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posted by starwarsfangirl
Third Chapter! Yay, I'm so happy with myself!
Please read and review!
Reviews are my life! :p

Anakin looked like he had just been slapped across the face, punched in the gut, and banged in the back of the head all at the same time "W-what, h-h-how do you know my- who are you?" Anakin stuttered. Ahsoka studied the woman's face, which sported a smirk from how terrified Anakin must look. She also had purple-green eyes, long lashes, a petite small chin and facial build, and a small, feminine mouth. But what caught her eye the most was her complexion. It was tan, like most beings from Tatooine, but it also had an orangish, greenish tint to it.
"Master Hunalo, at you service" the humanoid said tauntingly as she bowed deeply.
Before Ahsoka could stop herself, she found herself blurting out, "what are you?" the woman just laughed softly, glancing at Ahsoka through her heavily lidded eyes. She stared at her for a couple seconds, deciding if they should answer this question.
"Well, obviously I am mostly human foolish youngling, but i'm impressed that you noticed that I'm not completely human. I’m partially Nautolan, and I am a descendant of the Korun tribe. And I think I may be part Kattsaki, why?" 'Master Hunalo' answered cautiously.
"Oh, no reason..." Ahsoka said, as Anakin studied 'Master Hunalo'
"Well, that is not important right now. What is important is why you're here. Do you have a good answer, Anakin?" she asked, redirecting her attention to Anakin, then she added, "or is it Master Jedi?"
"It depends... who are you?" Anakin said. The alien/human Hunalo sighed and looked at Anakin with an expression that clearly stated, 'are you really that dim witted?'
"Well, since you are such a big shot now and can not even remember me, I guess you can live without knowing who I am. But, still, what are you doing here?" she said quite seriously.
Anakin sighed, seeing that this person was too stubborn just to tell him who she is, and said, "We are here on a rescue mission. We are looking for an Obi-Wan Kenobi."
The person looked thoughtfully up, muttering to them self, "Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan, i think I may of assistance to you, follow me." and with that, they ventured out into the jungle of hallways again.
When they reached the front door, Hunalo opened the second door, adjacent to the one they just came out of, and called for 'Dwar' and 'Ewar', apparently they were two of the person’s slaves. As soon as they realized that the two were slaves, Ahsoka saw, out of the corner of her eye, that Anakin stiffened. ‘That’s strange’ Ahsoka thought to herself.
As the servants came into the room, Master Hunalo whispered something to them in Huttese. Anakin seemed to slightly blush though… “Dwar and Ewar will escort you to where your friend is now, but don’t talk too loud to him, his head has been hurting. After you are done there, they will show you to your rooms and bring you back to the kitchen at six for dinnerr.” Once the Jedi and Clones got a closer look at the men who were escorting them, they noticed the two were twins. They walked in peace for several seconds, then Anakin tried to break the silence.
“So, uh… what would be your master’s first name? I mean uh… why do your name’s sound so much alike? Wait, no… um… how can you guys find your way around here? Oh, wait, that’s a stupid question, isn’t it? Don’t answer that” and he just kept rambling on until Ahsoka motioned him to stop. The men were futilely trying to muffle their laughs by the time Anakin was quiet.
“With all due respect sir, our names sound the same because we were born in the same month. Mistress Hunalo’s family has owned our family for a little more than two hundred years, along with another slave family, when a new member of our family is born, Mistress Hunalo’s family gets to name them. When two or three infants are born within one month, their names usually rhyme. Get it? And if our master has not told you her name, then it is up to her to tell you, not us.” One of them said with a ‘your such a dimwit’ look on his face. Anakin seemed not to notice, he was too busy thinking.
Ugh, but I really want to find out the identity of our saver!” Anakin whined.
“Wouldn’t the term be ‘savior’?” Ahsoka corrected him. Anakin looked confused; obviously he was never taught proper grammar, or just doesn’t have a very large vocabulary.
Finally the two slaves stopped in front of one of the doors. Dwar; or was it Ewar? Well, one of them opened it. Inside was Obi-Wan, laying on a bed sleeping. He had cuts and scars everywhere, on his face, arms, torso and legs. He was wrapped with bandages nearly everywhere. His head was also bandaged. No wonder his head’s been hurting.