Alpha and Omega Club
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posted by TheChriZ1995
Chapter 10: Humphrey's Return

Morning came a little too quickly for Kate and the others, the sun was barely up and she was already on the move to Humphrey's den. Her father had planned for them all to meet by the river at mid-morning and she had to go get Humphrey and tell him about what happened. The day was pretty gloomy so far, light rain was falling and there was a good breeze that made the treetops sway. However if everything went well then this day would become one of the best in her life even if the sun was not shining. She decided to not worry about what was to come and instead thought about what the future could hold for her and Humphrey.

They would get married and settle down as mates in the pack, after that she would just enjoy the experience and the love that they shared. She could join in when he was out playing games with his omega friends whenever she had free time, as well as getting to know them better. It will defiantly be different to hang around omegas and play their games, which was something other alphas never did. However she did have great fun playing Humphrey's games while he has been a lone wolf out here, there was always something new he was coming up with. While she could see it being just the two of them for the rest of their lives, deep down she desired to have a family. She knew Humphrey would someday like to have one as well, he was so good with the pups in the pack when told to watch after them. She had never seen it herself but she did hear that during her absence at alpha school he would take care of pups on nights of a moonlight howl or during some other event. While she didn't think much of it, now she understood that he would make a great father for their pups when the time came. That time was very distant though, she wanted a good year or two of just enjoying it being Humphrey and herself in their den before changing that.

Kate smiled to herself as she continued to think and walk through the rain, for being a spring storm it really wasn't that cold in her opinion. In fact she enjoyed rainy days, it offered something different from the snowy winters and sunny summers. Eventually the cliff where Humphrey's den was located came into view through the trees. She continued to walk at a quick pace feeling excitement build within her, she couldn't wait to see his reaction to the good news. While it wasn't guaranteed just yet, she had a strong hope that Tony wouldn't be so hard to negotiate with, especially against six wolves and a whole pack that was happy with being united. She didn't need to clog her mind worrying about it anymore, instead she focused on the fact that she was getting to see her love again.

Turning and walking into the cave like den she could see the rough silhouette of Humphrey lying on the ground. She walked up by his side and saw he was still asleep, she didn't blame him, she would love to be asleep right now as well but there were more important things to attend to first. She placed her paw gently on his shoulder and lightly shook him a bit.

"Humphrey dear, it's time to wake up" She said in a gentle tone as the sound of rain falling could still be heard.

The omega groaned as he awoke and realized that something was pushing on his shoulder. Opening his eyes, he turned his head around and was greeted with a pleasant sight. "Kate..." Humphrey slowly replied still trying to see straight in the dim den.

As if it suddenly clicked in his head he quickly got up, startling Kate who walked back a step. However luck wasn't on his side because he ended up knocking his head against the low stone ceiling of the cave. He fell back down on his side and held a paw to the top of his head "Ow..."

"Woah take it easy hun, there's no rush. Are you okay?" She replied sitting down beside him, trying not to laugh because of his sudden behavior.

"Yeah I'm fine... Wait, didn't you say you had alpha duties this morning, so why are you here?" He asked again looking up at her from the floor.

"Well do you want the good news first or the bad news?" She replied looking at him as he got himself into a semi sitting position.

"I guess the bad news first" He answered still trying to wake up fully.

"Well while Garth and I were here yesterday a patrol group found out scents leaving the territory, which caused my father to send two of them out to find us. About half way back home we ran into them and they told us to report to my parents and inform them of why we left." She said, Humphrey was starting to figure it out and assumed that the worst had happened, but waited for the story to finish. "One there we told them that we were just out for a walk to explore a hidden cave, they bought it but I forgot one thing. Since we were found by the alphas I never got the chance to wash you're scent off in the river like I usually do. So my mother caught whiff of it and that's when it was over, I told them everything about us as well as Garth and Lilly who were both present in the den."

