Nymeria and Ghost♥ Club
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
She just kept her eyes on the road, wondering what it would be like to actually marry him. Stand in the Godswood with him and say the words. Well, in a few days she would find out after all.
She just kept her eyes on the road, wondering what it would be like to actually marry him. Stand in the Godswood with him and say the words. Well, in a few days she would find out after all.
Rachel Stark: 32
Robb Stark: 32
Rana Stark: 18
Atie Stark: 17
Ned Stark: 11
Brandon Stark: 6
Jasper Frost: 20
Liam Frost: 18

Chapter 3: My love is your flashlight

After Rachel had tucked her boys in she strolled over to her chambers with her guard’s right behind her. She was about to enter when the guards at her door stopped her. “Your Grace, the King wishes for you to go to his chambers.” Rachel’s eyebrows shot up. Usually when Robb wanted to see her he would just come to her and if she recalled her husband had a lot of paper work tonight, so Rachel immediately knew something was going on. Rachel quickly marched over to her husband’s chambers. The guard’s immediately bowed when they saw her and let her enter without a word. Rachel entered to see Robb with his head buried in his hands and his council speaking all at once to him. One they noticed Rachel had entered they all bowed and Robb looked up as well. “Leave us.” He said simply and the council left at once.
Rachel looked at her husband with confusion, “What is going on?”
“My brother.” Robb says sighing and leaning back in his chair.
“Jon?” Rachel questions taking a seat across from him. “What has he done now?”
“What he’s been doing for the last year!” Robb snarled.
Rachel groaned, “He’s still spreading those rumors about me having intimate relations with my brother.”
“Making our children illegitimate and you an adulterer.” Robb sighed.
“This is ridiculous.” Rachel said throwing her hands up in frustration. “How can people actually believe this?”
“People will believe anything if they hear it enough times.” Robb said flatly.
Rachel stared at her husband, “There is something more you’re not telling me.”
“People in the far North are starting to support Jon. They believe he should be put on the throne. The Bolton’s are beginning to support him. They’re one of the biggest families.”
“I am so sorry!” Rachel said her heart breaking a little. She hated that ridiculous rumors like this were putting her family in danger.
“For what? Sleeping with your brother. I know.” Robb teased.
Rachel glared at her husband and grabbed a quill of his table and threw it at him, causing Robb to laugh. “Did you just throw something at your king?”
“Yes, and I’ll throw something sharper, if he does not hush.” Rachel said sternly, but had a twinkle in her eye, letting Robb know she was just kidding.
Robb laughed and pulled Rachel’s chair closer to his and placed a kiss on her lips. “We need to move up Rana’s wedding date. I talked to the King of the Sandstorms. It’s in two days.”
Rachel stared at her husband in surprise, “Excuse me?”
“The faster we get them married, the faster we have the Sandstorms army backing us up, and the faster we squish this rebellion.”
“Robb, we literally just told her she was getting married and got her engaged all in one day. She’s not prepared to leave our palace.”
“Rana and Jasper can stay here, in our palace for a little bit. Jasper can have some of his court stay with us. This way I can train him on how to be a proper king, while his father concentrates on other ordeals.”
“So once again, you go around making deals without consulting me.” Rachel says getting up angrily.
Robb looked at his wife, actually terrified, “I was desperate?”
“We have to squish this rebellion!”
Rachel stared at Robb and wanted to respond, but she knew he was right. “Fine.” Rachel said shrugging her shoulders. “I’m tired and going to bed.”
“You have work.”
Robb pushed his paper work aside, “No I don’t.” he said smiling.
“Are you trying to butter me up?” Rachel asked smirking.
“Is it working?”
“Maybe a little.” She said finally letting out laugh. “I’m still mad though.”
“I know.” Robb said quickly getting up and pulling his wife towards him. “I love you.”
“And I you.”

“I love you.”  “And I you.”
“I love you.” “And I you.”

