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In The End It Should Be Okay Chapter 24
We spent yesterday together shopping than Mom decided we should do more family bonding. So we went to a bunch of museums that day. Than the next day she deicided for us to load up on a bus and take a tour of the city. And today Mom wanted more family fun so we went to the beach. Do you know how much attion you get from guys when your mother is telling you that you need more sun screen? None whatsoever! It was horrible, some people were even laughing! You don't come to one of the most popular beaches with your mother, it was so embarrassing.
  I went back to the hotel early, I was sick of staying at the beach and laying out. I walked through the lobby and man at the counter stopped me. He gave me a package a letter. The letter was from Alex and it didn't say who the package was from. I was really curious to know what was in the box. It was heavy. Not super heavy but pretty heavy. I got to my room and ripped the package open. There were to skateboards in there. One was complete and than one had all the parts, just not together.
 Hey Lilly,
Hope you like the boards. I know I gave you money for the boards but you also gave me some clothes so the money fan be forh clothes.

  That was too sweet! It was very thoughtful too and he picked them out! He sent me a gift! I was jumping up and down. I couldn't let Kyle know that Christopher Bryson sent me skateboards that would be weird and very strange. Think about it a superstar that didn't even know you exsisted until well never (no one knows that we have met) so why would he send me a skateboard.
 I have another party we can go to. Do you want to go? Kyle asked.
 Sure, who's party? I wondered.
 Hayley Johnson's. Kyel chirped.
 If Hayley was there than Christopher would be there. So I was falling for him.
 Get changed into a nice dress, this party is going to be fancy. Kyle said as he interupted my thoughts.
I dug around my suitcase for the pink dress, the one I wore in the wedding.
 We told Mom and James that we would he out late and come home at 2 or 3 in the morning. I never had a curfew like this one, it was always early.
 We left and hopped on a bus to Santa Monica beach.  Appearently it is a beach party which was fine but it would he freezing on the beach.
 We walked into the party, I couldn't believe how easy it was. I was here and I didn't know what to do. I sat down on a piece of driftwood and watched the waves crash on the shore. What do you do when you are a nobody at a celebrity party?
 See Casey, I'm going insane. Christopher said.
 How do you even know it's the back of the girl's head? Casey asked.
 Her name is Lilly not just "a girl". Christopher said.
 I was listening to their whole conversation, I was such an ease dropper.
 Hey Casey, Christopher. Kyle said.
 Kyle, what are you doing? Casey asked.
 I came here to have fun but my step-sister Lilly is just sitting around depressed. Kyle said.
 I am not depressed. I said as I turned around.
 Yes you are, you haven't been yourself since you haven't seen that guy you have been hanging out with. He said.
 Am not. I argued.
 Whatever. Kyle muttered and walked away.
 See you around. Casey said.
Casey left and it was just Christopher and I.
 So you've been depressed? He asked.
 "Uh spshh umm no!"
We both started laughing because we knew I was lying.
 What have you been up to? I asked.
 Thinking about you. I haven't been able to get you out of my head. But we can't do this anymore. It all has to stop. You don't want the poparazzie following you around twenty-four seven. Christopher said.
 I don't care about the poparazzie! Why can't we just be together if we like each other? I asked.
 Because your normal and I'm cele-
Well I see you only go a foot deep in feeling and then the rest is about you. I said.

