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Courtney: Where's our host?

Star: I don't know.

Eva: Well somebody better show up soon or I'm gonna kill somebody!!!

Samantha: Just calm down! Maybe if we just wait a few minutes somebody will show up.

All: *Nods heAds in agreement*


Duncan: It's been 3 Freaking hours.....

Mirra: Wait what's that? *Walks over to the tray that the doughnuts are on and picks up a note* It's a note.

Noah: Well duh. What douse it say? 

Mirra: -.- It says *now reading note* Dear Campers, since I didn't get to see y'alls challenge and Starburst-Rock is still trying to find a song for todays episode........NO ELIMINATION!!! Well ya..... I wonder how long y'all will stay out here xD Well PIE FOREVER!!!! Love Rayla

All: -.-


Rayla: Last time on Total Drama Blank!!!, I slept :P So my Best friend in the world who's name is LeHenesee took over!!! What will happen this week? Find out on Total. Drama! BLANK!!!! Ha Eat it Destrey! Didn't tell me this time! >=D

Destrey: -.- 

Rayla: So guess what I did when I wasn't asleep.

Noah: Find new ways to kill us?

Rayla: Yes. But the real thing I did was play XBOX!!!!

Harold: Sweet! We get to play video games?! 



Jada: So what exactly is that one place?

Rayla: That one place Duh!

Jada: Ya but-


All: 0.o

Rayla: Now to explain the challenge. When I played XBOX I play 3 main games. The third one will only come up if there's a tie. The first game I played was Lego Star Wars!

Harold: Sweet Star Wars!!! I went to magic Steve's magical jeti camp so now I am an official jeti!! *Pulls a light sabre out of nowhere and ends up hitting himself in the face*

Cody: You really still play that?

Rayla: You really play with Gwen's bra still?

Gwen: 0.o WHAT?!

Cody: '^.^ Nothing. Please continue. 

Rayla: Ya thats what I thought! So anyways the first challenge is to get in those big walk around things that shoot and fight against each other!

Ava: Great name.

Rayla: Well I shall now pick 1 person from each team to fight inside the robot. There will be 1 round. First person to be thrown out of There robot looses. Fighting this round will be  

Destrey; *Popping fingers* This is gonna be easy....

Harold: GOSH!!! You always think I'm gonna fail!

Both boys enter there robot.


Destrey sees that there's over a billion buttons on the control panel.

Destrey: Aawww Shit


Harold: *flips switch* Engine, ON! *lazy-ness kicks in so imma just call it FS* other robot stuff, ON! *FS* Guns, ON! *in a deeper voice* Let's do this!

Rayla: Ok so any questions on how to start the robot?

Destrey: M-

Rayla: Good! Ready? GO!!!!

Destrey; How do you g-

Destrey was interrupted by getting shot by Harold.

Rayla: Oh! And did I menchen you have 3 hearts. Get shot at least 5 times and you loose one.

Cody: You didn't menchen that.

Rayla: I didn't?

Cody: Nope.

Rayla: I did that on perpis dip.

Back to the fight.

Harold is seen ramming his robot into Destrey.

Rayla: One more hit and Destrey looses his first heart!

Harold: *Shoots Destrey* Give up now and join the good side!

Destrey: -.- that was just gay. *Robot shakes from loosing heart* Holy Strawberry Toaster Strudel 

Harold: Do not call my skills Gay! *Shoots Destrey 5 times*

Destrey: *Robot shakes* Holy- DUDE!

Harold: *Pins Destrey down* Prepare to be defeated! 

Destrey: *Looks to the side and sees instructions* -.- Seriously?! *Presses a button*

Harold: *Gets shot off of Destrey and land on his robots feet* So your smarter than you look.

Destrey: Um sure *Shoots Harold 4 times*

Harold: *Robot shakes from loosening heart* GOSH! You won't defeat me! *Shoots*

Destrey: *Doges* Sure. *Shoots 5*

Harold: *Gets hit then robot shakes from loosing heart* So it all comes down to this. Me Vs You.

Destrey: You know how wrong you sound.

Harold: That's it! *Runs to tackle Destrey*

Destrey; *Steps to the side then shoots*

Harold: *Gets shot* IDIOT!! *shoots 4*

Destrey: *Gets hit* Shit!

Rayla: Dude.

Harold: I shall finish you now!

