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posted by NintendoFan364
"...S-system has sustained fatal damage to system core drivers... M-must attempt to run repair utility... Repair utility has failed. System has breached and has lost core components..."

>System has lost Blade.ATK
>System has lost Claw.ATK
>System has lost Beam.ATK
>System has lost Jump.ULY
>System has lost Ultima.ATK

System must temporarily shut-down to avoid loosing any other important core utilities--Kzzt-- Approaching plAnET SurFa--Kzzt"

"...Kzzt--System on. Running remain core processors--Kzzt--Checking RAM... System has encountered an error with checking RAM, attempt to administrate contact with emergency files-- Contact successful. Switching over to manual control-- Booting up A.I. component-- Boot up Successful-- Kzzt-- Who... Am... I?"

I awoke in the burnt up and discarded remains of my pod, It seems to have crashed on a peculiarly small planet. I have no idea where I am from or why I was sent here to begin with, but I feel hollow as a result. Many pieces of myself seem to be missing, scattered all over the place as I can feel there presence. I attempt to get up... but I can't. It feels like I don't have limbs.

Unable to move, I stared at this planet's moon for what seemed like hours until daylight broke. I have questions... and I want them answered. But at my current state, I'm unable to do anything... I feel weak... but refuse to accept defeat just like that. I tried to shake around a bit to see if it's possible to move... but I felt something strange.

I heard a rather annoying high pitched sound that resembles the sound of an power drill and noticed strange robotic limbs expanding from me. I tried to get up and to my surprise, I can walk on them. I was no longer a sitting duck, however I also felt strange robotic things extend from my sides, acting as arms.

With the freedom of mobility again, I attempted to wander around and investigate the area. Though from a smaller perspective, it was a tad bit difficult. The world around me seemed so huge... almost intimidating at times. But I buckled up and continued to explore.

The fields around me were huge and filled to the brim with these strangle plants that are covered with these strange lifeforms... I believe they are called "Insects?" Will I continued my exploration until I saw something familiar.

A red sphere sat in front of me, It glowed a familiar red aura and seemed to draw me closer towards it... I have no idea what it is about it but It's something I must obtain, I know it is. Perhaps it will answer one of my questions?

So I slowly edged towards it until something highly unexpected happened, A giant snarling beast appeared. This beast walked on all fours, was covered in grey fur, and was baring its fangs at me. Unable to react or properly defend myself, I attempted to flee but It jumped ahead of me and got me cornered in a wall.

Just when I thought it was almost over, a strange giant loomed over the beast and grabbed it by it's collar. The giant kinda resembled the beast considering it was covered in fur as well, however it walked on two legs and seemed to be much more intelligent than the beast.

"C'mon floofly, You shouldn't be playing with discarded watches... It's probably broken anyways." said the giant to the beast. The giant and beast walked off into the distance, I questioned to myself what it meant by "Discarded watch"... Am I a watch?

Putting that thought to aside, I made my back to where the red sphere was... but it was gone. I have no idea what happened to it. I looked up to notice a strange flying beast covered in feathers flying away with the sphere in it's beak. It flew to a tree in the distance and I gave chase to it.

After what seemed like an marathon, I found myself standing at the base of the tree and I began to climb it. It was a rather long climb given my smaller perspective, but I began to edge my way onto the branch and slowly towards the beast's nest.

It screeched at me and started pecking at me, yet oddly I hardly felt it. I lost my footing and fell off the branch only to land on something soft. Surprise Surprise, it was the giant from earlier. Only this time it glared at me with a rather annoyed facial expression as it clutched me in it's fist.

"Isn't this... that watch that floofly was playing with earlier?" Asked the giant.

"Am I a watch? That peculiar strange." I said to the giant.

The giant shrieked and dropped me on the ground, spouting gibberish and nervously jumping back. I noticed the giant had a tail as it jumped back.

"There is no reason to panic, I was just asking if I was a watch.' I asked calmly.

"Y-yes you are... why are you talking? Inanimate objects don't talk." Said the giant nervously.

"I'm a inanimate object? This planet just continues to grow stranger." I said.

"Wait, you are now from this planet? ... are you an alien device who is playing to enslave this world?" asked the giant.

"I... don't think so, I honestly don't remember who I am... or why I am here." I said.

"...Oh really? That's a bit suspicious." said the giant with a smug tone.

