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posted by NintendoFan364
"...S-system has sustained fatal damage to system core drivers... M-must attempt to run repair utility... Repair utility has failed. System has breached and has lost core components..."

>System has lost Blade.ATK
>System has lost Claw.ATK
>System has lost Beam.ATK
>System has lost Jump.ULY
>System has lost Ultima.ATK

System must temporarily shut-down to avoid loosing any other important core utilities--Kzzt-- Approaching plAnET SurFa--Kzzt"

"...Kzzt--System on. Running remain core processors--Kzzt--Checking RAM... System has encountered an error with checking RAM, attempt to administrate contact with emergency files-- Contact successful. Switching over to manual control-- Booting up A.I. component-- Boot up Successful-- Kzzt-- Who... Am... I?"

I awoke in the burnt up and discarded remains of my pod, It seems to have crashed on a peculiarly small planet. I have no idea where I am from or why I was sent here to begin with, but I feel hollow as a result. Many pieces of myself seem to be missing, scattered all over the place as I can feel there presence. I attempt to get up... but I can't. It feels like I don't have limbs.

Unable to move, I stared at this planet's moon for what seemed like hours until daylight broke. I have questions... and I want them answered. But at my current state, I'm unable to do anything... I feel weak... but refuse to accept defeat just like that. I tried to shake around a bit to see if it's possible to move... but I felt something strange.

I heard a rather annoying high pitched sound that resembles the sound of an power drill and noticed strange robotic limbs expanding from me. I tried to get up and to my surprise, I can walk on them. I was no longer a sitting duck, however I also felt strange robotic things extend from my sides, acting as arms.

With the freedom of mobility again, I attempted to wander around and investigate the area. Though from a smaller perspective, it was a tad bit difficult. The world around me seemed so huge... almost intimidating at times. But I buckled up and continued to explore.

The fields around me were huge and filled to the brim with these strangle plants that are covered with these strange lifeforms... I believe they are called "Insects?" Will I continued my exploration until I saw something familiar.

A red sphere sat in front of me, It glowed a familiar red aura and seemed to draw me closer towards it... I have no idea what it is about it but It's something I must obtain, I know it is. Perhaps it will answer one of my questions?

So I slowly edged towards it until something highly unexpected happened, A giant snarling beast appeared. This beast walked on all fours, was covered in grey fur, and was baring its fangs at me. Unable to react or properly defend myself, I attempted to flee but It jumped ahead of me and got me cornered in a wall.

Just when I thought it was almost over, a strange giant loomed over the beast and grabbed it by it's collar. The giant kinda resembled the beast considering it was covered in fur as well, however it walked on two legs and seemed to be much more intelligent than the beast.

"C'mon floofly, You shouldn't be playing with discarded watches... It's probably broken anyways." said the giant to the beast. The giant and beast walked off into the distance, I questioned to myself what it meant by "Discarded watch"... Am I a watch?

Putting that thought to aside, I made my back to where the red sphere was... but it was gone. I have no idea what happened to it. I looked up to notice a strange flying beast covered in feathers flying away with the sphere in it's beak. It flew to a tree in the distance and I gave chase to it.

After what seemed like an marathon, I found myself standing at the base of the tree and I began to climb it. It was a rather long climb given my smaller perspective, but I began to edge my way onto the branch and slowly towards the beast's nest.

It screeched at me and started pecking at me, yet oddly I hardly felt it. I lost my footing and fell off the branch only to land on something soft. Surprise Surprise, it was the giant from earlier. Only this time it glared at me with a rather annoyed facial expression as it clutched me in it's fist.

"Isn't this... that watch that floofly was playing with earlier?" Asked the giant.

"Am I a watch? That peculiar strange." I said to the giant.

The giant shrieked and dropped me on the ground, spouting gibberish and nervously jumping back. I noticed the giant had a tail as it jumped back.

"There is no reason to panic, I was just asking if I was a watch.' I asked calmly.

"Y-yes you are... why are you talking? Inanimate objects don't talk." Said the giant nervously.

"I'm a inanimate object? This planet just continues to grow stranger." I said.

"Wait, you are now from this planet? ... are you an alien device who is playing to enslave this world?" asked the giant.

"I... don't think so, I honestly don't remember who I am... or why I am here." I said.

"...Oh really? That's a bit suspicious." said the giant with a smug tone.

