Damon & Elena Club
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This is not my article, but I found it on tumblr and wanted to share.

Damon (to Elena): “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you more alive.” 4x08

Elena (to Damon): “That in death you’re the one that made me feel most alive.” 4x23

Damon (to Elena): “You are my life.” 5x03

Elena (to Damon): “I like our life when its like this.” 5x06

Like many things involving Damon and Elena, these parallels are deliberate.

Although for vastly different reasons, neither Damon or Elena wanted to complete the transition and become vampires.

Damon had wanted to turn for Katherine, and when he thought she had perished in the church fire he no longer wanted to live forever if she wouldn’t be with him. And because he was forced to complete it by his brother he harbored a mountain of bitterness for some time over being condemned to walk the earth alone feeding on blood.

Through a series of cataclysmic and gruesome events in his life he grew to accept and embrace his existence as a vampire. But he still yearned for something to live for, something to give his centuries on earth a purpose.

One of the most compelling aspects of Damon’s character is his capacity for love. The way that he loves is powerful and intense and unlike anything else in the world. Its a dangerously beautiful force all by itself. It drives him. It carried him through the 145 years he spent roaming the earth waiting for his true love — which turned out to be the doppelgänger of the woman he thought he was in love with.

Its irrefutable in my mind. Damon waited his entire life for Elena. End of story.

Elena (and the audience) met Damon in a dark and twisted place. He’d had his humanity off for decades. He’d lost sight of any emotional connection with the rest of the world, human or supernatural. He was a lone wolf through and through. He’d had to be in order to survive. By his own admission he’d lived a life of darkness. Vampirism had been the death of his humanity, of his soul’s purpose: love.

And then he happened upon Elena on a deserted road. And the seismic shift began.

Elena has given Damon’s life what it has always lacked: compassion, support, substance. Over the course of five seasons we’ve watched her drag vestiges of Damon’s humanity to the surface episode by episode.

She reignited the spark of deep, passionate love that he carries at the core of his soul. She gave him something to live for.

Elena’s transition into a vampire brought her to rock bottom. Quickly.

Of course it had been coming for three seasons. The girl has been through hell and back. Literally. And somehow she survived it. But damage like she’s suffered leaves its mark. And I think it all hit her when she woke up in transition.

Her first reaction to it is very telling: “Am I dead?!”

Its interesting that she phrased it this way. Yes, in order to become a vampire, you have to die. But Elena could have asked Damon and Stefan what happened to her much differently than she did. Her horror and terror over being a vampire can all be summed up by that question. She views being a vampire as a death sentence, as a punishment, rather than being grateful that she has the opportunity to carry on with her life and stick around for her brother and her friends.

And her mental state only deteriorates from there.

The first six episodes of season four are an avalanche of uncertainty, fear and despair, all compounded by her heightened vampire emotions. Her desolation was such that once afflicted by the hunters’ curse, it drove her to suicide within twenty four hours.

I believe the writers’ brought her to that point in 4x06 for a reason.

And I believe that Stelena’s break up was the final scene in 4x06 for a reason.

This episode was the metaphorical death of an Elena Gilbert who is willing to take it on the chin for the sake of expectation.

People say that Elena changed once she became a vampire, that she’s different from human Elena.

Well no shit.

Of course she’s changed.

Vampirism is essentially a supernatural variant of rapid maturation. She’s only supposed to be eighteen or nineteen years old, and yet she has the weight of the world on her shoulders. She already had to grow up much too quickly because of the endless shit she’s had to endure. Her transition simply capitalized on that maturity. She seems different on the surface because she’s making adult decisions, seeking out an adult relationship, preparing for as much of an adult life as she is able since she will never age.

Her break up with Stefan was an important step she needed to take to begin shedding her old life.

And by old life, I mean human life.

She envisioned a human life with Stefan. There’s no reason to pretend otherwise. But once she became a vampire, once she died, she couldn’t see a future for them any longer. They grew apart. People like to blame Damon for the break up but he wasn’t the only reason. Like Elena’s mental and emotional breakdown, the Stelena break up was a long time coming.

