Total Drama Island Club
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Damn that host. He always shows up at the worst possible moments. I could tell by Courtney’s shocked face that she thought her life was probably over now. Drama queen. No, strike that, drama Princess. That’s what she is. A drama princess.

And now she’s mine.

Unless Chris screws it up. But he should know by now that if he does, I’ll have to kill him. And the camera crew. And beat up the cameras. Unless they’re going live. Damn. My life sucks big time right about now.

The only question is, how did they know we were here? If they saw Courtney, I can see them investigating a little bit, cause, well, that’s their job. But they weren’t anywhere to be seen when I followed her. So that meant they either followed me or they got a tip-off from someone.

I don’t think I passed anyone on my way over here. Unless….damn…..



I watched Courtney run for the woods with a shocked look on my face. Why did she run? I asked myself. She’s afraid, my inner self answered. Or at least, that’s who I thought answered. I turned around to see Justin glaring at me.

“What did you do to Courtney?” he asked.

“Me?” I answered. “I asked her a question. It’s not my fault she’s emotional.” I said quite defensively. This guy can’t just come up out of nowhere and accuse me of hurting Princess. I wouldn’t do that purposely.

Justin snorted. “Sure. Just keep your hands off my Courtney.” He said.

I raised my eyebrows. “Your Courtney? Since when is she yours? What have you done?” I asked.

“Everything you haven’t. I’m not a delinquent, I’m nice to her, and I care about her. You don’t deserve to be Courtney’s boyfriend.” He answered smoothly.

I wanted to hit Justin. “I deserve it more than you do!” I shouted.

Justin just smiled. “We’ll see about that.” And he walked behind the cabin.

(End flashback)

I didn’t care where he went; I just ran to find Courtney. That fink must have gone to Chris! I’m gonna pound that jerk into next Tuesday.

Chris waved a hand in front of me. “Earth to Duncan. Come in, Duncan. Hello? You still there, dude? Hellllloooo!” he said. I must’ve been out of it for a few minutes. But I snapped back to reality fast enough to grab the front of Chris’s shirt and growl, “Where. Is. Justin?” I was gonna beat the shit outta him.

Courtney grabbed my arm. “Don’t,” she warned. “Or you’ll regret it.” Her look was stern, but I could tell she was upset and embarrassed. Poor girl. I felt really bad again.

I sighed. “Fine.” I said. I let go of Chris, but not before he answered my question. “I-I-I think he w-went to the Mess Hall, dude. Why?” he looked terrified. Chris was such a spineless baby despite his sadistic attitude.

At Chris’s words, I stormed out of the forest without another word.


Duncan looked so cute when he was mad. Wait, did I seriously just think that?! Ugh. It’s so confusing. And Chris and his stupid cameras didn’t help matters. Oh no-

The cameras.

I remember Chris telling us that they filmed live, so whatever was caught on tape was on TV. Shiz. My parents were gonna kill me if they saw that. They’d find out about it anyway. There was the Internet, magazines, gossip, and probably other ways they’d find out I’d fallen in love with the delinquent of the show.

And he was probably the only one on the show I’d be forbidden to date. Including Chris. Not that I’d want to date Chris. But my family had a reputation for being clean, kempt, upscale members of society. They’d probably disown me if I was simply in the same room as Duncan.

I hate my life. I hate TDI. I hate everything right now.

The cameras left when Duncan stormed out of the woods. He said something about Justin, but I don’t exactly know what.

Ahh, Justin. The hottest boy on the show. Quiet, sensitive, handsome--- so not my type. As much as I hate to admit it, my type was the tattooed-bad-boy who’d actually gone to Juvie and had green dyed hair. That was a boy worth chasing after.

I’d better get out of the forest. Who knows what I’ll find out here; or worse: what could find me. I started to follow the long-gone trail of Duncan and the camera crew when something caught my arm.

“What’s a little lady like yourself doing out here, in the forest, alone?” a voice said. I turned around and found my self face-to-face with Justin. He stared at me and smiled. I couldn’t help but smile back. His eyes were smoldering, but nothing like Duncan’s. His were a cool blue; Justin’s were a harsh brown.

“Why don’t I help you find your way out?” he offered, extending a hand. I took it hesitantly, and he led me down a path I did not remember taking.

“Umm, Justin? Where are we going? Isn’t the exit that way?” I pointed over my shoulder. Where was he taking me?

“Oh, don’t worry. This is a short-cut I took to get here.” His voice was confident, so I felt a little better. But really what I wanted to do was get back to camp ASAP. And back to Duncan. He’d freak out if I went missing with Justin, of all people.

I admit it was weird how he showed up just as Duncan left to find him. Unless….

“Did you call the cameras to make them spy on me and Duncan?” I asked suddenly.

Justin looked taken aback. “Would I do that? Never. What cameras, by the way?” he asked. He sounded sincere. So, it wasn’t him.

That left…..about 20 other people who could have tipped of the crew, Chris and Chef included.

Great. This was not gonna be fun.


I stormed into the Mess Hall, looking for that pretty boy. What was his problem? Couldn’t he just leave me alone?

The Mess Hall was empty except for Chef in the kitchen and Harold, who was sitting at the table writing something. Nerd. The cameras had followed me, no doubt hoping for a fight to break out. So it wasn’t a shocker that they looked upset that Justin wasn’t here.

Chris spoke up. “Where is he? I was hoping for some awesome footage of a fight.” I called that. “ Now I don’t know how to continue with this never- before-seen episode of TOTAL. DRAMA. ISLAND!!” he yelled. Did he have to do that every time he said the show’s title?

“Aw, quit your whining. I’ll find him and give you a fight you won’t ever forget, no matter how old you get.” I told the host. Ha, that rhymed.

“Duncan, man, anything you want to say before we continue with the show?” Chris asked, as he aimed a microphone to my face. I though about what to say, when I finally came up with the perfect statement.

“Justin had better have a goooooood lawyer”

And I walked out of the Mess Hall to the camp.
added by graysie14
added by graysie14
Source: XJKenny
added by CourtneyKatara
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added by E-Scope
Source: wat
added by Katt25
added by GwenTrentDude
i added dis bkuz i laughed on wut chris said! xD
added by milorox18
Source: by XJKenny
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added by wetts2
Source: mony bag
added by emisa123
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added by emisa123
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added by Darksiidee
Source: A lot! *Read description*
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