Penguins of Madagascar Club
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This is the same fanfiction as The Penguins of Madagascar: By Me, I have renamed it to a better name. Also, this scene is the North Wind's backstory! Yay!

At that same time, on top if the world, there seemed to be a similar thing going on. Well, not really that similar, but there where four other baby animals. One of the great differences is that they weren't recognized as chicks. These little guys where known as pups, cubs, and owlets.

Along this other frozen tundra ran a longer variety of animals. Wolves and polar bears prowled the land, while owls and hawks roamed the sky. Seals and whales swam the water, while caribou and reindeer ran the snowy meadows.

There was one little wolf in particular. He stood out much from the others, with his large head and nose. Morning was approaching, but in the Arctic at that time, the sun never really set. Regardless, the little wolf's pack was still in a deep slumber. Except for that little wolf pup.

He was woken up from a drop of snow that landed in his large nose. The pup jumped up from his sleeping stance, and sneezed. He was silent for a few seconds before looking around at the others. They where still sound asleep, and the sun was climbing higher in the sky. The pup deduced they wouldn't be up for a while. That, of course, was a good thing. He had something he wanted to do.

Slowly and gingerly jumping around the rest of the wolves, he made his way to the outer edge of the pile. Finally, he made it there, then quickly ran into a clearing of trees. He hid behind a tree, then looking back to make sure he wouldn't be missed, he jumped up onto only two legs. Then he began to make his way through the first, walking around (like a person) and jumping behind trees.

Finally, he got to the certain tree, trademarked by its small size around the rest. The pup put his paws up on the bark of the evergreen tree and looked up, smiling.

"Eva!" the pup hollered, then backed up from the tree, still looking up.

Several seconds later, a little owlet bust from the tree, and fluttered down to the wolf pup. She hovered with her white wings about eye level of the wolf.

"Hello Classidy! " the owlet, Eva, said to the pup, in her Russian accent. "How are you?"

"Awful!" The pup, Classidy cried. He suddenly grabbed Eva out if the air in a warm, fuzzy hug. "They won't stop making fun of me!!" he sobbed.

As Eva struggled to get out if the tight hug, she patted his back with her wing. "Don't worry, they'll stop soon." She got out of Classidy's grip and dropped on the ground gracefully, and stood up again. "Just as long as you show them what a big, tough wolf you are!" She gave him a fake punch in the leg. "Hurrah!"

Classidy fell down on his face first into the shallow snow in another sob. Eva took a quick step back as he unexpectedly fell, then ran right back up to comfort her friend. "It's okay..." she soothed him, petting his arm.

Classidy looked up at Eva, his tiny muzzle slightly covered in snow, and cries out loudly in her face: "I'M RUINED!!!!"
Eva looked shocked as his voice and breath ruffled her head feathers, they now went sideways.

Meanwhile, a little ways away, a group of seals swam in the water. They were all cute and fluffy and smiled, hoping around on the ice and in the water.

But, just like the wolf pack, there seemed to be a little outcast if the group. Very little, much smaller than the rest of the seals. Even the rest of the baby seals. This little seal was extra tiny and fluffy.

"Why don't you come in the water, shorty!" one of the other seals shouted at the tiny, fluffy one. He wasn't swimming like the others, the tiny, fluffy one liked land better.

"No, it's boring!" the tiny seal yelled at the others. He continued to play with the snow and ice, shaping it into cool shapes with his flippers. He made a sphere, a cube, and he tried to make an octagon, but his flippers were useless for that.

After having his fun with the snow and ice, the little seal was bored. He didn't want to swim, but he couldn't wander away from the group, in fear of being attacked by a polar bear or wolf. But, of course, the little seal wasn't too afraid of his enemies. After all, you can't really be afraid of something you have never seen. So, he began to hop away from the water.

"Ha! Yes! Don't come back, shorty!" the fluffy seal heard the rest of the seals yell back at him. So, it was then decided by him that he wouldn't go back. After all, it wouldn't affect the rest of the seals. And the tiny, fluffy seal would be happy to stay away from their bullying comments.

The baby seal smiled as he hopped along in the snow. Then he heard a shout behind him. "POLAR BEAR!"
The seal knew that the shout was from one of the other seals. He turned his head as he heard the splashes of other seals hopping into the water. And a big, fluffy white thing running towards him.

