Alpha and Omega Club
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posted by RadLilly
The irresistible call of crickets slowly took off as the delightful song of the early bird began to fill the air in the fellowship of Spring's sun, which was a sign to all the creatures that the time had come to start the day anew.

Light slowly crept across the land, as the shadows of the night retreat into the deepest holes where they would hide until they were free once more from the repression of the sun. As the light spreads, the early bird was joined by the immense chorus of chirps and calls which let all who could hear know it was a great day to live.

As the light slowly spreads across the valley, it slipped inside the den, where Humphrey, along with Kate, Lilly, Winston, and Eve, slumbered in. As the light crosses over the young grey wolf, he slowly unfolded his eyes from the disturbance of the dawn's light. Still in grief from the traumatic event the other night, there is a empty space in him.

The young Omega saunters toward the edge of the den, where he is able see the morning light. As he sits and gazes at the valley filled with wolves and other creatures, he thinks about his family. It was such a traumatizing moment of his life that no young lad would be able to forget at such a young age. But he might as well start a new life in the Western pack, after the young golden wolf saved his life.

As Kate finally arose from the early sunlight, she notices Humphrey sitting at the edge of the den. She decides to approach to him and be a companionable young wolf to him.

"Hey," Kate says, breaking the silence.

"Hi," Humphrey say, with a bit of a morning voice.

"Did you sleep well?" Kate says, being as friendly as she can to him.

"I slept well," he replied.

The two young pups both gaze at the land upon them, watching all the other wolves wandering around the Western pack. As they both scrutinize the valley, Kate contemplates on starting a friendship with Humphrey. Humphrey, morosely looking around, thinks about the same idea as well.

Breaking the silence once again, Kate finally speaks up.

"So do you wanna maybe play around in the woods or something?" Kate asks, hoping for a positive response.

"Sure!" Humphrey says in a delightful voice.

Without further adieu, the two young wolves take off deep into the woods. As they run off to the woods, the breezy spring air flows across them, grateful that the earth was finally starting to warm up once more in the wake of the dark. They both allowed their eyes to drift off to the direction of the forest, where they both knew that that's where they'll both enjoy themselves. But as Humphrey and Kate were on their way toward that direction, he caught himself recalling the incident, which transpired a day ago. He really felt as though he wished none of this had happened. What if his father was never killed by those wolves? What if his mother never tripped over that rock and couldn't keep up? What if Violet was never shot by one of the hunters? What if she died after that?

Then again, though, he found the Western pack, and might as well start a new life there. So perhaps he should start thinking about the present, and finish his dwelling about the past.

He quickly pulled himself out of the recessions of his mind, as he did not wish to dwell on such thoughts, and allowed his eyes to migrate back to the direction to where he and Kate are headed to.

Finally, after a long run from home, the two young wolves arrive at their destination to where they wished to depart to. As they sit in the grass, they think about what they would like to do for the time being.

"So... now that we're, what would you like to do?" Kate asks, while relaxing in the grass.

"Hmm... I'm not so sure," Humphrey replies, while contemplating.

As they sit in the wood, Kate finally has an idea on what the two of them shall do together, so she decides to tag Humphrey.

"You're it!" Kate yells, as she scurries away, which eventually made Humphrey chase after her.

As the young grey wolf aims Kate in order to tag her back, the two of them go through all sorts of obstacles that would prevent Humphrey to approach her. But at one point during the chase, Kate suddenly falls into a ditch, causing a broken leg, which made her seriously injured.

"Oh!" she cried as she grasped her injured leg.

The sudden motion and outcry caused Humphrey to follow where the shriek was coming from. As he finally arrives to where the commotion was heard from, he spots Kate lying in pain in the ditch. Without a second thought, Humphrey slides down into the ditch to where Kate has fallen until he approaches to her.

"Kate," he said worriedly as he quickly crouches down. "Kate, are you alright?"

"Ugh.. I am, I am," Kate says, reassuringly.

But as she attempts to get up, the agonizing pain prevented her to keep going. Humphrey didn't know what he should do, other than running back to the den and get help from Winston and Eve, and just leave Kate lying in the ditch.

