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Ariel's POV

Well you see, there was this guy named Simon Black, and he was collecting purebloods to train to become good fighters. We didn't want you to be captured, so we turned you into a human, and I was taken instead.

"Ariel you knew this? Is that why you brought me over?"she asked

"Yes. That's why"

"You lied to me how can I trust you!"

"I was keeping you safe"

"Simon is tracking me. I can't let you go near him."

"Ariel I'm a fucking Grimm remember I fight monsters! You know I help you what eles are you keeping from me!"

"Nothing else. If you don't want to be safe and get whipped like I do, then go ahead."

"Fucking hell I'm already hearbroke that might easy the pain! and your my sister I help you kill this bastard."

"Simon is immortal. He can never get killed. And anyways, I can help you get back Zim. I never did like Chloe":

"Zim the one who doesn't want me I shouldn't have see this coming, I always get my heart broke"

Don't worry. I'm going through the same thing with Dib. Look, I'll help you. And are you getting fatter? Your stomach is poofy."
She blushes "About that...."

"You getting fat, aren't you."

"I'm preggers and about Dib he madly in love with you he thinks you hate him"



"Your preggers. Oh god"

"I know" she blushes again

"You shouldn't be fighting. Now take me to Dib."

"Stubborn remember?"

"If you fight you'll die and you can't let your child die"

"Right now Ariel I don't feel like living"

"Don't worry I'll fight for you. Did you tell anyone else":
I was going to tell Zim but....

"I know how to settle this, but first lead me to my Dibbeh-kun."

She giggles


"C'mon let's go."

"Now wheres Dib?"


We Run to library

"Ariel Slow down!"


"Frist of Preggers second whats the rush!"


I walked back to Zoey.

"It's fine"

I threw something at libray door"

"Yes" said Dib

I ran up and hugged him

"I love you too" he said

I Kissed him

"I missed you" He said kissing me

I cried" I'm sorry! I was going through a tough time, and......"

"I know"

Zoey walks away

"But Zoey really depressed isn't she?:

"She's preggers"


Don't freak out!!!!! Dibby"

"Is that why Zim dump her fucking asshole"

"No it's my freaking cousin Chloe

"What did she do?"

"Zim fell for her!!!!! SHE RUINED MY LIFE!!!"

"But Zim loves Zoey how that happen?"

"Chloe ruins everyone's if you'll excuse me, I'm going to eat her"

He graphed my wrist

"Ariel don't do that that be to kind"

"Can I at least kill her"

He smiles

"I said eating her was to kind make it as painful as possiable."

"And after that Jasper needs his ADD medicine..................."


He kissed me

"What about Zoey? you know she wants to help"

"She can't. She's preggers. It'll kill her"

He sighs

"I know but when has she ever listened?"

"To me when I............................"


"Got mad"

"You didn't get mad sweetie"

"I get VERY mad when people annoy me........."

He kissed me

"Why Zoe is Zoe"

"Well she irritated me.........."

"She knows she has to listen if she likes it or not I stay and watch her but can you kick Zim ass a little for being an ass"

"I can get Gillies" I said with a grins

"Question does he really like her?"

"He went psycho for a little while so.........."

"So no?"

"He got over it"

"Part me wish he hadn't because I really hate Zim for hurt Zoe"

"I know..............but I ate a Irken before, so..."


"It was along time ago"

"Ariel do you think he left Zoe because of that?"

"No. It's not that."

"Then what you can tell me I hate Irkens!"

"The tallest annoyed my dad"


"They were saying they're stronger and will take over the Immortal empire."


"I know, but now I gotta kill Chloe. Come on!"

"Ok but what about Z?"

"She can watch. Unless it get's too disturbing"

"You know perfectly well that she will join"

"I'll keep her away"

"How Zoe is almost as strong as you? You do remember she can't be hurt by other vampire gifts or magic"

"Yes, I do. But she's pregnat. How much can she fight. She can't even run"

"You be surpried but how strong she could get"

"I know. It might be because I bit her and my powers transferd to her. Anyways, I think my Death Scythe will be enough"

"I don't know would you really hurt her?"

