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posted by NintendoFan364
"...S-system has sustained fatal damage to system core drivers... M-must attempt to run repair utility... Repair utility has failed. System has breached and has lost core components..."

>System has lost Blade.ATK
>System has lost Claw.ATK
>System has lost Beam.ATK
>System has lost Jump.ULY
>System has lost Ultima.ATK

System must temporarily shut-down to avoid loosing any other important core utilities--Kzzt-- Approaching plAnET SurFa--Kzzt"

"...Kzzt--System on. Running remain core processors--Kzzt--Checking RAM... System has encountered an error with checking RAM, attempt to administrate contact with emergency files-- Contact successful. Switching over to manual control-- Booting up A.I. component-- Boot up Successful-- Kzzt-- Who... Am... I?"

I awoke in the burnt up and discarded remains of my pod, It seems to have crashed on a peculiarly small planet. I have no idea where I am from or why I was sent here to begin with, but I feel hollow as a result. Many pieces of myself seem to be missing, scattered all over the place as I can feel there presence. I attempt to get up... but I can't. It feels like I don't have limbs.

Unable to move, I stared at this planet's moon for what seemed like hours until daylight broke. I have questions... and I want them answered. But at my current state, I'm unable to do anything... I feel weak... but refuse to accept defeat just like that. I tried to shake around a bit to see if it's possible to move... but I felt something strange.

I heard a rather annoying high pitched sound that resembles the sound of an power drill and noticed strange robotic limbs expanding from me. I tried to get up and to my surprise, I can walk on them. I was no longer a sitting duck, however I also felt strange robotic things extend from my sides, acting as arms.

With the freedom of mobility again, I attempted to wander around and investigate the area. Though from a smaller perspective, it was a tad bit difficult. The world around me seemed so huge... almost intimidating at times. But I buckled up and continued to explore.

The fields around me were huge and filled to the brim with these strangle plants that are covered with these strange lifeforms... I believe they are called "Insects?" Will I continued my exploration until I saw something familiar.

A red sphere sat in front of me, It glowed a familiar red aura and seemed to draw me closer towards it... I have no idea what it is about it but It's something I must obtain, I know it is. Perhaps it will answer one of my questions?

So I slowly edged towards it until something highly unexpected happened, A giant snarling beast appeared. This beast walked on all fours, was covered in grey fur, and was baring its fangs at me. Unable to react or properly defend myself, I attempted to flee but It jumped ahead of me and got me cornered in a wall.

Just when I thought it was almost over, a strange giant loomed over the beast and grabbed it by it's collar. The giant kinda resembled the beast considering it was covered in fur as well, however it walked on two legs and seemed to be much more intelligent than the beast.

"C'mon floofly, You shouldn't be playing with discarded watches... It's probably broken anyways." said the giant to the beast. The giant and beast walked off into the distance, I questioned to myself what it meant by "Discarded watch"... Am I a watch?

Putting that thought to aside, I made my back to where the red sphere was... but it was gone. I have no idea what happened to it. I looked up to notice a strange flying beast covered in feathers flying away with the sphere in it's beak. It flew to a tree in the distance and I gave chase to it.

After what seemed like an marathon, I found myself standing at the base of the tree and I began to climb it. It was a rather long climb given my smaller perspective, but I began to edge my way onto the branch and slowly towards the beast's nest.

It screeched at me and started pecking at me, yet oddly I hardly felt it. I lost my footing and fell off the branch only to land on something soft. Surprise Surprise, it was the giant from earlier. Only this time it glared at me with a rather annoyed facial expression as it clutched me in it's fist.

"Isn't this... that watch that floofly was playing with earlier?" Asked the giant.

"Am I a watch? That peculiar strange." I said to the giant.

The giant shrieked and dropped me on the ground, spouting gibberish and nervously jumping back. I noticed the giant had a tail as it jumped back.

"There is no reason to panic, I was just asking if I was a watch.' I asked calmly.

"Y-yes you are... why are you talking? Inanimate objects don't talk." Said the giant nervously.

"I'm a inanimate object? This planet just continues to grow stranger." I said.

"Wait, you are now from this planet? ... are you an alien device who is playing to enslave this world?" asked the giant.

"I... don't think so, I honestly don't remember who I am... or why I am here." I said.

"...Oh really? That's a bit suspicious." said the giant with a smug tone.

"I'm being honest here, I don't remember a thing. I'm trying to get that sphere from the winged beast up there but I can't reach."

The giant got up and looked at the bird... quickly extending it's arm, the giant reached for the sphere and proceeded to scare it off before it started pecking at it. The giant proceed to hand me the sphere.

"Well... here you go, Stranger from another world. As long as you don't intend on invading us, I'll let this slide." Said the giant

The giant proceeded to walking off into the distance. But I was finally glad to get my sphere back, it made me feel a bit strange... but in a good way. The sphere phased into my body, Began to hear a emotionless voice in my head.

