Duncan and Courtney Club
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A week later,Courtney was worse than the last time she had been pregnant.The mood swings were absolutely horrible,the cramps were so painful that she couldn't stand it,and she was always tired because of discomfort.I tried my best to do what I could and not hurt her feelings,and it was hard,but because I loved Courtney so much I was willing to do anything to help her.Courtney was also on maternity leave for awhile,meaning that I had to work and go to Med School without Courtney's support to back it up.I had to take on a second job at a cafe.It was two A.M,and I heard Courtney run into the bathroom.I followed her to see what was wrong."Good morning Courtney..."I said sleepily."No,good does not describe it Duncan."She had a handful of pills in her hand,and she slipped them down her throat with ease."I'm gonna go out,okay honey?Courtney told me."Wait,what are you doing?Where are you going?When will you be back?"I asked frantically."I'll be at the Home Depot and Walgreens,I'll be back soon,and I need to buy supplies."Courtney answered calmly."Can I come babe?"I asked holding her."No,and give me space."I backed off,and she kissed me."I love you,I'm gonna come back soon."She ran out of the door.I waited an hour for her,and she came back with two huge plastic bags."Hi bad-boy."She said running into the second bedroom.I followed her quickly.She set her things down,and walked back into our bedroom.I followed her there.She slammed the door in my face."Stay out I'm changing!"Courtney yelled.In a minute she had opened the door and walked out in one of my old t-shirts.She walked back into the second bedroom,and took out paint cans from one of the bags.""Um,babe?What are you doing?"I asked."Are you an idiot?"She asked me rudely."I'm painting the little monster's room."She said taking brushes out of the bag."But we don't know the sex-""SHUT UP DUNCAN!"She yelled angrily."Oh,I'm sorry..."Courtney started to sob."Oh it's okay...."I replied kissing her.She pushed me to the ground."I KNOW IT'S OKAY!NOW GO MAKE ME A SANDWICH!""What kind of-""DON'T BOTHER ME WITH YOUR STUPID QUESTIONS!"She pushed me out,and slammed the door.I ran into the kitchen and made sandwiches with all the things we had.Nutella sandwiches,egg salad sandwiches,cheese sandwiches,you name it,I mad it.I walked into the room to see the middle wall orange."What sandwich do you want?"I asked Courtney displaying the neat platter of food.She looked indecisively at the platter,trying to find a way to make me do something else."I'll take all of them thanks."She growled grabbing a nutella sandwich."Can I help?"I asked her.Courtney turned and looked evilly at me."No.Go away and sleep.Tell me when you have to leave for work.""I think I'll watch."I said.She looked at me skeptically and turned on the radio and got to painting.The left wall was being painted green,and when she finished that wall an hour later,she took a smaller brush dipped in green paint and drew a set of ivy leaves creeping up the corner of the orange wall.I knew no one could paint better than Courtney,she was an artist and a fashion designer.She marveled at her work,then looked at me."It's kind of stalkerish having you watch me like a hawk."She said with a little laugh."Okay.I'll leave you alone."I replied sadly walking out the door."I didn't want you to leave!She yelled.I smirked,and sat back down."You enjoy having me here don't you?"I asked.She flinched."NO I DO NOT!I just feel lonely when you aren't with me."She whispered.I got up and embraced her."I'm not going anywhere!Don't worry,I won't leave."I reassured Courtney."But the way I've been acting-"I put my hand over her mouth."It's fine.Are your arms sore?Do you need help?"I asked her delicately."JUST BECAUSE I'M A WOMAN DOES NOT MEAN I CAN'T HANDLE IT!"She yelled."Fine.I'll just sit down.""GET UP!You have to paint don't you?"Courtney said this time teasing me.She smiled and I walked over taking a brush from her hand."That's cruel."I said referring to her teasing.We kissed,and she directed me."Okay,the right wall is yellow."She told me.The wall by the door will be blue."Courtney added."Will they all have ivy creeping up the sides?"I asked her."Oh,there'll be more than that!"Courtney said walking back to the orange wall painting secnery with her green paint and brush.I worked on the yellow wall,and stopped halfway to look at what she had painted.There was a beautiful picture of a small bird sitting on a branch,a hill with a city and farm in the backround,and a sun and moon on opposite sides,the moon side in dark,and the sun side in light.I looked at the intricacy of her painting,like the children inside the house,and people looking out of the window.I saw a cat lurking in the shadows,and a horse in the stables.I saw a couple who looked like us,sitting on the stairs in front of a cottage,holding a child in their arms,and also holding hands.I confirmed it was Courtney and I,because I saw her pies,and my skull necklace sitting in the window.I glanced over to see Gwen in a house also,including Owen and the rest of the Total Drama crew.In fact,I saw Harold hula dancing on an island!I walked over to where she was taking her break on the floor."You put us in there huh?"I asked her.She stared at the ground,embarrassed at first,then looked up and smiled softly and shook her head yes."Why are you not wearing the necklace in the picture?""Because the baby might break it,duh."She said rolling her eyes."Thinking like a mother already aren't you?"I questioned as she laughed.She lightly touched the green