"If I had to"

"That thing is pretty big and holds a lot of power"

Dib let go of me

"I can't believe you do that to her after everything she did for you!"

"Dib I'm trying to protect her and it won't hurt it happend to me before because Jasper got mad at me!"

"What about the baby?"

"What about it"

"It could get hurt"

"True............I'll just have to yell at her" I said

"I won't fight even though I want to ring her fucking neck!" Zoey said

Dib Jump

"Where you come from?"


"Ok then"

He kissed me

We went to Choles place to kill her.

I walked into the room where I saw Chloe. She was all Ms.Sunshine.

But not for long

I walked up behind her, grabbed her neck, and threw her against the wall.

What was that?!" she yelled at me.

But I didn't wait. I went up and bit her. She fell to the floor with a bloody scream.

Zim's pov

My head felt clear

"What happened?"

I walked out and saw Ariel

Ariel looked at me like she did to her father


She pinned me to the wall, and fast

"Let me go!"

"No! You sick bastard!"

"What I do!"


"I would never do that!"

"Uh, you just did!"

"NO Chole did something to me!"

"She erased your memory, didn't she!"

I cried

Ariel let go of me, and hid my face in both of hands

"Well now Zoeys pregnat with your kid!"


"Zoey is preggers dude!"

"Is she ok does she hate me how did you know?"

"Oh, she hates you alright"

I frowned

"So I guess she doesn't want to see me"

"Now c'mon, you two need to make up"

"Why I screwed up she be better without me"

"She'll kill herself without you, now come on!"

She pulled me by the arm

"I thought you said she hated me?!"

"Well you two are gonna make up!"

"Why you hate me why help us?"

"Because your like my brother"

"You have a brother?

Two. They're twins. But don't tell anyone!"

"Why Not?"

Because I don't want them to come here! They mess up everything!"




"Just............shut up and come on!"

I came with her and felt no hope in me I meessed up this time.

"There she is, now go talk to her lion!"!

"Ummm hi Zoey"

"Here to break my heart more?"

"No no no no Ariel sent me here and......umm....."

"Oh so you couldn't do it your self"

She was crying


"What! Damn it spit it out!"

"I love you!"

"Really than prove it!!!!!!!!!!"

I got on my knees and cried into her hands

"Do you know how many nights I cried myself to sleep!"


"How can I trust you won't do something like that again!"


"Really then why you go to that bitch!"


"She did WHAT!"


"Let Me at that Bitch!"


"Damn I should your my mate not hers!"

"Well, Ariel killed her, so........"





"I love...."

"I love you too"

She cried into my shoulder

"I missed you I thought I never see you again"

"Well you did"

"OW" I heard Ariel scream


Who are you people?" said Ariel, standing up

"Ariel it me Zoey"

"I don't know Zoey. I don't know anyone"

"How old are you?"

"F-five?" she laughed

"Fuck she has a bad case of mermory lost"

"Wow, this place is nice. Who built it?"

"Zim are her meromies in there?"

"In where?"

"Her head?"

"I don't think so"

"Hey, who are those people in there? And who's the pretty one with Blonde hair. The really tall one"

"Thats Jasper and he bad news"

"But pretty people are good, right"

"Not always Dib!"

"Who Dib?"

"Someone who loves you very much"

Dib's pov

I saw Ariel

"Ariel" I said

" Huh? I don't know you"

"Ariel it me!" I shouted "

"ummmm" she began

"Whats wrong?" I said worriedly

"Oh yes! Your my scythe! pick me up and holds over head*:

"huh?" I though

"Ariel snap out of it! Ariel" yelled Zoe

" I can use this to hit people!"

"Ariel!"Zoe yelled*

"What?" she asked like a child

"Think long and hard about your pasted!"Zoe ordered:

"I'm gonna go see pretty boy!"