"Analyzing component--Downloading component's files-- System has successfully required ALT.FRM" said the voice.

"ALT.FRM"? what is that... But as I question that, I began to expel a red aura myself. Little microscopic machines began to phase out of me and started to crafted into something. Where all these microscopic machines are coming from is beyond me... but it began to form into a giant."

Suddenly... I became that giant. I am now viewing things from a taller perspective, I noticed my metallic body has cling to the wrist of this bigger body. I have no idea what I just became but now I am covered in orange and black fur.

I walked over to a nearby stream of water and notice I had feline-like qualities... long ears, whisker, and a tail. However I also have a red scar under my eye... I have no idea why that is there... but again, another question for another time.

Thankfully I can now blend in with the inhabitants of this world and I will be less of an target for predators and beasts. Now to mention I walk greater distances as well so I guess I should be thankful for that as well.

A strange holographic map project from the strange watch, It displayed the area and showed markers of all the other areas that contains a sphere that I need to collect. In addition, It also shows a strange yellow beacon not that far from here.

So it turns out I've lost quiet a number of pieces of myself. I suppose the more I collect, the closer I am to remembering who I am. But what about this strange yellow beacon... Well, nevertheless... I began to walk onward into the distance in search of my lost spheres.

For what seemed like days, I traveled deeper into the woods until I found myself in a swamp. it seems very atmospheric with many giant mushrooms that produce spores whenever you pass them and strange fog all over the place. It was a tad bit hard to see even from a taller perspective... but I pressed on.

I came across a small village in the swamp, the inhabitants seem to consist of strange racoon-like people. They didn't seem hostile and didn't really attack me for walking in, how curious.

But suddenly in the background I heard the sound of a foghorn. It was incredibly obnoxious, but suddenly a large ground of bear-like people carrying weapons such as swords and spiked clubs ransacked the village and began to kidnapped the villagers.

One ran towards me and hit me in the back of the head with a spiked club, while strangely enough I didn't feel it make contact it did knock me over. I noticed the strange bear's eyes where a dark shade of purple and seemed very soulless.

It proceed to attack me however strangely enough I was able to fight it off. While I had no weapons, I was much stronger than I expected. While I was able to fend off the bears... I wasn't able to save the villagers.

They were all tied up and thrown onto a ship, the bears hopped onto the ship and sailed off deeper into the swamp. I noticed the beacon on my holo-map was moving with the ship meaning one of the raccoons has a red sphere... so I decided to give chase.

While I am not sure if I can swim or not, I will not risk it right now. the bear's ship moved pretty quickly but I did my best to keep up... however they got away.

I tried to carefully hop into the water but I was presented by my first problem with that. My watch got wet and a I felt a sense of pain as a result... I quickly hopped out.

So if my metallic body gets we on the inside, I feel pain as a result? Well thankfully the water seem to haven't severely damage anything. I noticed a crack on the face plate of my watch exposing the inner core... It's probably wise to get that patched up before risking water again.

But the question is... where do I go to get my watch's face plate fixed so I can pursue the bear-people? Well I decided to go back to the racoon-people's village in hope of finding someone who is still there that can fix my watch... but so far no such luck.

I noticed there was still a workshop that the bear-people hasn't ransacked, but I have no idea how any of these tools work. I would have to be extremely careful or else I would risked eternally damaging myself.

I looked around and noticed a manual explaining how to use a strange substance that can fill in creases and cracks on metal surface. so I began to read it, a lot of the words seemed fairly foreign to me... but I tried my hardest to comprehend them.

I took this substance called "Plaster" and carefully applied it to my watch, I kept it angle so it wouldn't drip in. However a little bit of the plaster make contact. It honestly STUNG and felt moderately painful.

But after much effort... I manged to fix the surface of my watch. However it is only a temporary fix. I need to find someone who can fix it for me... but I shall cross that bridge when I come to it.

I ran out of the village and gave chase to the bear's ship yet again, Swimming through the swamp water and the plaster kept it's hold making sure water didn't get in. I swam for what felt like hours until I found myself at a fortress.

The fortress was pretty huge and crafted from wood and various other materials. I surfaced from the water and climbed onto the fortress, I have to be careful so I don't risk starling the guards...

But the question is... how?
added by sydni2001
Source: me and blossom1111
added by StarAngle16
I loved someone once, and I still love that same person. So why am I alone? Did she die? Is she with someone else? Quite frankly I don’t know.

I can see through the future and the past with ease, but if I were to do that with her future, to see what became, I might break. Will I find out that she was killed? Will I find out that she loved another? Will it be something worse? I cannot bear it.