The smile of Humphrey's face faded away as she spoke on, he looked down towards the ground. 'Just a few days away from using our plan and she ends up getting caught, and I was positive that we were in the clear...' He thought to himself, Kate pauses seeing his sad expression. "And the good news?" He asked looking back up at her.

"Well at first they were upset and enforced the fact that Garth and I needed to stay together for the benefit of the packs, regardless of how we felt. However after the three of us reasoned with them they eventually realized the fact that we all deserved to have true love and not be forced together. My father understood the mistake he had made and now has a plan for how we can get the lives we desire." She continued

Humphrey just lit up upon hearing that, one moment he thinks what they both feared the most had happened and the next he hears that they could get what they wanted the most after all. "You mean we get to live in Jasper as mates?" He asked feeling excitement build within him.

"It's possible, we just have to get Tony to agree to Garth and I divorcing and still keeping the packs united as well as removing the law that keeps us apart. If all goes well then yes we will be living in Jasper as mates." She answered with a large smile on her face.

That was just the news Humphrey wanted to hear, his excitement got the better of him and he quickly tackled Kate who shrieked in surprise. She landed on her back with him standing above as their noses firmly pressed together, she came out of the shock and kissed him back. She didn't care if it wasn't for sure yet, this was what they both desired ever since they began to see each other out here. Humphrey was ecstatic, not only could he marry his lifelong love but he also gets to see his omega friends again and regain his old life back in the western pack. They broke apart and stared into each other's eyes, Humphrey couldn't help but laugh at how he managed to tackle down Kate with no trouble.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself, I'm just so happy to hear that our dreams have come true." He said lightly as their noses hovered a few inches apart.

Kate smiled and laughed as well "You don't have to be sorry, I'm just as happy as you are about this. However I've never seen you move that quickly before."

"What can I say, I had someone special teach me how to tackle down prey as well as other wolves." He replied licking her cheek before stepping aside and helping her up on her paws again.

She giggled from the affection "That is true, but try not to get too excited because we're not sure if Tony will agree to this."

"Pssh... I'm sure we can get him to agree with your parents on our side" He said with a reassuring smile

"I hope so but from what Garth and my dad say, he's not the best to negotiate with."

"Well I have a feeling that it will go just fine"

"Yeah me too, finally we can get married and be one of the two alpha and omega couples of the pack." She replied happily while rubbing up against his side as they stood facing the dens entrance.

While she may have only been away from Humphrey for less than a day she couldn't help but miss him just as much as she would after two days without him. Their relationship had come to the point where they wanted nothing else but to be by each other's side and express their love. Humphrey just smiled as Kate leaned against him, they were like this for several minutes, simply enjoying the fact that they were alone and in each other's company. They were mostly silent until Kate realized that they should get moving back to Jasper before they would be late. As much as she wanted to keep cuddling her soon to be mate they had a more important matter to attend to, besides there would be plenty of time later for that if everything went alright.

"We should get going, don't want to be late to meet up with my parents as well as Lilly and Garth." She said starting to leave the den and out into the rain.

Humphrey sighed lightly before exiting the den behind Kate, this was it, this was the moment he had waited for, he was returning to the western pack after a nearly three month absence. He took one last glance at the little cave he called home as it sat in the rain, this could be the last time he would ever see it again. He smiled at the memories he had here before turning and continuing to follow Kate into the woods. However he remembered about Jake, he would have to come back out here to say goodbye to him. Perhaps he could get him to join the western pack and stay with them, surly Winston wouldn't mind the addition of another wolf. Yet he knew Jake liked being a lone wolf, it was the whole reason he left his old pack anyway. After all this was settled, he would come back out here and ask him.

"So how is this going to work" Humphrey asked after a few minutes of walking

"We're going to meet everyone by the river before heading into Tony's side of the pack." Kate replied

Back when the packs united, instead of everyone moving to one centralized location Winston and Tony agreed to just staying in their den grounds and wolves could move freely between the two areas. It was easier than having to build a whole new den area to support the pack that was now several strong, uniting made the pack one of the largest in that part of the world.