I frowned "Well thats it she never love me!" I said I stated to walk away

Zim graph me "Oh no you don't"

"Let me go Zim!

Zim growled "Fine" he lets go

I ran off

I saw Ariel hug Jasper " HI!!"


I started crying

"HI!!!" she said again.

"Hey Dib, can I have your ex now since she lost her memory?" asked Gillies

"Fuck off" I yelled

Gilles was surspried but I didn't care.

"Why should I care do what you want just leave me alone!"

"I thought we were friends!: He runs off crying

I felt bad for hurting him but my love life sucked I hear Zoey.

"Gilles calm down he still your friend how would you feel if Ariel said she loved you time time again she broke your heart"

Zoey knew how I felt because Ariel lied to her

"But that's because she's doing family consueling!!!" yelled Gilles

"Think if you were in his shoes" said Z

"I know, but she's having a hard time with family, and anyways, I don't know how she has emotion when she has no heart in her. Literally, she has no heart. It's like, gone" he said

I sighed I should move on then

" Her dad ate it" he finished

"And thats means"

"Her dad hates her and doesn't want her dating. That's why she's been so mean to Dib"

"Then she shouldn't played with his feelings if she that heartless!"

"Well, she loved him, but then again, her dad didn't want her around him, so...."

"Well still if she truly loved him she remember but no....Know what I' done I hate being the princess you can rule them again I'm out of this hell!"

"You were put in charge of her so you can't leave until her dad comes and get's her."

"I don't care! let Jasper watch her I taking care of Dib!"

I thought thanks Zoe.

"Jasper has ADD. And I'm mentally retarded. I don't think that's a good idea".

"So what she lost her fucking mermory she a five year old she no different then the both of you"

He started to cry

"She lied to me my whole life I not happy with her right now."

He slaped her I heard Zim growl

"It was for a good reason."


"I'm not helpless"

"I know your not but your acting selfish"

She sighs

"Frist it the hormonrs talking I'm preggers remember and I sick of have to take care of every one"


"Gilles I'm stubborn"

"Too stubborn. And why are you sweating"

She smiles and hugs him "tried thats all"

The devil shows up

"Daddy home" Gilles hugs him

"Hi son where's Ariel?"

Zoe frowns and starts to leave and I was too

Gillies 'pov

My dad saw Dib and picked him and put a collar on him

"Let me go" yelled Dib

"What a odd looking thing" my father said

"Please let my friend go" said Zoe

"Is he a sycthe?" he asked

"No his a vampire and my best friend too please take the collar off of him and let him go" yelled Zoe

My dad take collar off

"You'd make a good slave" he said

"Dadddddd" I yelled

"Well", said my dad. Where's Ariel?"

"She with Jasper" said Zoe

Those two.." said The Devil

Dib growled "I need some air"

Hi yall" said Ariel, skipping.

"What's wrong with her" said The Devil

"She hit her head a lost her mermory" said Zoe

Dib doesn't look at Ariel

The Devil smacked her in the head. "That should do it.

Dib facepalm and Zoe faceplam

"It's happend many times" he said.

"Really and that should just fix it?" asked Zoe

"What happend" she said

"Told you so", he said

Dib looked at her then at the floor and Zoe sighed

'Did you get the stuff" said Ariel

"No" he said

"Come on Dib we aren't wanted here" said Zoe"

I think so" said Dib

They both started to leave.

Zim quickly picked her up a carried her. She kissed him.

"I never leave you or our child. Same with you my friend"

Dib smiled and they left. I knew they weren't coming back for a while that is.

Zoe's pov

As Zim carried me it wasn't the same I didn't feel the3 same as I did with him when I first meant him. He said he wouldn't leave me, but deep down I knew he would.. It hurt to think that way but maybe just maybe things took a wrong turn and need to be changed But the past is in the past you can't change it.

I looked at Rookie he and I were more alike then we should be. Both hurt by the one we loved and lied to, treated badly and more. I wonder now what would have happened if he would tried harder with me.