And it opened the door for her to experience the kind of freedom she had been denied for years.

Her choice to be with Damon (sire bond be damned) was just the tip of the ice berg. She eventually flourished as a vampire because it finally allowed her to look out for herself, to protect herself without having to rely on the supernaturally stronger people in her life. Human Elena would never have been able to let go of Stefan, to let go of her childhood home, to let go of her fear of judgement for choosing Damon or feeding on human blood.

THAT is how she changed.

She grew up. She made her own choices, regardless of everyone else’s opinions or expectations.

Season four was its own small journey for Elena. It was centered around her as she came to terms with being a vampire, with surviving in a manner she never expected too. And that journey led her to revelations about herself and about Damon. I think the sire bond was important because it forced her feelings for Damon to the surface, made it so that she could no longer bury them under her fears and her innocent facade.

Her transition forced her to embrace her own darkness. And like it or not, that darkness includes Damon. He feeds the wild beast that has lain dormant in her for years. But he doesn’t let her get out of control either. He provides a safe place for her inner animal to let loose and enjoy life without destroying her.

Damon is a beautiful paradox for Elena. He’s dangerous by nature, but he’s safety for her. He’s dark on the surface, but he brings love and light to her life.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you more alive.”

This is the tag line for season four. He brought her out of her own black hole simply by accepting her, by allowing her to experiment under the unfamiliar conditions in this new life. He was something stable she could hold onto while the rest of her life fell apart at the seams.

“That in death you’re the one that made me feel most alive.”

By the end of the season she openly admits that she’d never have survived life as a vampire without his help and support. He made it exciting and interesting for her, showed her how to navigate the twists and turns rather than trying to avoid them.

And once freed from the doubt surrounding the sire bond Elena and Damon’s love grew into something magnificent. The proof is layered through every second of season five. They’ve given each other something that cannot be found with anyone else, something that confirms the sovereign raw majesty of their true love.

Life in death.

The writers had Elena turn her emotions off in season four for a reason. They deliberately brought her to a point of emotional death on the heels of her physical one. They took everything from her in one fell swoop. It might seem cruel to torment such a compassionate and courageous character after all she’s suffered already.

But it was all for the greater good of the love story.

Over the course of both their lives Damon and Elena have died both physically and emotionally. The writers, in their endless quest to silently parade Damon and Elena’s status as twin flames, brought Elena to the same point Damon had been at when they met. They dragged her down to the desolate depths of the emotional underworld to prove a point.

She’s a fighter, a survivor. But even the strongest amongst us have a weakness. Even the strongest have something they lean on, something they have to live for.

And we now know that something that Elena lives for is no different than what Damon lives for: love.

And more specifically, love for each other.

“You are my life.”

This line was no accident. Damon said this to Elena at the top of the season because that is what this season is all about. Everything that has happened in season five has been a series of seemingly insurmountable obstacles for Damon and Elena. This season is their test, their opportunity to prove that nothing will come between them. There could be no other reason for the writers to include things like doppelgänger bonds, the Augustine society, traveller body swaps, and vampire ripper viruses.

They’re challenging how strong the bond of true life giving love is between Damon and Elena.

And if their attitude about it is any indication, they will prevail. They have both reached a point where they recognize how crucial they are to the other’s survival.

“I like our life when it’s like this.”

OUR life.

Elena actually said this. Very casually, in a completely still moment with Damon by the fire.

They have built a life together, a home. They have crafted a bond of safety, trust and love that cannot be destroyed by a bunch of forces in the universe.

Damon and Elena are a force. Their entire relationship screams, “Fuck the universe.”

What they have is light years beyond any supposedly epic romance. What they have is brutal and powerful and intimate and real down to the farthest reaches of their souls.

Death is a metaphor, a symbol for darkness. And Damon and Elena have suffered through their fair share of darkness. But those paths of genuine anguish have led them to something that makes it all worth it: each other.

"You are my life."

"I like our life when it’s like this."

There is no logical argument against their relationship. They are so clearly the endgame that I question the sanity of anyone who claims otherwise.

