Duncan and Courtney Club
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Me: Hi everyone, I know I never write like this, because usually I try to write professional but I just decided to just try it, because well....IDK.

Courtney: You shouldn't use phrases Kayla, it makes you look idiotic. Like some people.

Me: I know, I know. I've been so tired lately. I can't believe I even suggested taking request when I can't even finish a series no more. Sigh.

Courtney: It's okay, all you have to is just work hard and you'll get it done. I should know. I am the best.

Duncan: Not to mention the worst. Ha ha!

Courtney: Shut up! You should talk! When you can't even spell correctly, let alone talk correctly.

Duncan: How can I not talk correctly?

Courtney: The way you can't dress correctly!

Me: Ohhh, burn. She got you on that one Duncan. Ha ha!

Duncan: *pouts* Whatever

Me: Oh quit whining, I was just kidding. Geez, cartoon these days.
So Anyways, I just wanted to ask Duncan and Courtney how they like my past stories. Okay first one. Love Drama, my very first series.

Courtney: Incomplete! I don't except half ass work, Kayla! You are so better than this. Start finishing your work.

Duncan: Quit nagging the girl, it's her first one, cut her some slack. Besides I kinda like the way she introduced me.

Me: O-kay. Next my OneShot "A day without you"

Courtney: Kinda short, but I do love it. It kinda reminds the old days....*sighs*

Duncan: *Speechless as usual*

Me: Awkward! Okay next "Accidentally in Love".

Duncan: Love it! I can shoot fire, alright. But kinda hate it. Me and Courtney didn't have Sex.

Me and Courtney: Duncan!

Duncan: What, I'm a guy. Plus, if you want to keep me in character, you gotta add some lemon scenes once in while.

Courtney: What if I don't want to have Sexual Intercourse with you? Mmm, I hate you right now!

Duncan: Right now! But then, you loved me.

Me: Moving on. Uhh, oh! Here's a Good One "Beautiful".

Courtney: Beautiful. *Smiles*

Me: Thanks Courtney. How about you Duncan?

Duncan: Where's intimacy here?

Courtney: Is that all you care about? Sex! You engross me. Maybe Kayla doesn't want to write smut scenes, ever thought of that?

Me: Well, I might....

Courtney: More or Less fanfiction writer say what?

Me: Well, I mean, I'm not sure if I'll be good at it. I've seen others do it, and I might be able to fit in, but it won't be long.

Duncan: Awww..

Courtney: You shut it Coleman!

Me: Anyways next! Mmm, how about the TwoShot "Hello"?

Duncan: Why do emotional? It's not humorous!

Courtney: She doesn't always have to make stories humorous to keep us in character, Duncan!

Me: Thank you Courtney! You see, this is why I love her!

Duncan: Whatever, you just love because we were together.

Me: That's not true I love before I even suspected you two would be together, and I still love her! So Shush!

Duncan: *Rolls Eyes*

Courtney: *Glares*

Me: Next! Let's see, "Rapunzel-Courtney version?"

Courtney: I like it, great story, despise the fact you stole it from another artist, but I still love it.

Me: Yeah about that, I kinda changed it up a little, besides it's cope-write.

Duncan: This story totally kicked me out of character. I don't work! You put me in a little girl story!

Me: Do you know how long it took me write that series, and this is how rate it! *Tears up*

Courtney: Dammit Duncan! Your just making all kinds of girls cry. This must be a new record!

Duncan: *Get's a wary look* Um, I didn't mean it. I love it!

Me: *Stops crying* Good Next...

Duncan: *Looks dumbfounded*

Me:..."Love is a Gift"?

Duncan: Great story!

Courtney: I like it too!

Me: Finally something you both agree on. Next: "Three Minutes"


Duncan: :D I love it! Awesome, even if didn't make any complete since! Alright!

Courtney: Um, Kayla, did you even make that OneShot, because this is so not like you?

Me: No, my cousin did. Heh heh...

Courtney: That was disturbing...

Me: Okay next. Let's see: CyberLove?

Duncan: Awesome, I'm in Australia. Always wanted to go there.

Courtney: I like how you made us bilingual. Very impressive. I'm trilingual. I can speak English, French, and Spanish.

Duncan: Spanish? No wonder you liked Alenjandro!

