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posted by BanetteGhosneir


Far, Far into the future, the human race has exapanded far beyond their own galaxy, becoming the most common overwhelming race in the universe, and left their homeworld, Earth, though some remained, many sought after other worlds, but they still respected other races, but whilst the Human Race expanded, the Nekokamunes kept to themselves, or, atleast most did, some Nekokamunes do leave their homeworld to meet other races, explore other worlds, mate and live, you name it, but that's not what this is for.

Back on the Homeworld of the Nekokamunes, Nekak, The Nekokamunes learned about their star, on the verge of collapse, on the verge of becoming a Black Hole, thanks to Nekoka warning the High Priest, Arcaduke, the Nekokamunes quickly created machines to assist them traveling through space, however, after they left their system, and their star turned into the cosmic monster, they had no where to go, luckily they were close to the Sol system, their star was old, ancient, and yet it still lived, and it would continue to live for millions apon millions more centuries, and so the Nekokamunes went there, thankfully the humans that still lived on the planet allowed the Nekokamunes to live here, though they're not sure if Nekoka went with them, but some Nekokamunes do know, and Arcaduke knows too, the Nekokamunes then created their new city, Nekah, with the Outkasts outside again.

GOD, Mother of all Nekokamune

Nekoka, an immortal, unkillable being, of which even the 'impossirie' race cannot kill, even with their abilities to ignore the universe, Nekoka is known to exist by all Nekokamunes, however that does not mean all Nekokamunes believe in her power, of which creates 'outkasts' as referred to by Nekokamunes, Nekoka calls them one and the same as Nekokamunes, the Nekokamunes that have seen and spoken to Nekoka, face to face, is Arcaduke, Arcanine, Arcananni, Nuryu and Aqua, aswell as other Nekokamunes.

Arcannine the Nekokamune of Time

Arcannine was born as the 1st and only son of Arcaduke, he was born as an Outkast, although he is fully aware of Nekoka's existence, he prefers to use Science, his mind far exceeding past Nekokamune's knowledge, to where he pierced another dimension, and there he fully understood Time.

upon his return, he set about putting Time into Machine, creating 3 different prototype Time Machines, the 1st a Bell, with no control whatsoever on when nor where the sender goes, 2nd a Gauntlet, requiring mass lightning to travel, again with no time nor place, and finally, HIS prototype, a flying watch, capable of both time and place, aswell as random, however it breaks after each use, so repair is required alot of the time.

Arcannine's unique ability is that anything he touches, he instantly understands how it works.

Arcananni, Imbued by Nekoka

Arcananni is the 2nd child, and only daughter of Arcaduke, unlike her older brother, Arcananni decided to go down the path of Divine Power through Nekoka, having a larger capability to use Nekoka's power, and a gift from Nekoka, her twin tails. her unique ability is that she can heal any wound, and if someone shares strong memories, she can even revive the dead.

Arcananni is the holder of the 1st Time Machine Prototype as a gift from her older brother. it dingles along with her quiet steps, allowing others to know her presence, it randomly activates, taking any who touch it to a random time and position in space upon a planet, after a long period of time, a minimum of 1 year, it returns all who went through time WITH it back to their original time and place, but exactly the amount of time they spent away, a time later.

example: she left 1st of the 1st, 1999, she stayed away for 1 year, 1 month and 1 day, she will return to the exact same spot, but on the 2nd, of the 2nd month, 2000.

Futtman the Lost

Futtman is a Nekokamune with the unique ability of Wormhole Creation, the power to cross worlds, Futtman herself has no idea where she goes through when doing Dimensional Travel, and with the help of Chrono Particles or Energy, she can even cross time.

Futtman is a Nekokamune without parents, where she came from is a mystery, but she is indeed a Nekokamune.

Gurujuine the Broken

The first friend of Arcannine, Gurujuine is a Nekokamune whose personal power is that to break any non-living thing she touches, with the exception of items that hold special personal memories.

Gurujuine spend alot of her childhood with Arcannine, playing together and having adventures, but since she couldn't touch things that she had no personal special memories with, he gifted her a pair of gloves, telling her

'if i give these to you, will you become my friend forever?'

now, she can only touch things thanks to those gloves.

Lulurruil the False

This Nekokamune is not really a Nekokamune, she was an experiment humans conducted, attempting to splice the genes of humans and Nekokamunes, the result was a Nekokamune without a tail, no affinity for Magic, and no unique ability, she relies apon Guns.

and although she is considered an Outkast, she is allowed within the city, since her knowledge of guns allows her to defend the city from monsters.

Prinny the Priest

As you can tell from her title and dress, Prinny is one of the Priests of Nekoka, Priests of Nekoka are usually chosen from their ability to use Magic from faith in Nekoka, people with large capacity to use Magic make the best Priests, and Prinny is one of the best.

being able to use Healing Magic, and even calling upon the dead spirits of Nekokamunes is the highest tier of priests, Arcananni being at the top tier. Prinny however can only use healing and below.

Nuryu the Greatest Outkast

Nuryu is the holder of the unique ability known as 'Invincible' she is immune to any and all physical harm, you can crush her between 2 planets but she will suffer no harm, this is because she doesn't believe in Nekoka's power, infact, she hates it, she hates Nekoka with all her existence, which is what causes her weakness to magic.

if she had faith in Nekoka's power, she would be immune to Magic too. but she isn't.