When I first met her I had already been in love with her, though quite frankly I was so arrogant and rash that I probably had no idea what the word meant at that point. But I soon learned that because...
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posted by NoctusLynx
Some people hate 'em, some people love 'em. Others simply don't give a damn. But what makes the cliche have such a mixed review? Why are there people who like it and love it? Let's find out.

First, we might want to find out what a cliche IS. A cliche is comparable to a stereotype to an extent. A cliche is something that is commonly repeated over and over and over and over and over and over and over and... you get the idea. Here, I will address two cliches.

Character stereotypes are something we can't get around. Most stories are alegories, which are stories which the characters represent a part...
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So yeah this topic’s been a long one coming. I’ll say right now, for quite a while now I’ve been very happy to see that there are few Dark Characters, and those that are there are done WELL. So this rant is not based on recent events, it is just advice.

So let’s try to define a dark character. They are basically any and/or all of the following.
~A Daredevil
~Have a lot of secrets
~Hate everyone
~Act uncaring
~Or simply play the bad boy.

What’s wrong with this? Well since this is for Sonic Characters I’ll go with only Sonic-based parameters...
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posted by NoctusLynx
It was a dangerous business indeed. Whitman knew this. He knew this well. This kind of tourism would be dangerous, but if all the protocols were followed correctly, then there shouldn’t be a problem. At least this much he could say, but when dealing with something this large scale, safety precautions had to be taken to prevent the worst case scenario. The machine built by a worker called Sonia Rainsford, and she would be the one to test her own machine, be it to see it grow prosperous, or to see their own world wiped out.

“Ms. Rainsford,” said Whitman as he stood in front of her. In Sonia’s...
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Okay here we go. So Mobius Academy started out, as many know, as a Forum. It was made by Dargox, and took place Mid-Summer 2012 I believe (or 2011). Many first-time characters appeared there.

~*Insert any of Sara’s characters here* (SO MANY!)
(Spyro and Trinity also appeared here but I don’t think it was the first time they appeared in a roleplay.)

But what a lot of people don’t know is that there were TWO Mobius Academy Forums (Two important ones anyway). The first one was canceled, as everyone agreed to do a new one, starting off from scratch with the characters and...
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posted by NoctusLynx
"Hey, Gatage!" Menae shouted gleefully at a ferret not too far from us. The ferret, which was male, turned in response towards us.

"You seem ha- what's that?" Gatage asked Menae, refering to the canteen in her hands.

"A canteen," Menae answered. "You of all people should know."

"I knew it was a canteen. What I-"

"Why'd you ask then?"

Was she like this all the time? I think I'm beginning to prefer the armory...

"If we knew of a way to send you back, we would," Menae told me. I forgot once again that my thoughts were no longer personal. This was going to be a long, long day.

"Who are you talking to...
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posted by NoctusLynx
I think I got it clear the first time we met, but just to be sure, I'll say it again: everyone has at least one characteristic in particular they can call their own. Yours may be different from mine. For example: I'm certain you can't alter your structure on an atomic level to create anything you wish with your body. I, however, can.

I'm used to transforming upon my own will, but the way I teleported was of a rather painful matter nonetheless. If you want to disagree, you obviously haven't had all your atoms ripped out of your body, and enduredcan attempt to have them placed back together hurriedly....
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posted by ShadowFan100
Character Chart
Character's full name: Darren D'Orsi (He had his last name changed to "Scythe" eventually)
Reason or meaning of name: Darren means "Great One", so he was named for being the one who's "destined" to start a revolution (aka wipe out the Mobian Race)
Character's nickname: None
Reason for nickname: None
Birth date: 8/24/1951
Powers: Unknown...for the moment
Theme: None

Physical appearance
Age: 62 (in Shock's last saga, 90)
How old does he/she appear: Same
Weight: 52 pounds
Height: 7ft
Body build: slim
Shape of face: Old XD
Eye color: Navy blue
Glasses or contacts: None
Skin tone: Tan, wrinkly
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posted by ShadowFan100
Character Chart
Character's full name: Devilyn Sierra Colt (Not joking! XD)
Reason or meaning of name: None
Character's nickname: Demon
Reason for nickname: for his psycho half
Powers: Psychic (he can read minds and manipulate emotions)
Birth date: 7/30/1980

Theme: None

Physical appearance
Age: 33
How old does he/she appear: same age
Weight: 51 pounds
Height: 3ft 7in
Body build: Slim
Shape of face: n/a.
Eye color: Purple
Glasses or contacts: None
Skin tone: Tan (his hands, feet and mouth)
Predominant features:
Type of hair: Thick
Hairstyle: Like Dyllon's kinda...several spikes running straight down his head.
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posted by ShadowFan100
Character Chart
Character's full name: Danyel Lorre King
Reason or meaning of name: None
Character's nickname: Kori
Reason for nickname: It goes with his powers
Birth date: September 12th 2000
Powers: It used to be water, but her personality grew "colder"--more evil-like. So due to this, her power switched to ice and has stayed that way.
Theme: Unstoppable by China Ann McClain