Courtney: That is so racist! And no, that is not why, he actually treated right, unlike your sorry ass! Uh, I hate you!

Duncan: Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself.

Courtney: UH!

Me: Moving on, mmm. There comes a time...

Courtney: ?...Kayla, the story?

Me: Oh right, just listen "We are the World". Love that song. Anyways Next: I found you?

Duncan: Why did you me mad like that pysco Eva? I do not have anger management problems.

Me: I like mixing things up.

Duncan: By making me into a freak!

Courtney: *Cough, Cough* To Late *Cough, Cough*

Duncan: Whatever, continue, so I get away from her...

Courtney: And back with that slut *Tears up*

Me: *Growls at Duncan*

Duncan: This is not my day.

Me: Whatever. Next: "Lost In the Moment"

Courtney: So romantic. And you both kept us in Character! Great Job Kayla, your developing.

Duncan: I love it, too. Courtney didn't take long to admit she loved me, than we make out under the stars. Yep, love it.

Me: *Laughs* How much I miss you two. Okay moving on: "Duncan and Courtney!"

Duncan and Courtney: 0_e

Courtney: I don't get it the concept. The ending confused me.

Duncan: Yeah, and why am I always the one who get's hurt. Why not Courtney?

Courtney: Keep talking, and you will get hurt!

Me: Next: "Total Eclipse of the Heart"

Duncan: I don't sing.

Courtney: Don't mind him, I loved it, and the song.

Duncan: I don't SING!

Me: Me too, I just thought it sounded awesome.

Duncan: I DON'T SING

Me: Okay, now shut the hell up!

Courtney: *giggles*

Duncan: *Looks at Courtney, and almost smiles, from her laugh*

Me: Aww, moving on: "Dreaming"

Courtney: Oh my, I just adore that one. It was amazing, at first I didn't know it was a dream. Glorious job.

Duncan: Rock on! I was surprise myself. Gotta admit, I love it.

Me: Aww, that's nice coming from you. Anyways, next...uh.

Courtney: What's wrong?

Me: Well, you after I found out that Duncan cheated, I made a series called "CHEATERS!" but I didn't mean to make it. I was angry that time.


Courtney: *Crying* I-I liked this series, because it just shows what kind of person you are.

Duncan: Well I hated, it made me seem like a jerk.

Me and Courtney: BECAUSE YOU ARE!

Duncan: Well, it's not like I wanted to hurt Courtney!

Courtney: Than why did you?!

Duncan: ...I...I don't know.

Me: As always. Continuing: BloodLust.

Courtney: I loved it. I'm a Blood thirsty vampire, but doesn't eat Duncan because I...loved him. *Frowns*

Duncan: *smiles sheepishly* Uh, yeah, I like it too.

Me: Thankies! Next: "I Do"

Courtney: 'I do' love it.

Duncan: Marrying Courtney? Hmmm, I wonder what that would be like. Probably only happen in a altered universe. She would never say "Yes".

Courtney: Would you propose to me?

Duncan: You would never say-

Courtney: That's not what I asked, Would YOU propose to me?

Duncan: I dating Gwen.

Me: She didn't ask that JACKASS! *Breathes*

Duncan: Damn Kayla, language. Didn't know that you cared about us being together so much.

Me: I do! I live off of you two's love. I might just die, you two don't make up!

Courtney: Well, I'm not sure if that will happen...I'm sorry...

Duncan: Why not?

Courtney: *Glares*

Me: Next: Ahhhhhhh, my favorite one! "Kiss The Girl"

Courtney: I love it, I liked how you used Duncan's point of view instead of mine this time. Great job, even if there were a lot of errors.

Me: Thanks! Duncan?

Duncan: Hmm..? Oh sorry, I was starring at this bird, and what not. Oh yeah, made me look like a real love struck wuss, but like it's because I got to kiss Courtney.

Courtney: Aww, you really mean that Duncan?

Duncan: Of course, Princess.

Me: *Cries from happiness* I missed you calling her that. A lot of people are using that nick name you gave her in various fanfictions.

Duncan: Whoa, cool. Do they use Pasty a lot too!

Me: *Smile fades* You know what! Who asked you! Never mind, next: "Because of you"

Courtney: Incomplete, Kayla! Finish your work, okay?

Me: Yes, mother!