"I'm being honest here, I don't remember a thing. I'm trying to get that sphere from the winged beast up there but I can't reach."

The giant got up and looked at the bird... quickly extending it's arm, the giant reached for the sphere and proceeded to scare it off before it started pecking at it. The giant proceed to hand me the sphere.

"Well... here you go, Stranger from another world. As long as you don't intend on invading us, I'll let this slide." Said the giant

The giant proceeded to walking off into the distance. But I was finally glad to get my sphere back, it made me feel a bit strange... but in a good way. The sphere phased into my body, Began to hear a emotionless voice in my head.

"Analyzing component--Downloading component's files-- System has successfully required ALT.FRM" said the voice.

"ALT.FRM"? what is that... But as I question that, I began to expel a red aura myself. Little microscopic machines began to phase out of me and started to crafted into something. Where all these microscopic machines are coming from is beyond me... but it began to form into a giant."

Suddenly... I became that giant. I am now viewing things from a taller perspective, I noticed my metallic body has cling to the wrist of this bigger body. I have no idea what I just became but now I am covered in orange and black fur.

I walked over to a nearby stream of water and notice I had feline-like qualities... long ears, whisker, and a tail. However I also have a red scar under my eye... I have no idea why that is there... but again, another question for another time.

Thankfully I can now blend in with the inhabitants of this world and I will be less of an target for predators and beasts. Now to mention I walk greater distances as well so I guess I should be thankful for that as well.

A strange holographic map project from the strange watch, It displayed the area and showed markers of all the other areas that contains a sphere that I need to collect. In addition, It also shows a strange yellow beacon not that far from here.

So it turns out I've lost quiet a number of pieces of myself. I suppose the more I collect, the closer I am to remembering who I am. But what about this strange yellow beacon... Well, nevertheless... I began to walk onward into the distance in search of my lost spheres.

For what seemed like days, I traveled deeper into the woods until I found myself in a swamp. it seems very atmospheric with many giant mushrooms that produce spores whenever you pass them and strange fog all over the place. It was a tad bit hard to see even from a taller perspective... but I pressed on.

I came across a small village in the swamp, the inhabitants seem to consist of strange racoon-like people. They didn't seem hostile and didn't really attack me for walking in, how curious.

But suddenly in the background I heard the sound of a foghorn. It was incredibly obnoxious, but suddenly a large ground of bear-like people carrying weapons such as swords and spiked clubs ransacked the village and began to kidnapped the villagers.

One ran towards me and hit me in the back of the head with a spiked club, while strangely enough I didn't feel it make contact it did knock me over. I noticed the strange bear's eyes where a dark shade of purple and seemed very soulless.

It proceed to attack me however strangely enough I was able to fight it off. While I had no weapons, I was much stronger than I expected. While I was able to fend off the bears... I wasn't able to save the villagers.

They were all tied up and thrown onto a ship, the bears hopped onto the ship and sailed off deeper into the swamp. I noticed the beacon on my holo-map was moving with the ship meaning one of the raccoons has a red sphere... so I decided to give chase.

While I am not sure if I can swim or not, I will not risk it right now. the bear's ship moved pretty quickly but I did my best to keep up... however they got away.

I tried to carefully hop into the water but I was presented by my first problem with that. My watch got wet and a I felt a sense of pain as a result... I quickly hopped out.

So if my metallic body gets we on the inside, I feel pain as a result? Well thankfully the water seem to haven't severely damage anything. I noticed a crack on the face plate of my watch exposing the inner core... It's probably wise to get that patched up before risking water again.

But the question is... where do I go to get my watch's face plate fixed so I can pursue the bear-people? Well I decided to go back to the racoon-people's village in hope of finding someone who is still there that can fix my watch... but so far no such luck.

I noticed there was still a workshop that the bear-people hasn't ransacked, but I have no idea how any of these tools work. I would have to be extremely careful or else I would risked eternally damaging myself.

I looked around and noticed a manual explaining how to use a strange substance that can fill in creases and cracks on metal surface. so I began to read it, a lot of the words seemed fairly foreign to me... but I tried my hardest to comprehend them.

I took this substance called "Plaster" and carefully applied it to my watch, I kept it angle so it wouldn't drip in. However a little bit of the plaster make contact. It honestly STUNG and felt moderately painful.

But after much effort... I manged to fix the surface of my watch. However it is only a temporary fix. I need to find someone who can fix it for me... but I shall cross that bridge when I come to it.