Kyle's POV
  I looked over and saw Lilly in an argument with Christopher. She looked pretty upset. She turned around and than turned back around and held her hand out. He gave her money and than he said something. She gave him a camera. He was the guy that she has been seeing. That's why she's been so happy. She's in love with Christopher Bryson and he is in with her.
 I watched as Lilly walked to the public phone and called a number, probably a taxi service. A good brother would go check on her but a great new brother would leave her alone so she could gather her thoughts and that what I should do.  
Carter, Peter Pan, and The Lost Boys Chapter Seventeen
What are you doing? Hook asked as he caught me untying the boys.
I am making sure these knots are tight. I stated.
Okay keep a good eye on them. He demanded.
Yes sir. I said.
Hook turned around and started to find the flying crocodile.
We ushered the boys and Wendy into Hook's study. Peter and I stood outside by each other waiting for Hook to turn around and find us.
Hook looked speechless when he turned around and saw Peter and I standing next to each other.
Who's doing is this? Hook asked.
Peter and I looked at each other.
It's our doing. Peter...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
A Girl Named Lacey Chapter Seventeen
Edward's POV
We got a call from Carisle who got a calm from the hospital saying that Lacey had been in a motorcycle wreck! I was scared to death! I hope she would be okay and nothing was too had hurt. I was frighten that we might have to turn her into a vampire. Who knows how fast she was going! She was probably going 10 to 15 miles over the speed limit. But where could she had been driving to? And why? Was she meeting someone? Was it a boy? Tons of questions flooded my head but two kept coming back. Will she be okay? And. Will she have to he turned?
I tried...
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Carter, Peter Pan, and The Lost Boys Chapter Ten
Carter's POV
I was laying in Nadan's bed when I felt like someone was staring at me. It was Cheif Red Hand and Nadan.
Um, good morning. I said.
Cheif Red Hand says you have to go now. Nadan said.
Okay, what did I do? I asked.
Nothing, it's my fault. He said.
Um okay. Sorry but thanks for letting me stay here. I said.
Cheif Red Hand said something but it wasn't in english.
He said 'leave now'. Sorry about this. Nadan said.
It's okay, no big. I'll just go back to my house and sleep. I said.
I left the tent and I saw everyone staring at me.
Hey Princess Tiger...
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Carter, Peter Pan, and The Lost Boys Chapter One
My name is Carter or that is what Peter and the lost  boys call me. I have been here as long as I can remember. I'm considered one of the lost boys except I'm a girl which they don't pay attion to that much. But I don't consider myself a lost boy, I consider myself as Carter and Carter only. I guess you could say that I act like a boy since that's what I grew up around and with. I am the fiveth tallest but I am considered the fourth oldest since I was the fourth person to come here to Never Land. I was raised my Peter, Braden, and Oliver Than...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
A Girl Named Lacey Chapter Six
Alice, what is Lacey doing right now? I asked.
Edward, I can only see the decisions she makes. Alice said.
"Well do you see any decisions that she is making"
No Edward I don't sorry. Alice said.
Okay, I'm just gonna check on her. Don't worry, I will not be seen. I said.
Alice smiled and skipped off to find Jasper.
I walked out the door and head to my right to go to town. I would stay in the woods of course. I ran through the woods and got to town in no time.
I spotted Lacey which wasn't very hard to do. I could spot her in a crowd of 100 or million. She was beautiful...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
A Girl Named Lacey Chapter Four
Sorry I haven't been writing. It has been the craziest week and now I think I'm getting sick! :(

It was moving day, we had several cars that needed to be drove to Scottsville. I packed up Lacey's car that I would be driving to the new house. Lacey would be driving her motorcycle. Lacey had two cars. A motorcycle because when she was 13 and in middle school she needed to be able to drive herself. I was very surprised that Esme let her drive at the age 13. A lot of parents weren't very happy that Esme and Carisle were letting a 13 year old girl drive, much less by...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Scarlet Malone Chapter 10

I got to the home plate and slowed down to a walk. Malone, are you trying to make a point to us? The coach asked. No sir, I was just keeping my pace. I said sort of out of breath but than again I was not out of breath. All right now that we have everyone here, let start with some throws. Coach said. I want all of you to jog except for you Malone. The coach said. Yes sir. I said and walked slowly. Do not ever run a head when we do laps even though that was quit inpressive. For a girl. Coach said. Yes sir, thank you. I said. Everyone pair up. Coach yelled very strictly....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I always thought I would want to be a vampire, until I got the chance to become one. I was scared out of my mind at the fact that I would become a vampire in less than a 4 days! I didn't want to tell anyone but I knew they knew cause of Edward and Jasper. When ever they were trying to talk about me being a vampire, I would always change the subject or act like I needed to be some where. I hated that they knew my fear! I got up jumped in the shower and got out and dressed. I didn't feel like drying my hair so I left it wet. I went down stiar and just sat on the couch. I was bored and I didn't...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I was laying in bed thinking about Collin as usual. I want just to let my sadness and madness out but not through crying. I was sick of cry! I got up put on my skinny jeans, a bright pink Element shirt, and my Etnies skate shoes. I was going to let everything out through skateboarding. I grabbed my backpack and headed for the door. I walked down stairs to the living room, no one was there. I looked out the big window in living and looked out. Everyone was outside injoying the sun. Everyone sparkled, it made them even more beautiful! Alice and Jasper were sitting in chairs soaking up the sun....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
We asked them and they said yes! We both went to our rooms and packed, since we were trying to look like humans. Which car should we take? I asked in as if he was in the room with me. I dont know. Which one do you want to take? -Sawyer asked me. What about the motorcycle? I asked him. Nah, lets take a car. -Sawyer said. Which one. I asked him. Can we take Emmett's Jeep Wrangler?? - Sawyer asked. I hope, I love his jeep. I told Sawyer. Don't forget pj's, Sawyer told me. Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me! We finished packing and went down stairs to say good bye to everyone. We told everyone good...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter Forty Six
Lila's POV
I woke up the next morning to Troy waking me. It kind of scared me because I was not expecting him to wake me up.
"Get ready, we have work to do," his handwriting read.
"Okay, I said, "what should I wear?"
"Anything, we will stop and buy you what you will need," his handwriting read.
"Okay," I said and then yawned.
Troy looked really excited about his.
"I don't want to mess this up for you and Ella," I said as I tried and signed.
"Trust me," he said as I read his lips.
"Trust you what," I asked confused.
"You will not mess it up," he said as pronounced his...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lost And Found Chapter Thirty One