Duncan: *Snickers*

Courtney: Shut it!

Me: Next: "Complete"

Courtney: This is what you shouldn't of done when you cheated one me, you buffoon!

Duncan: I-I know! I just...your just...she's just! *sigh*

Me: *shakes head in pity* Moving on: "Incomplete"

Duncan: This reminds me...do you still have my scull I gave you?


Me: This is getting awkward! Next: "Jerry Springer!"

Courtney: Ha ha, you amuse me Kayla. I love it. Take that Gwen! No fucks my man but me!

Duncan: Wo Ho! Never knew you thought about me that way. *smirks*

Me: 0_o

Courtney: I don't, I-I was just making a statement that you were mine, she needs to back off.

Duncan: Suuuuuure...

Courtney: *Pouts*

Me: TeeHee, next: "I'm Married?"

Courtney: It started off good, why didn't you finish?

Me: I was getting flamed! I only got 2 comments each part, and plus I was so stressed, and writer's block was taking over me. My hair was freaking falling out, I was losing it! Nobody was reading it!

Duncan: Dude, it's just a story!


Courtney: I understand, I would want people to comment on something I worked hard for, too. I wished you finished it.

Duncan: Who the fuck is James?

Me: What?

Duncan: You've been using this guy name James a lot for Courtney's fiance, and I want to know who he is!

Courtney: Why? Are you Jealous?

Duncan: No! I just want to know!

Me: I just made him up. Anyways next: "Pink and Blue"

Courtney: You got it from that book called "Perfect Strangers" right?

Me: Yep!

Duncan: I'm nothing like that guy in that book, besides being a total hunk, and I would totally play that prank. And Jeremy! That dude sound gay!

Courtney: I like it, I think that book describe us perfectly. And Duncan, he has your eyes.

Duncan: No one has eyes like me. Got it!

Me: Whatever. Next: "Game ou pas Game"

Courtney: Magnificent! I enjoyed it a lot.

Duncan: *Devilish smirk* Courtney was naked in that Oneshot. Oh yeah!

Courtney: Eww, your such a perv.

Me: Next: "Tattoo" This one made me cry. I was literally crying while writing this.

Courtney: I still have it too. How did I become so crazy that I got convince into getting a tattoo. Duncan must have an effect on me.

Duncan: I still have it too! I wasn't planning on taking it off.

Courtney: Aren't you afraid Gwen might suspect something. I thought you were head over heels for her.

Duncan: A dude doesn't have to be head-over-heels for a chick to be dating her.

Courtney: Got that right.*Glares*

Duncan: *Smiles uneasily*

Me: *sight* Here comes the depress Kayla, that rights a lot of sad OneShots: "That Special Feeling"

Courtney: *Begins Crying* Why did you have to cheat Duncan?!

Duncan: I didn't want to! I was just being stupid!

Courtney: No different from all the time.

Duncan: Why did you have to make Courtney die?

Me: So you realize how much you hurt her, plus it can help you understand how much you loved her!

Duncan: I do..it's just...I can't explain it.

Me: Next: "So Much More"

Courtney: I like it. Very dramatic!

Duncan: I like it...I guess.

Me: Good, next: My last one, "At your Service"

Duncan: Just like Courtney. Pretty, pretty, Princess.

Courtney: *Blushes* Just like Duncan, perverted, perverted, peasant.

Me: So How did you think I did from day one.

Courtney: I think your progress with developing your skill grew over time, and you became better. I really liked all you OneShots and series. Next time, try to finish them. Okay?

Me: Okay! Duncan, what do you think?

Duncan: They rocked, but this year, try to do some smut. Kay?

Me: I'll try...*shudders*

Courtney: Well, I better be heading back. My parents are probably wondering where I am.

Duncan: Yeah, me too, or ma might have a fit.

Me: Wait! Before you, would you mind if I take a picture of you two, so I'll have something to remember you by.

Courtney: Sure

Duncan: I guess, why not.

Duncan and Courtney pose as I take out my camera out. I set it correctly, and I focus it.

Me: Okay on the Count of 3, smile.


Courtney: You better Smile.


Duncan: Just as long as you smile.


Duncan and Courtney
Duncan and Courtney
posted by sugarsweet076
That next day of school I hung out with duncan. Gwen left a week ago. School is peaceful now. Im not getting in trouble.Trent isnt here today. so im safe today.

