Ava Jones,the one and only Michigan

Fanpopping since April 2012

  • 28 years old
  • Lansing,Michigan
  • Favorite TV Show: I love a lot of detective shows,like Criminal Minds,CSI,etc.
    Favorite Movie: The Lincoln Lawyer,Sherlock Holmes movies,also anything detective-like~
    Favorite Book or Author: Any Sherlock Holmes book along with most detective books~
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Malalani_Hawaii said …
Aloha! ^^ Posted over a year ago
Kagome10 said …
Why would Michigan not speak English? *referring to motto* Posted over a year ago
Ava_Michigan commented…
I do speak English,but I like to speak other language much more,it makes me feel smart. over a year ago
Kagome10 commented…
So then what language is your Motto in and what does it mean? over a year ago
LunaShay commented…
(*Is Michigan*I believe it is French,I'm not too sure,but it means "If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you." it is the state Michigan's motto,in hat language,so I made it into my motto on here.) over a year ago
LunaShay commented…
(*That*) over a year ago
leClaire_Cali said …
Oh wow my day is off to a bad start >.<

*le me all sleepy cuz stayed up rp-ing and drawing*
*le mom comin in my roon to wake me up, likea creeper*
*le mom bein all nosy lookin through me stuff*
*le mom finding ONE DRAWING with the word "porn" on it <<reference to "florida's porn in the rp"
*le me just wakin up WHAT R U TALKIN BOUT??*
*le mom THIS!!!!!*
*le me WOW MOM =____= JUST WOW....*
*le mom /kerslaps/ DONT TALKT TO ME LIKE THAT!
*le me @_@ D:>? Posted over a year ago