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weren't expecting a review with that title huh? well, yeah i know. we gotta wait 2 more months 'till the DVD of this movie comes out. but apparently, Splash went ahead and put up the whole movie on their website. so me having nothing better to do, i was like "Nah, fuck it. why wait till May? i'm gonna go ahead and watch it". and now that i finally watched the whole movie, will it be the movie that ends up being good, or should we start wishing it never existed? i'm Niko, and today i'm gonna be reviewing Alpha and Omega 6: Dino Digs!

The Story
before i get into this review, i just gotta say that so far, this movie's getting a huge amount of HATE from a lotta fans of the franchise, and some of them are calling worse than The Great Wolf Games. i'm serious, this movie's being brutally ripped to shreds! but since this is my review, what did i think of it? well.... i think a lotta people are kinda overreacting a bit too much. now, before you guys jump my ass for saying that, let me tell you: no, this is NOT a good movie. it totally isn't, it's a big let down. however, i still can't deny that i found myself enjoying some parts of the movie. like we all know from the concept, the movie sounds absolutely insane. i mean, Kate, Humphrey and the pups are helping a raptor named Amy - who magically came to life after being dead for 65 billion years - to stop the human diggers from bringing back a dangerous T-Rex. yea, for a franchise like this, it's probably the craziest concept ever! but i'll admit: the story was a bit better than i was expecting. i'll admit that the movie was fast paced enough to keep me watching the movie. i also liked how they went outta their way to make this one creative, and to a point, there's a lotta creativity to this movie. the whole thing with the dinosaurs in Jasper Park wasn't as terrible as i thought, and honestly there were times in the movie where it felt truly effective. they show us in the first 2 minutes how the dinosaurs were wiped out by the meteor shower, along with Amy and the T-Rex, and honestly.... i thought it was pretty intense. sure, it was awkward, but it did kinda have me at the edge of my seat. i definitely gotta add that, surprisingly this movie was a little funnier than i thought. i mean, yeah. the humor's a big hit-and-miss, but when they actually do crack jokes, the movie did a good job on having me laugh a few times, which was a pretty good thing. but then, there comes the bad stuff about the story. first off: the dialogue in this movie has to be some of the cheesiest dialogue i've heard since the third movie. a lotta lines don't sound that smart, and they come out pretty forced and awkward. also, as much as i liked how the dinosaurs were represented in this movie, the execution still wasn't that good. not only is the whole coming-back-to-life not completely explained, but also Amy knows exactly EVERYTHING that happened 65 billion years ago. i gotta ask: how the hell does she know that? i mean, she was blasted by a fucking meteor! yea, they did survived it, but you'd think that by this point, Amy could've had no memory of what happened to her all those years ago, but no. she remembers everything! not explained why, she just does. movie, here's a tip: if you wanna be creative and clever, don't just throw shit at the screen with barely any explanation and expect us to buy it. that just doesn't work! then there's the subplot: Kate, Humphrey and the pups moving into a new den since their old territory had rogue problems. honestly, i really don't like this subplot that much. i mean, sure. these new dens are man-made complete with fake rocks and plastic logs, but honestly: what was the point of it? couldn't they just have them relocated to a REAL den? that would've made a lot more sense, but no. have them in a den created by humans, that has technology with automatic lights. when you're trying to be creative, at least have it make sense, for god sake! but then comes the worst part of the movie: the fountain lake. oh. my. fucking. god! let me just tell you: these scenes - there are 3 of them - are the definition of "being on acid and tripping balls". they just come to this fountain lake and.... randomly start DANCING for no reason. oh, i'm sorry. there actually is a reason: there's music! where the fuck is the music coming from? i have NO damn idea! all i know is that those scenes are way too crazy for me to handle it! again, there's a big difference between creativity and stupidity.
even if Tom Kane fucked the script up again in this movie by having a crazy concept that's not explained that well, i still admit it's not the worst thing i've ever seen. trust me, i've seen worse. (the Norm of the North poster pops up) i've. seen. worse!

