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Chapter Four - The REBEL Pack's plans

Ok, I got so many votes for the plot of this chapter so I'm going to combine them all, I changed it on option D from Eve seeing Sarah to Humphrey seeing her, I think it's time our favorite Omega has a talk with his mother. Last time, we saw the REBEL pack with Miles and Nigel kidnap Kate and leaving Humphrey and Eve alone to die, but Eve is a strong wolf and she won't let those wolves get away. I also showed a more darker side to my OC Sam, as he killed his own son, now, Saria, another one of OCs, makes her first official appearance in this story. You might remember her as the wolf that tried to rape Humphrey in my dark one shot, Hold On Until The End. Saria is one of my most sadistic OCs and she will show that side in this story. Before I get to the story, this is the last time I'm going to update this year, next year, I will begin updating Kate vs Lilly and Alpha and Omega 2, followed by Love At First: Fighting for Kate, and prepare the first chapter to Jasper Park. This chapter will feature a song from the second Balto movie, Taking You Home by Kimaya Seward

Sarah's POV

It's hard to believe that me and my mate, Peter, are dead.

What makes us more sad, is that we left behind our son, Humphrey.

From time to time, I would try to show myself to him, trying to guide him towards our old home in Jasper Park.

But, it failed like we failed to protect him.

Humphrey was emotionally injured, all caused by the pack that killed us.

Ever since the REBEL pack came into power, the Omega numbers had gone down so much.

Since our deaths, we have seen so much, from the many hardships Omegas are facing, to being pushed out of packs for being different, to being killed, and now, to being enslaved.

But my gaze always fell onto my Humphrey, who has been hurting since our deaths.

All over Canada, Omegas were being warned to hide and to not get involved with Alphas.

Then our nightmares came true, Sam, the one that killed us, was still alive and it frightens us when he was hunting down all Omegas.

Now, after months of violence, the Omega numbers had gone down drastically.

Pretty soon, there wouldn't be an Omega left alive, all there will be, is Alphas.

Day after day, we hear the sad cries of Omegas crying for help, of hunger, and of pain.

Many wished life, while some just wish for their suffering to end.

Me and Peter was shocked to see the drastic change in Omegas over the years.

Omegas were now being turned into d into frightened, scared, and depressed wolves, than their usual happy selves.

Peace was now over, survival is all that's left now.

If Sam doesn't die soon, then the Omegas will go extinct.

This is not a war, but a dangerous era known as The Omega Genocide, a time of great depression, violence, and terror.

Sam was not just a Omega hating wolf, he was a wolf terrorist, a mad wolf.

I went to see how Winston and Eve were doing and saw their daughter, Kate... seeing her future and her dreams and saw that my son, was the one for her.

Being the protective and caring mother, I kept a good watch on her and saw how good of a girl she was.

Peter kept a watch on Humphrey, and saw a major change in his mood, a major depression was on him.

This worried me when I overheard him wishing death on himself.

We tried to help him get out of his depression, but every wolf that came into his life, has treated him like dirt, adding more to his emotional scars.

Then one female wolf came to him one day and did the worse thing to him, she tricked him.

Her name was Saria, the most sadistic Alpha of the Northern Pack, she was also called The Omega Rapist and known for raping and murdering every Omega she came in contact with.

What she did was led him to believe he was someone special, then ended up raping him and attacking him, leaving him for dead.

Before she left, she told him about how much of a loser he was and how no girl wants him.

I was by his side as he recovered, but he was never the same since then.

He believed her, and mostly lived in the shadows, believing he was ugly.

Then a few months went by, Humphrey was in his den, tears falling down his cheek and his thoughts was the same as ever, thinking if he will ever die or if a girl will ever like him.

Kate, the daughter of Winston and Eve was nearby, in a trailer... so we pretty much lead her to our son, where she was slowly changing him for the best.

She showed him great love, care, and compassion, something no one has ever showed him.

What I saw in Kate that day, was a happy future, with her living with Humphrey and growing old with him.

She wanted to get closer but after I talked to her, she did get closer, and I think she sparked something inside Humphrey, something I had when I first met Peter.