I smiled at the thought loved, but it wasn't real love it was just I wanted to be loved and he was the first and I picked wrong.

Zim didn't even see my sadness or care. I saw dib looked- worried at me I faked a smile and he smiled back, but I knew he knew something was wrong and it was but I couldn't change want it was and I have to live now. I forgive Zim but my love and trust for him seen to be dying. What was I going to do?
posted by nigahigarocks98
It was the dead of night. The galaxy was peaceful, quiet...stars twinkled. Saturn's rings sparkled. Everything was beautiful, until...WHOOSH!!! Tik Tok blasted in the background, as a dark blue ship zoomed past. The music faded with the ship...who could be in there? Me, Invader Sabre with my faithful companion, Spyke. "Are we there yet!?", he asked me; however I couldn't hear him over the deafening music. I loved Ke$ha's songs, but I hated talking over them. I turned it down. "What?", I asked. What was so important that I had to turn down my favorite song? Spyke suddenly looked sad. "Why'd...
continue reading...
posted by Solo28
Zim grabbing Gir
Zim grabbing Gir

Gir: It starts this way, no it, um....It's this button

Gir pushes the ejecter button and he seat pushes Gir away, Gir screams.

Zim runs in.


Gir: YES, Wait a

Zim rushes toward the Voot Runner and starts it up.


Gir: No

Zim grabs Gir by the ear of his Dog suit and throws him in the Voot.

The roof opens and The Voot Runner flies away into the destroyed city.


Zero and Z-9 are having the time of their lives setting more and more buildings on fire and blowing up more and more stuff.

Zero places a big flag down,...
continue reading...
posted by silvaria_fan23
Poor Dana
Poor Dana
D.A.N.A:Maybe it's the things I say,
Maybe I should think before I speak
But I thought that I knew enough
To know myself and do what's right for me
And these walls I'm building now
You used to bring them down
The tears I'm crying out
You used to wipe away

I thought you said it was easy,
listening to your heart
I thought you said I'd be ok
So why am I breaking apart?
Don't wanna be torn [x4]

Now maybe I have to choose between
what I want and what you think I need
Cause I'll always be a little girl
But even little girls still got to dream
Now it all feels like a fight
You were always on my side
But lonley...
continue reading...
posted by InvaderCynder
I walked over to the ship and booted it up. "Thank you for activating project "TLALOCAN." the ship said. Cupcake got up and came over next to me.she was still in her costume."voice confirmation required." the machine hummed."Bambi" i spoke into the microphone."Confirmed." the machine dinged."Alice In Wonderland." Cupcake spoke into the mic."not recognized."it beeped."i meant to say Mulan!" she corrected herself."Confirmed." it dinged again."Cynder and Cupcake Confirmed. please set location." it told us. i was about to say "Irk" when something hit me and pined me up against a wall. it took...
continue reading...
posted by InvaderCynder
*sniff* wwwhwhhhhhhhyyyyy???!!! *cry*

Sasha: i get sad *cry

ZIm: why is that my Sasha?

Sasha: more of *sniff* you and Gaz

Zim: WHAT?! that little Gaz human? No, ur the only person i love

Sasha: thnx ZImmy

ZIm: and you know how u can trust me?

Sasha: if u mean trust you more; what?

ZIm: this
*Zim grabs and kisses her*

*Cynder punches Zim in the head really hard but not hard enough to kill him just make his nose bleed*