Atie was sitting at her vanity, combing her hair. She was desperately waiting for her sister to come to her and tell her what happened on her walk with Jasper. She heard a chamber doors open and quickly got up excitedly, expecting her sister, but was surprised to see Prince Liam.
Liam looked at Atie sitting at her vanity and a confused face sketched on his face, “What are you doing here?”
Atie got up, “Excuse me? These are my chambers.”
Liam looked around the room and let out a laugh, “Oh. I’m sorry. All these halls look the same as do the bedrooms. My mistake. I beg your pardon, princess.” He said bowing with a slight hint of teasing in his voice.
Atie smirked, “No problem, prince.” She said curtseying. “Do you need help getting to your bedroom chambers?”
“No, I think I’ll manage.” Liam said smiling. “Besides I need to get used to this palace, since I’ll be staying here a while.”
Atie looked at the boy confused, “What do you mean, staying here a while?”
“Our siblings, their marriage has been moved up and my brother has been asked to stay here a while. So your father can train him, for battle and other kingly duties.”
Atie looked shocked, “Oh wow.”
“You did not know?”
“I did not.” Atie said taking a deep breath.
Liam stared at the girl and knew immediately that this news had troubled her, he knew the appropriate thing to do would be to leave, but he couldn’t find himself leaving the girl. “Actually, I think I do need assistance back to my chambers. Do you mind still helping me?”
Atie looked up at the boy and gave him a light smile, “Yes of course. Follow me.”

"I didn't really bring any of my friends with me, so you're the closest thing i have to good company."
"I didn't really bring any of my friends with me, so you're the closest thing i have to good company."

The next morning Atie was deep in her thought as she stared at her bowl of porridge. She had escorted Liam to his chambers, wishing him good night and then blushing heavily when he'd planted a kiss on her hand. What a charming young man he was, and the fact that he was engaged depressed Atie a great deal.
"What's with you?" Atie was interrupted from her thoughts as her brother, Ned, sat next to her at the table.
"Oh, nothing", Atie yawned. "Just tired."
"Right", Rana said as she sat at the table and reached for some bacon. "Well, how was your night?"
"No better than yours I imagine...", Atie hesitated. "Have you heard?"
"That I am to wed the man in a few days? Yes", Rana muttered, eating. "I guess there's nothing I can do about it."
"I don't see what the big deal is", Ned muttered as he ate. "We're all bound to marry for duty one day anyway."
"Except probably you, because you're the heir, so congratulations", Rana murmured.
Just then Brandon rushed to the table, taking a seat next to Rana. "Your husband is looking for you", he informed before digging into the food.
"He is not my-", Rana realized that it would be pointless to argue with her 6-year old brother, so she merely stood up and left the room.
Atie chuckled, wondering how on earth Rana was going to survive life as a wife. Before she could voice her thoughts, however, Prince Liam walked inside, sitting at the table as well. As he noticed her, he gave a smile. "Hello."

"Did you ever manage to get any sleep in the room we finally found for you?"
"Did you ever manage to get any sleep in the room we finally found for you?"

"Hi", Atie smiled. "Did you ever manage to get any sleep in the room we finally found for you?"
"Yes, I did, thank you", Liam smirked. "I was wondering, would you show me around today?"
Atie frowned, wondering if it would be proper. "Are you sure?"
"I don't see why not", Liam smiled. "I didn't really bring any of my friends with me, so you're the closest thing i have to good company."
"Is that supposed to flatter me?" Atie snorted. "Closest thing to good company?"
Liam blushed, chuckling. "You know I don't mean it like that. You are good company."
Atie didn't know why this made her smile so much, but it did.

"If that's an insult, I hate you even more. My family is strange but only I get to insult them"
"If that's an insult, I hate you even more. My family is strange but only I get to insult them"

Rana found Jasper outside, waiting by the stables. Rana had never been that fond of animals, so she flinched back a bit as she saw Jasper standing next to a horse.
"What's going on?" she asked.
"I wondered if you'd like to go riding", Jasper smiled.
"No, i don't want to go riding with you", Rana rolled her eyes, glaring at him. "I don't even know you. You could be a serial killer."
"Then it's unlucky for you that you are to marry me", Jasper chuckled.
Before Rana could protest, they heard the window open in one of the upper chambers of Winterfell. And fair enough, they saw Robb and Rachel looking out of the window, and before Rachel could say a thing, Rana's father shouted:

"If that's an insult, I hate you even more. My family is strange but only I get to insult them"
"If that's an insult, I hate you even more. My family is strange but only I get to insult them"

"Go on riding, you two! It's a fine day for a ride!"
Rachel rolled her eyes, but said in a calmer voice: "It'd be good for you two to get to know one another. Don't make Rana ride, though. Take a walk to Winter's Town."
With that the window closed.
Jasper turned to look at Rana with an amused smile. "Your parents are one of a kind."
"If that's an insult, I hate you even more. My family is strange but only I get to insult them", Rana said. "Well, you heard my mother."
Jasper smiled as he followed Rana again. "Do you enjoy the North?"
"I do. But you don't, as you said."
"No, not in particular."
Rana chuckled. "Well at least you are honest. That can become a problem though, because I'm honest, too. And there's nothing worse than the cruel truth for some people."
"Actually I like nothing more. It's better to be honest and straightforward rather than two-faced", Jasper smiled.
Rana didn't say anything, because she agreed. She just kept her eyes on the road, wondering what it would be like to actually marry him. Stand in the Godswood with him and say the words. Well, in a few days she would find out after all.

"Do you enjoy the North?"
"Do you enjoy the North?"
posted by XxXrachellXxX
2x09: Shouldn't be a good in goodbye

Rachel heard the birds chirping outside and quickly jolted awake. She turned to her right and noticed that she had been tucked under Robb’s hand. Smiling she shook him awake.
“Hm, what’s going on?” Robb said slowly opening his eyes sleepily.
Rachel laughed, “We fell asleep.”
“Crap.” Robb said getting up. “What time is it?”
“6 a.m.” Rachel smiled. “You have two hours till your meeting.”
“Thank god.” Robb breathed out. “It gives me enough time to go home and change.”
Rachel laughed, “Sorry, I made you almost miss your meeting.”...
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posted by mooshka
3x06; This Time I Want It All

Rachel was rushing down the street, on her way to work. It was her first day back. She was already pretty late, so as she turned to dial Margaery's number simply to tell her to keep an eye on her class before she'd arrive, she suddenly bumped into someone. And since it was the streets of London at the busiest time of the morning, the person she'd bumped into hadn't even stopped. Rachel hissed in pain as she attempted to get back up, trying to avoid leaning on her bad leg.
"Oh, gosh", she whispered, holding onto her side in pain. What now? She moved over to the side...
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
3x01: We're not broken, just bent

Rachel and Oberyn were eating their take out watching random stuff on T.V. when the mail came through the door.
“Can you get that?” Rachel asked.
“Yes, of course.” Oberyn said getting up and walking to the door. He picked it up and handed her the envelopes. Rachel rolled her eyes when she saw a thick envelop. “That’s for Atie.” She muttered.
“What is it?” Oberyn questioned confused.
“It’s money from Rana.”
“It’s addressed to the both of you.”
“I don’t want it.” Rachel said crossing her arms causing Oberyn to sigh.
“The one...
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
2x05: Give me love

Rachel had finally dragged herself out of bed and decided to grab something to eat. She opened up the fridge and realized she was just not in the mood to cook just for herself so she grabbed ice cream out of the fridge and began to eat it straight out of the carton when she heard a knock on door. She sighed and walked over the door slowly opening it and was surprised to see Robb standing there.
“Um, hi.” she said nervously covering herself since she was wearing just a shirt to sleep. She anxiously tried pushing the shirt down to cover herself as Robb stared at her in amusement....
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
2x04: You're all I want

Rachel had struggled to get through her parent conferences but she put on a brave face and had done it. once everyone was gone she started to pack up her things. She had no desire to stay in school for any extra time. She was about to walk out when she saw Robb standing by the doorway..
“Hey!” He said smiling.
“Hi.” Rachel muttered. “Is there something you need because i really need to get going?” she said shooting him a soft smile and awkwardly trying to maneuver out of his way.
“Hey.” Robb said grabbing her hand. “What’s up? I just wanted to say...
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
3x15: I'll be right beside you