"That's it? No ideas on what we're going to say?" He asked

"Well I was just going to let my parents do most of the talking, they are the leaders after all. I'm sure Garth will as well since he is his father."

He nodded "Alright sounds good, I'll just sit back at listen I guess"

Kate laughed lightly "Yeah you get to do nothing, meanwhile I had to deal with telling my parents which was not easy."

"I'm sorry babe, I would have been there to support you if I would have known." He calmly said as they entered into the western territory.

"That's okay, not like I had a choice anyway"

Humphrey looked up at the clouds as rain fell upon him, both of their coats were soaked, especially Kate's. But they didn't care, it was still warm out so there wasn't a chance they would get sick or something. "You know for a day that is so post to be one of the best, it sure is gloomy." He said looking at Kate

"I know right, but I like it." She replied

"Yeah it's nice to cool down, the past few days have been pretty hot."

"We better enjoy it while it lasts, summer will be in full swing soon."

"Yep, I guess we'll be visiting the river all the time like we did as pups." He said

"Oh that's right, those were fun times, everyone enjoying the nice cold water." She smiled, recalling the memories.

They continued talking as they walked alongside the den grounds of the pack, on their way to the river that was on the other side of the river. The few wolves that were up at this time didn't seem to notice that fact that Kate was walking next to someone who had previously left the pack. However it was as they were passing a den that Humphrey heard his name called from behind.

"Humphrey?" A voice called

They both stopped and looked back to see who it was, Humphrey instantly recognized it was Shakey, his best friend that he had not seen for so long. "Shakey!" He said happily, turning around to face him along with Kate.

"It's about time you came back, the omegas the guys have all missed you." Shakey said, while he was happy to see his friend back he began to wonder why Humphrey was wandering around with Kate, after all as far as he knew she was the reason he left in the first place. "Why are you back anyway? I figured you would be gone longer seeing that you wanted to explore the world and all."

Humphrey looked at Kate who only smiled back at him, she knew they should keep moving but at the same time she wanted to see his friend's reaction to the truth. "Well I'll tell all you guys the full story later today, but I never really left. I've been living a few miles outside the pack and this one would come and visit me every now and then." He answered, lightly elbowing Kate in the side when he mentioned her.

Shakey raised an eyebrow at hearing that "What's that so post to mean?"

"Kate and I have secretly been seeing each other outside the pack, and now I'm back to help break the law that keeps us apart so can be mates here in the pack." He said simply.

Shakey couldn't believe what he heard, did Humphrey really get his dream girl after all that time chasing her? "You sly dog... but how?" Was all he said

Kate and Humphrey both laughed "I'll tell you and the guys all about it after everything is all straighten out, try to keep this a secret until I say so." Humphrey said

"Yeah please, we don't need the pack going crazy before the actual news comes out from my father." Kate added

"You have my word, but is it true? Did you both fall in love?" Shakey asked

"It's true alright, I love Humphrey with all my heart." Kate replied

"Yep and you already know I love her just as much" Humphrey said with a smile.

Shakey smiled and shook his head "Wow I would have never thought you would actually get the girl of your dreams, I'm proud of you. After all the time we tried to tell you otherwise you still went after her, good job."

"Thanks Shakey, I never dreamed this day would actually come but it has." Humphrey said

Kate smiled "Alright, I don't mean to break up the moment but Humphrey and I have a meeting to attend to." She said

"Yeah we don't want to be late for that, I'll see you around Shakey." Humphrey said before they both turned around to continue on their journey to the river.

"Good luck, it's good to see you back man" Shakey said before watching them walk off into the woods.

He still couldn't believe that the alpha male's daughter was really in love with his best friend, not to mention they had been secretly seeing each other this whole time. He was happy for Humphrey, he was going to get what he desired the most in his life and that was amazing considering the chances of it becoming a reality. He smiled to himself before turning around and heading back to his den.