It was their love, that was needed to save the Omegas.

This surprised me but I was never wrong before... and Omegas need all the help they can get.

If they can help save the Omegas, then peace will finally return.

I smiled as I heard Humphrey and Kate sing together, hearing the beautiful melody they made together.

The stars shining down on Kate's golden tan fur, her eyes glowing in the moonlight.

She was perfect for Humphrey and as a mother, I couldn't wish for a better daughter.

The most hardest thing a parent could do is let their children go, and it was hard for me to let Humphrey go, but I see this as a opportunity to make lots of pups with Kate and maybe, add more Omega wolves to this beautiful world.

But that was an mistake as Sam and his wicked pack have hunted Humphrey down and took Kate with them.

Sam's thoughts were very perverted as they were all about Kate's slender body and how she would feel if he raped her.

There was also plans to brainwash her and turn him into a REBEL Alpha.

I had to stop this and get Humphrey back to his normal self, since his depression no longer has a hold on him like it was before, he should be able to see or hear us now.

Before going to him, I took one last look at the whole world and saw the Omega numbers going down drastically, as the screams got louder and louder.

Now, the numbers were very low, as me and Peter was saddened by the thought of only a few Omegas left, then the fear of all the Omegas disappearing.

Our time has come to an end, and now, begins the era of the Alphas.

Sam's POV

We finally reached the area where I killed my most hated enemies, Peter and Sarah.

But there was that miserable little brat, the one my loyal follower, Saria brainwashed that puny Omega and help placed more devastating scars on him.

I'm more glad I was able to wound that piece of shit, now he will die for sure and now, I have the girl that befriended him.

After what that pervert, Miles said about her, she sounded enticing to me.

Imagine me, controlling her every thought, and make her into what I consider a true Alpha, hating every Omega alive and obeying my every word.

Once she's brainwashed, she will be my obedient slave, not questioning anything I do, she will be one of the best mates I had.

My recent mate, Martha, used to be under my control, now she questions everything I do now, and refuses to listen to me.

She used to be interesting because she looked so hot.

Her fur was a silvery color that sparkled in the light, and her eyes was a silver color, too.

But when she was under my control, she was loyal, now, she keeps demanding that I spend time with our son, Fang

I have to dispose of her soon, but how?

She could easily be as rebellious as the stupid excuse of a pup she had.

Fang was a huge headache to me and I only pretended to love him, because all he kept saying was that he wanted to be with his daddy.

Stupid pup, good thing I killed you when I had the chance.

Now, I have a pack to rule and soon, my plan to exterminate all Omegas and all Alphas that support them lame ways.

I was born evil, and that is how I'm going to stay.

A scared wolf laid in my den as I looked to see my new mate, Kate, all tied up, and shaking as she stared at me.

"Don't worry my pretty Alpha... soon, you will join us as a true Alpha, but first, I need to reteach you in our ways, and you will remain under my control," I said, smirking.

"Fuck you Sam, I know your kind, Humphrey will save me and he will kill you for what you did to him," Kate said, giving me a cold stare.

"Oh, I love to see that, but I'm afraid he's dead now, I hurt him pretty bad and there was no way he can survive now, but if he is alive, he will have to fight you, my dear... after all, you will think like us, soon," I said, softly rubbing her cheek, making her turn her face away from me.

"Is it done!" I shouted, as Saria came in, with a wooden bowl in her mouth.

She placed the bowl on the ground and looked at Sam smiling, "Yes... here it is, this should begin the brainwashing process,."

The bowl had a strange black substance in it, it was almost like goo but the smell was really aweful as it smelt like ten rotten caribou, all mixed into one disgusting substance.

"Oh, that looks wonderful Saria," I said, taking the bowl and eyeing Kate, as she was staring at me with wide eyes.

"Good sir, because I added more of our... special... leaves to it, so we can completely turn her into one of us," Saria said, looking at Kate.

I started walking towards Kate with a evil grin on my face, the bowl in my mouth as Kate tried to scoot herself away from me.