Destrey: Whatever man. *closes his eyes ready to be shot*

Harold: *About to shoot*

Destrey: *shoots 3* Ha you thought! xD

Harold: *Gets thrown out of robot* GOSH! 


Team skittles: *cheers*

Ava: *Walking up to Harold* Are you ok?!

Harold: Yes but I feel that I have let down people.

Ava: Well you didn't let me down.

Harold: :D

Ava: Let's make this clear. I WASN'T BEING NICE TO HAROLD! It's just- OH FORGET IT!!

Harold. :)

Rayla: Wow that took forever :P

Chris: You wanted to put them I'm robots.

All: CHRIS?!

Rayla: Yep :) I decided that Chris will co-host today! So let's give him a round of applause!

All: -.-

Chris: Thank you! I'm so happy to get to host-

Rayla: Co-Host.

Chris: -.- Yes. Co-Host, today's challenge.

Chris: What Rayla doesn't know is that I plan on taking Total Drama Blank over!!! >:D

Rayla: Ya sooo let's get to r next Lego Star Wars challenge that I think is pure Awesome-ness!!!! Your challenge is-


Rayla: =.= yes. Dinosaur races!

Harold: Actually there-

Rayla: Our writer is in a car and doesn't have Internet connection so she can't do her research on Star Wars so shut up Harold!

Harold: Gosh! No respect for the best space movie ever!

Cody: Whatever! Star Treck is way better!

Harold: Star Treck is just a rip off of Star Wars!

Cody: Well maybe Star Wars is a Rip off of Star Treck!

Harold: IDIOT!!! No it's not!

Rayla: Rite now competing in the dinosaur races is-

Chris: From Starburst, MIRRA AND ALEJANDRO

Alejandro: *kisses Mirra's hand* It shall be an honer working with you mi amor.

Mirra: *blushes* Um y-ya.

Rayla: and from Skittles,


Rayla: What?! But I'm the host!

Chris: Ya but this is good for RATINGS!!!

Rayla: *mumbles* 

Chris: What was that? 

Rayla: Nothing.

Chris: Good! Now how do we do this Rayla?

Rayla: Well-

Chris: When Rayla played the game she noticed that one of the people ride the dinosaur backwards! So for this challenge 2 of you guys will be steering the "animatronic" Dinosaur backwards while the other person will be firing a laser gun at the other team to try and jack up there dinosaur. Did I get it Rayla?

Rayla: -.- Couldn't have said it better myself. :| Anyways,

Chris: No speaking The challenges when your a competitor Rayla.

Rayla: >=|

Chris: Now choose a rider and a shooter!
 Rayla: I'm shooting.

Cody: but-


Cody: Fine!!

Rayla: >:)

Alejandro: So what do you want to do?

Mirra: Well I'll shoot if you drive. 

Alejandro: Deal.

Chris: Get Ready! Annnnd......

Rayla: GO!!!!

Both take off.


Cody: NO I'M NOT!!! 

Rayla: SHUT UP AND LET ME DO THIS!!! *pushes Cody off the Dinosaur*


Mirra: Rayla pushed Cody off the dinosaur 0.o

Alejandro: All I can tell you mi amor, is that whatever she is doing will not be pretty.

Mirra: 0.o She's headed towards Chris.

Alejandro: He is dead.

Mirra: HEY RAYLA!!! CATCH!! *Throws Rayla Gun*

Alejandro; Why did you do that?!

Mirra: We're not gonna need it!!

Rayla: HEY CHRIS!!!

Chris: What?


Chris: HOLY-AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! *Runs away with Rayla shooting him with the laser gun*

Al (IT'S ALEJANDRO!) And Mirra: *Crosses finish line*

Mirra: YES!

Alejandro: *hugs her* 

Mirra: *blushes*

Alejandro: *Blushes* Oh um.. *let's go of Mirra* um sor-

Mirra: *laughs* It's fine :)

Rayla and Chris come back. Chris looks as thoe he had caught on fire.


Cody: We cause of you! 

Rayla: Hey blame Chris, Eh 

Chris: Everything was fine until YOU chased me with lasers and a Dinosaur!



Lucas: Where are we?

Rayla: Well campers your at.....FUZION FRENZY!!!!

(That how u spell fusion on the video game)
Lucas: Fuzion Frenzy?

Rayla: Yes, Fuzion Frenzy is the second video game that I played a lot. I will explain more after-


Rayla: -.- Your still gonna try?  