"I'm being honest here, I don't remember a thing. I'm trying to get that sphere from the winged beast up there but I can't reach."

The giant got up and looked at the bird... quickly extending it's arm, the giant reached for the sphere and proceeded to scare it off before it started pecking at it. The giant proceed to hand me the sphere.

"Well... here you go, Stranger from another world. As long as you don't intend on invading us, I'll let this slide." Said the giant

The giant proceeded to walking off into the distance. But I was finally glad to get my sphere back, it made me feel a bit strange... but in a good way. The sphere phased into my body, Began to hear a emotionless voice in my head.

"Analyzing component--Downloading component's files-- System has successfully required ALT.FRM" said the voice.

"ALT.FRM"? what is that... But as I question that, I began to expel a red aura myself. Little microscopic machines began to phase out of me and started to crafted into something. Where all these microscopic machines are coming from is beyond me... but it began to form into a giant."

Suddenly... I became that giant. I am now viewing things from a taller perspective, I noticed my metallic body has cling to the wrist of this bigger body. I have no idea what I just became but now I am covered in orange and black fur.

I walked over to a nearby stream of water and notice I had feline-like qualities... long ears, whisker, and a tail. However I also have a red scar under my eye... I have no idea why that is there... but again, another question for another time.

Thankfully I can now blend in with the inhabitants of this world and I will be less of an target for predators and beasts. Now to mention I walk greater distances as well so I guess I should be thankful for that as well.

A strange holographic map project from the strange watch, It displayed the area and showed markers of all the other areas that contains a sphere that I need to collect. In addition, It also shows a strange yellow beacon not that far from here.

So it turns out I've lost quiet a number of pieces of myself. I suppose the more I collect, the closer I am to remembering who I am. But what about this strange yellow beacon... Well, nevertheless... I began to walk onward into the distance in search of my lost spheres.

For what seemed like days, I traveled deeper into the woods until I found myself in a swamp. it seems very atmospheric with many giant mushrooms that produce spores whenever you pass them and strange fog all over the place. It was a tad bit hard to see even from a taller perspective... but I pressed on.

I came across a small village in the swamp, the inhabitants seem to consist of strange racoon-like people. They didn't seem hostile and didn't really attack me for walking in, how curious.

But suddenly in the background I heard the sound of a foghorn. It was incredibly obnoxious, but suddenly a large ground of bear-like people carrying weapons such as swords and spiked clubs ransacked the village and began to kidnapped the villagers.

One ran towards me and hit me in the back of the head with a spiked club, while strangely enough I didn't feel it make contact it did knock me over. I noticed the strange bear's eyes where a dark shade of purple and seemed very soulless.

It proceed to attack me however strangely enough I was able to fight it off. While I had no weapons, I was much stronger than I expected. While I was able to fend off the bears... I wasn't able to save the villagers.

They were all tied up and thrown onto a ship, the bears hopped onto the ship and sailed off deeper into the swamp. I noticed the beacon on my holo-map was moving with the ship meaning one of the raccoons has a red sphere... so I decided to give chase.

While I am not sure if I can swim or not, I will not risk it right now. the bear's ship moved pretty quickly but I did my best to keep up... however they got away.

I tried to carefully hop into the water but I was presented by my first problem with that. My watch got wet and a I felt a sense of pain as a result... I quickly hopped out.

So if my metallic body gets we on the inside, I feel pain as a result? Well thankfully the water seem to haven't severely damage anything. I noticed a crack on the face plate of my watch exposing the inner core... It's probably wise to get that patched up before risking water again.

But the question is... where do I go to get my watch's face plate fixed so I can pursue the bear-people? Well I decided to go back to the racoon-people's village in hope of finding someone who is still there that can fix my watch... but so far no such luck.

I noticed there was still a workshop that the bear-people hasn't ransacked, but I have no idea how any of these tools work. I would have to be extremely careful or else I would risked eternally damaging myself.

I looked around and noticed a manual explaining how to use a strange substance that can fill in creases and cracks on metal surface. so I began to read it, a lot of the words seemed fairly foreign to me... but I tried my hardest to comprehend them.

I took this substance called "Plaster" and carefully applied it to my watch, I kept it angle so it wouldn't drip in. However a little bit of the plaster make contact. It honestly STUNG and felt moderately painful.