With one paw, I grabbed her by the throat and pulled her close to me, opening her mouth.

"I told you before Alpha, you're one of us, now, and you belong to me, now DRINK!" I shouted, as I poured the entire bowl down her throat.

She cringed as she tasted the substance as it went down her throat.

Once it was gone, she pulled away and tried to throw it up, but was just gagging from the disgusting flavor.

I smiled when she looked at me, her pupils getting dilated, a distant look forming on her face.

"Good girl, now you will obey me, like a Alpha... Saria, you can now brainwash her, but remember, she obeys me and I want her here when I come back," I said, exiting the den.

"Yes sir, I'll do that right away," Saria said, approaching Kate.

I walked through the old territory, seeing all the damage my pack had done.

Then growls was heard in the distance, causing me to look, seeing Miles and Nigel fighting with each other.

"Shut the fuck up! I told you, leave that girl alone," Nigel said, head butting Miles.

"Oh yeah, you just want to fuck her, don't you!" Miles said, getting up, a few drops of blood going down his forehead..

Nigel pounced on Miles and began tearing his chest open but Miles pushed him off and pinned him to the ground.

"Fuck you Nigel... I got her, not you, and if Sam betrays me, then I will kill him and take that beauty all to myself!" Miles said, slicing open Nigel's throat, killing him instantly.

Miles smiled at himself for what he did, only to be stabbed in the back by me.

"Ow, what the fuck!" Miles said, looking up at me, "What the hell was that for!"

"You crossed the line, fucktard!" I said, slamming one of my paws on his head, crushing it, Causing his brains to splatter all over the place

I turned to one of my Alphas and motioned for him to approached, "Burn these bodies here, do it and I'll give you extra meat."

"Yes sir," The Alpha said, as I left to go find my mate, who was crying over the body of Fang.

"You monster! How dare you murder our son, he loved you!" Martha shouted, as she wailed over Fang.

"Oh shut your whining, bitch... I'm done with you, got myself another female to control now, a much more valuable female that is?" I said, grabbing her by the neck and snapping it, "Stupid girl..."

I then grabbed her body and threw it on top of the bodies of Miles and Nigel, and then went to Kate and begin brainwashing her.

Humphrey's POV

Pain, that was the last thing I remember feeling before blacking out.

It was not a stranger to me, because that was all I felt, but this time, it was much more stronger, like I was separated from someone dear to me.

If it was because of Kate, then why am I feeling this way, she was just a stranger that offered me to join her pack, then she became a friend as we got closer to her pack.

What touched me more was that she comforted me when those two jerks insulted me and tried to get Kate to join them.

Now, since everything was black, all I heard was voices, mostly from my parents, as if I was looking at my memories.

Then within a flash of light, I found myself staring at an female wolf, holding a tiny grey pup in her arms.

I looked closely and saw it was me as a pup, and then saw my father come in, with a huge smile and tears coming down his face.

"Peter, would you like to meet your new son..." Sarah said, softly, looking at him.

Peter wiped the tears from his face and slowly made his way towards Sarah, "Yes darling... he sure is beautiful, like you."

He gently kissed her and then kissed me on the forehead, as I remembered that feeling... for me being so little, that was the feeling that made me comfortable.

Then everything were dark and it started raining heavily, as a image that has haunted my dreams came to me.

My mother in her own pool of blood, cuts all over her body and a young me crying into her fur.

This was freaking me out, as if my entire life was playing in front of my eyes.

But instead of watching the heartbreaking memory, I saw myself run off in tears, when my mother spoke again, but not to the young me, but to me.

"Humphrey, sweetheart... if you can hear me, please listen... You father and I are so proud of you... but the life you're living is in the shadows brought on by the very pack that took our lives," Sarah said, "But when I was talking to you before, I was trying to get you to go to Jasper Park, where you can be safe from the REBEL pack's evil ways."

I couldn't believe what she was saying, all this time, I was suppose to go to Jasper, where Kate lived, but I remained quiet as my mother continued to speak, "But you must save Kate, she is in grave danger."

