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posted by LifesGoodx3
As many people here on the Harry Potter spot know, Sirius Black is my favorite character. He has always been and always will be. Some people, along with me, love him. Some hate him. Some don't have much of an opinion on him. I've decided that I want to explain why I like Sirius, and how I came to like him.

I saw HP 1-6 movies before reading any of the books. I remember loving Sirius, even before I read the books. I believe the reason I liked him at the time was the relationship he had with Harry. Harry never really had a father figure, and Sirius was the first family he had. I must have thought the relationship they made over such a short period of time was cute, as I still do. I actually adore their relationship now, and it is one of the reasons I was heart broken when Sirius died. In both the film, before I have ever read OOTP & again in the books. However, now there are so many more reasons why I love Sirius other than his relationship with Harry.

I look up to Sirius because of what he stand for. He stands for what he believes in, and he's not intimidated when someone bigger than him wants him to do something against his wishes. The Ancient House of Black cared very much about their blood status. Although they were not Death Eaters, they were not quiet about backing up Voldemort. Sirius was brought up in a home that represented the "normal Slytherin". That meaning, they looked down upon anyone with a blood status less than "pure" and were into the Dark Arts. Surely, you'd think Sirius would be like them too, having grown up with them. But he didn't. At eleven years old he was sorted into Gryffindor. A big no, no, coming from a Slytherin family. He never gave into his families wishes. He never became a Death Eater, he never gave up what he believed in. He was able to get out, he ran away to the Potters house. Draco proves that getting out of a Slytherin family is difficult. I admire Sirius for getting out. Sirius is a very strong person, which is what he needed to be to get out of the Ancient House of Black untouched by their ways.

He is also very brave. Some say he is rebellious, which can be true, but he always has the best intentions. He is willing to give his life for his friends as he says in Prisoner of Azkaban:
"You don't understand!" whined Pettigrew, "He would have killed me, Sirius!"

That is not the only time he showed his willingness to risk his life for those he loves. In Goblet of Fire when Sirius hears that Harry is in trouble, he moves closer to Hogwarts to try to help Harry. At that time Sirius was a wanted man, almost the whole Wizarding World was searching for him. If he were to be found, he would have been given the Dementors Kiss. Sirius risked more than his life for Harry, he risked his soul. Dumbledore said that the Dementors Kiss was "A fate worse than death".

Sirius' want to protect those he loved is what ultimately killed him. He died fighting for what he believed in and fighting to protect Harry. Although I was, and still am, terribly upset that Sirius met his death in the books, it was the only true way for him to go. His whole life he fought for what he believed in and fought for those he loved. It was the only fitting way for him to go. Sirius lived the life the way he wanted to, and even though there were hardships, he managed to stay his own person. He managed to say himself. That's why I love Sirius Black.
added by tubby2002
The Boy Who Lived turns 33 today (age determined by Muggles That Rule The Internet), and he’s probably having a pretty great day. His kids aren’t yet at Hogwarts, so — if I can get a little fan fiction-y on you for a moment — he’s probably just spending the day with Ginny, James Sirius, Albus Severus, and Lily Luna. His life is a lot easier now; not having a noseless mass murderer breathing down your neck (and in your head!) does wonders for your stress level. There’s a reason J.K. Rowling focused the story on his teenage years and isn’t currently writing an eighth book called...
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I ran up to my room and flopped onto my bed. How could this have happened? There must have been a mistake. I buried my head into my pillow and thought of what I would have to do as a muggle. I'd have to go to a muggle school, and make muggle friends. I'd have to get a job and earn muggle money... Which I don't understand. I heard a quiet knock on my door. "Ron?" I heard a voice ask. I didn't reply. The door opened and I felt a weight upon the bottom of my bed. "Ron, it will be alright" I heard my dad say. "Why has this happened?" I turned over and asked my dad. He was still wearing his work...
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I absolutely love book Ginny (GoF, HBP, DH). JK makes her a bright, fierce person but in the films, she doesn't seem to be anything like that. She's still reserved like she was in the first few films (which she was supposed to be) but they haven't made much of an effort to show the change in Ginny as she matures.This (pardon my french) really damn well pisses me off.

They make an effort to show the change in Neville and I think they done a really good job with him but I just don't see how they couldn't have put in the same amount of effort with Ginny.

I also love the Ginny/Harry pairing in the...
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Again, I'm really sorry for it coming late. I completely forgot but from now on, I promise I'll try to keep the contest going and try not to forget!