His first thought was Cool, a polar bear , but then he thought Oh, no, a polar bear!

The little seal tried to hop away as quickly as he could, which really wasn't too fast. Then, he felt himself being picked up, and-

Hugged? The polar bear was hugging him. Well, it was a polar bear cub.

"So fluffy!" the cub cooed, squeezing the baby seal. The seal attempted to escape.

"Stop hugging me! Aren't you suppose to eat me or something?" the seal exclaimed. So the polar bear set him down.

"Yuck, eat seal. I would never eat seal." the polar bear said. "I just wanted to see how fluffy one was."

"Good idea, you scared everyone away."

The polar bear put his paw to his mouth. "Oh no! Can you get back to them?!"

"Not that I would want to," the seal looked back at where the others seals where before, "BULLIES!" he shouted.

The polar bear gave a quick smile. "What's your name? I'm Corporal."

The seal paused. "Name?"

"What are you called?"

"Oh yeah! Shorty!"

Corporal raised an eyebrow. "Can I call you Short... Short something..."

The polar bear droned on about possible names for the little seal. Finally, the seal insisted that Corporal just called him 'Short'.

Over in the woods nearby, Classidy and Eva where still talking. Classidy worried about the rest of the wolf pack, they weren't nice, or orderly. There was no way that he would fit in there. Classidy was a wolf of perfection, everything had to be perfectly planned, unlike the rest of the pack. They just did random shenanigans, barely accomplishing anything.

Eva was very sympathetic to her friend's pleas. She knew about being the only seemingly smart one. Eva would know, she was wiser than the wisest owls. But not just wise in common sense, but in intelligence. She knew that the sun rose and set, but she also knew why and how.

Meanwhile, the rest of the birds would dub the sun as "A large ball of hot stuff too high in the sky to fly to".

Classidy was also very insulted by his downright girly name. Eva didn't have a problem with it, but it was a big thing for him. All the rest of the wolves in the pack called him a sissy and weak. Which, Classidy was the exact opposite of.

"If I even make it to a higher ranking in the pack, no one would ever listen to me!" Classidy exclaimed, leaning on one of the trees, as Eva perched on one of the branches.

"Well, I would say you would need to show some strength. Since most of the others in your pack value strength more than smarts, which I am against, but that would help. Maybe-" Eva replied, but was cut short when they heard a siren begin to blare. Instantly, Eva flew up to the top of the tree as fast as a bullet, looked around and zoomed back down. "More people. Coming from the mountain."

Classidy sighed. "Another easy to put-out fire started in the snow?"

"No, it looks like someone's stuck!"

Back with Corporal and Short, they heard the siren blare. Short winced. "What's that!?"

"People. That's people in trouble. They're fine." Corporal replied. He didn't like interfering with people.

"Can we go help them?!" Short exclaimed. The seal was a seal of action, and he liked to do just that. He began to quickly hop towards the thin strip of forest, that led up to the mountain.

Corporal sighed. He didn't like people. They weren't cute or cuddly. They ran from him in fright, for some reason.

"Come, Corporal! Let's go help them!" Short shouted back. "I'm not too good at walking, if you realize! I have no legs!"

But the loyal bear couldn't refuse a request. He ran up behind Short, scooped him up in his muscular arms, and ran towards the mountain at a triangular angle to the forest.

"That's more like it!" Short shouted.

Near around the other way, Classidy and Eva ran/flew quickly at a triangular length to the forest in attempt to get to the forest.

Then, the two teams collided.

Dun, dun, dun! To be continued!
(For thoughs who have not read the secont one, Kowalski and Rico have just gotten in troble with abounch of mercats and there leader, but just interupted by an unknown voice......)
The Penguin West By Penguin Girl
"Yor town?" He then walks up to the stranger and says "I recken you'ed better eat thoughs there words because I run this here town you've got it? An't nobody goin to come in here and tell me other whys!" Then suddenly taking a step back when he saw the unknown stranger get up.
"Ow, realy?" He says in a misteras voice walking up to the mercat leader like he did not even notist that he...
continue reading...
(for all thoughs who didn't read the first one kowalski's invention pulled every body into Skippers dream will they were all sleeping and made it become real right now they woke up in what apeard to be a desert......)
The Penguin West By Penguin Girl
"what in the love of science?" Kowalski says confused as he looked around.
"Um...Kowalski I don't suppose you know were we are do you?" Privat says looking at kowalski.
"Nagatory." said Kowalski in return.
"Hay!, look over there!" Privat yelld to the reast of them will pointing at a small town off in the distance. When they got to the small town it...
continue reading...
I just learned about the Great Migration in history class today. I knew it sounded familiar! :P Anyway, no relation between this and the history one.
"So, who likes surprises?"