This worried me because she was a new friend of mine and I didn't want anything to happen to her, as I lowered my head, preparing to cry when someone lifted my head, to see my mother with comforting eyes.

"Have no fear, sweetheart, you can save her, and you will have help, her mother and my best friend, Eve will help you..." Sarah said, softly.

"Mother, is that you?" I said, crying.

"It's me sweetheart, it's me," Sarah said, embracing me as I broke down in tears, clinging to her.

"Don't leave me, please don't leave again, I'm so lost, mother!" I cried, holding her tightly.

Sarah began to tear up, "I know sweetheart, but me and your father will never ever leave, and don't worry, Kate is the way for you, and you need to rescue her before she becomes a puppet to the REBEL pack."

I looked up with tears in my eyes, "What will happen to her, mother?"

"Sam, the leader of the pack, the one that killed us and the one that injured, will brainwash her, but he will have help, from a certain wolf that raped you and left you for dead," Sarah said, giving me a serious look.

My eyes widened as the painful memory came back to me, all the emotions coming out, causing me to fall to the ground, crying like a newborn pup.

She was back and now about to cause more pain into my life, and the only question on my mind is, when will this pain end.

Sarah placed a paw on my shoulder, making me look up to see her giving me a kind loving smile, one that calmed me.

"Mom, where id dad? How come it's just you?" I asked, wiping the tears from my face, but more still came down, a sad smile on my face.

"I know sweetheart, your father wishes he could see you, but only one of us could do this and he insisted that I do this for you, but he promises that he will visit you sometime in the future, but now, it's just me," Sarah said, kissing me on the forehead.

Then she started singing a song that made me think about all that happened to me, and mostly, about Kate.

Play the song, Taking You Home from the movie, Balto 2, sang by Kimaya Seward

Sarah began singing in a soft voice, as she pulled me close to her.

Somebody wants you, somebody needs you.
Someone is searching for your heart alone.
Someone is dreaming, waiting and watching.
Someone is coming to take you home.

Hearing those words made me think of Kate and how she wanted me a part of her pack and if they rejected me, then she would remain by my side

Time, it will fly like the sun through the sky.
And what once was hello turns to goodbye.

The song brought a calm feeling to me as I continued to think about Kate and my past.

Tomorrow is here now, sings in your ear now.
Child of my heart, your life is your own.
Never you fear, now,
Your path is clear now.
Some one who loves you, some one who loves you is taking you home.

The last sentence brought tears to my eyes.

Kate loves me and this was my ticket to a happy life and it was with her.

Sarah lifted my head again, wiping the tears from my eyes, "See sweetheart, Kate is taking you home, and without her, you can't go home."

"My home is with Kate, isn't it?" I asked, taking a deep breath, finally ending the tears.

"Yes, just like my home is with your father and Eve's home is with her mate, Winston... but right now, Kate needs you, and you are the only one that can save her," Sarah said, nuzzling me softly.

"I love you, mother!" I said, hugging her tightly, shedding a few tears.

"I love you, too sweetheart, always have, always will, now go and get Kate... you deserve her," Sarah said, kissing my forehead again before releasing the hug.

She disappeared, sending back into darkness as more images flashed before my eyes, as I saw a sight that made me smile.

Me and Kate laying next to three beautiful pups.

Two of them were grey male pups, all looking like me, and a golden tan female pup that looked like Kate.

The golden tan one was in my arms, as she cuddled into my chest, while the one of the grey pups was in Kate's arms and the last grey pup was laying on the ground, between us, sound asleep.

"Oh Kate, they are so beautiful, thank you for allowing me to have a family with you," the future me said.

"No Humphrey, I should be thanking you. Without you, none of this would have been possible, besides, they got their beauty from you, too... not just me," Kate said.

Before I could hear more, I back into darkness, then waking up to see a golden tan female wolf over me, a worried look on her face.

"Oh thank goodness, Winston... he's up," the wolf said.

Then a grey wolf came in looking at me, a smile on his face, "Thank you, Eve and you must be Humphrey, you look so much like Peter."

