Debra Parker Club
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Ryan was about to tell Mike that he wasn’t allowed anywhere near the case, when his phone buzzed.
“You didn’t hear it from me” Deirdre started, when Ryan had picked up. “but you need to turn on your television”
Ryan did what she said, and his eyebrows became a curved unity, when he saw Donovan on the news. “What the hell is he doing?” Ryan mumbled and he increased the volume.
“So, you think agent Debra Parker is behind the murder of her own sister, Beth Parker?” a reporter asked.
“All I know,” Nick started, carefully weighing his words, “is that agent Parker could be an invaluable lead to whoever did kill them. I want to ask agent Parker to come forward. I understand that she’s afraid, but it’s time she stopped hiding, because the longer she waits, the more difficult things will become”
Ryan put out the television out, and turned to Mike. “He must be really desperate, if he thinks he’s going to get a hold of her with that” he scoffed.
Mike’s face revealed that he was desperate, too.
“You need to rest” Ryan said, decisively . “I’ll be back in the morning, see if I got any scoop on Deb, alright?”
“Alright” Mike mumbled sleepy.
Mike tried to sleep, he really did. But knowing that Deb was out there, all alone, scared, and probably hurt, kept him up wide awake.
And no one was doing jack to find her.
Mike threw his sheets off, and got out of bed. He put on his pants, and took the hospital apron off. He carefully checked his injury, and figured he would live.
Once fully dressed, he walked to the door and opened it. He looked left and right, but no one was there. Once outside the building, he pulled out his phone, and dialed a number.
“I need to speak to you” he said short. “Meet me at the office”
As soon as everyone had scattered around the place, Harrison snuck outside, and ran stealthily as possible to the well.
He pushed the lid halfway open, knowing he’d feel it in every muscle by the end of the day.
He looked down and narrowed his eyes. Deb was lying on the haystacks Harrison had let down.
“Deb” he said loud, trying not to alert anyone. Deb didn’t move and for a moment Harrison feared she was dead. He raised his voice when he called her again, and this time Deb slowly rose her head.
She looked up and Harrison swallowed at the sight of her skeleton like face.
“Deb, your friend...
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“I don’t understand. She should be here” Mike muttered frustrated. He had searched every freaking park in town, but Deb was nowhere to be found.
“Maybe she went home after all” Max suggested carefully. “Why don’t you try calling her again?”
For what felt like the hundredth time, Mike pulled out his phone and dialed Deb’s number. A few seconds later, he sighed relieved. Deb picked up. “Deb, where the hell are you?”
“Hello, Mike”
Mike froze, as he recognized Emma’s voice. “Where’s Deb? What have you done to her?”
“I have an idea. Why don’t you ask her?” Emma...
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As the years passed, Deb began to lose hope of ever being released. If not for Susan, Deb would’ve gone full depression mode.
But Susan would wake her up every morning, her eyes sparkling, and if Deb would refuse to open her eyes, Susan would tickle her until she heard that laugh she had grown to love.
“I made you something” Susan mentioned, once Deb was fully awake and up.
Deb frowned, worried. “Did I miss something? I mean, it’s not some kind of anniversary today, is it?”
“No, no, no, no” Susan hastily reassured her. “I just got bored , while you were having hot dreams about...
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A year and a half later…
Deb was staring at the white envelope that had just been delivered. It was sent by the Academy for Young Adults.
“Aren’t you going to open it?” Susan asked, curiously.
Deb turned the envelope round and round in her hands. “What if it says I’m not smart enough?” she panicked. “I totally screwed up with math. And geography was a joke. Sure, history went pretty well, but then again, I pretty much lived in a library for some time”
Susan jerked the envelope out of Deb’s hands, before the latter could babble even more. She ripped it open and read the letter...
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Four months later…
“Hey, how’s it going?” Susan snuck up behind Deb, who was deeply concentrated on her study material. Deb startled, and let out a long breath.
“Don’t do that” she reproached her friend breathlessly. “I’m a jumpy person”
“I saw the guy in the suit leave” Susan shrugged apologetically. “He’s an examiner, right?” Deb nodded, and when she didn’t elaborate, Susan continued: “Well, how did it go?”