"In DEATH you’re that one that made me feel most ALIVE."

Their love is life. Life in death. Light in darkness. Heaven in hell.

You can’t possibly compete with such pure, fire breathing perfection as this.

This is true love, plain and simple.

And true love prevails.

Source: link
posted by HaleyDewit
Damon looked pissed at Veronica while he pulled the vervained arrow out of his shoulder. He scribbled up and looked around to see if he recognized anyone. He didn’t. Veronica aimed her crossbow at him and fired again. Damon screamed, but managed to stay on his feet.
“What’s going on?” a familiar voice said agitated. Derek pushed some people aside and looked at Damon, who looked back betrayed.
Veronica handed the crossbow to Derek and her eyes still pinched on Damon she said: “Go ahead. Finish the job, Derek”
“What?” Derek asked confused.
“Kill him” Veronica said. “He killed...
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Damon walked towards the old building. Jeremy had told Damon Veronica was alone now and though Jeremy didn’t want Damon to hurt her, he still thought that if Damon threatened her she’d listen and leave. Damon, on the other hand, very well knew Veronica wouldn’t let him scare her off and so there was only one thing left to do. Kill the bitch.
He opened the door, which was unlocked. That should’ve occurred strange to him, but Damon didn’t pay much attention to it. He walked through the hallway until he found the largest room.
“Hello, Damon” Veronica said. “So, Jeremy signs up...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Jeremy parked his car at the address Veronica had given him. She was waiting for him outside.
“What are those signs?” Jeremy asked, pointing at the signs on the wall.
“They’re to keep ghosts out” Veronica explained.
“Ghosts?” Jeremy asked skeptic.
“Yeah, you know, dead people” Veronica said. “You can’t see the signs during the day, because it’s fluorescent paint”
“So, ghosts can’t enter” Jeremy said slowly.
“Well, they can travel with mediums, but you’re not a medium” Veronica replied obviously. She squeezed her eyes and cast Jeremy an exploratory glance....
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posted by HaleyDewit
Klaus and Caroline were reaching the top of a 1050 feet tall tower. Caroline had no idea why she was going along with Klaus; all she knew was that she had to go with him.
Klaus let go of her and took the compulsion away. Caroline shook her head and turned to Klaus. “Where are we? Where did you take me?” she demanded to know.
“Vous êtes à Paris, mademoiselle” Klaus answered with a charming smile. He bowed, took Caroline’s hand and kissed it. His lips had barely touched her soft skin, when she jerked her hand.
“I don’t know what your angle is” Caroline started as she walked backwards....
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posted by HaleyDewit
Katherine entered the Boarding House. She wasn’t the kind of vampire that got bossed around and so she would tell Damon she wasn’t going to take his crap. After all, it wasn’t her fault Rebekah had forced her blood on Elena and neither could she help it Rebekah had compelled Stefan not to stop her. She had warned them to drink vervain, but no, don’t listen to Katherine, listen to Bitchekah, who you barely even know.
She walked into the living room and was shocked by what she saw. Damon was sitting in a triangle of fire and Bonnie was holding his hands. Breathing heavy she walked to...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Alaric had invited Elena’s doctor into his house and gave her a cup of tea, though she could use something stronger.
“I’ve never seen anything like that” she said trembling.
Jenna, invisible to both Alaric and the doctor, was sitting on the dresser and rolled her eyes.
“What did the ghost look like?” Ric asked.
“Dark blonde hair, green eyes. She looked pretty” the doctor said.
Jenna smirked.
The doctor noticed a picture.
“Wait, can I see that picture?” she asked. Ric gave her a picture with Elena, Jeremy and Jenna. The doctor pointed at Jenna. “That’s her. That’s the...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Elena’s doctor was driving on the road. There was not many traffic, so she’d be at work fast. Then she’d have some time to do some paperwork.
The radio was playing lame music, so she looked for a CD. While she put Switchfoot in the CD-player, she had her eyes off the road for two seconds. When she looked up again she screamed.
There was a woman standing in the middle of the road. She had long, dark blonde hair, green eyes and she looked rather pale.
The doctor braked and her car made a few turns before it stood still. Before she got out she needed to get her heart beat under control.
Her door opened and a familiar man appeared.
“Are you all right?” Alaric asked concerned.
The doctor nodded heavy, breathing fast.
“What happened?” Alaric asked.
She looked at Alaric, thinking he’d think she’s crazy.
“I thought I saw a ghost” she said quickly as if it wouldn’t sound so insane if she said it fast.
posted by HaleyDewit
One month later.
Damon was making breakfast when Elena came into the kitchen.
“Morning” she mumbled. Ever since Rebekah had forced her to drink blood she had been very distant towards Damon. This was his fault. If he hadn’t been so damn stubborn she wouldn’t have had to go help Stefan and she wouldn’t have been in that position. What if Rebekah had killed her? Then Elena would be a vampire now, all because of Damon’s brother issues.
“So, eh, what are your plans today?” Damon asked, trying to be casual. He knew he had a lot to make up for.
Elena shrugged. “Going to school, obviously....
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posted by Delena1864
Dear Diary
Stefan. It will always be Stefan, but how can I NOT have feelings for Damon too. Sure I mean, he has had his moments, like killing my brother, and just being a dick, but he really is good inside. How can I not love that too.