Aqua is the most unknown entity of any Nekokamune, though she IS a Nekokamune, as confirmed by Nekoka, Aqua is fully water. she has no unique ability, and is entirely unkillable, being pure liquid as long as any liquid exists in the universe Aqua will exist.


An Unknown creature, she exists without existing, maybe this is her unique ability, or perhaps she was an Outkast with a unique technology. no one can be certain.

The Universe

Sceearr, originally thought to be a Nekokamune without a special ability, many thought her a non-believer, an outkast, but they had not known her power.

Sceearr is the Universe, a physical manifestation of existence itself, born into the body of a Nekokamune, Sceearr often spends her time in other universes, since others are far more interesting than yourself.

Siph the Life Giver

Siph, an Outkast capable of giving life to anything, Liquids, Solids and Gasses, single atoms or large, complex machinery, even the dead she can return life to.

not much is known of Siph, why she is an Outkast, despite being able to use magic, nor who her parents are.

but we do know she likes the number Six.

Flurrei the Mirror

Flurrei can copy other's special abilities for 2 minutes, but she can only copy 1 ability at a time, and once it wears off, she needs to wait 20 minutes before taking another.

Flurrei is one of the Nekokamunes that have seen, and even one of the very few that have spoken to Nekoka, face to face. Flurrei tried to copy Nekoka's power, but surprisingly to herself, Flurrei couldn't, Nekoka has no special ability, she is simply God.
added by heart-of_love
Source: Internet
added by heart-of_love
added by noRAP
posted by BanetteGhosneir

Winner: Atlantians and Militarial

Currently it's got Atlantis and a Military, now a few more things to be decided.

Winner: Atlantis protecting it's home from Humans

Humans have discovered the lost city of Atlantis, with it's inhabitants quite still alive, deciding that the ancient knowledge of Atlantis would be beneficial to Society, they ordered their military to invade.

"Knowledge is power, and power is Divine, Man strives to be Divine, but in the process drags down others into hell"

Winner: Magic

Atlantians have the knowledge of the Universe, the power of Magic,...
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added by Riku114
added by Hades_Shadow
Source: Dreamworks
So, yeah. I know these three things seem totally weird when i say i wanna put'em together, and to be honest, i can see why. I mean, what the heck am i going on about? Why am i asking myself questions i know the answer to? When will i GET TO THE POINT!? Well, right now actually. Jeez, no need to rush me. Chillax.


Anyway, this article will break down each aspect of the Rp and how each of the above series influence it. So first, i'll start with the setting!

SETTING: Earth, but not our Earth. Not geographically, at least. You see, on this Earth there are only four continents. The Northern Continent,...
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added by Hades_Shadow
Source: unknown
added by Hades_Shadow
Source: Dreamworks
posted by BanetteGhosneir
This is extra details about the Daemon RP i made a Poll on.

Humanity has been at war with Daemons for a long time. since 334C2 (334 years after the 2nd century, the 2nd century lasted 1320 years), and today, 21st of Aue, 1204C3, the 2nd last human city has fallen, and the last remaining human city stands, awaiting it's fate.

but all was not lost, Jurq's fall did give humanity a benefit, the Humans captured 5 Daemons, and brought them back to Guliun, the last human city.

these 5 Daemon are not like the others of their kind, they saw what they were doing to man, to humanity, they knew that they...
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posted by BanetteGhosneir
A female warrior from an afar off land, in her land, Women weren't equal at all, any rebellion attempt was stamped out, any cry for equal treatment as men was ignored or destroyed, and Pauft would have this not.

she took wing under a Blacksmith of her lands, an old man apon a hill outside of her hometown, the Old Man was angry, crotchety, Old and senile.... but he was Wise and Patient, he did not judge others by their gender, race nor circumstance, he judged them by their spirit.

Pauft was determined not to have her future chosen by others, she would not be forced to marry a man she did not...
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Full Name: Bartolo Chavez (Bart for nickname)
Meaning: may god bless the farmer's son
Hometown: San Juan, Puerto Rico
Current Residence: Boston, Massachusetts
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: Average
Blood Type: O-Negative
Nationality: Puerto Rican
Birthday: December 2nd
Chinese Zodiac: Tiger
Compatibility: Dragon, Horse, Pig, Sheep
Greek Zodiac: Saggitarius
Ruling Planet(s): Jupiter
Element: Fire
Hair Color: Black
Hair Type: White bleached streak down the center, put in a Fauxhawk
Eye Color: Green
Eye Sight: 20/20
Tattoos/Piercings/Scars: None notable
Clothing Description: usually wears...
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On the very outskirts of London, farther than the large manor of the long deceased young earl, lies a foreclosed mansion near double in size underground than the expansive visible areas on the surface. Nobody has seemingly lived in this home since 1889, with the passing of the then resident, Madam Forche. The butler of the madam, Felix Anderson, had gone missing the same day, and is presumed dead by today. This is where the story all began. The story of the Forche Curse. Madam Forche was a very vain woman. She never allowed anyone to speak wrong or rude about her, and rarely did she ever accept...
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added by bigblackhawk
added by Hades_Shadow
Source: Dreamworks
added by heart-of_love
Source: Facebook
added by Hades_Shadow
Source: Idea by ThomasHunter.name, Re-Designed by Hades_Shadow
added by noRAP
added by Hades_Shadow
Source: Dreamworks