*Cupcake is staring blankly repeating the words "lord erase thy mind of what thy have beheld." over...
continue reading...
posted by Solo28
Zim: GIR! Get in here!
GIR: Yes master!
(gir comes into the room)
Zim: What did you do to the laundry machine?
GIR: The spinny thing?
Zim: What did you do to it?
GIR: I thought it was a ride
Zim: You RODE the laundry machine?
GIR: It was a spinny water ride! I even got free candy!
Zim: That was soap, gir. And WHY did you stuff a chair in it?
GIR: so i could sit down.
Zim: ughhhh! You leave me no choice, GIR, we'll have to go to the.....laundromat.
Zim and GIR arrive at the laundromat. everyone is doing the laundry and stuff.
Zim: Well, gir, it's time to do this laundry thing of cleaning...(everyone stares...
continue reading...
added by Goddess_Nyx97
added by StitchwitchIZ
added by InvaderCynder
song: All About Us by Tatu show: IZ
invader zim
jhonen vasquez
added by HisSockMonkie
Source: Meeeeee and my cuppiecake makin skittles :P
added by Invader_TW
added by Zimrocksgirl
added by pumpkinqueen
posted by silvaria_fan23
Tak:Uhh Those Love Birds
Tak:Uhh Those Love Birds
Tak:I Cant Take It Anymore

Gaz:Did I Ask U *Looks At Her*



Tak:Hmm..Wht Should I Do To Break Those Two Up.....I KNOW! I Should Get Revenge >:)

Gaz:Revenge *Adds* Wht Kind Of Revenge

Tak:I Should Kiss Zim Infront Of Dib>:)

Gaz:Idk If U Should To Tht Tak

Tak:Come On It Will Be Fun

Gaz: I Wont Join U HMPH!! Winer! *Walks Away*

Tak:Fine >:(

*Mean While*

Dib:Uhh Wht Should I Do Now?


Dib:Who Could Tht Be :)

*Opens Door*

Zim:Oh Hii Dib

Dib:Zim Wht Are U Doing Here?

Zim:I Came To Ask U Sumthing

Dib:Wht Is It

Zim:I Want To U Know...Make Out Like All The Time...
continue reading...
posted by InvaderCynder
I woke up to find that i had slept in a corner with Cupcakes body in my arms.Kats body lay on the floor and Bell had disappeared." good morning, sleepyhead."Ravena greeted me."i don't want to go." i cried instantly."you don't have to. i know a way." she whispered. "HOW!?!" i burst out. "but you won't like it." she admitted."tell me!" i ordered. "ok..i can turn you into a human." she explained. i thought about that for a minute. me be a human? was she being serious? "you know what? here." she handed me a small orange flower mirror with a white back on the other side."just press the middle of...
continue reading...
posted by InvaderCynder
I woke up early and got everything ready. i washed and blow dried and de-frizzed my wig,got it into a ballerina bun, and hair sprayed it so it would stay in place ad still be shiny and beautiful. I made me contacts sparkle in any amount of light that hits it. i put on my contacts and Ironed my dress so that it was wrinkle free and then i sprayed it with glitter powder in an air compressed can so that it sparkled.i put it on carefully, then id the same with my jacket and my White gloves. I put on my eyeshadow and lip gloss and finally my wig. i decided to take a black hand bag with me so i...
continue reading...
Sorry i have not uploaded any new parts of dib's break-in i have been at camp, then i procrastinated. so, yeah... im workin on it, but its been slow... oyu can bet a new part this week, though! happy fathers day! also, heres the lost warrior. i made it with pics i found lying around. the finn hat was made by me, though. you cant find it on the internet. (Why!?) But thats it mostly. so, again, sorry for being slow, and ill try harder. (Writing can be so hard sometimes!) Also, tell me what you think about my pic! i made it by grouping a bunch of pictures all together in microsoft powerpoint 2010.
the lost warrior!
the lost warrior!
posted by titanicdragon
Dib's pov

Star seemed like her mind was somewhere eles. She still hadn't told me what had happen yesterday after skool. When we were younger we were close, I felt like she was hiding something big and it was kind of werid that she hadn't mention the car crash. she always called it that awful night. Dad wasn't around so I couldn't ask him. I worried about her though I shouldn't she a lot like Gaz someone you wanted to keep save, but they were to stubborn to take it. Star had barely touch her food.



"Are you ok?"

"Fine, sorry I snap at you."

"It fine are you sure your ok you seem somewhere...
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