If you're interested in entering The Fan of the Week Contest, only a few rules apply. You can only enter once for obvious reasons, you CAN vote for yourself, when entering, please include a pciture of your favourite character, you CAN advertise yourself i.e post of people's wall asking them to vote for you, making an artical saying why you should win etc.

After the contest has closed, the winner will be interviewed. The question will come threw...
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First of all things!,Credit to: LifesGoodx3

I created this so I can tell why GoF is my favorite Book and Movie, first of all the Graveyard scene, I love it cause it’s the moment when Voldemort comes back (and NO I don't like him) I loved it cause with out Voldy there's no HP, second of all I loved the Triwizard Tournament, it was amazing I loved all three tasks, there was a lot of action in them and that's why I loved them^^, not to mention there were Dragons in it. Third of all The Yull Ball, it was really awesome indeed I loved Hermione's dress in the book (loved the movie dress too though)....
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In these articles, I'll be taking you back in time, to when the movies began. I'll show you how they did it and why.
First up, a quick look at the immaturity of a twelve-year-old boy.
The following is a direct quote.

"We did a lot of pranks. Once Daniel Radcliffe brought in a remote-controlled whoopee cushion. He tried it on me, but it didn't quite work. Then he tried it on someone else who was going to sit down on a massive sofa. When it went off, Chris Columbus said, 'Cut! What is that thing?' and everyone burst into laughter. Dan pulled other pranks too--like making little labels that said 'Kick me' or 'Punch me.' He would stick them on the backs of everyone who came into sight. It was really good."
Emma Watson, 2002

Classic. Who knew that people still fall for the "Kick me" signs? I sure didn't. I'm a bit scared to think of the pranks pulled in the later years.
posted by Hermione-Fan361
Year 3
I'll be switching between POV's like last time.

Scorpius POV

     I waved to Hagrid, who was lugging in a GIANT Christmas tree for The Great Hall. "Ello, Scorpius." he grunted, his hands much too occupied to wave back. "Have you seen Rose, Hagrid?" I asked. I had been searching for her most of the day, as I wanted to say bye to her before she left for home. "Not today... You migh' wanna check th' mistletoe bunches. She migh' o' gotten stuck under one." he replied, lumbering off with the gargantuan tree. The mistletoe bunches! Why hadn't I thought of that? The bunches are enchanted so...
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posted by Thecharliejay
1. Ask him why he 'doesn't have such a cool scar?'

2. Laugh at him.

3. Wake him up by singing Beach Boys songs in his ear. 'Round, round, get around, I get around...'

4. Knit him things. Really hideous things.

5. Give him kangaroo-ears for a month.

6. Smile during Death-Eater meetings and say you taught him everything he knows.

7. Chew bubblegum all the time. Should he address you, your only response will be a series of huge bubbles in quick succession, the last of which will burst everywhere and make a mess.

8. Dance the Funky Chicken.

9. Ask him when was the last time he took a bath.

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posted by Twilight-girl-x
Lovely People, Can I thank anyone who has read or reviewed/commented on this Story, means a lot… this is dedicated to anyone who has liked or commented and what not on this story…Love you all, now don’t forget to tell me what you think. Leave me a message at the end :D

Chapter 4
He stood near the door, not with the usual pig-headed arrogance he usually possessed but with a sort of quiet confidence, not quite making eye contact but refusing to look at the ground. By this time the rest of the class was sat down, it was the smallest class, only having fifteen students so naturally it was...
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posted by Thecharliejay
Favorite Quotes by Sirius Black

"If you made a better rat than a human, that's not much to boast about."


"You should have died! Died rather than betray your friends, as we would have done for you!"


"This is how it is - this is why you're not in the Order - you don't understand - there are things worth dying for!"


"If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals."

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"How Far Will Fudge Go to Gain Gringotts?"

Cornelius Fudge, the Minister for Magic, denied that he had any plans to take over the running of the Wizarding Bank, Gringotts, when he was elected Minister for Magic five years ago. Fudge has always insisted that he wants nothing more than to "cooperate peacefully" with the guardians of our gold.


Sources close to the Minister have recently disclosed that Fudge's dearest ambition is to seize control of the goblin gold supplies and that he will not hesitate to use force if need be.