But after much effort... I manged to fix the surface of my watch. However it is only a temporary fix. I need to find someone who can fix it for me... but I shall cross that bridge when I come to it.

I ran out of the village and gave chase to the bear's ship yet again, Swimming through the swamp water and the plaster kept it's hold making sure water didn't get in. I swam for what felt like hours until I found myself at a fortress.

The fortress was pretty huge and crafted from wood and various other materials. I surfaced from the water and climbed onto the fortress, I have to be careful so I don't risk starling the guards...

But the question is... how?
Verosilus (Chimera)
Fashion Sense:
simple....she goes naked....she doesn't need 2 ware anything because everything is covered by scales or long fur...or both....she does have her lion ears pierced, each have 2 loops in them, but that's it.
Weapon and Powers:
she uses whatever happens 2 b around at the time....powers r flight (du), super speed and strength, venom (du) fire (du) and lightning control, along with super strong scales and the blades on her elbows (du and du) and claws (both front and bak. Double du)
Body Structure: Pt. 1; Coloration
the lion parts (mane, lion tail, longer patches of fur)...
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posted by alphahetalia
Rules of engagement

1.    Engage. Participate. Be fully present. No auto-pilot.
2.    Meetings and multiple appointments are a fact of work-life; the least we can do is be on time so they can start on time and our peers are not kept waiting.
3.    Respect the attention of your peers. Come prepared means come prepared.
4.    Always have a pen and paper for note-taking. First, you respect others who are giving you information by acknowledging it, and secondly you’re expected to capture it, and follow-up; forgetting...
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posted by TakTheFox

Sequence One

A slender and dainty-like figure walked through a local grocery store, with very few items in her cart. She had white gloves, and a glue-like color to her fur. Her eyes were pale slate, her hair was silver, her ears were short and messy, and her feet were covered with red and white tennis-shoes. She had a pale blue t-shirt, and pale blue bell-bottom jeans.

She was very pretty, but her species of mobian was unknown. The most popular of the groups thought that she was a cat. She was in her mid-twenties, but she appeared much younger. Her height was normal, and her weight...
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posted by -MissRarity-
Azealia the Rabbit
Azealia the Rabbit
Name: Azealia
Age: 16
Worst Enemy: Shadow the Hedgehog (her ex)
Powers: Super speed, martial arts
Looks: Like picture
Story: Azealia gets kidnapped by an unnamed creature (to be revealed) and has tests done to enhance her skills. The tests were done to turn her into a super weapon that could help the creatures win in the war. She escapes there clutches but was left with a burning scar on her left shoulder. When she escapes she meets Shadow the Hedgehog. They soon date but break up soon after when Shadow betrays her and gives her away to the enemies.
posted by Kal_Sphinx
Chapter six: Oops

Location: Mobius-zone-8, Faconicks, Meridona, South-Tropan, Mansion

Date: Date: Thursday, March 13th, Second-Line-2101

Time: 11:21 A.M.

Rin started up the computer, then quickly opened the file named “disposition-analysis”. Inside this one there were documents, videos, pictures, and so on. Rin scrolled down through these; ignoring them complete, which did not make the others happy, but they said nothing.

She finally came across one that was called “Communication-Uplink”. She clicked on it. As soon as she did, a progress-bar appeared on the screen, and a web-cam window...
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posted by crazyasfred
[It's shadows birthday and Nikki has planned a surprise partys for him everyone is hiding and Shadow's about to come in]

Nikki:(whispering)Ok everyone find a hiding spot and be quiet.(hides behind a potted plant)
Knuckles:(loudly whispers)Uhhh..Nikki
Knuckles:uh.nevermind. It can wait
Nikki:good,oops (turns off the lights)better
Sonic:(looks out the window)Shadows coming(goes back to his spot)
[Shadow unlocks the door and comes in]
everyone:(comes out and yells surprise)
Shadow:wow thanks
Nikki:Happy birthday shads (kisses him on the cheek) Look what i've got you (reaches in her bag and takes out a blue chaos emarald)
Shadow:(looks at it in shock) Nikki how did you get it?
Nikki: let me tell you it was anything but easy...
posted by TakTheFox
Sonic Fan Character Profile Creator