The Animation
now, it's no deny that the Alpha and Omega movies don't have the best quality of CGI animation out there. sure, the only 2 movies that do stand out on looking more professional are Alpha and Omega 1 and Legend of the Saw Tooth Cave. and yea, Family Vacation did have decent animation for a straight-to-DVD movie, but it didn't fully stand out like the first and fourth movies did. as for the rest of the sequels, so far the animation's been pretty.... ugh, with The Great Wolf Games being the sequel with the worst animation quality. so, where does Dino Digs go into? uhhhh...... before i answer that, i gotta say: the movie looks pretty cheap and amateurish. i know, this is only the second animated movie Splash's ever done - following that fucking January atrocity that i won't even try to mention - so we can't expect top-notch quality from them yet. but i gotta say: they could've done SO much better! there are shots throughout the movie where the textures either look bad, or they're just not there, making the scene look incredibly awkward. it felt like they didn't even try to make it look at least more detailed. i mean, come on Splash! can we go back to the good ol' days where the fourth and fifth movie were actually trying? and get ready cause, unfortunately, the problems with the graphics from the second and third movie... yea, they're pretty much back in this one. thankfully, it's not that noticeable, but when you do notice one, it's distracting. and this happens quite a bit in this movie. like, one of the more noticeable animation glitches is when the camera focuses on the puppies walking/running around, and you can clearly see they're sliding on the ground rather than walking normally. that looked so awkward that it had me cringing a bit. but the worst thing in the animation of this movie has to be the designs of the dinosaurs. holy shit, dude! those have to be some of the WORST dinosaur designs i've ever seen drawn by a human being! was it really that expensive to hire a better artist to draw good looking dinosaurs? not only do they move awkwardly in a way that'll probably make you cringe your ass off, but they look incredibly UGLY! now, i'm pretty sure y'all are thinking: "aren't they supposed to look ugly? like they looked pretty bad in the DVD cover" trust me, they actually look worse in the movie, especially the fuckin' T-Rex. however, even if the animation's not that good, there still are a few things that i gotta give them credit for. like i said, thankfully the animation in this movie's not as bad as in The Great Wolf Games and Norm of the North, thank Christ! for what's worth it, they did get most of the backgrounds right. like, there are shots in the movie where the backgrounds honestly look great, with some really good water animation too. there's also the opening scene when the dinosaurs get wiped out by the meteor shower. even if the rain animation isn't all that great, it still does a good job in adding a bit of tension to the scene. i was also pretty impressed at how the meteor hit the ground and exploded. that little effect looked pretty cool. as for the rest of the character designs... meh, they were okay. we did get a few new designs that were passable. other than that, there's nothing much to say about the animation, and that's the problem, since right after Legend of the Saw Tooth Cave and Family Vacation, we had to sit through another case of weak animation. well.... hopefully The Big Fureeze can make a change. fingers crossed!

The Characters
with a bad script, you'd think that the creators are gonna find a way to screw up the characters we know and love right? surprisingly no. again, the writing's pretty bad, but somehow they actually found a way in keeping the characters their lovable selves. sure there are some of them that don't have a point in being in the movie, but i'll get to them in a second. first off, let's talk about Kate and Humphrey. thankfully, they're the main characters of the movie and they do have a lotta good screentime together. it's a lotta fun seeing them on screen, and surprisingly Humphrey a lot more funny scenes here. sure, some of them are dumb - like him getting his ass kicked by two female caribous - but most of it did make me smile and laugh, so i really liked that. then we got Kate, and i loved how they nailed her character in this one. i mean, they did that with the other sequels, but here it definitely shows that she'll do whatever it takes to keep her family safe, while also sticking to her fun-loving side. that was something i really liked seeing. then, we got the puppies and like with the other sequels, they're decent. i liked the scenes of them showing Amy around Jasper Park, cause it did felt like there was a bond between them. and yea, i know they drive a car in this movie to lure the diggers away. it's stupid and it doesn't make sense, but it's not as bad as people say it is. other than that, i liked them. then we got Amy, the friendly raptor who got blasted from a meteor 65 billion years ago along with the T-Rex. even if the fact that she remembers everything that happened can be questionable (since it's not really explained well), the movie surprised me cause she's not that bad. actually, she's likable. sure, it would've been nice if we saw a bit more development to her as she explores the modern-time world, but for what the movie gave us, Amy was a decent character. as for the rest of the characters.... really, it's a major mixed bag. we got Marcel and Paddy back again in this movie, and even if they do some funny moments, they're basically there just cause they were in the first movie. really, aside from that fucking fountain scene, they don't do much in this movie. ya know, it would've been better if they were written outta the sequels for once. can't we just get ONE sequel without them? then there's the T-Rex. based on the backstory Amy tells us, the T-Rex's been after Amy ever since the dinosaurs were wiped out. it's not entirely clear why considering it never talks, but i can assume that it wants to be the strongest dinosaur that ever lived or somethin' like that (but if that's the case, then why go after Amy and not another stronger dinosaur?). again, the T-Rex never says anything in the movie, so there's not much to say about it. then we got the human diggers. they're.... okay, i guess. they don't much aside from wanting to dig up dinosaur bones in the place where the meteor dropped and blasted everything. fun fact: the wolf trappers from the fifth movie are diggers now, cause ever since they failed on capturing Kate, Humphrey and the puppies in Family Vacation, they lost their money and became diggers. how did they survive almost getting their faces clawed? i have no idea, it's never shown. although i'm not sure what to think about most of the new characters in this movie - considering they were a mixed bag for me - it was still really nice to see the old characters back on screen again.

