The fans pick: Absolutely, I do! *gets all nostalgic*
The fans pick: Let's hope so
The fans pick: An automated service which adds videos based on spot keywords
The fans pick: Hit them with a sack of doorknobs
The fans pick: a bad thing they'll strike when we're off guard
a bad thing they&# 39; ll strike... |
a good thing means we&# 39; ve... |
The fans pick: Yes, but I'm still checking it!
The fans pick: No, there is a big difference
The fans pick: they walk among us (coughs)cinders(coughs)
In computers. They&# 39; re like a... |
The fans pick: No, not if it deserves it.
The fans pick: we already have a youtube spot, isn't that the same.
The fans pick: rate 1 stars
The fans pick: Give Them A Piece Of Ur mind...
The fans pick: I don't know. And I don't want to know.
The fans pick: None but I am still a star!
The fans pick: The Knife-Wrench
The fans pick: I makes me want to play Wack-A-Troll.
The fans pick: yes, sorry i just get so mad
The fans pick: No, they are jerks!
The fans pick: a) try and figure out what they didn't like
The fans pick: Trolling? Me? How can you suggest such a thing?
The fans pick: No. But the person should at least leave a comment saying why.
The fans pick: Definately! Trolls should be punished!
The fans pick: To rate low and leave a comment saying why
Just rate. No need to explain... |
The fans pick: One by One
The fans pick: When people rate low for no apparent reason