Rana was in her room, her face buried in the pillow. She sighed, turning to look at the doorway when she heard footsteps.
"I brought you some food", Jasper whispered as he handed her a burrito. "I know how you like these."
"I do", Rana said softly as she took a bite with a tired smile on her face. "Thank you."
Jasper bit his lip before speaking: "You're leaving?"
"I am", Rana nodded. "I'm sorry. I know you don't want me to. But it's what's right for me. It's what I have to do in order to... to be who I am."
Jasper said nothing for a while, just stared into space until...
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
3x14: This is the way it's meant to be

That night, as Rachel went into surgery, Atie and Liam sat in the waiting room, not saying much.
"If something happens-"
"We're not gonna talk about this again", Liam said patiently as he kissed her forehead. "Nothing will happen. Rachel will get a kidney, Rana will have her baby and give it away, and you and I will go off to college. And you will know that your sister will be taken care of now that Robb is back."
"I know, I know", Atie sighed. "I never used to worry. Is this part of getting old? Worrying?"
"You're not old, babe", Liam smiled gently. "But yeah,...
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
3x13: We have had the time of our lives

A few months passed by in peace. Robb and Rachel did their best to manage the apartment and Rana and Atie's needs, but all the time Rachel's health was declining. Until, finally, they had a donor.
And as it so happened, the surgery was supposed to be on the very day before Rana's due date. She was finally giving birth to the baby and ready to give it away right away.
And Atie and Liam could not have been happier about their future plans together. For once, they seemed to be the only ones without a care in the world.
"Are you ready?" Atie asked as she and...
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
3x12: If we only live once, I wanna live with you

The dinner, surprisingly, went pretty well. Mary Margaret and David seemed to like Jasper well enough, and after a few awkward jokes and a lot of dessert, the two of them finally left.
“That was fun”, Jasper joked, smirking at Rana, who looked exhausted.
“Maybe. I feel like I could pass out right here”, Rana yawned. “The baby makes me sleepy.”
Jasper smiled, walking over to her and pressing his hands on her belly. “Has he or she kicked yet?”
“I would have wanted to feel it!”
“No, you shouldn’t want to”, Rana said...
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
3x11: I'm so glad that I found you

Rana sighed, sitting on the bed. Apparently they had decided that Mary Margaret and David would come and visit the same night, even before the appointment, so it gave Jasper the perfect chance to come and visit her again, the sneaky man that he was.
“You are behind this, I am sure”, she said as she let him inside. “Please don’t do anything stupid.”
“I would never”, Jasper chuckled, giving her kiss a cheek. “Where is everyone else?”
“Robb and Rach went to get us some take-out”, Rana said. “They seemed cozy, already.”
“Maybe they’re...
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
3x09: Say something

Rana groaned to herself, sitting by Rachel's bed. She was finally getting discharged, and Rana, Atie and Robb had discussed what to do. Of course no one had asked Rachel anything.
"How many times do you have dialysis again?" Rana asked as she helped Rachel up.
"Three times a week", Rachel said. "It'll be quite alright, I'll come after work", she said, hissing in pain. "Though maybe I need to take a few days of rest."
"You need to take a few weeks of rest", Rana muttered. She said nothing more, however, not wanting to annoy her sister even further because of where she was taking...
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
3x04: We could of had it all

Rachel and Atie had been standing outside Robb’s door for the last ten minutes. Rachel was shaking and trying to calm her nerves.
“Can I ring the doorbell now?” Atie asked exasperated.
Rachel rolled her eyes, “No, I need to calm down.”
“You’ve been calming for the last ten minutes.” Atie snapped.
“I’m nervous okay?” Rachel said almost in tears. “I don’t want to see him. Looking at him hurts.”
Atie sighed, “I know. I know, okay. But right now Rana really needs us.”
Rachel sighed, “You’re right. You’re right. I’m being ridiculous....
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
3x03: We can learn to love again

Atie hugged Helena and shook Simon’s hand. “It was so nice of you to invite us.” Atie smiled. “You guys definitely need to come over and meet both my sisters.” Atie smiled.
Helena smiled as well, “I would love to and Liam you need to bring this young lady over more often. It was a joy to have her here.”
Liam smiled tensely, “Yes, mother.”
“And Liam when you get back the three of us can finish this conversation.” Simon said nodding his head.
Liam sighed, “Yes, father.”
Atie sent them both one last smile as Liam led her out. Once they...
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
3x01: Sea of lovers

