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posted by NintendoFan364
"...S-system has sustained fatal damage to system core drivers... M-must attempt to run repair utility... Repair utility has failed. System has breached and has lost core components..."

>System has lost Blade.ATK
>System has lost Claw.ATK
>System has lost Beam.ATK
>System has lost Jump.ULY
>System has lost Ultima.ATK

System must temporarily shut-down to avoid loosing any other important core utilities--Kzzt-- Approaching plAnET SurFa--Kzzt"

"...Kzzt--System on. Running remain core processors--Kzzt--Checking RAM... System has encountered an error with checking RAM, attempt to administrate contact with emergency files-- Contact successful. Switching over to manual control-- Booting up A.I. component-- Boot up Successful-- Kzzt-- Who... Am... I?"

I awoke in the burnt up and discarded remains of my pod, It seems to have crashed on a peculiarly small planet. I have no idea where I am from or why I was sent here to begin with, but I feel hollow as a result. Many pieces of myself seem to be missing, scattered all over the place as I can feel there presence. I attempt to get up... but I can't. It feels like I don't have limbs.

Unable to move, I stared at this planet's moon for what seemed like hours until daylight broke. I have questions... and I want them answered. But at my current state, I'm unable to do anything... I feel weak... but refuse to accept defeat just like that. I tried to shake around a bit to see if it's possible to move... but I felt something strange.

I heard a rather annoying high pitched sound that resembles the sound of an power drill and noticed strange robotic limbs expanding from me. I tried to get up and to my surprise, I can walk on them. I was no longer a sitting duck, however I also felt strange robotic things extend from my sides, acting as arms.

With the freedom of mobility again, I attempted to wander around and investigate the area. Though from a smaller perspective, it was a tad bit difficult. The world around me seemed so huge... almost intimidating at times. But I buckled up and continued to explore.

The fields around me were huge and filled to the brim with these strangle plants that are covered with these strange lifeforms... I believe they are called "Insects?" Will I continued my exploration until I saw something familiar.

A red sphere sat in front of me, It glowed a familiar red aura and seemed to draw me closer towards it... I have no idea what it is about it but It's something I must obtain, I know it is. Perhaps it will answer one of my questions?

So I slowly edged towards it until something highly unexpected happened, A giant snarling beast appeared. This beast walked on all fours, was covered in grey fur, and was baring its fangs at me. Unable to react or properly defend myself, I attempted to flee but It jumped ahead of me and got me cornered in a wall.

Just when I thought it was almost over, a strange giant loomed over the beast and grabbed it by it's collar. The giant kinda resembled the beast considering it was covered in fur as well, however it walked on two legs and seemed to be much more intelligent than the beast.

"C'mon floofly, You shouldn't be playing with discarded watches... It's probably broken anyways." said the giant to the beast. The giant and beast walked off into the distance, I questioned to myself what it meant by "Discarded watch"... Am I a watch?

Putting that thought to aside, I made my back to where the red sphere was... but it was gone. I have no idea what happened to it. I looked up to notice a strange flying beast covered in feathers flying away with the sphere in it's beak. It flew to a tree in the distance and I gave chase to it.

After what seemed like an marathon, I found myself standing at the base of the tree and I began to climb it. It was a rather long climb given my smaller perspective, but I began to edge my way onto the branch and slowly towards the beast's nest.

It screeched at me and started pecking at me, yet oddly I hardly felt it. I lost my footing and fell off the branch only to land on something soft. Surprise Surprise, it was the giant from earlier. Only this time it glared at me with a rather annoyed facial expression as it clutched me in it's fist.

"Isn't this... that watch that floofly was playing with earlier?" Asked the giant.

"Am I a watch? That peculiar strange." I said to the giant.

The giant shrieked and dropped me on the ground, spouting gibberish and nervously jumping back. I noticed the giant had a tail as it jumped back.

"There is no reason to panic, I was just asking if I was a watch.' I asked calmly.

"Y-yes you are... why are you talking? Inanimate objects don't talk." Said the giant nervously.

"I'm a inanimate object? This planet just continues to grow stranger." I said.

"Wait, you are now from this planet? ... are you an alien device who is playing to enslave this world?" asked the giant.

"I... don't think so, I honestly don't remember who I am... or why I am here." I said.

"...Oh really? That's a bit suspicious." said the giant with a smug tone.

"I'm being honest here, I don't remember a thing. I'm trying to get that sphere from the winged beast up there but I can't reach."

The giant got up and looked at the bird... quickly extending it's arm, the giant reached for the sphere and proceeded to scare it off before it started pecking at it. The giant proceed to hand me the sphere.