Deb pretended to read, but then a little smile appeared on her face. “He said I did really well for someone who never went to high school”
“But you...
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Deb screamed, and Mike grabbed Max’s firearm, forcing her to turn around. “Are you out of your freaking mind?” he yelled at Max. “You can’t do that. She’s pregnant. You can’t freak her out like that”
“Freak her out?” Max found her voice back. “She’s totally insane. That was not on the job description”
“She’s not insane” Mike snapped defensive. “She’s suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder” He walked up to Deb, who was shaking from head to toe. “Are you alright?”
Deb shook her head. “I don’t know what came over me. Mike…Max is right. I’m...
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And so it was that, when a few days later Deb was released from the hospital and Mike drove her to his house in Woodbridge, Max was already inside, waiting for them.
“How did you get in here?” Deb asked, a little hostile.
Max, awkwardly, pointed at Mike. “He, uh, he gave me a key”
Deb narrowed her eyes and looked at Mike. “You gave her a key? Why did you give her a key? What does she need a key for? Heck, I don’t even have a key”
Max pressed her lips and closed her eyes for a split second. “That’s my cue” she said and she walked past them to the front door. “Oh, by the way,”...
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After the doctor had left, Deb collapsed in Mike’s arms. He lifted her in his arms and carried her to the bed.
“This can’t be happening” she sobbed, desperately. “I can’t be pregnant, Mike. Not from him…not again”
Mike sank down on the bed, and wiped her tears with his thumbs. “It might not be his” he mumbled softly, mischievously, and hopeful.
Deb looked in his eyes, and he gazed back at her.
“Think, Deb, think really hard. When was the first time you felt sick?” Mike urged.
Deb looked down, thinking, reminiscing, and then looked up again. “It was before” she whispered,...
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“You didn’t answer my question” Deb said, when she pulled back. She elaborated, when Mike frowned. “Beth. Is she okay?”
Mike’s eyelids fluttered shut, and Deb was alerted immediately.
“What is it? Did something happen to her?” Deb urged, starting to panic. “Mike, tell me!”
“I’m sorry, Deb” Mike sighed said, and he took her hand again. “The FBI found her, in her motel…There was nothing we could do”
Deb nodded, in understanding. “Can you…can you leave the room, please?” she asked, softly, nearly whispering.
“Deb” Mike pleaded. “Don’t do that. Don’t...
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The van stopped in front a huge building with many small windows. Two women in uniform got out of the van, and walked around it. They opened the backdoors, and told the passengers to get out.
“Look at that” a ginger-haired woman mumbled, behind the barbed wire. “Fresh meat”
Both hands and feet chained, the new inmates shuffled forward. Once inside they were each separately brought into a room, where a correctional officer, and another woman, were waiting for them.
“Take off your clothes, please” the woman ordered, while putting on a pair of gloves. The ‘please’ didn’t make it...
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“There’s not going to be a trial”
James Hyland was sitting opposite Deb. They were separated by bullet proof glass, and small lattice to talk through.
“Wh…What do you mean?” Deb asked, her voice shaking.
“It means you’ll be transferred to prison, and that you’ll have to stay there” Hyland replied.
Deb shook her head, confused. “When?...How long?”
“Tomorrow morning” Hyland answered. “You’ve been convicted for murder… Deb, you’re eighteen”
Deb gasped for air, and stared past Hyland, as if somehow, the wall behind him projected all the solutions.
“I’ll be in...
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Agnes swallowed, and rotated her head. Dale was limping towards her.
In the meantime, Harrison was being dragged back inside the council room.
“What have you done?” Dale shouted angry, when he saw Deb’s unconscious body, at the bottom of the well.
“Harrison Parker, you’ve been found guilty for treason against our leader, Dale Waldon. What do you have to say for yourself?” Marion bellowed. She was sitting on Dale’s chair.
Harrison raised his head at her. “Look at what you’ve become. What we’ve become. Deb got away, but we just had to drag her back in. And for what,...
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Slowly, Mike snuck alongside the office building, towards the entrance. He felt rather naked without his gun, and so when he heard a soft cracking behind him, he froze. Even without seeing his pursuer he could sense the gun pointed at him.