"It wouldn't be the first time, either," said a Ministry insider. "Cornelius 'Goblin-Crusher' Fudge, that's what his friends call him, if you could hear him when he thinks no one's listening, oh, he's always talking about the goblins and he's had done in; he's had them drowned, he's had them dropped off buildings, he's had them poisoned, he's had them cooked in pies...."
posted by roseteaxx
Ron Weasley. The sixth child in the Weasley family. The best friend of Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. In love with Hermione. Essential to the Golden Trio. Ron has always been overlooked; by his peers in the books, by the films, by the fans. He has been overshadowed by his siblings, by Harry, and by Hermione. However, he is essential to the story, and is just as important to the trio as Harry and Hermione.

Ron is the sixth sibling of seven. His older brothers have all been extremely accomplished. Bill was a prefect, Head Boy, and is the eldest (which gives him much attention by default)....
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Its signed prince voldemort
It was a crisp autumn eve on the Hogwarts express. Albus, James and Rosie where eating cauldron cakes and goofing off, when suddenly an owl soared by and tapped furiously on the glass. Albus opened the window and the owl burst in and stuck out its leg at Albus. Albus unstrapped the note attached to its leg. The owl stared into Albus' eyes and glared.

Then without another backwards glance it took off. "What does it say?" said Rosie who looked terrified. Albus read aloud "Potter, if you ever want to see your parents again you will meet me outside the shrieking shack...
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posted by FashionBug12
Hermione dashed up the stairs to the Gryffindor commons. 
"That selfish pig. That sad excuse for a pure-blood! That-" 
Ron sauntered up behind her, and put his arms around her waist. During this particular year, (6th) he was being especially romantic. His red hair was illuminated by the fire behind them.
"Oh!" Hermione gasped. "Hello Ronald, how's your evening?" 
He swayed her back and forth slowly, and kissed her cheek. "Better now your here."
She giggled. "Cheesy, yet effective." Hermione reached up and kissed Ron's cheek.
"So, why back so late, 'Mione?" Ron asked. "Studying for our imaginary...
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As expected, Warner Brothers today announced their Studio Tour London location featuring 'The Making of Harry Potter', which will take attendees through the real sets used for all eight Harry Potter films.

Art: Promo Poster featuring Great Hall | Official Logo

Press release: Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter will open in the Spring of 2012 at Warner Bros. Studios Leavesden, the production home of the Harry Potter films for over ten years.

Tickets will go on sale later this year and must be booked in advance via a dedicated website www.wbstudiotour.co.uk or through approved...
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based on Book 4, all credits and respect to J.K Rowling.

Chapter 3

"Is it time already?" Mumbled Ginny groggily.

"Mmf." I groaned.

I rolled over and got up and shuffled over to the mirror.

I saw a fourteen year old girl with once red hair, dyed rainbow and given a six week grounding for, bright sky blue yes, and faint freckles, wearing purple shorts with skulls on them, and a white tee-shirt.

I stuck my tongue out at my reflection; I looked horrible. My hair was a mess. But then I remembered something: QUIDDITCH!!! I was instantly pumped, and I shook Ginny awake.

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Credit: www.the-leaky-cauldron.org. I didn't write this.

"This afternoon, I was lucky enough to be among 400 other movie fans to attend a test screening of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2" in Chicago, Illinois.
Rumors had been circuiting around the internet about this screening, but confirmation that it was Harry Potter didn't come until just before the film started. Since this was a working cut of the film, many effects and scenes were not finished. At least 50% of the special effects were still in the CGI rendering stage, and green screens were visible throughout the film. Also,...
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posted by RealBenTennyson
I don't know if its already posted or not; but I found these funny and I had to share!

What do you call a coughing Quidditch commentator?
<<Weasley (Wheeze-Lee!)>>

What do you call jewelery that many people and I share?
<<Rubeus (Ruby-us!)>>

What do you call a teacher with a bad attitude? Moody Who would you call if you wanted to protect your Valentines?
<<Lockhart (Lock-heart!)>>

How many does it take to light up a wand?

How many Quidditch players does it take to light up a wand?
<<Six to work their butts off and a Seeker to take the credit.>>

How many...
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This is a fan fiction from Harry Potter's oldest son James point of view. Enjoy.

Last night I dreamed about going to hogwarts and beaing made fun of beacause I was not as great as my dad. It is hard beaing a famous wizards dad,everyone expects you to live up to his reputation, and to be just as great as he was. Well, at least I was not Albus who looks exactly like dad,I however, looked like..both of them. My eyes were shockingly green like dads, I had red hair(though not as fiery as my moms), I wore glasses like my dad but my general face structure was like my moms.
As I sat up on my bed I...
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