Dimension 4


Name: Dimension 4
Reason for name: Dimension 4 is the fourth dimensional version of the Chronos Soul. There was only supposed to be three.
Nickname: Dimi
If character has one, REAL name: Tris
Reason for Name: No one knows that this is his real name… not even him

Birthdate: unknown
Age currently: Around 19
Age at beginning of story: Around 18


Species: Cat-Mobian Core Time Soul

Primary Color (Main fur/skin): silver
Secondary Color (Mouth, chest, ect.): silver

Eye-color: glowing blue
Other Eye-details: None

Does character have hair?: Yes
(If so,...
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posted by numnumyellow67
Xiem lays in bed, wondering what just happened. One moment, she's dreaming about sweets, than the next she's being jostled by a huge explosion. What was that?
For an hour she lay in bed, debating if she should go check it out, or stay in bed and wonder all night.
She hugged her teddy bear, of which she knew she was to old for, and sat there.
Finally, the debate ended. She got up and listened for her parents or brothers. Nothing.
She carefully tip-toed down the stairs, grabbed a flash light, and ran as soon as she got out the door.
She ran as fast as she could through the dark night, toward the spot...
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posted by gyrothehedgehog
Here I am. On the edge of a cliff, with him. His eyes are so red that they seem to be glowing as he approaches. I review my options; take a few steps back and fall over the cliff, possibly to my death or stay and let him kill me. Both options suck. I’ll die either way. He is a blue echidna, with white ring-like designs around his dreadlocks and a face twisted in a menacing sneer. “I never thought it would end like this, Gyro.” The rings encircling his wrists that limit his power have fallen off. One thought runs though my brain; I’m so dead. He pulls out a sword made of
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This is a look into a mind that many don't wanta be in but you won't think the same again
(Warning:maybe be awkward and perverted for younger peoples.Also there are random appearances of OCs)
Ok let's take the leap into a regular day of Storm

Just another day in a day of making people give me money and then punch bad guys but at least i get to cook even though it sucks!whisles absently as her eggs she cooks started to turn from golden to blazing fire....I wonder if tenma will get together with harma?well it isn't my fav couple but their cute..!

"STORM!!"I snap back at the sound of chucks voice...
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WINDY RETURNED from the depths of her mind to find herself in a white room, clean as could be. It had to be like, 1:00 PM, so it was quite bright in the room, seeing as the curtain was open.

She looked down to see Spike resting his head on Windy's bed. He had a cast on his arm, and was sound asleep.

Storm then seemingly poped out of nowhere, witch, in actual fact, was probabaly true.

"Hey Windy, you alright?"

Windy had a badage around her head, and was hooked up to an IV.

"What happened?" she asked, rubbing her head.

Storm then shook Spike, waking him from his slumber, and making him let out a little...
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posted by Ciara-the-Gecko
In the last minutes of my life,
I find myself thinking about things,
As I watch the clouds roll by from the hospital window,
I can't feel my legs anymore...
I can't move my neck to see if they're even there.
No-one's come to see me.
I don't expect them to.
It's best Lucy doesn't see me like this...
Or May...
...or Jerome.

May I say a few words before I go?

I want you, May, to stop crying over me.
I know how much I mean to you,
Jeez, you've said it so many times...
...heheheh~ You're so cute, too,
Please, have a good life with Kazuki,
You deserve it.

Jerome, I want you to look after Lucy,
You don't have to, of...
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posted by gyrothehedgehog
Character Chart— Thorn
Character’s full name: see above
Reason or meaning of name: ‘every rose has its thorns’
Character’s nickname: That One Crazy Chick Who Lives In My Head
Reason for nickname: she’s the little voice inside of Dregs’ head, and she’s crazy
Birth date: unknown
Gender: female
Theme: iNsAnItY by Miku and Kaito