"Well... here you go, Stranger from another world. As long as you don't intend on invading us, I'll let this slide." Said the giant

The giant proceeded to walking off into the distance. But I was finally glad to get my sphere back, it made me feel a bit strange... but in a good way. The sphere phased into my body, Began to hear a emotionless voice in my head.

"Analyzing component--Downloading component's files-- System has successfully required ALT.FRM" said the voice.

"ALT.FRM"? what is that... But as I question that, I began to expel a red aura myself. Little microscopic machines began to phase out of me and started to crafted into something. Where all these microscopic machines are coming from is beyond me... but it began to form into a giant."

Suddenly... I became that giant. I am now viewing things from a taller perspective, I noticed my metallic body has cling to the wrist of this bigger body. I have no idea what I just became but now I am covered in orange and black fur.

I walked over to a nearby stream of water and notice I had feline-like qualities... long ears, whisker, and a tail. However I also have a red scar under my eye... I have no idea why that is there... but again, another question for another time.

Thankfully I can now blend in with the inhabitants of this world and I will be less of an target for predators and beasts. Now to mention I walk greater distances as well so I guess I should be thankful for that as well.

A strange holographic map project from the strange watch, It displayed the area and showed markers of all the other areas that contains a sphere that I need to collect. In addition, It also shows a strange yellow beacon not that far from here.

So it turns out I've lost quiet a number of pieces of myself. I suppose the more I collect, the closer I am to remembering who I am. But what about this strange yellow beacon... Well, nevertheless... I began to walk onward into the distance in search of my lost spheres.

For what seemed like days, I traveled deeper into the woods until I found myself in a swamp. it seems very atmospheric with many giant mushrooms that produce spores whenever you pass them and strange fog all over the place. It was a tad bit hard to see even from a taller perspective... but I pressed on.

I came across a small village in the swamp, the inhabitants seem to consist of strange racoon-like people. They didn't seem hostile and didn't really attack me for walking in, how curious.

But suddenly in the background I heard the sound of a foghorn. It was incredibly obnoxious, but suddenly a large ground of bear-like people carrying weapons such as swords and spiked clubs ransacked the village and began to kidnapped the villagers.

One ran towards me and hit me in the back of the head with a spiked club, while strangely enough I didn't feel it make contact it did knock me over. I noticed the strange bear's eyes where a dark shade of purple and seemed very soulless.

It proceed to attack me however strangely enough I was able to fight it off. While I had no weapons, I was much stronger than I expected. While I was able to fend off the bears... I wasn't able to save the villagers.

They were all tied up and thrown onto a ship, the bears hopped onto the ship and sailed off deeper into the swamp. I noticed the beacon on my holo-map was moving with the ship meaning one of the raccoons has a red sphere... so I decided to give chase.

While I am not sure if I can swim or not, I will not risk it right now. the bear's ship moved pretty quickly but I did my best to keep up... however they got away.

I tried to carefully hop into the water but I was presented by my first problem with that. My watch got wet and a I felt a sense of pain as a result... I quickly hopped out.

So if my metallic body gets we on the inside, I feel pain as a result? Well thankfully the water seem to haven't severely damage anything. I noticed a crack on the face plate of my watch exposing the inner core... It's probably wise to get that patched up before risking water again.

But the question is... where do I go to get my watch's face plate fixed so I can pursue the bear-people? Well I decided to go back to the racoon-people's village in hope of finding someone who is still there that can fix my watch... but so far no such luck.

I noticed there was still a workshop that the bear-people hasn't ransacked, but I have no idea how any of these tools work. I would have to be extremely careful or else I would risked eternally damaging myself.

I looked around and noticed a manual explaining how to use a strange substance that can fill in creases and cracks on metal surface. so I began to read it, a lot of the words seemed fairly foreign to me... but I tried my hardest to comprehend them.

I took this substance called "Plaster" and carefully applied it to my watch, I kept it angle so it wouldn't drip in. However a little bit of the plaster make contact. It honestly STUNG and felt moderately painful.

But after much effort... I manged to fix the surface of my watch. However it is only a temporary fix. I need to find someone who can fix it for me... but I shall cross that bridge when I come to it.

I ran out of the village and gave chase to the bear's ship yet again, Swimming through the swamp water and the plaster kept it's hold making sure water didn't get in. I swam for what felt like hours until I found myself at a fortress.

The fortress was pretty huge and crafted from wood and various other materials. I surfaced from the water and climbed onto the fortress, I have to be careful so I don't risk starling the guards...

But the question is... how?
Part One: Retrieval

"They have the Amp!" A male soldier dressed all in black screamed as he fired his weapon at two escaping figures in the foggy evening rain. As soon as the male spoke out, all of the others standing guard near him also turned their attention to the figures and started to fire at them. The people who were firing all seemed to be dressed in black and red, and they all seemed to have a hat of some kind that bore a symbol of a red shield on it.