wall."Dry.Time to paint this one!"She stood up and grabbed the orange paint."What are you going to paint on the wall?"I asked her."You'll see."She said softly.I decided to take a longer break and watch Courtney.I saw her draw a golden archway,bushes with flowers,and a long walkway leading down from the archway.In the backround she drew stained glass windows and angles painted n the walls.I knew by it's unique interior that this was the chapel we were married in.Under the archway she drew herself in her wedding dress,and I in my tuxedo.I was holding her in my chest,and she had closed her eyes and smiled,the two of us just holding each other.Around by the bushes and flowers I saw the guests at the wedding.Again,all the people from Total Drama were there except for Harold who was shown in the wall as an angel watching the wedding.I saw her dad being painted,then I saw her pause and heard her sniffle as she drew another angel on the wall.Her mother.She added details like halos over the angels,and the flowers on our wedding attire,and patterns on the clothing of the guests.Suddenly Courtney pulled her brush back,and I saw Courtney's tears fall to the floor."I never should have drawn her as an angel.....she never wanted to see the wedding.....she will never see the child....but she hated me then anyway.She wouldn't have come."Courtney sobbed recalling her mother's abscense when I was in her life.I walked up and held Courtney tightly."Your mother always loved you,just like our children will always love us.She would have wanted to see her grandchildren,and he will because she is an angel looking up,I mean down at you okay?"Courtney nudged me off."I'm fine...I just got a little paint in my eye."She said continuing to cry and paint.I kissed her head and said nothing,sitting back down as she finished the beautiful mural.She backed up and dropped the brush.Courtney was still crying and she wakled into our bedroom."Let me be alone for awhile."She said pushing me away as I followed loyally.I sighed as she queitly closed the door.I sat down and looked at her mother in the mural,examining her face.Suddenly she popped out."Whew!Leave it to my daughter to paint me in a position like that!"He mother said stretching."Oh...the fumes are getting to my head....."I groaned."No they aren't!I'm your guardian angel!"Courtney's mother yelled."But you hate me!Shouldn't you be Courtney's angel?"I replied queitly so Courtney wouldn't hear me over her sobs."I don't hate you Duncan.I misjudged you,and I'm sorry.Besides,Courtney's father will be her angel.But it'll be a while yet,don't worry.I can talk to Courtney through dreams but-""The dream she had years ago that she wouldn't tell me about!Was that you?"I blurted out."It was.""What did you tell her?Was it her future?""Yes.But parts of it unfortunately were yours."I flinched."What was hers about?"I asked curiously."You'll have to find out in nine months won't you?"The angel said laughing.My mouth dropped open wide."The baby...""Partially.The other parts are terribly disturbing.I can't tell you what will happen,you'll know when the time comes.Now listen.Cortney wants you to comfort her right now,so go.Tell her that her mother made a mistake,has always loved her,plus she needs to finish the mural.And mention that she should add a heart in the middle of my halo."She said pointing at the silvery disk of light above her head.She flew back into the mural,and winked at me before molding into her shape.I smiled and walked into the bedroom.I sat on the bed and pulled Courtney into my lap."Your mother always loved you."I said sternly."She made a mistake,and didn't mean to hurt you.She always loved you babe.Always."Courtney's sobs got quieter,and queiter,as she turned to look in my eyes.I wiped the tears brimming around her eyes and continued."If she didn't love you,she would have sent a huge lightning strike to hit you!"I told her as we both laughed.I saw her mother in the corner of the room chuckling."You should finish what you started on your mural,and add a dedication to your mother in the bottom corner."I suggested."That would be a good idea."She replied with a light smile."Plus,isn't it a traditon to add a heart in a middle of the halos of angels that are family?"I slipped in casually."I've never heard that!"Courtney replied."Oh really?How odd."I saw her mother laugh once more,and then fly away.I took Courtney's hand and led her back into the baby's room.She picked up her brush and drew a small heart on the halo of her mother.She smiled."Thank you Duncan."Courtney whispered queitly to me."Thank your mother."I told her.She looked at her angel."Thanks mom."She said half mourning,half laughing.I wiped more tears from her eyes."ALL RIGHT SLACKER!GO FINISH THE YELLOW WALL!"She yelled humorously at me."Yes ma'm!"I replied picking up where I left off. DOROTHY FROM THE WIZARD OF OZ SOUNDED NICE,BUT SHE WAS A JERK!FASCINATING ISN'T IT?
~Easy come.Easy Go. That's just how you live ohh take take take it all but you never give~ I stood there in my room, me and Duncan got back together but it just doesn't feel right. He took a lot of my money but won't say thanks or give me something in return. ~Should've known. You was trouble from the first kiss.Had your eyes wide open.Why were they open?~ I remembered back on TDI when we had our first kiss.It just didn't feel right.Bridgette said she was watching and his eyes was open the whole time,well until the end of it.Everyone kept telling me he was trouble but i couldn't see through...
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posted by DanixxDumb
Vampire Diaries; Chapter 2.