Age: 14
How old does he/she appear: 10
Weight: she never tells anyone
Height: unknown
Body build: no specific build
Shape of face: circle
Eye color: red(she rarely ever lets people see her eyes under her bangs)
Glasses or contacts: none
Skin tone: white
Distinguishing marks:...
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posted by gyrothehedgehog
NAME: Orange the Hedgehog
POWERS: He can control fire, he can control ice, he can control electricity, he can control earth, he has super-speed, he can fly, he is super-strong and he is invincible
GIRLFRIENDS: Every girl in the series
LOOKS: An orange hedgehog with black eyes
BACKSTORY: His hometown was pwned by Eggman and hiz family was killed so he wantz REVENGE!!!3!!!
SUPER FORM: His super form is darker orange and he still has black eyes and ALL THE POWERS IN THE WORLD!!!OMG!!
HYPER FORM: His hyper form is exactly like his Super Form except he is neon orange
DARKSPINE FORM: His super form with white stripes and no pupils
DARK FORM: The same as his Darkspine form
WEREHOG FORM: He is exactly like Sonics’ except orange
posted by smartone123
name:Kitty,The Kitten

age: 12

Nickname: strange child,bubble brain, angel

Stereotype:surfer girl
Race: American and french(alittle bit)

Hometown:river village in france

Birthday:April 13

Astrological Sign: Aries

Species: kitten

Gender: female


Allergies:fire(only abit)

Sexual preference:males

Occupation: nothing

Way of speaking:bright and soft

Theme Song(s):(get back to this)

Personal Quote:"life is short so live it up with no regrets of your actions"

Describe their voice: bit husky

Weapon of choice:her water


When you first meet them: closed off but talks
As you know them better(and...
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posted by Scorch-Werehog
"Scorch, could we talk this over?" asked my friend, Blaster. "Why should we? You know that I hate water!!!" "Scorch, Blaster!!! Stop now!!!" yelled Earthquake. Why must he act like he's the mature one here when none of us are? I thought. "Earthquake, I'm going to kill Blaster one day and you know it!!" Earthquake looked at me with a strange look. "Scorch, you're not going to kill him. You say things and you never do them." Of course as usual he was right. Why must he always be right? "Hey did anyone else hear something?" asked Blaster. Earthquake and I exchanged glances. "We didn't hear anything...
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posted by TakTheFox
The Conflicts Arcane

Chapter one: When My whole World came Apart

Date: Wednesday, March 5th, Second-Line-2101

Location: Mobius-Zone-8, Faconicks, Mas Sopain, Hickville,

Time: 9:01 P.M.

“Journal entry seventy-two”

“So some random dude in the park came up to me and said ‘I used to know your father before he died.’ Not that I believe him or anything, but he didn’t look homeless or anything like it. He was wearing a suit, his hair was combed, and he didn’t act mental. He probably got me mixed up of course. Still, I ask Mom and Dad if they remembered the guy. Dad said that he might have...
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posted by SaraTheDog
"When you where little we found you in a space ship that crash landed on this planet.In the spaceship was amap to your home planet." My--FAKE mother--Told me.Cam was wide eyed and mouth wide open.My Mom gave me a map to my home planet."We should have told you.But now we both think you should go...home.Your real home." My father told me while he tryed not to cry."thank you." I said and then I grabbed Cam by the arm and we ran out.We found Zack and Dee Dee in their huge secert lab.I knew they could gets us a ship.Cam I knew would come with me."Zack,Dee Dee,We need a ship."I told them every thing and showed them the map.They looked at each other and they both said "Adventure!Can we come we've been working on a big sapceship." I smiled.And I said "Of course!You two are the smart ones.And I don't know how to work a spaceship."I knew now that I would need the help of ALL my friends.
posted by TakTheFox
Name: Unknown. Calls himself Dimension 4
Reason for name “Dimension 4”: He calls himself Dimension 4 because there’s only supposed to be three dimensions of the CHRONOS SOUL, but he was the exception.

Age: Dimension 4 looks around 18 or so, but his true age is unknown

Species: Dimension 4 is a Mobian Core. The only way he can stop being this is when he turns into a human. As such, he looks a bit frightening, which is why he wears his hood all the time.

Personality: Dimension is adventurous, and a bit cocky, but stealthy above all else. He loves to surprise people, but is usually very secretive...
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posted by ShadowChaos
"You're just gonna kill me, aren't you, Shadow?" Twilight asked me. "Oh my god, you don't listen! I said I wasn't going to hurt you!" I snapped. I looked around for Sonic to help me with Twilight, but he had left not to long ago. "That's just great." I whispered to myself. Twilight was standing there like a tree stump as I looked around for Sonic. Then I realized that he has the same thing on his hands that Silver has. "Um, Twilight, you wouldn't happen to know if you have siblings, do you?" Twilight looked at me as if I've gone crazy. "Siblings? I don't even know who I am!" I thought for a...
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