Elena sighed put her head down on my pillow, and tried to go to sleep. Unfortunately, just like the last few days, she couldn't, not without thinking about him. Damon, she thought. I just couldn't hide my love for him anymore. Then I had to worry about Stefan I loved him too, I probably always would, but for some reason I feel like I'm not worthy of him. Loving...
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ELENA : From a sensitive teenage girl in love with STEFAN- To -DAMON'S warrior princess and a lady madly in love with him.

DAMON :from a serious hot bad ass villain -to-the selfless hero in love with Elena .

KLAUS:from a heartless devil -to-a devil who has heat of gold.

CAROLINE:from a nasty attention seeker/pestering friend-to-a powerful self-controlled vampire .

JEREMY:An immature helpless teenager-to-a decision making man .

BONNIE:From a fortune predicting freak -to-a powerful witch.

MATT:from a good boy lost in his own world-to- a delena shipper.

ALARIC:From a vampire hunter /teacher-to -elena's ghost guardian.

TYLER:From a sulky weak werewolf -to-HYBRID.

KATHRINE:from a selfish bitch -to a selfless bitch.

So, lot of DE fans believe/assume that when Elena starts to get closer to Damon, he will keep his distance. Let's say that's going to happen.

I don’t think I can sleep any longer
You’ve filled my heart with such a hunger
We’re so far from sunrise
Want to end the endless night
I want to grip your heart and make it beat once more
I don’t think I can handle your rejection
You’ve filled my mind with a thousand questions
We’re so far from morning light
Want to end the endless night
I want to grip your soul and make it feel once more