"Move, Ace, move!" One of the figures, a female, said to her partner as they continued to run as fast as they could while attempting...
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posted by AceRider
Jerold Wallace Roberts is a 17 year old puggle dog from Icarus Island. Wallace lives with his mother, Shera, and his younger sister, Wendy. Wallace is a decedent of the God of the Underworld, Hades, and seems to inherent his fire powers from him as well. Wallace has been an anger guy ever sense he found out about his father. Before than knowledge was know, Wallace was a cool, and collected being. Wallace loves using his pyrokinetic powers to burn down things for his own amusement. He shows no remorse, and is a very brutal fighter. He seems to be more gentle around Aisu, his mother, and his sister. If it someone else besides thoughts three, his's very aggressive, especial around people he hates.
Y'all know Ferron, but I added this to add to the effect of the article. I guess this is the only pic i have of him with his new look....oh well, maybe when i update this again I'll have another one ^^;
Y'all know Ferron, but I added this to add to the effect of the article. I guess this is the only pic i have of him with his new look....oh well, maybe when i update this again I'll have another one ^^;
Okay, So I actually got myself together and got my character Bios onto the computer, so I can now access them to post here, for those who are fans of me or my characters. I'm gonna go in a random order, but if there's a character you're curious about, feel free to message me and request I post it ^^
Since Ferron seems to be one of my most popular characters, I'll start with him. Comment some feedback for me! I love to hear from you ^^

Name: Ferron Sycor

Age: 22 (Soon to be 23!)

Birthday: August 22nd

Species: Ferret

Height: 3'3.5"

Weight: 145lbs

Powers: earthbender. Has a fruit bat that can enlarge...
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posted by kuragatheechina
Kuraga is a 14 year old Echidna who looks up to her 16 year old brother Knuckles.
They both have lived on Angel Island all of their lives. Kuraga yawns as she helps watch over the Master Chaos Emerald. "Brother don't you get bored watching the master Emerald?" The young female asked. "Nope." Knuckles mumbled.
Kuraga sighed. 'Oh you!' She thought.
"It's just another normal day for us." Kuraga said.
The male echidna just chuckled. "Yeah it is sis." Knuckles replied.
They both smiled at each other as they trained their battling skills for a while.
posted by NintendoFan364
(Note: a update version of this will be made later on, this is just a temporary version so I can demonstrate this character for RPs...)

Name: Leo Thompson

Nickname: "Zelf"

Age: 42

Species: Hawk

Eye color: Red

Feather color: Grey

Outfit: Cybernetic jumpsuit(Reduces damage received from electric attacks)

Personality: Brave... yet oddly shady

Short back story: Leo "Zelf" Thompson was formally a member of a group of elite soldiers that patrolled a utopia who were skilled with sword... however after Zelf learned King Marxy's true intention, He turned against them.

Powers: Quick sense, Teleportation, Wind bullets

Abilities: Master swordsman, Really fast, Flight
added by InvaderMaricruz
Source: me
added by blossom1111
Source: to me
added by SaraTheDog
posted by TakTheFox
Chapter Seven

It was at one of the Ruin-areas that the earthquake had caused the ground to crack open and collapse, revealing the underground waterfall, and stream. The fall itself was frozen, with small cracks that let out small trails of water to the unfrozen stream below. Dave was extremely cautious about getting too close, as he assumed that the ground was no longer stable (regardless of the fact that many others were running about with no injury).

He saw abandoned vehicles about, old and decayed, not in current use, which caused him to completely miss that Craiger’s car was parked nearby....
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Tak Ze Foxx: drawer of images 1-9
Tak Ze Foxx: drawer of images 1-9

A long rushing river, that spreads throughout the map, going at quick speed with many sharp rocks inside and around it will be the least of your worries. The various mountains that surround this river contain different wild beasts of their own specifications, that guard the different items of which you strive for to survive. The forest, while a safe haven, is thick and a maze of identical trees, easily lost inside, while the higher you go, the colder, and windier things become.


This vast ocean has rare beasts of which to tussle. Mutated sharks roam the further-out areas of these...
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This… is going to be a short one. That’s because the series hasn’t even been introduced, only planned and somewhat worked on. Luna_acres (I don’t think I spelled that right so I’ll just call her Luna) asked about… THREE years ago if anyone wanted to be in her comic. I got some characters in it, and soon after suggested to help with the writing since she was doing the drawing and organizing.

Basically the plot starts right before The Conflicts Arcane ends. A lone Mobian watches while her planet is destroyed by a strange silver storm of energy. It disappears and she’s left alone,...
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posted by NoctusLynx
Sleeping on the floor of my den was nothing new to me. I liked sleeping, being by myself. After all, I had nothing better to do, so what else was I going to do besides sleep? I’d made my den thicker so that no light could enter, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to sleep, and the light would sting my eyes a bit.