I ran out of the village and gave chase to the bear's ship yet again, Swimming through the swamp water and the plaster kept it's hold making sure water didn't get in. I swam for what felt like hours until I found myself at a fortress.

The fortress was pretty huge and crafted from wood and various other materials. I surfaced from the water and climbed onto the fortress, I have to be careful so I don't risk starling the guards...

But the question is... how?
posted by aly001
1.)Star likes the color pink!
2.)She likes wolfs and dogs!
3.)She has a brother that is 19 years old!
4.)Likes music.
5.)Has a crush on tails.
6.)Has a pet wolfdog mix.
7.)Is always there for her friends!
8.)She wets her bed because she has bad dreams.
9.)She is sometimes a crybaby.
10.)Loves to sing, alot!
11.)Is Shock's best friend.
12.)Loves to wach the news.
13.)Loves to read the news paper.
14.)Loves to read books.
15.)Loves the color blue.
16.)Hugs alot of ppl that she knows.
17.)Hates ppl that she dose it knows.
18.)She is always happy.
19.)Feels safe with Shock & Emily
20.)For a little girl she can kick ass.
21.)She loves her pet wolfdog mix
22.)Star looks up to shock as a brother.
The chaos emeralds slowly floated up and started glowing. Shadow and Sonic put their hands into fists and they closed their eyes. The emeralds started sping in a circle. Sonic and Shadow were suddenly warped to outer space. They were in their super forms. They saw Chris punching and kicking Madjin. Madjin was struggling to get away, but Chris would not give in. Chris kicked Madjin very hard in the spot 'where it counts'. "And I said, NO MORE KIDS FOR YOU!" Chris shouted. "We have to stop him! He's beating that guy up!" Sonic said. "But wait, he's the good-" Shadow tried to finish his sentence,...
continue reading...
WHERE WE LEFT OFF.... Nah, I'm not tellin.
A FEW HOURS LATER... "Help... Ummm... Halp... Screw this, I'm going to sleep." Chris said, after 3 hours of shouting for help. EVEN LATER... Chris had woken up. He yawned. "Where am I?" He asked, not expecting a response. "Ah, your up. Your at the Fan-Freedom Fighters base." Said a dog wearing a bandana. Chris got a confused look on his face. "Shock? How'd you get me?" Chris asked. "I noticed what was happening, and I was going everywhere to see if everyone was okay. I found you, and brought you here....
continue reading...
Suddenly, Chris jumped out of his bed. "I guess that was just a dream..." He said, relieved. He was, infact, correct. He almost got back in bed, then he saw his clock, and it was 11:03 AM, 11-11-11. He crawled out of his hole, and stretched. He noticed that there was a trail of blood leading to the Mystic Cave Zone. He followed it, as though he didn't know what to think. About 20 minutes later, he was in the middle of Mystic Cave Zone. He heard voices, but he couldn't exactly see who they were; his veiw was being blocked by the trees. "Who are you and what are you?" A female voice said. "Why...
continue reading...
posted by shadowknuxgirl
The water sprinklers went off. And G-Sil fell to the floor. She whispered something to the group as she lay on floor, shivering and soaking wet. "You've won this time.........but I'll get you one day........." and G-Sil looked as if she were dead. Dark Drum poked her a bit with a stick and said "is it over...?" Cece said "I think so." Zouge shouted "WAIT! LOOK! Somethings happening......" All of a sudden, G-Sil started to fade into an orange dust, and that dust began floating. "Uh.....whats going on???" Kiseki asked. Amethyst drawed attention away from the dust and pointed to the real Silhouette....
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It's practally what their relationship is XD
Kushi, the new transfer student at Twisted School, walked down the corridor in relaxed and confident, girls floating behind him in glee, he grinned slightly as he glanced back at his 'servants', he was definatly a king here~ He turned back just to spot a group of 4 unusual girls, but the only that caught his eyes was the tallest one which had been the quietest one out of the group it seemed, his mind snapped into place and he pointed his index finger at the girl, which had orange fur, blue and white...
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~I plee my respects to others I care and who I really love. Theses people always makes me keep going in Art~<3

1. I first saw ur drawns and I was inspire in ur art or and u always have amazing penicls and color penicls to make them look awesome.Ur a very epic friend and u always follow the rules in the club and report others who dont follow or do not understand..and hates people who do recolor.xD <3