A/N: Yay Humphrey has returned to Jasper! Soon the whole pack will be a buzz when the news comes out, but first the meeting has to go well in order for that to happen. I was going to have the meeting in this chapter but obviously this part alone turned out to be long enough as a standalone chapter. I guess you can say the big moment for the story will be next chapter, will it go well or not so much? Who knows I'm still deciding on what way I want it go so you'll have to wait for the next chapter. Cya.
The day was young and the air was cool. I always love to walk through the woods near my house. Its about a 4 mile trail.I was about 3 miles in when I heard rustling in the bushes to my side. I heard whatever it was walk away so I decided to follow the noise. When I got down to a riverside trail I saw her for the first time. A beutiful looking wolf. Light blonde fur and blue eyes. I walked down to the river pretending like I didnt see her.

"Holy Shit!!" She said as I came out of the trees.
"Sorry if I scared you I was just............wait did you just talk?" And now I was freaked out. I then...
continue reading...
2 week's later. Shadow's POV.

I was so bored with just handling skirmishes that happend outside the territory. I wanted to go and destroy the enemy now. Fang wanted to do the same. Me and him were just getting home right now. We had just taken out a stone lion who was trying to break through the territory. We both had cuts and bruises, But nothing serios. We both walked into the den. Everybody looked up at us.

"Oh my gosh Shadow are you alright?" Aleu cried. I rolled my eyes. She just cared about me to much. It was getting annoying.

"I'm fine Aleu. Calm down." I said. She just kept on worrying...
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Read Humphrey's Secret first. This is the sequel.

Humphrey's POV.

It had been four weeks since I fought my brother Seth and killed him. Me, Kate, Garth,and Lilly were all walking up to Winston and Eve's den for they had called us. I walked in first with Kate leaning on her cause of my still broken leg and bruised ribs.Garth and Lilly followed us. When we got there we saw Tony inside with Eve and Winston.

"Hey dad what are you doing here?" Garth asked his father. Tony looked around with a smile.

"Well son there's going to be a big change for the pack today." Tony told us. We sat down. Garth...
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Me as a wolf crying after a hurtful discovery. (I did not do this I only put the symbol on.)
Me as a wolf crying after a hurtful discovery. (I did not do this I only put the symbol on.)
NOTE: Remember anything between me and Kate is pure fiction. I am with Katie and Kate is still with Jon. Actually Katie wanted me to write this to see what it would be like. She told me Kate was ok with it too.

I was speechless, Kate and I broke away from our kiss. "Uh, Kate?" I said, still kinda shocked. Before she could answer, the next thing I knew, I was all over her. I took my clothes off and locked the door. Me knowing Katie was knocked out. I didn't feel as bad at first, because she was technically Kate from another universe. With that in out heads, Kate and I did the worst thing, we...
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It was a sad day, Katie somewhat dying and then finding out that she was pregnant with my son who was stillborn, that was just too much. It turns out that the guy who hit Katie came to visit. His name was Buddy and he was in tears. He told me how he had done a stupid thing and he had an alcohol problem. He promised me he would go to AA and quit drinking for good and he asked me if I would forgive him. Katie forgave him and so did I, even though I still wanted to blow his fucking head off with my .44 magnum. After that, it was a slow recovery. Katie had to stay in the Hospital for a couple...
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posted by HumphreyAlpha
Poor Kate
Poor Kate
(June 24, 2011)

