walked along side KIM where he felt safe and comfortable.

KIM and snow walked several miles into the darkest part of the park. "Ok here it is." KIM announced. The area was surrounded be tall green snow covered trees where the moon light shined through the branches.

The night air was heavy as Snow set Violet down and looked at the scenery... "Wow, this place is beautiful." Snow said looking to KIM.

"Yea it is... This is where I was buried years ago." KIM responded like it meant nothing to her.

"Wait... Y-Y-Your... Dead?!" Snow stood back in shock, failing to comprehend the news.

"Ill explain that to you later." Wolfclaw dug his large sharp jaws into the ground scooping out pounds of dirt.

"You'd better." Snow responded sharply as he watched wolfclaw dig the bracken.

KIM picked up Violet gently and lied her down in her final resting place. "Sorry I was late." She said softly.

"Me too, me too..." Snow softly said giving his last thoughts and condolences to the recently deceased Violet.

A small tear ran down KIMs face. "I didn't know her but its still tough.." Wolfclaw started to fill the grave with dirt.

Snow inhaled deeply and let out a low pitched howl, and another, and another till he couldn't bare the agony no-more.

"Is there anything you'd like to say Snow?"

"Yes, there is... Dear Violet, let your death be reminded as the day you got married to probably one of the luckiest wolves in the park. Your love, sweet, caring voice brought smiles and happiness to our faces. Your passing will be remembered now and never forgotten."

KIM sat quietly for she had nothing to say..

"Wouldn't you like to say a few words KIM?" Snow asked but KIM just stayed quiet. Too upset to talk.

"I just don't know her enough to say anything... plus i feel like i failed her."

"You didn't fail anyone KIM..." Snow said putting his paw on her shoulder to comfort her. "I've also failed on protecting a girl I made a promise to. I'm not one for braking promises..."

KIM was silent gathering her thoughts.

Snow removed his paw from KIM's shoulder and put it back on the soft green grass. Looking at her for a second, wondering what she could be thinking about.

"I think i owe you an explanation...."

"I think you do, yes..." Snow responded darting his blue eyes at KIM's split, glowing eyes.

"Many many years ago, about 200 years to be exact I was the protector of this park. I was the leader of my own pack, had my own family, life was really good. I had one job and one job only and that was to protect my pack from hunters and poachers. What you don't realise is Jasper wasn't a protected park like it is now. Every night there was always some one coming here trying to harm someone else. Id scare them off and that was that..... or so I thought."

"What happened?" Snow asked in curiosity.

"All the men I scared away started to rebel against me.. worried that I might harm their families and live stock, they all joined together in a large group and tried to hunt me down. Knowing the dangers I took my family and pack to the other side of the valley where I knew they would be safe, but there was one last thing I had to do."

"Go on... I'm listening." Snow responded
"I had two options.... fight back and risk everyone and everything or.... do it peacefully.. When I faced them they grabbed a chain that they had and wrapped it around my neck to be sure I wouldnt escape, next thing I know things went black.. It was a quick shot to the back of the head that ended me.."

"So how did you come back to this realm? How did you manage to come back from the grave and use a host like Kate to return to your life? What is your purpose here?" Snow asked

"well when I died I wasnt ready to cross, I had to much I left behind, I guess you can say I wasnt in peace. For years I wondered around this park trying to find a suitable subject that I can bond with. Wolf after wolf none were suitable for me, that is until I saw kate. It was a nice day and I saw Kate and Lilly playing out in the valley. Everything Kate did spoke to me.. she was fast, athletic and most importantly good hearted. Thats when I had this guts feeling that she was the one whod help me redeem myself."

"I guess I don't need to know anymore... Your a nice girl KIM, I can see that inside of you. That's a great trait to have." Snow responded with complete honesty.

"I wasn't so nice when Kate learned about me..."

"Well KIM... Your past is your past, unchangeable and undeniable. But we have a past too, and that means that we are unavoidable. I'm just happy I have a friend who understand the pain this park suffers everyday." Snow responded

"Not sure if thats a good thing... I mean not being friends but the pain we both have gone through...."

"We've both experienced the loss of friends and family but... Ugh... I don't know KIM, its hard to explain..."

KIM looks to her left seeing a mound of dirt with a bunch of wilted flowers on top of it.

"Someone dear to you?" Snow softly spoke in a hush tone

"Thats where I was buried..."

"Oh... Sorry..." Snow replied

KIM looks back at him and smiles. "Don't worry about it snow!" KIM scratches his head with her paw.

Snow smiles back and corrects his hair and chuckles "You must have been the best mate a wolf could have. I envy you." Snow replied

"Thats what he would tell me every-now and then... He was a great mate as-well!"

"Funny how love works..." Snow sighed. "I wonder if I'll find another wolf to love..." Snow pondered

"Who knows... I don't know if I'll ever have one my self."