I remember the names that my mother told me about and smiled at them, "So, you must be the wolves that my parents knew?"

"Yeah, and you sure do have your mother's beautiful eyes," Eve said, sitting next to me, "Are you ok, you were hurt pretty bad?"

I remembered her voice, "Wait, you were the one who I last spoke to before blacking out, wasn't it?"

She nodded as I looked around for Kate but saw no sign of her, "Where is Kate?"

Eve looked down, "They still have her, but I was more worried about you with your wounds, but I was waiting for you to wake up first before going after her."

"Ok, then I'm coming, too," I said, trying to get up.

"No! Not in your condition..." Eve stopped when she saw some of the cuts on my body were gone, as I examined my body, seeing it was a lot better then before.

"What condition Eve... I'm still coming, regardless. Besides, I want revenge for what those fuckers did to my family and to save Kate." I said, getting up.

"Are you sure Humphrey, I don't want anything to happen to you and I certainly don't want to lose you," Eve said, as Winston sat next to her, a worried look on his face.

"I appreciate the concern Eve, but Kate is my responsibility and if it wasn't for me, she wouldn't have been captured if it wasn't for me, besides, she's my home and without her, I'm nothing," I said, stretching my legs.

"Home? How did he knew that, unless Peter and Sarah told him about that before they died," Winston said, looking at Eve.

"No Winston... my mother told me that when I was unconscious," I said, looking at Winston.

They were both shocked at what I just said, but I began to tell them about everything I saw, from my first memory at birth to speaking to my mother.

It was almost like my entire life was flashing before my eyes and somehow, I came back to life

What was strange, I wanted revenge on Sam for not what he did to me, but for what he did to my parents.

I wanted him dead, before he takes any more innocent lives.

Something inside me is telling it's time to act before anything worse happens and now, since I have this feeling, I felt stronger than ever before.

What it was, will always be a mystery, but I do know that if it saves Kate, then I will be happy.

Eve snapped me out of my thoughts when she began speaking to me, "Ok, I allow you to come if I get to cause that piece of shit pain and I will bring the most unbearable pain on him and when he's dead, we'll rip him into pieces, " her eyes shrunk down as she continued, "Then spread his filthy remains so none of his filthy mutts can find his remains."

Her threat made me jump but I just smiled, knowing she was the right wolf to bring justice for my parents' death.

"Ok, deal, but let's make sure his death is very painful and I want another wolf dead, too... she's working with Sam and one of the wolves that caused great pain on me," I said, "She um... she raped me and left me for dead."

"Was her name Saria?" Winston asked.

The name brought that dreadful memory to me again, but her voice mocked me in my head.

"You ugly little mutt, no one wants you... you're all alone now and you will die a lone wolf," Saria's voice said in a mocking voice in my head, as it kept repeating until I screamed out in frustration, telling the voice to leave me alone.

"I will kill that bitch for what she did to me!" I shouted, my paws on both sides of my head, as I kept repeating the sentence till I was calm.

Winston and Eve sat there in shock as I screamed before stopping, trying to catch my breath.

After a few minutes, I finally found what I needed, and it was the courage and strength needed to save Kate and to bring justice for all those killed by Sam and his filthy pack, especially that slutty wolf, Saria, who has a huge hold on many Omegas since she rapes every Omega she's been in contact with.

I didn't hear much about her till she raped me but she pretty went after every Omega, whether they're male or female, she rapes them all, and kills many of them, like she tried to do to me.

After I was all calm, Eve picked a few Alphas to help us on our mission.

Among them was a few Alphas named Hutch, Candu, Frank, and Slash, and Kate's sister Lilly and her new mate Garth joined us.

Lilly was very sweet like her sister, and she was very beautiful with her snow white fur and her sparling violet eyes.

No wonder Garth loved her so much, she was true beautiful, but the more I thought about Kate, the more I realized I did love her, more than I did before.

She was just like Lilly, truly beautiful to me.

Her golden tan fur shined like gold to me, her amber eyes glowed like the shiniest diamonds, that always made my insides melt.