Mike put his hands in the air, and turned around slowly. When he saw who was behind him, he dropped his hands, and his eyes bulged angry.
“Ryan, what the hell…?” he hissed. “What are you doing here?”
“Just covering you, buddy” Ryan replied, his gun still up.
“Put that thing away, before you kill me” Mike insisted, a little irritated.
Ryan sighed,...
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Deb had gone off the road and was now running into the woods. Annabel’s half a size too big shoes were really inconvenient now, so Deb stopped for a second to take them off.
After ten minutes of running, Deb realized she had to stop and figure out where she was. She realized she had no idea. All those trees looked exactly alike.
She let herself drop against one of them, and held ‘Beth’ against her belly. “Where are you, Mike?” she moaned. She closed her eyes with the intention to rest for just a minute.
And it really felt like just a minute had passed when someone gently shook her. She...
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Deb drove full speed ahead. She kept her eyes on the road, while mumbling reassuringly. “Don’t worry, Beth. Mommy’s going to take you somewhere safe”
Unknowingly she passed a police car on patrol. The police man inside started the engines of his car, and tailed her.
Deb checked her rear view and cursed. When she was almost at a traffic light, she quietly begged: “Please stay green. Please stay green” The light jumped to yellow, but Deb pushed down the accelerator pedal even more, nearly causing an accident.
The police officer put the siren on top of his car, and drove faster, chasing...
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Annabel let out a scream that went through marrow and bone. She stared wide-eyed at her hands, which were shaking along with the rest of her body. She was covered in brains and blood.
Deb lay the gun on the ground again, and stepped to Annabel. She reached out her hand, but Annabel crawled backwards, her eyes expressing both fear and fury.
“Where the hell did you learn how to use a shotgun?” she yelled, her voice skipping.
“Police Academy” Deb replied awkwardly. “I haven’t used one since my training, but…I guess it’s like riding a bike”
Annabel stood up, and wiped as much dirt...
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“Vince!” Annabel called, as she walked into the house. “Vincent, are you home?” When she heard no response, she opened the door completely, to let Deb in. “He’s probably gone hunting. He does that sometimes”
“With a shotgun, you mean?” Deb asked, a little shocked, and she held the doll tightly against her clavicle. “Is that safe?”
“Don’t worry. Vince knows how to use his weapons” Annabel reassured her. She gestured at the couch. “Why don’t you sit down, then I’ll find you some clothes”
Deb looked down at her clothes. In the brief time she’d been wandering...
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Late that night, Deb ended up on the chief commissioner’s doorstep. She banged the door repeatedly, until hasty footsteps were heard, and the door was opened.
“What the hell has gotten into you? It’s the middle of the night!” the chief commissioner hissed.
“I have to talk to you about Joseph” Deb answered, panting. “You can’t let his death go unpunished. It’s a hate crime. If they find out, you’re covering up his murder, your career is dead”
“Will you keep it down?” the chief commissioner whispered loud, and he cast an agitated glance at the stairs. “My wife’s asleep....
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Shortly after Deb’s visit, Dale called an emergency meeting with the Parker family. Dale told them to sit down, while he, himself, was pacing up and down.
“Deb’s visit has awakened certain feelings of which I thought they were dead” he started nervously, rubbing his hands. “Although I’m still hurting from the pain she put me through, I have realized that I can’t be without her”
He stopped pacing and looked up at Harrison and Marion. “I need to have her back. I love her. She loves me. She just needs to be reminded of that”
Harrison and Marion traded a glance. “How can we help?”...
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The very next day Deb was summoned to the police station, where the chief commissioner himself told her to have a seat.
“I have investigated your case thoroughly” he started politely. “I have sent it to the examining magistrate”
“And?” Deb asked impatiently.
“I’m sorry to inform you that the charges are fully dropped” the chief commissioner stated.
“But…how is?...That’s impossible” Deb stammered shocked. “Why?”
“Well, for starters, there’s no one that can confirm your theory” the chief commissioner explained.
“It’s not a theory! I saw it happen. I was there”...
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