"Well we could always accidentally run into them." Snow chuckled "It's the look in the eyes that always strikes the love and affection for some wolves." Snow looked up at the glistening moonlight that illuminated the starry night sky.

"Well its just one of those things... you never know when it happens.."

Snow looks at KIM's eyes and wondered why they glow

KIM looks down and sees snow looking at her? "What?" She asked with curiosity

"Oh, nothing..." Snow looks away shyly

"Snow are you sure you ok?"

"I was just... Looking into your eyes, they look nice..." Snow responded hiding his cheeks with his tail

"OK common you can tell me anything!"

"Ok, umm..." Snow flapped his ear as he was thinking what to say before finally admitting "I-I-I... I like you..."

{To Be Continued...}

[b]Big thank you to Mitsi1991 for a chance collaboration with KIM
(Kate's Inner Monster series)

We really hope you enjoy it and don't forget to visit Mitsi's Deviant ART page for more KIM art and many more!

DA: link

Fan club: link
added by i8ab
added by anubis210
A sound jarred me from my slumber. I had been sleeping since I laid down on the seat the previous night, and noticed that I needed to urinate bad, this might be hard with my screwed up ribs. It was quite dark in the Bronco due to it being covered in snow, I could not see out but I knew there had to be a lot from the way it was coming down the night before. But putting that aside, I keened my hearing. Something had moved outside, I swore I heard something bump into my Bronco. I heard more rustling, I reached forward and grabbed the steering wheel and painfully brought myself up to a sitting...
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Though I heard a growl coming from the room on the right I went in there, I was hoping it was just a rat or maybe running water from the mote.
I trotted into the room.. I shouldn't have been so happy with myself, I was so ignorant at this point I ignored all the dangers that could have been around.
I looked around the room, I saw ropes and blood.
"What could that be.." I said quietly.
"Ooh god.." My eyes grew larger. I looked at the piece of paper. It had shown a man tied upside down and two men sawing his body in half.
My paws were shaking, my head was pounding. I ran out of the room. "AAAAH!"...
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A couple days had passed since Kate asked if we could make the trip to Jasper to see her family, and now after having a long talk with dad, it was a green light! First priority was to get the Bronco road worthy for the long drive since my Tacoma pickup was still up at the shop getting bodywork done. Also I would have to put in a new stero, the stock Ford AM radio was shot and I could not drive over 3,000 miles without tunes! Namely my AC/DC albums and all the other songs on my iPod.
I pulled the Bronco into the lift bay with Kate riding in the passenger seat. She was in anthro form...
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Jonathan and Buddy were lost it was only me,Lily,Hank, and Ashely and we were in trouble then out of the silence a ear busting scream from Lily
I ran into a side room to see her laying face up on the floor her eyes open but she wasnt moving as I picked her up a dog with red eyes jumped out
Hank-Don't look into its eyes it will paraylize you
I shot it with my MG42 and put Lily over my shoulder and carried her down stairs when I remember blacking out I can't remember much I guess it will be another persons point of view I leave u with a goodnight season 2 will be out soon.

P.S. The next season will be written by me but from Hanks perspective
Humphrey's POV.

1 month later

"We're finally back home!" Shadow cheered as we went into the Den. So much had happend. Shadow had the fire element. Fang had the earth element. Star and Rose had the water element. Aleu had wind. I also had Kate, Lilly, Jenna, Star, Rose, and Aleu learn healing from Blue. I had also split the pack into squadren's.
I set Tony, Winston, Garth, Blue, and Coy into leader's. I was the commander in chief. We had just now gotten home from training. I went and collasped on the floor. Kate came and laid by me. Shadow went and did the same. Aleu gently rubbed his back.
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Humphrer's POV.

I just stared at my friends. 'How can this be?'I asked myself. Kate was as surprised as I was. Shakey cleared his throat.

"Bet your wondering how we're alive,huh?" He asked. I nodded. He then told us how him,Salty, and Mooch had all been dead. Then they had woken up back in this world. I just was thinking over so much. Garth looked at me.

"Can you think of how this could Humphrey?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I guess we should go back to our regular lives then." I said. Everyone nodded. I then started laughing. They all looked at me.

"What's so funny?" Kate asked me.