2.Ur a very speical friend..who always makes me cheer up and wipe my tears.I cry for ur help and u clam me down and gave me a reason. Ur very funny and kind and ur characters have sweet lines...
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it was a cold winter day snow was slowly falling

that was when shane ran into teenah

shane: hey teenah

teenah: o hi shane (blushing)

shane: cold huh

teenah: yeah it is

shane: yep (looks up) hmmm well i better be going

teenah: yeah (blushing)

shane: see ya (walking off)

teenah: bye shane (wispering "i love you") siggh teenah why dident you tell him .... sigghh

as sadness went though teenahs heart something was going though shanes as well

somewhere down the st

shane: shane your so stupid u sholud told her man sigghh

at the mall

teenah with her friends

girl one: did u tell him yet

teenah: sigh no

girl two: chickend...
continue reading...
Chris kept cheering. Eventually, he went to a Mobian store and bought a rug, a bed, wallpaper, a refrigerator, food, a TV, and a Nintendo 64. They were all very cheap, and either way, Chris had a lot of rings with him. He carried them all back to his home, one by one. Eventually, he got in his bed and fell asleep. MEANWHILE, AT THE LOOP WHERE MADJIN WAS LAYING.... A smirk spread across Madjin's face He opened his eyes. They were glowing red. His hands started glowing. He blinked and his eyes stopped glowing. He slowly stood back up and chuckled. He slowly walked away. He saw a circular peice...
continue reading...
Chris crawled in the hole. "... This isn't very... 'home-ish.' " He said to himself. He crawled back out and walked around. He kept walking. "I wonder where Shadow is..." He said to himself again. He kept walking. He stepped into a hole and fell. "UHF! Where am-" He tried to finish his sentence,but Madjin interrupted with "Welcome to.... Erm.... Welcome." "Yeah, I'm looking for a dude with black fur, red stripes, and some awkward looking gloves with rings around them, Might you have seen him lately?" Chris said. Umm.... No ugly guy around here!" Madjin responded. "But that's not what I-" Chris...
continue reading...
posted by TenanahBluefern
Shane walked through the front door of his apartment, mail in his hands, and shut the door with his foot. Tenanah was just lounging on the couch and noticed something in Shane's mail. As he walked into the kitchen, Tenanah followed. Shane sat at the table and looked through the mail. He found a purple slip of folded paper and frowned.
 "What the--"
 "Shane? May I see that?" Tenanah interrupted. As Shane was handing it to her, it spontaneously combusted and they both flinched. It landed on the table and branded an insignia onto it. Tenanah stared at it with fascination. Shane however, was not...
continue reading...
Emily:Hey! You crushed my cupcake!!!!
Slash:Not now Emily!
Cece:Shut up and kick @$$!!!
Justin:Yeah what Cece said!!!!
Modely:Stop! And listen, what do you want?
The Destroyer V.3:Can I came to?
Modely:Emily what are you doing?!?
Emily:Hey Sonic said to go and get at 4:30pm!
Slash:Ok then lets go!
So they all of them got on time. Now Amy is talking.
Amy:Ok so tell me why hes here?
Destroyer V.3:I got dorb!
Amy:Ok. So any way we need more stuff Emily I need Star!
Emily:Ok. Star get you butt over here!
Star:Yes mam!
Ok so thats it for now, Emily,Slash,Justin,modely,Cece,star and Destroyer V.3 all go on a misshin to find out what happen to Crystal and Jason's perents! Well that's all folks!
Here's something."What was that!" Shadow said. Goes back inside."Hey Sonic I need your help outside, I heard something out there!"Shadow said."Why are you telling me go tell that to Emily!"Sonic said."Heak no! I well give you two reasons, 1 reason: I'm afraid she might make fun of me again, Reason 2:She want believe me.So get your but up and start walking!" Shadow said."Ok ok I'm going already and let go of me!" Sonic said."No I'm afraid that your gonna leave me."Shadow said. Outside (Again)."Can you let go of me now?"Sonic said. "Yes now help mr find out what made that sound."Shadow said."Ok." Sonic looks behind the trash can."Hey Shadow look what I found a puppy!"Sonic said."So that was the thing that made the sound?!?"Shadow said."yep."Sonic said.
The end. This is the last one so no quishtens!
meanwhile at the lab

dr f: u see this is very bad since

brenden: wiat u made a doll of me ad it turned evil

alexa: yes we did u see wen u helped out at the lab (still need to wright that) we wanted to thank u so we dieced to make something to help u we made brenden doll