After going through this, my broken shatter spirit felt like it was before when I was a pup, like nothing ever happened to me.

I silently sat there until I heard a soft voice call out to me, a voice I knew too easily, it was Kate's.

She was telling me to save her from Sam and I told her that I will and when I do, I will protect her from all harm like she did for me.

It was time for me to pay Kate back for all she did.

"You ready?" Eve said, walking next to me with the others behind her.

"Yeah, but just give me a moment, I got to do this," I said, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath when Kate's voice came to me, as if she was speaking in my ears, "Remember Humphrey, you are a strong wolf, and you can do this... I'm always with you, just like your parents... do this for me, forget your emotional scars, they are what is holding you back, you are now a free wolf, now start living like a free wolf."

"But Kate, what if I can't do this?" I said, but Kate spoke again, as if she heard me, "I believe in you Humphrey... you're the one from my dreams, the one for me, and I know you believe in yourself, just do it, for me, for us..."

"I do believe... I can do this, I will do this for you, Kate..." I said, taking a deep breath and opening my eyes. as I turned to Eve and the others, "I'm ready, let's save Kate!"

We all began running towards where Kate was taken, and soon enough, we got their scents and started following it, in hopes of saving her soon.

Kate's POV

I just sat there, as Sam filled my mind with lies, but I had enough willpower to resist them, but I heard Humphrey's voice in my head and how he was doubtful of rescuing me, I decided to encourage him and tell him how I believe in him.

"I do believe... I can do this, I will do this for you, Kate," Humphrey said in my head.

"I know... I love you Humphrey... please come soon... I miss you already," I said softly, shedding a tear.

I smiled softly as I thought about Humphrey, my love for him keeping me strong.

Sam's words were like poison to my mind, and the more he spoke, the more it was hard for me to believe what was true and what is a lie.

"Now, you belong to me and be a wonderful obedient mate..." Sam said.

I took this as an opportunity to escape but Sam saw this and grabbed before I could do anything.

He held me to wall and whispered in my ears, more of his poisonous words.

"Oh come on, beautiful, you can't escape my land, it is built for a princess like you, and I'm offering it to you, all I ask for, is your obedience and to obey everything I say," Sam said.

I can't believe that, but the more he spoke, the more harder it is to stay strong for Humphrey.

Sam rubbed his body against mine, "Once I'm done with you, it is I who you will think of all the time."

I grew nervous when Sam lustfully looked at my body.

"Beautiful body, can't wait to feel it," Sam said, touching my body but I smack his paw away, making him angry.

"Get the fuck away from me!" I shouted, pushing him away from, but it was a mistake since Sam slammed me against the wall, his paws around my throat as he growled in my face and began slapping my face.

"Oh yeah, you fucking Omega lover! You will be mine or otherwise," Sam said, unsheathing his claws and pressing them against my throat, "I will fucking cut your fucking head off and send it to your fucking father so he can cry like the fucking Omega loving Alpha he really is and when I'm done with you, I will slaughter your entire pack, starting with your slutty mother!"

"Shut up!" I shouted but Sam slash me in the face, giving me a good scar across the eye.

"Fucking shut up! Slut! I am this close to killing you, now fucking shut up!" Sam shouted, as he began to smack me again, pushing me to the ground as he began to kick me in the stomach.

He stopped kicking and walked away, as I curled up, trying to hide the pain, but it was too painful.

"Humphrey, please hurry..." I said, "I need you..."

Sam retuned and kicked me in the face, "Oh that's just perfect, first we give you something that brainwashes you and then you resist and now, you're crying to that Omega I left for dead, well if he is alive, I will rip out his guts and tie them around you so you can hang from them!"

He kicked me again before kicking dirt in my face.

"You're not worth brainwashing! You stupid slut!" Sam shouted, "Saria, make sure she doesn't leave!"

Sam left after he said that, leaving me and Saria as she blocked the exit from me.

She turned her back to me as I began to think about Humphrey, hoping he was ok and not dead like Sam kept saying.

I curled up in a ball and snuggled into my tail, thinking it was Humphrey.

