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posted by Kibahina96
There I was in the middle of the village watching everyone and all their friends. Kiba Inzuka with Akamaru, Shino Aburame with Shikamaru even Naruto Uzumaki and Gaara of The Sand. Gaara said something and Naruto laughed, I sighed. Not even they wanted me as friends. my family was killed when I was 2.

My Dorm

Most of the time I spent was by myself in the dorm I shared with Kiba, Shino, and Kiba's dog Akamaru I always spent that time wondering why they didn't like me. They never talked to me and didn't know my secret.


when I was 2 Orochimaru killed my family and kidnapped me. He took me to his headquarters until I was 17. When I was 18 I tried to escape, it just became too much. He'd wake me up extremely early and stab me with needles. My body began to scar so I decided anywhere was better than here as long as there was no needles. My body was so sore !!! The first time I tried was a complete failure. Orochimaru was talking to Kabuto "Her powers are very interesting " said Kabuto. My powers were the ability to turn into animals or as you might know it shape shifting. The rest of the conversation I didn't hear because I was outside looking for a escape route. When I found one I turned into a raccoon and began climbing a tree. Suddenly something rustled in the bushes I stopped. Nothing was behind me I ran from tree to tree until I was a safe distance. When I felt safe I jumped down and turned to a cheetah. When I was about to run a sting ran through my paw. " Where do you think you're going " said Orochimaru. My paw still stung I looked down a kunai. He had caught me off guard I was speechless. This kunai would take it longer for me to escape, using my teeth I pulled it out growling. He tried to pick me up but I pushed away the best I could with my 2 front paws. "Now I don't suggest you try that again " he said. My ears went back and I hissed. When my leg was better I tried to escape again this time with a thought out plan. As soon as I was sure they were distracted I ran outside. "Grab her" yelled Orochimaru. "oh no" I said quickly turning into a cheetah to gain speed. They threw a kunai once again hitting my left back paw. My legs stared to slow down. "No I yelled to myself panicked. It was gonna backfire again then I got a idea. My body changed into a badger. "grab her" Orochimaru repeated. Using my claws I dug deep underground It was just too much the needles, the scars, the tests. The tunnel helped me escape not sure where I was going but I knew it didn't have needles. A loud bark echoed through the trees "Akamaru Wait" said a voice. Dog lover huh ? Before he got there I transformed into a wolf.


Once Kiba found I wasn't a wolf he ignored me. No one spoke to me. Not even Naruto and he talked to everyone. Gaara just stared sometimes. They were the 2 ninjas I thought would accept me . Gaara has a Sand Demon called the Shukaku and Naruto has a Fox Demon called the Nine tails. Gaara always just gave me that same strange stare. Whenever I talk to someone they never answer. Sometimes I wonder about my childhood. Orochimaru was the only father I remember. He's not my real father of course but he took care of me so I put up with the needles as long as I could.

Week Later

Gaara was giving me his usual stare as I was sitting in my window and when Naruto came by "Gonna get some ramen " he told Gaara. They get along so well. Gaara said nothing "Alright more for me" Naruto said as he ran off laughing.

Next Morning

Most of the time when I sleep I sleep in my cheetah or wolf form. that's why I was startled when I heard screaming and jumped out my window. "What's going on" I asked then I saw him again Orochimaru !!!! "Where's Antebellum" he yelled. "We don't know any Antebellum ' Naruto yelled back. "Dad stop " I said. Everyone gasped and Naruto looked at me with pure hatred. Kabuto told me he was friend with a boy named Sasuke who now worked for Orochimaru. Though I had nothing to do with it I know Naruto wouldn't believe me I guess you could say Kabuto was like an older brother to me . He feed me. The most I was to them though was a lab rat Id never have a real family. The only reason Orochimaru let me call him dad is so he can stick needles or use me for tests. "He's your father" Kiba said horrified. Gaara just stared. "Yes she's my daughter and if you don't give her back I'll destroy your village." he said It was so much but I knew I had no choice I knew I had no choice I couldn't let their village be destroyed because of me. " Dad please don't I'll come" I said stepping toward him trying to hold back tears.


"Dad " asked yes said Orochimaru. Is the needle gonna hurt I said. "Not too much he answered I said nervously. Orochimaru looked at Kabuto "No" answered Kabuto but we did. We did it everyday. I don't want to anymore " I said. "We have to" answered Kabuto. Soon they also began to use me for all kinds of tests and that's when I got scars.

Orochimaru's Hideout

Suddenly I felt something on my face that made me come back to reality. "You're a sneaky one aren't you" Orochimaru said running snakes down the side of my face the grabbing it with his hand I gulped. What was gonna happen now ? " Don't worry I wont make the same mistake again "he said then hissed. Kabuto slammed me down in a chair and began putting a tiny chain on my ankle. It was hurting and really sore. "no matter what animal you change into you cant get free" said Orochimaru. "Though it might be uncomfortable in human form" Kabuto added. My leg was swelling purple "be right back" they said. so I turned to a cheetah to relive the swelling on my back paw. Orochimaru and Kabuto came back " remember this Orochimaru said in a said as he held up a needle. Before I could answer he stabbed it in my side I groaned "Isn't it good to be home" he said in a mocking tone but I knew not to argue. "Yes Father" I panted as Kabuto yanked out the needle. Kabuto pulled out a kunai I knew what was coming next but I also knew if I complain punishment would be worse. Kabuto grabbed my right front paw and cut a slash. He stuck and needle to get blood. It was too much I couldn't help it my ears went back and I hissed. "No need to get fussy to get fussy" Orochimaru warned. Kabuto yanked out the needle I had to hold back a low growl as they left. "Hey Antebellum" said a voice Antebellum over here '"what" I thought. I looked towards the window "Gaara ?" I said surprised he smiled at me " get out of here I demanded ."Ok as soon as you're rescued" he replied. "What are you rescuing me from I like it here" I lied. No one could like being a lab rat. "Liar" Gaara said smirking. "You Know I'm not welcome in the Leaf Village anymore" I said. You can come to my Village the village Hidden in the Sand. he defended. 'Why are you trying to protect me " I asked confused. " Don't you get it ? I love you" he said. "Alright We'll make a deal" I agreed. we made a deal that Gaara come back at night so Orochimaru wouldn't be able to hurt him.

Later that night

The slash on my paw has become another scar. It's hard to walk on and Orochimaru. Gaara hasn't shown up yet but I'm sure he will be here soon> Wait !!! There is sand moving over there !!! Gaara I run to Gaara but am yanked backward he breaks the chains I run to his arms soon we will go to the Sand Village.
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