But without thinking about it, Humphrey quickly grabs Kate and carries her on his back, whereupon returning to the den.

Finally arriving to the den, Winston and Eve come out of the den, concerned about what happened.

"What's wrong?" Winston asks, concerned.

"We were playing in the forest, then she fell in a ditch and broke her leg," Humphrey replies.

"We should take her to the healer right away!" Eve says.

Later that evening, Kate exits the healer's den, cured. Winston, Eve, and Lilly were relieved that Kate is alright and that it was nothing very serious. Humphrey is very grateful that Kate is cured and that he didn't left her struggling in that ditch, deep in the woods. The family is very thankful for Humphrey, for bringing Kate back to safety.

"I can't thank you enough for doing this, Humphrey," Winston says, looking down to Humphrey. "You have earned my trust."

"Thank you," Eve says.

"Thank you for bringing my sister back," Lilly says.

Humphrey was amazed that these wolves would thank an omega like him for doing a heroic duty. He's never been trusted like this, which made him feel very proud of himself.

Back at the den, Humphrey decides to relax at the edge of the den. He really enjoys to be seated at the border of the den, where he can enjoy the fresh air.

Kate notices him at the edge of the den and decides to sit next to him, and remembers that she didn't thank Humphrey for saving her life.

"Thanks for getting me out of there. That was very thoughtful of you," Kate says in a friendly voice.

"You're welcome," Humphrey replies. "Friends never leave each other behind."

After his last response, Kate is finally able to trust the omega. She now realizes that a friendship is starting to form. Now that she has great trust in him, they're now the best of friends.
I want to speak about characters персанажей animated Membranula А&О. In this part 1 (mum Kate).Это will pay attention on Willows, a she-wolf have for certain drawn attention of many spectators.
In a film it show as very good mother who is ready to intercede for the child. I wouldn't tell that in it bad character, is not, it simply differs from others. This character is very interesting by behavior in various situations. For example, when her daughter Kate, it disappears, it is ready зделать all to find it. But when Kate (alpha) declares that (omega) that Eve has fallen in love in Hamfri faints.
Sense of all this useless history in that, it is not necessary to judge people on one act!
Song: "Day of the Dead" by Hollywood Undead Hollywood Undead released a new song yesterday, and immediately, I thought it would fit A&O4. Overall, I like the result. If you watch this, let me know what you think.
posted by alphaGarth
I am Orion, leader of the western pack, this is a story of what happened during the war......

'Mommy! they're coming!'
The mother quickly grabbed my young sister; Angelina, and quickly hid under the bushes from the woods.
I slowly crawled near them, only getting my pants dusted with a few scars, we were quiet, Angelina was frightened by the helicopter boom sounds, the choppers were flying way above air, the sounds of the chopper blades rushed and moved the bushes rapidly we had to curl, just to be unexposed.
I felt my sister's tears running down, meaning to go back home....we couldn't. The choppers...
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added by TrueOnlyKate
The four of us were alarmed, looking in every of their body movements thinking where to go for.
Adol was ready, but he had that same fear all over his face.
If he doesn’t straightened up he’s gonna face another scar on him.
‘C’mon! I wanna show these cowards who they’re dealing with!’
Mark shouted, the other one (Joseph) had that crazy look in his eye.
Adol stuttered his breathing; his body was as still as ice.
Adol’s paralyzed.
‘Adol, what’s wrong.’ I questioned.
I already know why he’s paralyzed- I just have to hear him spit it.
‘BEGIN!’ Trainor shouted, but as...
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posted by lux2
Chapter 4

Lux steps out of his den and takes a deep breath. He sighs, shakes his head and walks to the cave. Lenney and Shadow were already there waiting for him.
  "did you realy need to sleep In till twelve," Lenney said as he turns around and starts to push the rock. Lux joins in.
The boulder slams agenst the wall. 