".. Excuse me?" I asked, bewildered.
Duncan smirked and ran his hand through his thick hair. He then looked over at me with the same hostile look. Our eyes locked again but this time I was glaring. Anger boiled inside of me like there was no tomorrow.
"Exactly, who do you think you are?" I grimaced and stuck my finger into his ripped chest.
"That maybe a mystery from now... til forever." He smirked.
He swiftly stood and snatched his books gracefully. I watched intently as the most rudest boy in the universe had hurt me without knowing. I shook myself awake...
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posted by DanixxDumb
 Vampire Diaries; Chapter 1. 

 Oranges and browns. Browns and oranges. 
  I couldn't help but laugh as I fell into the big pile of orange and brown. The oranges crunched and the browns perished into smaller browns. 
  "Enjoying yourself?" Bridgette asked. I rolled my eyes and she helped me out of the leaves. Fall was hitting Vancouver quickly. Rain was becoming more predictable and the winds were getting icy by the minute. Something that always bothered me was that I never changed. I would just be a plain pigeon in a flock in flamingos. 
 Bridgette and I started to continue our walk...
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posted by 232dxc
Duncan's pov
Has this really happen to me? The one i loved,the one i adored,the one i had always wanted to hold to kiss, to to take the innnocence's from then clam her as my own... has she really left me or is this a dream, or should i say.. nightmare..
i can't just let her get away like this. Out of all the times i said i loved her she acted like im was telling a lie. I wish i could feel her one more time just once...

i walked down the halles to my locker. i diden't stop to talk to anybody who tried to talk to me.
I only walked with a blank look on my face. It's been like this for about 2 whole...
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posted by 232dxc
Unknowned pov.(but it's not that hard to figer out)

Running on the cold ground,no shoes,i liked it.I liked the way the cold ground aginst me feet felt,it reminded me of you and your icy cold pale white skin,along with your icy blue eyes that turned the color of dark blood red lustful eyes,i loved them,i loved you.So make me stop running from what im feeling,stop me from running in to someone else is arms.Do you really love me,or lust for me...for my blood?,if you love me stop me,from running,stop me from saying,i don't love you,stop me froming going to someone eles,stop me.

I gasped as i awoke...
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It was the last box I could carry. Everything else, wasn't worth another trip back. I mean I filled up the entire truck.

This seemed like a good neighborhood, lots of nice houses. So I thought I could move here. I went inside my house and realized how empty it looked. My tiny stuff in a giant house. It looked like I lived alone...because I did. I think I'm gonna have to go furniture shopping.