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Later that day, waiting for the Viagra to wear off, I sat with my beloved Katie, who deliberately put the damn drug in my coffee, watching TV. We made out as the TV showed shows we did not care about. I loved letting her tongue slide around in my mouth and how her doggy breath constantly hit my nostrils. Oh the passion! I would lick her furry chest as she moaned. As we were continuing to make out, the doorbell rang. I went to the door and looked out the peep hole. It was Jon. "Hey Chris? Can I talk to ya?" he said. I opened the door, hoping he would not see me. "Hey!" I said. "Whats up?" Jon's...
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Humphrey's POV

I was running through a field playing with Kate, Garth, And Lilly and all my omega friends. I would go by Kate and plant a kiss on her cheek making her giggle. Then it got dark. i looked at my friends and they seemed not to notice anything. Then a dark shape rose from the ground. I was paralyzed by fear. The shape moved toward my omega friends and grabbed them. Then I watched in horror as the shape ate the three of my omega friends. The shape then grabbed onto Garth and Lilly and did the same. I tried to run to Kate to save her but i wasn't fast enough. I watched as the love of...
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Kate and Humphrey have just settled down after getting married. So far, everything has been normal. Hanging out with friends, hunting, playing golf with Marcel and Paddy. To them, life is good. But when wolves began to disappear and turn up horribly mutilated. Kate and Humphrey decide to put and end to it and discover the killer is none other than Jason Vorhees of Crystal Lake.

It was a beautiful summer morning in Jasper Park, Canada. Kate and Humphrey had finally settled down after months of planing and Kate freaking out over their wedding. Kate awoke to the sound of Humphrey snoring, with...
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HEY! It's Katie! Chris finally told me how to type. It's pretty easy and he wanted me to write this chapter for him. Sorry for any grammar, I am a wolf you know. Plus alot of sex stuff for those who are faint of heart! XOXO

Anyway, after this weekend, Chris told me this morning that he had to go to work. I asked him what that meant and he explained how he needs to provide for us if we ever started a family. Oh yeah and I want it to be clear, we will NOT be having kids. I love kids, but our relationship is special and we agreed for it to be just between both of us. Anyway, back to the story....
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Humphrey got up and left the den to head out. He needed a car to explorer Jasper City. It looks like he had to steal one. There was one right across the street that was unlocked. He got in and started it and drove off. He eventually bumped a cop, which got him in trouble.
“Sir, I’m going to have to fine you.”
Humphrey didn’t know about cops yet. He got out and punched the cop in the face.
“You can’t sue Humphrey!”
The cop tackled Humphrey and cuffed him, “You’re under arrest for an assault of an officer!”
“You can’t do this! I’ll howl for Winston! You know the leader...
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well will you? i asked lilly again, she still seemed astonished that i had asked her then i wondered if i should have asked her at all. well yes" huh? i looked up and saw lilly smiling i will marry you garth! i was happy that she had said this but i did not know what to do kiss her or what so i just stood their. well? when do you want to get married? asked lily. i am not shure. tommorrow then"! she yelled i am so exited i cant stand it i will go tell everyone.

today i went to see my dad, his atitude has inproved alot over the weeks. but i wondered what he would think about me marrying lilly....
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Chapter 10
The moonlight howl was in 5 minutes. The howl was like a prom for wolves... You would find a partner, and howl an amazing duet. When two wolves go to the moonlight howl together, they usually come back as a couple. Not to mention wolves that are already couples, or wolves that choose to, they mate. When they get back to their dens of course. No one would want to see that. The moonlight howl was a mating ritual. That was one thing Seth did not know. "So this is it?" Seth asked curiously, looking at the couples howling on the mountain. They were howling in perfect unison. Some carried...
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Mature Content.

Chris had spent the afternoon installing a tap for Lilly and Garth. He now sat testing his new invention in the deserted den that was used for meetings. There was nobody else in the room. He put his new invention, a collander with earmuffs and goggles attached to it, on his head and turned it on. Immediately he felt ill. The mind wasn't used to this. He saw a vase on the other side of the room, and slowly reached out, miming picking it up. The vase slowly rose.
"Oh my god." a voice said.
Chris dropped the vase in shock. It shattered on the floor. He spun round.
It was Humphrey.
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Mature content.

Chris and his friends had gone to bed early the previous night. They had decided not to stay up until the howl ended at 2 in the morning, so they had all gone to sleep wearing earmuffs that Chris had made. Chris had done quite a lot for these wolves. He had made them hammocks, he'd reinvented running water and fire, and he even had a working light in his den. He was in the envy of even the highest wolves. Now, while Saltey, Mooch, ROMbot and Darren slept, Chris was scribbling in his notebook. He hadn't taken the earmuffs off. He'd forgotten he was wearing them. He occasionally...
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posted by kates-mate101
Chapter 1
“No! Mom!” Kate watched in horror as her mom was shot from afar. Scarlet streaked across the sky like lightning. Her dad, part of the Alpha pack, quickly ran past Kate scooping her up by her scruff, and carried her off to a safe area. Immediately when Kate’s dad dropped her, he was shot. She watched in horror as his blood spilled out onto the grass. Seth ran up to him. He opened his mouth to speak. “Seth... As the...” He coughed. “Last... member of the delta pack...” Alpha was highest, then beta, and finally delta. Beta’s were defenders and Delta’s were to keep the...
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added by SentinelPrime89
added by SentinelPrime89