"Private," Skipper sipped his fish coffee, "I'm having an odd case of déjà vu." He banged his mug down on the table. "And I'm not liking it!"

Kowalski sat down beside his leader. "You're not the only one, sir."

Private glanced between them nervously. "I know you're both thinking about the Antarctic incident, but this is different! Besides, we did learn that penguins and leopard seals can live together...
continue reading...
The sun had set, and it was time for action. "Everybody set?" Skipper asked.

We all checked our equipment for the umpteenth time. "Yup!"

"We shake on my count….NOW!"

We all started to shake the soda bottles strapped onto our backs. The caps exploded, and we rocketed into the air. "Yahoo!" I yelled. "This feels great!"

Skipper smirked at me. "This is what flying feels like."

I grinned back at him. Our relationship had gotten better and better, much to the relief of the other penguins. "We were made for this!" I said.

I rolled over in the air. "Why didn't we do this before?" I was slightly hurt that...
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posted by Aquade
“Ah, long time to see, eh?” said the badger, whirling the blade between his hands. “You know, you left before we could give you a proper farewell.”

Private found his voice. “You lied to me. There are no such things as butterscotch lolly trees.”

“That was merely a joke.”

“You’re sick. You’ve played the trick on many poor souls before.”

“Another side of you, I see.”

“It’s not one that I like to show.”

“Yes, it doesn’t fit you. The others were…..unfortunate.”

“I know the truth.”

“Yes, you do, don’t you? Which is why, I can’t let you live. See,...
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~ Skipper, Rico, and Kowalski were wiggling through the vents. They stopped above the room where Cowtails was.

"well then...I guess uh..." Cowtails said, getting out of the bed.

~ "YES YES!" Sweet Pripper squealed. Then she paused, "Did i just girly squeal? Who cares!" "PRIVATE ASKED ME TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND! YAY!" She screamed. SP got up to dance but fell down, "DARN IT! My leg ruined my dancing!"

Private giggled, "well what do we do now?"

~ "Is someone in the air-vent? Or is that just me?" Blowhole asked.

~ "I guess stay here." SP said with a sigh.

~ "so much for a romantic moment..." Cowtails...
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added by knocktimerico
added by KowalSkip9
Source: ME!
added by CuteCuddly
Source: Me and google images.
added by cattoy10
Source: Gut instinct
added by Bluepenguin
Source: and Me
added by SJF_Penguin2
Source: My photos; "Badger Pride"
added by Bluepenguin
Source: Mask of the Racoon
added by Bluepenguin
Source: Monkey Love
added by krazy4kowalski
Source: The Big Squeeze
added by knocktimerico
added by PrisonBreak08
posted by Bluekait

It is nighttime in New York City. Something glows from afar in the trash can. A green cube-like creature jumps out, glowing and growing in little time. It is Jiggles!!!


As the sun rises, morning light shines like a gem in the Central Park Zoo. In the penguin habitat, a large explosion awakes everyone. The explosion lets Kowalski flying in air, landing in the water. Skipper comes outside in rage, while Private and Rico comes out to watch.

"Kowalski! Have you been up all night again?" yells Skipper.

Kowalski replies, "Yes Skipper. My...
continue reading...
posted by skipperluvs
Kowalski Rawks :) (luks cute in dis pic)
Kowalski Rawks :) (luks cute in dis pic)
S: Skipper; K:Kowalski; P: Private; R: Rico; D: Doris ; M:Marlene ♥ : (love, or kiss)

Skipper is talking to the penguins about a new escape route when skipper notices that kowalski is not paying attention. He just has a blank and depressed look on his face.

S: Kowalski, are you alright buddy???

Kowalski doesn’t answer. A dreaded tear falls from his eye and kowalski wipes his cheek. He gets up quietly and goes to sleep.

S: What’s wrong with him???
R: Blahda gada heda blod shishda??? (meaning: what about that old dream machine he invented???)
P: Rico, your right!!! I’ll go get it!!!

continue reading...
added by 27Kowalski
Source: Internet