Now don’t go running away from me
I’m breaking apart, I’m...
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1)link (14x01, Elena pms’d)
2)link (14x02, Ric calling Damon)
3)link (Lady Gaga cover) (14x03, Caroline giving Elena sexual education)
4)link (14x04, Derek trying to talk to Kelsey)
5)link (14x05, Alaric talking to Damon about Elena)
6)link (14x06, Bonnie tricking Caroline)
7)link (14x07, Stefan and Katherine talking about Elena, Amber)
8)link (14x08, Caroline talking to Damon about Bonnie)
9)link (14x09, Katherine trying to seduce Stefan)
10)link (14x10, Kelsey wanting to kill Stefan)
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posted by HaleyDewit
Katherine looked at Klaus trying not to look too guilty. If Klaus knew she was trying to boycott him, she’d be dead.
“You’re here, finally” Klaus said.
“You summoned me” Katherine said. “Why?”
“I wanted you to see it with your own eyes” Klaus said. He conjured a flask filled with blood. “This is Jason” Klaus said, throwing his arm over an unfamiliar man. “Jason is a werewolf”
“And you’re about to change that?” Katherine guessed.
“Yeah, but there’s a little problem” Klaus said sinister. He bit his arm and forced the blood on Jason. Then he snapped his neck....
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posted by HaleyDewit
Elena, Caroline and some other people were standing by their lockers, getting ready to go home.
“How come Bonnie didn’t show?” Elena asked, acting careless. Caroline focused on her books she was putting in her locker and avoided Elena’s stare. “I think she’s not ready for it yet” she said uneasy.
“She’s not ready for it yet? Okay, that’s…completely understandable, given the things she’s been through” Elena replied sarcastic.
Caroline averted her head and looked at her best friend with a sad expression. “She’s not ready to face you guys. She’s not ready to see...
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posted by HaleyDewit
She walked to the closet and pulled out some random clothes when she heard a thick. She walked to the window, but didn’t see anything out of place.
“Aaah!” Elena screamed. Damon appeared out of nowhere.
“Sssh!” he hissed. “Ric can’t know I’m here”
“Are you flying?” Elena asked a little shocked as she looked out of the window.
“No, I’m trying really hard not lose my grip, so if you could let me in, that would be very nice” Damon said. Elena step aside and Damon threw his legs over the window-ledge.
“Why are you here, Damon?” Elena asked.
“I want to talk”...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Caroline was walking down the stairs with her phone held against her ear. “Look, Bonnie, I really don’t care what reasons you have for ignoring my calls, but call me back ASAP”
“Everything okay?” Liz asked, who was standing at the bottom of the stairs and couldn’t help but overhear.
Caroline nodded. “Yeah, sure”
“Was that Bonnie?” Liz pointed at the phone.
“Her voicemail” Caroline corrected.
“Hmm” Liz frowned. “You two have a fight?”
“No!” Caroline exclaimed.
“Then why is she ignoring your phone calls?” Liz continued, blocking Caroline to go to the kitchen....
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posted by HaleyDewit
“How do I look?” Elena asked, spinning around.
“Delicious” Damon said with a gleam in his eyes which glided over Elena’s face over her breasts, her belly and her legs. He wanted her so badly, but he pressed his lips, swallowed and got off the bed. “You look amazing” he said, kissing her. He let go of her but Elena pulled him back, sticking her tongue in his mouth. “We should go” Damon said hoarse. Elena shook her head. “No” she said. “We still have some time”
She held one of her hands around Damon’s neck and with her other hand she went down in his pants. “Oh God”...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Caroline and Tyler were sitting at the table. Caroline was taxing. “I’ve been trying to call Bonnie all day. Do you have any idea where she could be?” Tyler didn’t answer and so Caroline looked up, seeing him staring at the red-haired girl that was walking out the bar. Caroline pushed Tyler’s arm and he looked back front. “What?” he asked pulling his shoulders.
“I asked if you knew where Bonnie is” she said a little grumpy, though Tyler not responding right away was not the reason for her sudden change of mood.
“No” Tyler said. “I thought you said she was on a vacation...
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posted by HaleyDewit
The next morning when Gabe came in the kitchen he saw the TV was on, airing the news. They were talking about a car accident. Someone had hit a car and driven away. “The culprit has turned herself in last night” The newsreader told some more details, but Gabe and Rachel didn’t hear it anymore.
“That fucking retard” Gabe cursed.
“Gabe!” Rachel reproached, nodding at Amber who looked up from her plate rotating her head from her mother to her father and back. “Amber, sweetie, why don’t you take your breakfast upstairs? You can watch some TV in your room”
“Nice offer, mom, but...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Though there was no clock in the room and Tyler couldn’t check time he could feel the evening fell. Tonight was the night. They were going to set him free to go kill people. Maybe Klaus would try to turn him into a Hybrid as well. But that didn’t make any sense. If Klaus wanted to turn him he would’ve done it by now. A voice woke him from his thoughts. “Tyler? Tyler, what’s going on? Everything’s quiet here. Suspiciously quiet. Where have they gone?” Caroline hissed agitated.
“It’s a full moon tonight” Tyler said.
“So, what, they’re getting prepared?” Caroline said....
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