“Can I come in?” Sanae asked at the entrance of my den, into the darkness of it that housed me.

“You don’t have to ask, Sanae,” I told her. Her politeness wasn’t getting on my nerves, but rather that she was doing thing she didn’t need to; unnecessary work.

“I… yes,...
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“I want them to be willing to get through the tough times, and always be there to help with my problems, and not just me wanting to help them.”

~Dimension 4
“I want someone who acts on what they consider morally right, but doesn’t shrink others; someone who will always do what’s right, but won’t be arrogant enough to think that they are always the right one.”

~Tak Chronos
“My significant other will be the person who chooses to love only one person. I don’t see how true love can happen more than once; so many people who claim they had real true love, and changed over time,...
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posted by TakTheFox
Astral is the paradox-created son of Rynk Hellborn, Kyle Waktini, and Blood Prowler. This happened when a group of Vampires who did not wish to go extinct, created a spell that separated one second from the real world, giving them a place to live peacefully. Unfortunately they would soon run out of resources. In short, they re-connected, and used Rynk to keep the portal open through her Banshee DNA, and made her their queen through her Vampire DNA. Originally she was against the idea, but after multiple bites added to her already there Vampire DNA, she was turned.

In one reality Kyle...
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(Note: I was going to write this in Kyle's point of view, so it can reflect his personality a bit in his answers. So, all of the questions will be filled out as if Kyle himself was answering them)

Name: Kyle Perry Waktini

Gender: Male

Height: Somewhere around 4''3... or so I think. Somewhere around in there. It's been a while since I checked my height.

Weight: ...Around 100 pounds.

Birthday/Age: I'm 15... My birthday is October 30th (Right before Halloween! Yay!).

Hair color/style: ...Hm... Now how would I describe this. I have some small spine-shaved... spines on the back of my head, and then I...
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I’ll go with one per (almost every) character I do here, and I’ll do just SOME of them.


FORM: Three-mood forms
Basically rage forms. First form is normal, second mood doubles everything, but increases aggression, and third doubles that, but basically sends her into a bloodcurdling rage. The downside is that her nanites can't take it (the same for all 3-Mood identities), and completely burn out, leaving her as a completely chaos-energy-creature unless she is able to power down enough to regenerate her nanites. If she (or any 3-mood) becomes too explosive with energy, it can trigger the...
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posted by numnumyellow67
Chapter 1
Flames of the Unknown

Date: 4-20 -3048
Time: 03:37:58,
(3:37 AM, Eastern Standard Time)
Location: Daralla Galaxy

Note: Italics = Thoughts

4L3RT, 4L3RT, F1R3 W4RN1NG 1N THR33 S3CT0RS.......

Serios woke with a jolt, immediately feeling the heat and smell of gasoline from the fire outside the door of her sleeping quarters, the heat seeping through the metal. She quickly sat up in her bed, eyes wide and sleep still encrusted in the corners.

S3CT0RS 1NCLUD3 S3CT0R 2....

She rolled over, looking in her room that her back was formerly facing. The normally white...
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"Space...a magnificent void full of many wonders and life...Time...The force that pushes us all to explore the many journeys and downfalls of our lives...Darkness...The crushing thumb of challenges that await your journey...Light...The ultimate weapon against the darkness..." These words feel this young hero's journey of this tale of wonder,legend,and fate.

Our story begins in a rather tragic time,sometime in a dark and murky future,rests a floating chunk of disembodied land.Sitting on top of this land is a dome like structure build by a genius.Inside stood was a group of descendants of survivors,struggling...
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So I had this idea in my head for a while, but I didn’t get it out till just now for some odd reason.

Anyway, for those who don’t know what IAW is (In Another World), it’s basically a scenario series I’ve made where the fan characters are in a different world, lifestyle, species, etc.

So I’m going to make a forum about it. However I wanted to tell you guys the specific types of FORUMS that will come out of it. If the one I start out with gets a good following, I’ll make another.

The FIRST one will be centered around WHAT IF, meaning that characters will be restarted from before they...
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posted by RawrMonster123
"So where does JoJo live?" the taxi driver asked Casey.

"In the mansion way behind the apartment complexes," Casey replied.

The taxi driver nodded, and then drove towards the mansion Casey was describing.

As soon as they got there the young adults thanked the driver and then started walking towards the mansion.

Casey knocked on the door in a complexed pattern, and then a 16-year-old blue hedgehog opened the door. She was too busy practicing the lines of a play that she was doing to notice who was at the door. "Yes?" she said, not even taking her eyes off the page.

"Where's JoJo, Demi?" Casey asked...
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