3 Months Later
Rachel was sitting in the apartment making breakfast when Atie walked in.
“Hey.” Atie said smiling.
“Hey.” Rachel smiled back. “Where did you go off to this early in the morning.”
“Jogging with Liam.” Atie said shrugging her shoulders. “Jogging?” Rachel asked raising her eyebrows. “And you?”
“Yeah.” Atie lied.
Rachel sadly smiled at Atie, “How is she?”
“She’s fine.” Atie sighed. “You know you could just go talk to her. “I mean she does send us money every month.”
“I tried talking to her.” Rachel insisted. “Even...
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posted by mooshka
2x06; Sex baby, let's talk about you and me

Rachel and Robb were curled up together on the couch. Rachel smiled and placed a kiss on his chest and then buried her face in his chest. “I’m tired.” she mumbled.
Robb smiled, “Are you okay?”
“Stop. I’m perfectly fine.” Rachel smiled.
Robb laughed, “No seriously.”
“I’m fine. A little sore. But I’m fine.”
“Okay, good.” Robb smiled placing a kiss on her lips. “So what does this mean for us?”
Rachel groaned, “Can we not talk about this?”
Rachel sighed and sat up, “I think it’s obvious that I care about...
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
1x04: Just let it be

Robb walked out of the house and to where Jasper was with the car. He raised his eyebrows when he saw his sister in the car. Bending down he peered into the car and cleared his throat. Rana looked up at him and rolled her eyes.
“What!?” She snapped.
“What are you doing in here?”
“I’m going, I’m going.” Rana muttered climbing out of the car. “Don’t get your panties in a bunch.”
Jasper let out a laugh which led to a glare from Robb. “What she’s funny.” Jasper said shrugging his shoulders.
“Listen, I don’t like my associates getting involved with...
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
2x25: Wasted years, wasted gain

Rachel limped into the kitchen the next morning surprising Atie who had a spoonful of cereal in her mouth. She quickly swallowed her food and raised her eyebrows at her sister, “What’s going on?”
“You tell me?” Rachel said hysterically. “Where is Rana?”
“She moved out, remember?”
“No, I remember her telling me she’s moving out but I didn’t know she was going to do it right away? And why didn’t she ask for my help?” Rachel pouted.
“Because, hello!” Atie said pointing to Rachel's’ crutches. “No offense but you can barely move...
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
2x24: One door swinging open and one door swinging closed

Liam walked Atie to her door once they were back from the bank. He smiled at her and pulled her placing a kiss on her lips. His tongue begged for entrance which Atie eventually granted. “Stay.” Atie breathed out once they pulled apart.
Liam raised his eyebrows, “You sure?”
“Yeah, just to sleep. But stay.” Atie smiled.
Liam smiled back, “Okay.” he said softly.
Atie led him to her room and they both laid in bed. Atie immediately straddled him and began to kiss him causing Liam to laugh. “What happened to sleeping?”
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
2x23: I'm barely breathing

Rachel was lying in bed crying with Rana and Atie sitting outside her door. Atie had texted Liam that maybe it wasn’t a good idea for him to spend the night after all.
“Should we go in and check up on her?” Atie asked.
Rana groaned and threw her head back, “I don’t know. Right now I just want to puke.”
Atie sighed, “What is life. One of my sisters just broke up with the love of her life and my other sister is knocked up by her not even boyfriend. I need alcohol.” Atie mused.
“Alcohol sounds so good right now.” Rana mused.
“You can’t.” Atie...
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Author’s Note: Random one-shot. Doesn’t really go along with any fic (or maybe TOL lowkey idk) it’s random and it’s short and it sucks but whatever I tried. It’s basically about how Robb had a hard day and Rach tries to cheer him up :) Also yeah yeah made Jon a weenie again,oops.

Rachel was stirring the pot of pasta when she heard the door open. She glanced up and smiled at her husband. “Hey, dinner's almost ready.” she smiled.
Robb gave her a tense smile in return. He quickly pecked her lips and grabbed a water out of the fridge. Sighing he went and took a seat at the table...
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