I clasped on my coach and took a heavy breath, from carrying all those stuff. I stretched by body, and sat back up. I got up and started to pace around my house.

My house had a huge kitchen, which lead...
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posted by Lollipop97
Courtney's POV.




"Hello?" I answered my cellphone.

" Hi Princess, do you want to watch a movie tonight?"

"Uhm Yeah, sure!"

"Okay perfect! I'll pick you up at 7:00!"

"Okay bye!"


Then he hung up. I looked at my watch, and saw it was 5:00. "Shit i only have 2 hours to get dressed!" i thought to myself. I took a showr and found my favorite dress. It was a purple, short dress. I relly loved it, because it was so simple. I got dressed, and put on my make-up, and waited for Duncan. It did'nt take him so long to come.

"Hey Beautiful" He said and gave me a hug. "Ready for the movie?"

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Hey, no-one else thought of doing a Shrek and DxC cross-over parody so i thought, hey, what the heck, i'll do one myself. Here's the characters in my story "Shrek: The Ogre and The Princess"



The Evil Enchantress/Fairy Godmother (Filip's mother, Courtney's and Amii's step-mother)

Prince Charming (The Evil Enchantress'/Fairy Godmothers 16 year old son and Filip's half-brother)

DxCSweetie92 (Callie):
Roxii (Duncan's ex girlfriend, The Evil Enchantress'/Fairy Godmothers 16 year old daughter, Prince Charmings sister and Filip's half-sister)

232dxc (Delilah):...
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Five months down four to go…

I swear Courtney’s mood swings are driving me up the wall.

Like just yesterday I told her I would have to stay a couple more hours at work…

Flash back

“Courtney I have to stay a couple more hours at work today okay?”

I glanced at her while she was eating her cookie, her and her addiction to cookies ugh…

“Why Duncan? Why do you always have to do what is best for you? What about me and the baby!?”

I sighed and rubbed my temple. She’s always like this nowadays, happy one minute then sad or angry the other.

“I am thinking about you, we need the extra money...
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"One Word....and i forgot."

"Princess seriously leave."

"You don't want me to leave I can tell."

"So? I don't care okay! Just go."


"Oh my god courtney, get over it and go HOME!"

"Wow, you're sounding like me."

"You are acting like a child, if you wanted to leave SO bad, well here's your chance, LEAVE!"

"Well, no, I don't want to leave."


"Because, I just don't, I mean it's almost five, so no reason going home, my parents probably don't care I'm gone so, yeah."

"Well, tell me teh truth you liar."

"Okay, I like your company."

"The real truth Courtney."

"It is the real truth."

"How- what is wrong...
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Courtney's POV:
About five minutes after the movie got started ALL OVER again, Duncan wanted to see the whole thing, Duncan came back....great.

"What do you want Duncan?"

"I wanna see the movie princess."

"Fine this time."

"Who's the dude?"

"His name is Duncan he's my BOYFRIEND."

"Glad to know that I'm your boyfriend again princess."

"He's my boyfriend, you are just my summer fling."

"but we did get far."

"If i say yes will you jsut come in and watch the movie?"


"Fine yes, now get in there."

The movie went by for a WHOLE 45 minutes, without a word...then the making out scene came on. 'Great.' I...
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posted by sugarsweet076
Im so sorry guys its been so long! But here is the next part of my best friend

I was in the ER Laying down my heart ponding out of my chest with ashley on my left holding my hand trying not to let me get up.I didnt want to be there I wanted to be with duncan at home holding him kissing him.I miss him like hell..each is cray because he just left 20 minutes ago.

"Ok Courtney push again"

"I cant!!!! This hurts!"

"Its going to"I tarted pushing like hell i wanted to get of here as soon as i could "I can see the head keep pushing" After a few more pushes i could hear crying."congrats you have another...
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posted by sugarsweet076
ive been in new york for almost three months now.I havent seen ashley or duncan for those three month.i miss then so much but i have t get my mind on my work.

"Ding dong" CAME from the door.i ran to get it to only see flowers in front of the door.there was a note.