The Sikorsky landed at Colville Municipal airport at a quarter to eight in the evening. The landing was one of my smoothest in recent flights and it earned me a glance of approval from my Scar.
Kate, however, didn't even look up. She just sat there in the crew chiefs seat, staring at the ground with a depressed look on her face.
"Kate?" Scar asked uncertainly.
She looked up at her. Her eyes were clouded and she just looked miserable.
I made an executive decision and scooped her up. She offered no resistance and just laid there in my arms.
With Scar hot on my heels, I carried...
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Shakey, Salty, and Mooch came to Humphrey house.
“Hey, Humphrey!” Shakey said
“What up guys?”
“Sorry for your loss!” Mooch said.
“She was no loss!”
“Well, I’ll miss her, but she’s where she belongs.”
“You mean how she’s burning…”
Shakey elbowed Salty in the gut to prevent Salty from reminding Humphrey that she’s in hell.
“We came because we want to steal those planes.”
“Alright, we could do that. Come back in an hour.”
15 minutes later, the doorbell rang, “Has it been an hour?”
“No it hasn’t.”
They left. 15 minutes after that,...
continue reading...
(June 6, 2011)

The first ten minutes of my drive, I couldn't see shit because I was crying too hard. It's a miracle that I didn't crash my CO's four hundred and fifty thousand dollar Ferrari 599 GTO. After that though, my eyes were clear enough for me to see.
Once I got out of the massive amount of traffic near Harborview, I made a phone call.
ring ring "Answer dammit!" ring ring
He picked up. "Hello?"
"Hello?!" I said hurriedly. "Jon?"
"Yeah," he said slowly.
"It's Colby! Scar ran out on me! She said she was going to your house. Have you gotten a call from her?"
"She ran out on you? What happened?"...
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What was left of the plane...
What was left of the plane...
(June 2, 2011)
(the end of the airshow)

The volatile aviation fuel mixed with the heat in the compressor of the right engine and lit. The subsequent detonated tore the tail of the F-22 fighter apart with a bone-shaking boom.
The shockwave from the explosion slammed my helmeted head against the instrument panel, making me see stars.

* * *

"COLBY!" Scar screamed.

* * *

I blinked the stars out of my eyes and snatched the controls. I wrestled with the stick, trying futilely to bring what was left of the aircraft back under control. The controls vibrated violently in my grasp as the control surfaces shook...
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Time flies by and the festival of metal draws ever closer and even the old retired wolves are looking to make a good impression on the howling stage.

Eve: Winston Honey, its been days since we have practised our singing or even our howling, come on in and practise with me darling.

Winston sat outside enjoying the rays of sunshine raining down upon him until he heard the fiery voice of his death angel beckoning from their log mansion.

Eve: Winston!!

Winston: God damn it woman, can't you see that i am trying to rest out here, this back doesn't straighten itself out you know.


A scared...
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(March 31, 2011)
(this is after we get home from the vet’s office)

“This is Colby Browning for Dr. Johnston,” I said to Milly the secretary. She put me on hold and transferred the call.
“This is Dr. Johnston,” he said when he came on the line.
“Hey, doc, this is that guy that pulled a gun on you earlier,” I said hesitatingly. There was only silence. “Anyway, I’m just calling to apologize for that. I would never have pulled the trigger and you were in no danger at any point. I just had to get back there and make sure that Scar got treated.”
When the doctor first spoke, there...
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Early Saturday morning Humphrey was getting ready to preform in front Of this huge crowd of some say 300,000 Wolves and he was a nervous wreck then he saw Kate's face in the crowd and it was like the whole crowd dissapeared except her and Humphrey felt much more confident.

Humphrey was signaled by his band that they were ready and he began to play the guitar [This song belongs to Metallica the song is One]

Humphrey: I can't remember anything
can't tell if this is true or dream
deep down inside I feel to scream
this terrible silence stops me