tober: took me forever to sow

alexa anyways we animated it but it dident happen to go right u see the chip we used ws sadly encripted

dr f: that colud guy seemed relible

lily: wait wait wait did u say colud

dr f: yes his name was could

brenden: where takeing this case

alexa: thank u soo much

dr f: u will need this (hands brendens doll tracker)

derreck: u made a tracker

dr f: in case this kinda thing happend

brenden come on guys lets go

team ok

to be continued
"So, let me get this straight... You broke the capsule... So I'm stuck with you... and you're my BROTHER?!" Shadow said. "Yeah, kinda. Isn't that just GREAT?!" Chris said, happilly. "OH GOD. This can't be." Shadow cried. "... You don't seem happy." Chris said, confused. Shadow fell to his knees and started pulling on his chest fur and shouting gibberish and a few cuss words. "Are you okay???...." Chris said. A motobug came by. "Is he okay?" He asked it. It rolled away. He started to massage Shadow's shoulders. This made him more irritated. Shadow punched Chris away. "You seemed tense." Chris...
continue reading...
An early interpratation of Chris.
An early interpratation of Chris.
Shadow was walking through the ruins of Ark. He coughed in the debree. He had a flashback of Maria. He sniffed. He looked at a broken panel. It had a picture of a blob with a head and tiny writing. He remembered that from when the Ark was invaded with the Artifical Chaos. Then he looked at something not that familiar. It was a giant capsule with a few cracks in it and a body. It had a green liquid inside. "What's this?" Shadow said. He punched the capsule open. The liquid poured out. Shadow picked up a stick and poked the body. "Ha. Squishy." He continued poking at him. "SQUISHY SQUISHY SQUISHY!"...
continue reading...
posted by sierradawn9
AN: Ok, so this is WAY back in the day when Bellz-E was still living under the Three Kings (Well... The first two were killed by the last...) and her name was still Bella. She was still bold... and blasphemous. XD

I'm taking over, 
You plainly see,
I'll set all,
Of the innocents free.

I'll kill your guards,
Knock down a tree, 
I'll destroy your kingdom,
Filled with glee.

Your tirade ends, 
And you must know,
That I have sank,
To an all new low.

This shit I see,
Maybe it's true,
But I will not bow,
To the likes of YOU.

Do you feel sorrow?
Do you feel pain?
Do regret all of your choices,
Once it starts to rain.

You treat them like slaves,
All those townsfolk,
You must have thought,
It was just a cruel joke.

All this shit,
I know it's true,
So I will not bow,
To the likes of YOU.
My first story, so, if you wanna make suggestions, post of a forum ill make in a bit.

The old streets eminated of fossil fuels burning, roadkill and sadness. The ally was scattered with boxes, empty glass bottles and pieces of old news paper. In the distance, a siren went off and dogs yipped to eachother in thier own language. The streets felt cold and filled with the sorrow of the people around.
My body felt cold as ice. I longed to be warm and safe. I wished I had some money to get something to eat, but who would listen to a stray? No one. I curled up in a ball, attempting to get warm, as I drifted into a small rest.
I worried if the wrong person would find me here in this ally, alone in this cold, dark allyway. I dismissed this worry and held the arms of false hope, whispering false facts into my freezing ears.
I believed the false hope's bitterly cold arms were a sign I was alive.
posted by StephanieTheCat
this is for people who love mystery stories. Readers keep a close eye on every detail because you might be the one to figure out the mystery first...

I have never seen such a gloomy gray morning in my life. The clouds were almost the color of black. We were on our trip to see this so called "haunted" mansion. Myself i wasnt as spooked as the others some were even all the way in the back so now and then i sneaked up on them and yelled "boo!" really loud. It spooked Justin out the most to were he shrieked like a girl even better he was the oldest out of every one on the bus.
The bus came to a...
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Note; To know what the chapter names and what the names in the story like 'Ferson' are, look at this image; link

Oh, and of course, this is in Corah The Cupcake Lover's perspective.
You know, I've always wondered what it would be like to live the life in Ferson. The extreme weather, the serene beach, the unique villages...I lived in Derevia, a country full of lush grass and a warm atmosphere. But today was fall, and it was rarely ever warm in the morning. When I get up and put on my clothes for autumn, I walk outside, feeling the moist, cold atmosphere...
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