Physical appearance
Age: 13
How old does he/she appear: same age
Weight: 45 pounds
Height: 3ft
Body build: Slim bot not TOO skinny
Shape of face: n/a.
Eye color: Green
Glasses or contacts: None
Skin tone: Tan (his hands, feet and mouth)...
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Shawn: when I was a little kid I got kidnaped at school. This strange man just walked into my school and came in to my class. Think it was my dad that my mom divorced. I was really scared cause he was pointing a gun at the teacher and he said give me shawn right now!! Or all shoot. I got really scared so i decided to save the teacher and walk out my seat to go to him. He took me away. Soon my mother was got worried so she diced to kill her self. When I was free from my dad. I started crying so much. It broke my heart to see my mother dead. And that's the story of Shawns past life.
A picture of the wolf today
A picture of the wolf today
Bard walked to the middle of Scaler Town's Town Square. Scar handed him a megaphone, from which Bard snatched from him and called into the bustling crowd," Hello citizens of Scaler Town! I am Bard, leader of The Wicked Ones and also your new ruler." Some people kept going on with their business and some stopped to listen to Bard and someone called to him," Yeah right! Even if you tried, Rose and Thorn would stop you!" A lot of people agreed. Bard gave them a evil snicker," Rose? I've already taken care of her. Once I'm done, we'll be too strong for her to even try to stop us! Hahaha!!" People...
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posted by TakTheFox
Name: Craiger X
Age: going by Mobius Academy Year Three logic, Craiger is…19
Species: Sand Fox
Nationality: Australian (Homeworld: Mobocan)
Build: Craiger is very fit and continues to increase in his strength with his training and workouts, though not obsessively.

Powers: None

~Combat: Craiger is very good with hand to hand combat, usually up close, and has some training in fencing, though not much. In combat he is usually goo with defense, and quick strong attacks, either to disable an opponent, or to shove them away. He is also very sturdy, making it normally hard to flip him over, or push...
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Name: "Matt Gearsmo... but I'd like to be called "MTL", Thank you very much."

Gender: "Um... I'm a dude."

Height: "Tall."

Weight: "I like to see myself pretty limber."

Birthday/Age: "I was never "born", I was created."

Hair color/style: "Black and long... kind spikey."

Current home/Nationality: "I currently reside in crystal city."

Eye color: "Red?"

Species: "I am what is known as a "Nanite being"."

Picture: link

Normal attires: "A grey jacket that I would be ever so devastated if it was ruined... oh yes, and jeans, a shirt, shoes."


How would a friend describe you: *shrugs*

How would...
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posted by Evolia-Wulf
"Sorry to announce that I won't be able to make Starlight Accord. My apologies to those good people who donated their characters- but simply put- I just can't make the game. I promised or offered things I realize yesterday I can't accomplish with such short knowledge of the subject. I still do plan making video games and the like, but at this very moment, anything I openly planned can't be accomplished with 'free' software.
"That's the main reason. There's also the fact I've been running into a few issues with activity and what not. I'm not as young as I use to be and my attentions are starting...
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Okay, since it only got two viewable entrants, here are your winners everyone. ^^


2nd Place: blossom1111, I will draw you your request and give you a prop later.

1st Place: TakTheFox, your image was (even though it was only out of two) the best, so I'll use it on every later RP with Eleina, give you a prop for images, and draw you your request. ^^

For anyone wanting to see the images placed into this contest, click the links below!
TakTheFox's Entry: link
blossom1111's Entry: link

I hope to see you all again in my next Drawing Contest!!! ^^
posted by TakTheFox
(Note: While I will be writing this story in the first person, this story has nothing to do with myself personally, or my own experiences. It is for interest purposes only.)

(Also if anyone is wondering this will NOT be messing up the IAW progress. This is just something I thought up and I wanted to get written down. I am still working on IAW I’m just having some writer’s block.)

“My head hurts…” I groan as I blink my eyes open. It takes a while to get into focus of my surroundings. “Where?” I spin my head around. I’m inside a… house; yes I can see it now. There’s a couch,...
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(Okay. So I've been forgetting about Jenny ALL THIS TIME, and I JUST noticed. Thanks for telling me, guys. XD Let's just say she was with them when they got out for JoJo and was in the car listening to music when they were driving around.)

"Umm... Are you done now, Casey?" Kyle asked in a shaky voice as he was still driving.

Oh yeah. Driving. Casey remembered. She turned back around and took the wheel. "Now does anyone have any idea where they live?" Casey asked.

"Wait... We came all this way and you don't know?!" Swift carped.

"Maybe a pedestrian knows," Swerve said.

"If they're even alive," Blake...
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