well.... technically, it's not as atrocious as i thought it would be. Alpha and Omega: Dino Digs might have its good moments of fun, along with some decent humor, mostly decent characters and a nice new musical score, but all of that is drowned out by the bad writing, crazy story, poor execution and some major plot holes. it's not worse than The Great Wolf Games, but it was still a big let down, considering i could see potential to it. as stupid and insane the concept sounded, there was still some potential there. and that's pretty much what this movie was: wasted potential. overall, it wasn't a good sequel,

and that's why i'm gonna give Alpha and Omega: Dino Digs a C-

well *sigh* we're gonna have to wait for The Big Fureeze now.
Humphrey hadn't meant to have drifted to sleep on the ground near the tree he had decided to rest by but he had and when he woke he jumped at his name being spoken sharply, "HUMPHREY!" Winston said sternly and he jolted up right, "Wha?!, WInston!...What's going on.." he yawned drowsily and Winston muttered something and spoke, "Humphrey Why have you been Resting when you were given the task to scout the territory for intruding packs!" Humphrey shook off his drowsiness, "I'm sorry Winston....i'm just tired from watching the pups....while Kate's off hunting"

"Well, I shall speak to my Daughter,...
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The Life of Cap
Chapter 20
Time for the meeting!!

Scene starts in a remote location among the central pack territory and Northern pack territory...

Yuri stood beside his two most trusted alpha’s, Kenneth; a dark-brown male, with a little whitish-pink around the belly, and brown eyes, he always has a smart-ass remark and once was a lone wolf until Yuri saw how violent he was and is always blood thirsty; and Robert; a light gray male, with a gray under belly and black around his stomach, one brown paw and one black paw, he has yellow eyes and he always obeys Yuri for special treats, especially...
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The Life of Cap
Chapter 19
So far away

“What a relentless whore. Take him back to my den tie him up to my worthless mother.” Yuri chuckled. They dragged him to Yuri’s den and tied him near Yuri’s mother. Lee wanted to yell at him for she was to weak and scared. She limped to Carl and helped him up. “Thanks, ma’am. What happened to you?” Carl said in fear. “M-m-my, my, son, he, he, h-h-he did th-this to m-m-m-me.” Lee whimpered as she stuttered. “He is your son? And you let him do this to you? ” Carl said as he stepped closer to her. She tossed her head side to side, and...
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Shooter:" COME ON OUT ASSHOLES" Hutch:" I'm going to try to talk to him" Garth:" yeah good luck with that" Hutch yelled:" WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US?" Shooter:" THE STUFF THAT YOU GUYS GAVE ME TO MY PEOPLE" Hutch:" WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT WE DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO YOU ARE? Shooter:" NO WELL SURLY ONE OF YOUR GUYS DO" Hutch:" COME OVER WITH YOUR GUN DOWN AND TELL ME WHO SO THAT WE DON'T HAVE TO YELL AND BRING MORE ZOMBIES AROUND" the shooter looked behind him and saw some zombies but they don't see him Shooter:"OK I'M COMING IN DON'T DO ANYTHING FUNNY" when the shooter came into the Wal-Mart Hutch:"...
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posted by VictoriaaWolf
Hi there! I'm back!
I don't know if any of you remember me but it's VictoriaWolf, i used to be a member here but then i quit. I decided to come back! So hello to those who remember me and hi to those who don't know who the hell i am. It looks like most of anyone i knew here has left , but if you haven't good to see you again!

Well here is some info on on me if you dont know me.
Status: I'm back! Yipee!