  "ok now let me jump up there," Lenney said. He jumps on the boulder and jumped again but couldn't reach the branch.
  "wait see if you can jump to that branch over there," Lux yelled as he points at the branch. 
  "ok I'll try," Lenney said as he prepairs...
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added by OmegaHumphrey99
posted by Omega90
It was a stand-off between me and the mysterious black wolf.We circled around the fire very slowly,anticipating who would strike first.Lucky to say,this wasn't the first showdown I've been in."C'mon,make your move Loner!"he taunted.I would have charged if it were insulting,so I remained silent.I was holding my breath so I could here shifting of his paws,but it was a little difficult over the crackling of embers."You know that you've gotten yourself in a bad mess.So,I will give you a count to three,and you better be gone by then."I warned him."One.Two.Three!"He lunged at me on three,but I suspected...
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posted by Spottedtail139
I am Ayra a young strong girl wolf I'm a lone wolf I love being on

my own just me and nature I was stalking moose and yes I'm

strong enough to hunt a fully grown I was leaping towards the

moose when a Black wolf with gray streaks and brown eyes leap

towards the moose and missed " Get away lone" I growled.

" I'm sorry I don't mean to" He stumbled.

" You messed up my catch" I was about to attack him when he

looked right in my eyes and don't flinch and I was impressed so I

decided not attack " I'm Jet" he said with a smile I smiled back I

like this wolf he's nice " I'm Ayra so what are you doin...
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Yes as the title implies, some people are starting to have doubts about whether the 5th addition to Alpha and Omega is actually going to be released. Well I know it's going to come out (when I don't know) but here are some possible reasons:
One reason could be that the company wants to keep things secretive to surprise the audience. Take for instance Nintendo and the game Zelda Wii U(not final name) that's expected to be released this year. They have only posted one real trailer and 4 screenshots from said trailer in the four-year development cycle. This shows that they really want to surprise...
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added by JennaStone22
I have never seen this before. Actually, no one has. How could this be possible? I looked at my watch. The hour and minute hands were spinning rapidly without stopping. There was no time. The electric clocks were showing random numbers. The sun light came up. It shined in my eyes. It was Bright. As soon as the light hit the cars, the alarms went off. All of the car alarms were going. Then all of a sudden, silence. Then there was the darkest wolf howl. Really deep. No, this wasn't even close to really deep. It was extremely deep. The moon was close to earth. You can guess what happened next....
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posted by OmegaLeader
Let me start off by saying that i f you have a problem go ahead message me, I get like 20 messages a day I will reply though. Anything club related please just put under questions and answers part of the club.

Q 1: How do you find so much pictures, and videos.
A: Google search basically, DeviantArt and A&O related site will usually have pages of images and videos.

Q 2: How do mates work?
A: Please look at places such as Moonlight howling club, it's just RP, a game basically.

Q 3: Since older members who had Kate, Humphrey, ETC, are gone are they now available to us?
A: I honestly don't know,...
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posted by Extinction17
The sun stood high over the sky. A pitch black male wolf was just laying down when a small white and hazel-brown female pup with a black spot on her eye started tip-toeing past him.

"Yvette?" The Black wolf called out without even opening his eyes. "Come here."

The pup smiled sheepishly at him. "Good morning Daddy."

"It's afternoon, sweetie." The black wolf replied.

"Smokey. Quit giving the girl a hard time. " Said a white she-wolf with a brown back resembling the pup except for no spot.

"Magril. I just wanted to know why she has to sneak to go play. Makes me feel like she's up to something."...
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added by TimberHumphrey
added by TimberHumphrey
a clip i filmed from A&O 2
added by shadow-omega
posted by kateandme
Dusk was on his way back to his camp, wondering if he should tell his dad. "If I tell him then It's that much let I've got to keep secret but then I brake the promise I made to Acashia." He said to himself.

"On the other hand if I keep it a secret then I don't emotionally hurt her and every thing still cool." He walked to where he and his dad stay and laid down waiting for him to return.

Dusk had waited for about an half hour before he couldn't take it any longer. "I can't wait for my dad... I got to get some food." He said walking down to one of the lower ranks.

The wolf stood up and said "Yes...
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