Chris: McClane never gives up!

Rayla: =.= ok but I only want Harold and Cody to sing because I can imagine y'all 2 doing this. Soooo SING!!! 

(Idk if I'll get in trouble 4 using this song cuz it's kinda inapropreit..... It's Tron girl by The Key of Awesome. I thought it was pure Awesome-ness bit if you don't like it, I'll switch the song later. Also I changed the video a little bit.)

*Cody and Harold are shown creating a torn girl on the computer*

Harold: Here we go again, here we go, yo

*There now at school. Cody is shown being flicked in the ear by Destrey*

Cody: Ah, ah, that really hurts, ah
Seriously stop, that hurts. ah

*The seen changes to a restroom*

Harold *in bathroom stall*: Jocks love high school, but for me its a prison

(Random guy starts to bang on the stall)

Do you always gotta hassle me right while I'm whizzin'? 

(Duncan is shown dangling Cody above the toilet)
Cody: I know your burly, I know I'm girly, (xD)
But could we go a day without me getting swirly?

(Duncan puts his head in the toilet)
Harold *Trying to get his pants back from Geoff*: I'm not gonna whine or pull a Columbine

(Harold holds up his fist)

But the gloves are coming off when I see you Online 

Cody *getting knocked to the floor*: Yeah, sure, in real life you can knock me on my face
But the shit is going down in cyberspace! 

Both: You better watch out in cyberspace! 

(Harold puts his face to a computer and starts to be sucked in)

Harold: Gonna disappear, never leave a trace 

All: Gonna eff your ass up in cyberspace! 

(Harold and cody r shown getting sucked in)

Cody: I make my own rules in my virtual space 

Harold: I'm a word processor, you're a carbon copy
I got a hard drive, and your diskette is floppy. 

(The tron girl that Harold and Cody created earlier rides past them on a Tron bike)

Cody: Wow, check out those vectors, I'd like to inspect her... 

Harold: Yeah, fat chance, Mr. Pocket Protector!

(Harold makes a tron bike appear and starts to fallow the girl)

Harold: I know all the short cuts and all the hot keys
you're Commodore 64, I'm Power PC

(Cody is shown on a tron tricycle)

So head on home so you can beat your meat-

(Cody then crashes into Harold and Harold os sent flying threw the air)

Wait! Reboot! Control-Alt-Delete! 

Cody *Fallowing Tron girl*: This neuromance makes my motherboard hot
I'll slam some new RAM in her Expansion Slot
Digital refinery, her digits are Binary

(Cody and Tron  girl are shown sitting down)

She said lets make out I said God... finally! 

(Cody is hit my an orb thrown by Harold and falls)

Harold: Stand back son, don't stress the professor

(Harold Attempts to dribble the ball threw his legs and fails epicly. So he the kicks it to the side and trys to play it off)

Harold: from the looks of this girl, I need a Surge Suppressor
This dominatrix'll array my pixels
Finally someone's gonna touch my dicksel
while you're begging girls to come on back to your place,
I'll be having virtual intercourse in cyberspace. 

Both: Cock-blocking your pal in cyberspace! 

Cody *now giant*: Gonna kick your ass, albeit virtually.
Both: It's every man for himself in cyberspace. 
Harold: I'm stuck in this suit, and I have to pee!

(Cody steps on harold thus, breaking the computer. Cody and Harold are shown being printed out)   

Cody *now sad*: In cyberspace, she called me her hero

(Cody is looking at a page with numbers on it)

but back in real life she's only ones and zeroes. 

Harold *Holding a demolished computer*: My computer is busted, now I'm stuck in this place,
and I wanna go back to cyberspace.
Both: He wants to go back to cyberspace.

(Harold and Cody are shown sitting on a couch. Cody attempts to hand Harold an Xbox controller but gets punched In the the face instead.)

Both: Maybe they should try talking to real girls
instead of inventing these virtual worlds

Rayla: Haha it's funny cause it's true xD

Cody: *whispering to Harold* How do they know what we did yesterday?

Harold: *Shrugs*

Rayla: Well your first Fuzion Frenzy challenge is an easy one. It's called-


Rayla: Yes-

Chris: We will choose to players from each team. Players will have to-

Rayla: Jump and duck over the obstacles while also kepping up with the twister. The last person standing will win! The players who will get to play Twisted System are-

Chris: Heather and Samantha from Starburst; Billy and Owen for Skittles!