It was so nice and soft that it was like someone was laying to me.

"Goodnight Humphrey, I love you please be alive..." I said to myself, closing my eyes before drifting off into dreamland.

A:N/: Ok, how was it?
added by TimberHumphrey
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(Really? WTF?!)

added by alexischaos2004
Source: pic
added by SexyAlpha
Source: Me and Disney
added by HUMPHRY
added by HUMPHRY
added by HUMPHRY
added by HUMPHRY
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added by dan11774
The family getting ready for a night of sleep.
The family getting ready for a night of sleep.
September 2010- Alpha And Omega AWESOME

October 2013- Alpha And Omega 2 EHHH... IT'S OK

March 2014- Alpha And Omega 3 WTF?!

September 2014- Alpha And Omega 4 OH... MY... THERE IS A GOD!

Alpha And Omega 4: Legend Of Sawtooth Cave fixes a lot of the mistakes done in the first sequels as well as very nearly improving upon the original. Not saying that the original wasn't the best of the series because it still is but the way that the fourth film was written was just unbelievable, plus the animation was near spot-on to the original's and the new characters were actually likable. The original characters...
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There are lots of people who say that The Human-Wolves are werewolves, but they aren't!
Human-wolves are half-humans, half-wolves creatures who can freely change forms at their will, they can have these forms: human,wolf or human/wolf.
They are good beings who protects ordinary people from the evil, but there are also some evil Human-wolves who want only destruction and discord.
~A Story:
(Humphrey found himself tied up with a rope, hanging from the ceilling).(Humphrey, Kate, Lilly, Garth, Winston, Tony, Eve, Hutch, Can-do, Salty, Shackey, Mooch and future Stinky, Clauddete and Runt are Good...
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added by BeautifulKate
As night fell everybody was sitting around at the campfire some like Lily, Garth, Humphrey, Chloe, Roxy, and Eve were asleep while the rest were still awake saying what they miss.
A new member joined the group his name is Daryl who has a mix of grey and black fur color, he was found by walking by the Wall-Mart with a crossbow and now he's sitting next to Lily and Hutch. Hutch:" So Daryl where you from?" Daryl:" you'll be surprised, I came from Georgia" Kate:" as in Georgia USA?" Daryl:"yes where else is there a damn Georgia?" saying with a redneck accent which he always has Hutch:" Son of a...
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posted by westernunit-211
(The trip to the Western territory will be a good one. Humphrey and his squad will be visiting Winston.)

5 days later

September 12, 08:11hrs
Western Territory border
Frost's safe house

Frost was up and so was his wife Stacy. They were ready for head to meet up with the western pack today with Riley and his squad. Frost told Kyle if he could watch the safe house while their gone. Kyle said yes. Frost thanked him and he, Stacy, Riley and his squad headed for the western pack. Frost and Stacy were having a conversation during their trip to the western pack. Frost told her that the western pack is a...
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posted by simmy240
**This is announcement from the US air force/US marines. America has declared war against Russia. Our boys are getting ready to be shipped to Russia-Controlled Germany. Wish them good luck in the battlefield!**

"WERE SHIPPING OUT TOMORROW?" exclaimed Humphrey
"Yes, yes we are" replied Winston
"I have a family to say goodbye to and that may be the last time I ever see them" Humphrey continued
"Your acting like a dick, Winston" Humphrey said feeling very pissed off
"Fine at the end of the week, we ship out" With that...
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posted by Kitsune32
Here's Chapter 18 guys. Also I think for now Tuesdays and Thursdays will my days off from writing. Enjoy.

No One's POV

It was early afternoon as Runt and his siblings were playing with Agnes, Brent, and the Northern Pups. While the others were playing tag, Magril and Runt were talking about how Stinky's blind date with Artemis would go.

"Well it'll most likely depend on what they want to do," Magril said.

"You have a point there," Runt replied. "Oh did you tell Artemis about the blind date?"

"Yeah, she doesn't have a date yet so she agreed on it," Magril said. "Did you tell Stinky yet?"

"No, I'm...
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