Mood: Happy

Fur Color: Black

Gender: Female

Crush: X

Mate: X

Pups: X

Rank: Alpha

Country: Canada

Eyes: Red

Personality: Fun,bubbly and seductive ;)
Sup guys thanks for the friendly comments on the first chapter Tikanni will appear in this chapter. *It's morning in Jasper* Lilly: Come on Alex wake up I want to go home. Me:*still sleeping * Lilly:I didn't want to do this but it will be funny. *Lilly pours extremely cold water on me getting me soaked and wet* Me:HO MY GOD COLD. Lilly:*laughs her head off* Me:Not funny what was that for? Lilly:For not waking up when I said to get up can we go home? Me:*shakes water off my fur*Awww can't we explore a little? Lilly:fine I'll explore upstairs you explore down here in the that room. Me:OK. *finds...
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Hutch's head was turned the way Humphrey punched him then Hutch slowly faced Humphrey but with an angry face Winston:"Hutch don't you-" right before Winston finished Hutch rammed Humphrey and knocked Humphrey off his feet and started to punch his face couple of time Winston pulled Hutch off of him as Winston tried to talk to Hutch, Humphrey some how got a steel chair and slammed it on Hutch's head and almost knocking him out but made him off his feet , Humphrey hit Hutch in his left leg, right arm , and chest Humphrey tried to hit Hutch in the head one more time but Hutch caught it just in...
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As the zombies slowly went towards them Hutch:"Hurry out the door" everybody got out Kate:"Where do we go?" Austin:"This way I know my way around this area" as they hurried and followed Austin the zombies somehow got faster and caught up to them Hutch:" Holy shit they are right on our tail" Winston:"I've got an Idea we will split Hutch,Kate,Austin,and Garth you go to the left and the rest will follow me don't go too far" as Winston's group was running Mooch was too slow and the zombies grabbed his lag and made him trip Mooch:"AHHHHHH HELP" Salty:"Guys Mooch is in trouble" Winston:"Dammit, hurry...
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We were all watching as Thor and Loki were about to turn the handle on the device that would take them home when the vision started.

I saw two vampires one is my sister Alice and my NEW brother in law Jasper.
Then I saw one huge shape shifter pack.
Two alpha leaders one’s name is Jacob the other Sam.
Then it was over and I was standing there frozen I couldn’t move anything.
“Dove?” I heard Aaron say. “What’s wrong. Dove.” he said again with a really worried voice.
I could barely hear him because my eye’s rolled back in my head and I fell to the ground.
I thought I heard...
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posted by Mitsi1991
"Are you sure about this?" Kate asked. "Hey this was your idea, besides we need the upper hand against these poachers coming into the park, Dale can only do so much, you and I both know that." Kate wasn't so sure, "But this rusty old thing is going to help us?" Kim nods, "Yep hes going to be your new Allie to help us protect everyone!" Kate shook her head, "Kim i don't see how?" Kim chuckles and grabs her chain from around her neck. "Just sit back and let me show you!" Kim attaches the chain to the rusty wolf trap and a blue aura shot through the chain into the trap. The trap began to shake and shudder and then rose into the air. Kate was amazed and confused, "is that thing supposed to do that?" Kim just chuckled as the trap began to rebuild itself. The rust was falling off and its metal began to shimmer once again. The teeth became sharper and the old sad trap started to look brand new! Kim looked at kate, "Kate meet our new friend WolfClaw!"
posted by Hybred98
the first little segments are little side storys about whats going to happen....
The idaho pack leaders:

"When the western and eastern packs joined as one, they thought the war for the vally was over...but they where wrong. Somebody let another pack at the northen part of the valley, the northen pack has become bigger and stronger then to western and eastern packs. with war about to brake out, the pack leaders know that the war cannot be won...but they where also wrong...

Idaho, a wolf here named hybred has been known to stop wars by himself, but yet again... the motherfucker...
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posted by BlondLionEzel
Episode 8: Wolf Hunter (part 2)

Nistra: How can i fight that Dragon?!!

Pascal: Just hand over the Wolves!

Nistra: Even through you are bigger than me, i will never let you harm my Family!

Pascal: Fine then...*fires a beam of light*

Nistra: *teleports*

Pascal: You want to play that way then? *teleports*

Nistra: *fires a ball of energy*

Pascal: *dodges and hits Nistra with tail*

Nistra: Ah! *pulls out Swords*

Pascal: Just give up...i know you can't win...

Nistra: What did i tell you before?

Pascal: That Garth is ours now?

Nistra: Eh?

99: *flying above the stadium carrying Garth* You are heavy! Lose some weight,...
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posted by BlondLionEzel

*A Lab in Japan*

???: We have to get him out of here! *holding a crying baby*

???: But where would we put him??!!!

???: I don't know honey...

???: I have an idea that might work!

???: What is it?

???: *grabs the baby and puts him in a escape pod* I am sorry Nick...*sends the pod somewhere else*

*The Lab explodes*

*Cuts to 7 years later, at an Orphanage*

Nick: *has Black hair, Brown eyes, and Wolf Ears and a Wolf Tail*

Mike: *trips Nick*

Nick: Why did you do that?