The 4 players are shown on a twister. (Grrrr hard 2 explain xP)

Rayla: GOOOOO!!

The twister starts to twist slowly. The player are walking.

Heather: And you said we were gonna have to run to keep up with it!
Owen: *Breathing heavily while running* I know! *pant* she was soooo *pant* rite!

Heather: Ok we are so- *Gets hit in the head with medal pole* OWWW!!

Rayla: Oh should have ducked! Your behind everyone now.

Billy: Wait so the poles are mettle?!

Rayla: Yep. :) 

Billy: Are you mad?!?!?!

Rayla: Yep. Cause according to Alice in Wonderland, people who are mad are the best kind. 

Billy: *Jumps* Riiiitttteeee

Owen * getting beat up by pols* What *weese* happens when you *Pant* fall off?

Rayla: You have to float around in the green might be toxic stuff until the challenge is done.

Owen: That's not so- *Gets hit in the face and falls in the goop pulling heather down with him* Im ok!

Heather: UHG! Well I'm not! You cheated! 

Rayla: Ya, Ya. Time to get some speed on this baby! *Presses button and the twister starts to go faster*

Billy and Samantha: Start to run faster.

Billy: Aww crap! *Trips and falls into the slime*

Rayla: *Presses a different button and the machine stops* 


Starburst: *cheers*

Chris: Now onto the next challenge which is- 

Rayla: BLAST MAN STANDING!!! players will be throwing bombs at each-other while falling threw the air on there cube. If enough bombs hit your cube, you'll be out. The luck losers who get to do this death trap are NOAH, SAMANTHAT, EVA, AND ROBIN!

Chris: Team Skittles cubes are red; team Starburst cubes are yellow. Any questions. Well I'm not gonna answer them GOOOO!!!!

The cubes begin to fall as bombs land on the cubes.

Robin: *Picks up bomb* Oh My- *Throws it at Eva's cube wher it explodes*

Eva: *Falls back* HEY YOU CHEATED!!!

Rayla: Actually that how you play.

Robin: Samanthat throw all your bombs at Eva! If we get rid of her the rest of this will be easy!

Samanthat: Ok Robin! *throws bomb at Eva*

Eva: Why you- *Gets pelted with bombs* I'm gonna kill Yooooooouuuuuuuu!!!!!!

Eva's cube falls. 

Noah: Oh good I get to die! 

Samanthat: Yep :) 

Basically the same thing happens to Noah :P

Star: NOAH!

Everyone stares at her. 

Star: 0.o I mean uhhhhhh HAHA TAKE THAT!!!!

Star: I don't like him anymore! He's a jerk!

Rayla: Well skittles win!

Skittles: YAY!!!!

Rayla: Now for that tie breaker game.

Robin: Crap this ones probably gonna be really hard.

Rayla: Yes. yes it is. COURTNEY; ZEKE! Rock, paper, scissors Now! 

Robin: Really?

Rayla: Jes. Rock, paper, scissors, SHOOT!

Courtney wins.

Rayla: Team skittles. Looks like you guys are sending someone home! But for now let's get questions! Did-

Chris: Did you like the video games?, Is Star Wars better than Star Treck?, Will I takeover Total Drama Blank?!

Rayla: *spit take* WHAT?!

Chris: Nothing! Find out next time on Tota. Drama! BLANK!!!!!

(Again sorry if u think the song is inapropret. Grrr this took me 4 ever to write!!!! Well I'm gonna stop complaining and ask you to please leave comments and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism!!!! Please and thank you! Abby/Starburst-Rock)
added by Darksiidee
Source: Me
added by avanope
Source: me? AVA??
added by TDIlover226
Source: me
added by Duncan_Courtney
Source: ME! and who ever made the original TDI girl base
added by Trentdalton
Source: Trentdalton
added by BridgetteBabe12
Source: Cartoon Network
added by izzzyroxmysocks
added by zzElinzz
added by deealol
added by kool-aidkiller1
added by kool-aidkiller1
added by tdacrazy6
added by tdacrazy6
added by BridgetteBabe12
Source: Me :) Total Drama :) Google Images :)
added by DemiDebby
added by DemiDebby
added by DemiDebby
added by Duncan_Courtney
Source: Fresh TV
added by NoahxCourtney77
added by cocoqueenliz