"Where you going duncan?" I asked him as he was getting up

"Im leaving i wanna go somewhere" he said picking up his jacket

"where you going?" I asked

"ummm Idk...why do you wanna come?"

"Depends on where we are going"

"I dont know ill find a place to go"

He picked me up and put me on his shoulder."duncan put me down " I said giggling

He walked out if the door as the alarm went off.he let me down once we got to his motorcyle.He gave me my old...
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posted by iDxC
[b]I'm gonna skip the challenges for all the episodes except for some important parts.

Alejandro doesn't know that Tyler knows about the kiss.

Tyler looked awfully nervous today. He kept looking at me, then looking down, and fidgeting. I went over to him.

"You okay?" I asked as sweetly as possible.
"I'm fine." he said, looking down. He tapped his foot impatiently.

I walked away and sighed. He's hiding something. I just know it. Does he like me? Does he know? Is he gay and likes Duncan? Who knows? I'll talk to him later.


The challenge ended, and we won. As I was walking to First Class, Tyler...
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posted by Fangirl99
duncan an d courtney aurguing
duncan an d courtney aurguing
"what the hell are they doing here?!" courtney practically screamed.

But,then she realized this is a good thing.

Its already bad enough that shes dating Duncan behind her parents backs.And now,duncan want to take her to a bar that there not even old enough to go to.

Hopefully,duncan would just go with courtneys idea and go to a restraunt.But,duncan wouldnt comply.

"we can just make sure they dont see us.


"well.. we can make sure they dont see us."

"how,duncan?why cant you just go with me idea so we dont get in trouble!" she yelled.She was really getting pissed.

"Dont yell at me!"duncan...
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Courtney's POV:
But.......he well here, the doctors came rushing in and they got that electracution thing out and did that on him, it was so painful watching it then i heard, "BEEP BEEP BEEP" Slowly i looked at duncan and the doctors spread away and i saw his face, the pale it should be, he said, "Princess."
I rushed over and kissed him for like a long time then he pushed me off him lightly and said, "What was that for."



"Yes! Don't scare me because i love you, you know that?"

"Yes i do."

"If you die again i will kill you!"

"But I'd...
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Courtney's POV:
I looked at the window for a few seconds then i walked over to it. I open the window.

"DUNCAN! You scared me half to death!"

"I had to see you."


"Because, princess, i missed you."

i sighed and said, "FINE come on in."

he came in and put his arm around my waist and said, "soooo."

"Sooooo what?"

"This, again."

He put his other hand around my waist and kissed me. I put my arms around his neck and i kissed him back. Then after about 1 HOUR of that we sat on my bed and just talked. He told me bout his time in juvie and i talked about the REAL reasopn i was so uptight all the time. then...
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Source: DramaNacho66
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Source: Giusy96
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Source: me!!!
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Source: DxC-Skillet
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Source: deviantart.com deifferent artists
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Source: doodlezqueen
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Source: Me
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posted by dXcFan14
"So, whats your name?" i peered into the teal eye's of the punk who had his arm around me.

"Duncan, so, you new here? I ain't seen you around before" he asked.

"Yeah, i just moved from Miami" i smiled.

"Miami huh? Before i came here, i lived in L.A" he smiled at the memory.

"I'm Mr Flinstone, i can make your bed rock...''

"Is that an I-Phone?" i stared in awe.

"Yeah, jealous much?" he smirked as he answered it.

'Yeah, i am. But not because of the phone'

"Sure, Heather babe, i'll be there soon" he hung up.

"Heather? Heather Julius?" i asked.

"Yeah, why? Do you know her?" he asked.

"Yeah, she's my cousin,"...
continue reading...
posted by dXcFan14
It had been a year since the Total Drama series and Courtney and me weren't together. She'd gone off to university and i'd, well i'd stayed out of trouble, and got into college.

I walked into the massive, ancient library and sat down at a computer.

I went onto youtube and found myself staring at a video of a girl, singing.

"Help Me Out"

I saw you standing there.
Face contorted into a mixture of emotions, and i just stare.
I dont know what to say, or even how to feel.
Im betting on a miracle, to make these old wounds heal.
Baby, you gotta help me out as its driving me crazy.
My visions sometimes get...
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