now that the war is through with me
I'm waking up,...
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Jon after the pack of car passes him flipping down the track
Jon after the pack of car passes him flipping down the track
[THIS SERIES WILL ALWAY BE FROM JON'S POINT OF VIEW] Here i am at the age of 4 sitting behind the wheel it now lap 298 we have two laps to go and we are coming to the green flag ok here my first race is under way i'm in 5th and my dad is leading so i will try to pass between two cars and hopefully not wreck [here comes my big rookie mistake] i went to pass and as i got to the front of Kyle he swerved his car becoming loose and tap my back bumper causeing me to slide on the straight away and i got hit by another car and i was fliped on my side and then i was ramed by another and i rolled on...
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Humphrey was taking his lunch break. He went and pick up his friends and went to “Grubb in the box.”
“Can I take your order please?” the attendant asked.
“I’ll have a number 9,” Humphrey said.
“I’ll also have a number 9,” Shakey said.
“I’ll have a number 6 with extra dip,” Salty said.
“I’ll have two number 9’s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, two number 45’s, one with cheese, and a large soda,” said Mooch.
“Fat guy,” Shakey said.
“You’re paying,” Humphrey said.
Humphrey pulled up to the second window, “You know, there’s a huge...
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it is the night after the moon light howl me and lily are heading home from a great carabou dinner we have had a lot going on humphrey and kate had got married yesterday and lilly's dad is sick so we have not had any time to spend together. garth' what are you thinking about asked lily, "oh nothing i was just thinking about your dad and how he is doing". "i am shure he is fine lily conforted me, yeah i shouldnt worry about that should i i said like a complete idiot.

when we got back to our den i laid down right away i was so tired that i couldn't even hold my own weight. "boy i am really tired...
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posted by Alphaman
I was happy I got a few looks at a&o2 now in a weird twist of events I'm wound up in the hospital. There's so much I will miss now lily is going to be the main character
Kate no I will miss u baby.
Now that I'm in the hospital I will be updating my post a little less
Now what happened is i was in a car crash damn tractor trailer driver. So I wish all of u good times and I will try hard to get well fast but I don't knows.
More articales coming soon
So one more thing I forgot tell u I don't like Lily no more I love Kate so don't ask me about lily she ruined the move thanks lily u loser
posted by yoj123
Warning small sex scene some detail

As Kate and Humphrey returned to their den they noticed all of the members of the pack were gone "maybe they are on a hunt...a big hunt" Kate said to humphery "maybe" said Humphrey.

"umm, you know how you were talking about mating, now would be a good time to do it, Kate". "Alright I'm ready","I'm ready too". And when they got back to their den Humphrey mounted Kate and started thrusting in and out Kate could feel him ejaculate "ohhh" Kate groaned but Humphrey kept on thrusting in and out then after an hour humphrey fainted and kate (felling sore as hell) went to bed.
Winston got up early in the morning to leave. Eve and Humphrey cuddling was so sweet, so he didn’t wake them up tell them he was leaving. 31 hours 56 minutes until Garn’s deadline. A few hours later, Eve woke and was feeling it. She forgot she was sleeping with Humphrey and not Winston, so she climbed on top of him, and started mounting him.
She was only half awake, and Humphrey looked like Winston to him. Humphrey woke to this and freaked out.
“Eve, what are you doing?”
“Oh Winston! Give me something!”
“I’m Humphrey! Get off me quick!”
Unfortunately, Eve didn’t get off...
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posted by alphawolf13
Chapter 2: The return

A winter later humphrey patrolled the tranning grounds , His fur rippled with new powerful muscles , his face a darker , more confident look with powerful eyes. Over the time he spent traning with Winston he had learned to kill with scary efficency . He could track deer from a mile away. He could Almost become invisible to anything unsuspecting. He leapt from rock to rock till he stood on the cliffs peak. He laughed to himself he recalled when it had took him half a day to traverse it now a matter of seconds . That was just part of his traning . He had to hunt with his...
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Alpha and Omega: Debt paid with Blood

Alright first story Plz use creative critisizm

The Wind Crackled as it Passed throught the trees, Sending warm air into the undergrowth and into the bushes. A lone bull grazed below, it chewed on the wild grass it's long legs like stone pillars his antlers covered in velvet and the scratches of old fights lay visible.

The wind shifted , as the Old bull cocked his head releasing a loud snort. Admist the bush a pair of Glowing eyes focused on the moose, to the eyes their was nothing else just it's prey. the eyes took note of every breath , every movement, every...
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