"Princess im here in new york with ashley we will stop by in a few i love you....WE love you" I held the flowers close to my heart.As i turned around Ashley ran up to me.

"Courtney "

"Ashley what did you do to your hair? and is that a tattoo?....IS YOUR LIP PIRCED?"

"Chill courtney the tattoo is fake"

Duncan gave me a kiss then hugged me....
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Courtney: what makes you think I'm takin you with me?

Duncan: I own a car. And last time I checked you don't.

Courtney: good point. But this is NOT a date.

Duncan: sure whatever you say. Here put this on.

He handed me a blind fold.

Courtney: what's this for?

Duncan: it's a surprise. No peeking.

Courtney: Okay, Okay.

Since I couldn't see he helped me into the car. And then he brought me to a park where we had one of our first dates.

Courtney: what are we doing here?

Duncan: you'll see.
posted by sugarsweet076
Im going in one day.We talked about it and hes going to being visiting me every other weekend with ashley.Im finishing school with duncan giving me my homework.its not perfect but its my life.

"Duncan i love you"

"I love you too" He kissed me.

"COURTNEY!!!!!" Ashlet hugged my legs then i picked her up."Im gonna miss you!"

"I kow you will im gonna miss you too...and maybe duncan" I said teasing.

"stop teasing princess"

"Make me"

He kissed me"Stop"

I hugged ashley then walked out to duncans car so i could put my stuff in the back.
posted by sugarsweet076
After ashley and duncan woke up the fone started to ring so i answered it.

"Hello......wait what........how long...two months...omg thank you thank you thank you.....ok bye!"

I Ran in the room jumped on duncans lap and kissed him.

"Wow princess whats up with you?"

"...Duncan.....im.....going to new york for in two months to do my fashion thing" I hugged him then looked at his face.

"What do you mean in two months"

"..Duncan this is my dream to go to new york and to do my fashion"

"Princess what about ashley,....what about me?"

I didnt think it through! duncan and ashley!
posted by sugarsweet076
after night came duncan told us the plan.all he was going to do was climb through my window go to ashleys room and then grab the doll on her bed.me and ashley stayed home.She sat on my lap as duncan came through the door with her doll.

"Oh thanks duncan! i love my princess doll my daddy gave it to me when we spent the day together before he died its my everything!!!!"
She cilmbed on the couch and laid her head on my leg.She fell asleep there.after my leg started to get num duncan took her up to his moms old room.I started to fall asleep quickly after she fell asleep.

"Duncan how did i get so lucky...
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posted by sugarsweet076
After i got dressed i walked to the kitchen to see one rose then a pancake in a shape of a heart.

"Hey beatiful" He kissed my cheeck then pulled my seat out.I sat down then he pushed me in.As i ate i could hear my mom yelling for me. i dont undertsand how his mom got in i mean this is his house now.

"Courtney! why in the hell did you sleep with him last night?"

"Ummm cause we're dating and we only made out."

"I dont care what you guys only did you know i dont like him byt yet your dating him? Courtney I raised you better then that!"

"You didnt even raise me at all at 3 daddy left by 5 i learned...
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posted by sugarsweet076
I knocked on the door nervous i havent talked to him in 5 months! thats been the longest ive ever not talked to him. He opened the door. we ddint say anything we just hugged.He welcomed me in as a prince would a princess. before he sat on the couch i hugged him one more time.I missed him as if i didnt see him in a whole year.The 5 months did feel like 5 years.

"You must had missed me" He said kissin my head and wrapping me in his armsa even tighter.

"Duncan i missed you like crazy..." i said starting to tear up knowing i was in my best friend arms again.

"..Why did you stepp on my foot?"

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posted by sugarsweet076
the next day at school I walked in to see duncan tlkin to Gwen.I didnt think of anything he likes me and he doesnt like anyone else.I looked again to see them kissing.

My mouth dropped to the floor as tears started forming im my eyes.I ran to the bathroom and ran in a stall.i locked it and just cried.Just because i said no doent mean he has to kiss gwen the next day! he knows i hate that girl!!! she never liked me when i tried to becomes with her.SHES...ugh!


i sat on the toliet and picked me feet up. how could he do this to me...im his princess...i was his princess.

"Courtney please...
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