Victoria's POV

It was three weeks today that I had tried to commit suicide. But it was the past, I won't try again because I promised Damon I wouldn't try it again. I was gonna get to go home today. Even though I would have to see a phycologist before and after school everyday. Then once a day on the weekends. I would start school tomorrow. I was nervous about that because I didn't know what people would say. Maybe Stefan will be nice and will help me get through the day, if I'm lucky.
The phycologist has me on antidepressents which I don't need because I'm not...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Collin's POV
I had to go home first but, I needed to morph. I quickly let her off, she had the weirdest and cutest look on her face. Then she relized and said "oh". She turned around, I morphed quickly and put on my pants. I snuck up behind her and put my hands over her eyes. Guess who, I said. Collin! she said. Let me go in through my bedroom window and then I will tell you when you can knock on the front door and come. Is it okay to come in? she said. Won't it be weird with your parents there? No, my dad cleared the problem up with my Mom. well I hope, he did. It must be nice to have real...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lost And Found Chapter Sixty Three
Damon's POV
I came back from the cellar. I was stocking the upstairs fridge with some blood packets. We were getting low up here. I walked passed the stairs as I made my way to the kitchen. Victoria was sitting there.
"What are you doing?" I asked. "You are suppose to be in bed."
"I told you, I do not wanna be a lone." She said. "Vampire and werewolves walk right on in without trouble. I am scared."
"But there are no vampires around and there are werewolves around." I said reassuring her. "Except for Mason."
"What about that other vampire?" Victoria asked meekly....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I am having a little bit of writers block on this story! SORRY!!
Taylor's Story Chapter 41
I didn't want to go to school. Well not in this chair! I wanted to walk to school or atleast drive myself. I want to walk through the halls of school not be pushed.
Do you want to pick an outfit out for tomorrow? Alice asked as she came through the door.
Not right now. I want to be able to walk at school tomorrow. I said.
Even if you can walk for tomorrow, Carilse wouldn't let you go without your chair. You probably wouldn't be able to walk much. Your legs would get tired. Alice said.
Okay. Can you help me...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It was not a plasent day when I woke up at lunch. My hand was killing me and I felt bad for getting mad at Jacob. I know sooner or later I would have to talk about to some body, I am just not that good on sharing my feelings. I would just rather keep them to myself. I heard people talking in the kitchen, it sounded like Charlie was over. Great, that is all that I need. I liked Charlie but he didn't know any of the secrets, so I would need to lie. I got mad and punched a brick wall? Um, that one would work, unless they already told them. I could here them talking about what happen last night....
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added by Sk8bordNewMoon
Source: google
added by Sk8bordNewMoon
Source: Google
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lost And Found Chapter Twenty Six
Jeremy's POV
The next morning I was still confused on what Damon said last night. "There are somethings you can't know." I don't know what he meant.
Is everything okay? I asked Victoria as we walked to school.
Yeah, why? She asked.
Because last night you said not to bother you till morning. I said.
Yeah, I was really tired. Victoria said as she looked up at me.
You're lying. I said.
No, I'm not. She said as she looked away.
Tori, I can see it in your eyes. I said.
I don't know what you are talking about. She said.
I believe you do. I said.
You're wrong. She spat back.
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added by Sk8bordNewMoon
Source: google, hollister