Mike: Why did you eat Little Red Riding Hood? *laughs*

Nick: I...I didn't!

Maria: *comes up and pulls his Wolf Ears tight*

Nick: Hey! Stop...
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posted by Wolfman577
Humphrey watching Garth playing catch with a football with his pup while drinking a soda
(Narrator) Garth must be proud of his boy
Humphrey’s pup tries to kick the foot ball but misses
(Narrator) how do you feel about yours Humphrey!
Humphrey cutting down a tree with an axe
(Narrator) If you want him to throw 50 yards WELL GIVE HIM FIFTY YARDS!
Humphrey ties up a pole with chains then brings down the tree and a porch with his lawn mower
(Narrator) He’s fruit of your alphas Humphrey YOUR FIRST BORN SUN!
Don’t let him be the team mascot.
Humphrey destroying something with explosives and ramming...
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Dusk POV

It has now been 2 months, Acashia and I have been training most of the time. She has gotten to be the second best fighter in our pack, the best being me. Hey, I didn't decided on that the pack did... Anyway, I we have grown close. I have asked her to take walks with me and even made it to a howl, which was the best! You howls matched perfectly.

Also I had enacted a no mating law so that we wouldn't have any 'unexpected' distractions... I know is sounds harsh but I wanted mine and Acashia's packs to be at their best if something ever was to happen.

Last night I got word that pack K-32...
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When I hear a funny joke I will not reply, "LOL, LMAO, or ROTFLMAO!"

Start using Facebook for something other than Farmville and stupid quizzes

I will try to figure out why I "really" need 5 facebook accounts.

Lose 20 pounds by going to the gym!

I will stop using, "So, what's your URL?" as a pickup line.

I will spend less than five hours a day on the Internet.

I will read the manual... just as soon as I can find it.

Spend less than $1000 for drinks at Starbucks this year.

Lose weight by inventing an anti-gravity machine

Stop repeating myself again, and again, and again.

I will stop tagging pictures of myself in pictures even when I’m not in them

I will think of a password other than "password"
Lt.bread:"GOGO!" at radio:"We need backup Ove- *static sound*"
Alpha's Wolves:"You Guys Know what to do..GO!!!""GET YOUR FUCKING MOUTH OUT OF MY NECK!!!"
Smart uses arms to throw enemy wolf away.
enemy wolf:"AHHH!"
smart stands up.
smart attack a enemy wolf.
enemy wolf dodge.
smart falls without touch on ground.
enemy wolf attack smart.
smart jumps to.
smart got his neck and eated it.
enemy wolf:"ARRGH!!!"
smart looks behind and founds cpl.john dying..
smart moves at it."Are you okay?"...
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posted by trueshadowwolf
once me and krissty were packing up the food and everything and moved on. we were 70 yards away from the mountain fortress. the female wolf was very importaint. "but one question?" krissty said. "what?" i said. "who sent you?" she asked. "me." i said. "then who pays you." she said. "nobody... just the cityzens." i said. so when we got to 30 yards away from the fortress we just seen a creature. and it wasnt an animal. "(growling)" the creature was growling. "WHAT THE F@#$ IS THAT?!?!" she got scared. "its a demon." i said. the demon was standing like a human. it had 10 arms and some were blades...
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Hey hey. It's me again. It's been a while. Umm here's the third chapter of my series. Please leave comments :)

***Lilly's pov***

I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed. I couldn't wait for my date today. I walked over to Kate and poked her tummy to try to wake her up. After a couple pokes, she finally woke up. I watched her yawn. "Cmon Kate get up already"! Kate yawned once more. "Ok Lilly I'm awake. What's the rush"? I gave her a -your kidding me- look. She looked confused. " what is it Lilly"? "My date! I can't be late"! Kate giggled. "Lilly you have plenty of time, don't worry". I relaxed...
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posted by Charlie_Barkins
This is my first story so here goes..

Sage wakes up early in the morning and stretches "mmmmfff" he mumbles as he stretches. "Another morning alone in my den..." He says sullenly and then walks out to the entrance of his den. He see a young wolf down at the stream that he's liked for a while, her name was Ember, silver white coat, purple eyes, and a very nice proportioned body. He resides to get the guts to go down and speak too her, "hey, Ember. How are you?" She looks up at him from drinking and smiles and he notices a little blush in her fur. "Hey Sage I'm good, what are you up too this morning?"...
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