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Sorry it's long. I have a lot of beliefs about these three to respond to! May get preachy!

I really hate all the hate the old princesses get, especially Snow White. She has a lot more personality than she is given credit for (more than many of the recent heroines have, too). she’s got a sassy sense of humor, she’s unbelievably emotionally strong despite the horrible abuse and near murder she went through twice (the victim blaming she and Cinderella get is rather disgusting and hypocritical), she never gave up hope about meeting her love again, she didn’t need to run around chasing boys like a desperate fool, she was confident enough (in herself, her prince, and their love) and wise enough to know he should come to her, and would- and did! I could go on. I really can't stop singing her praises.

Not to mention, I think it’s cute that she’s actually a smart little businesswoman. She ran that house like a boss. She was naive, but not enough to think the dwarfs would just let her stay for free (although I’m positive all but Grumpy would’ve happily let her). She noticed they were poor housekeepers, and as she was a talented one, so using the sense she supposedly lacks, she offered to be their maid and cook in exchange for shelter and safety (come on, what do you think she’s gonna do? work in the mines, where she’d just get in the way? sit around doing nothing and get rightfully called a lazy ingrate?). She showed good organizational skills when assigning the critters to their tasks and quite like like a mother, told the dwarfs to wash up. Who wants slobs at the table? Just because she works for them doesn’t mean they need to forget their manners. I don't see why Belle or Jasmine are wonderful for standing up to the Beast (who Belle knew wouldn't harm her) and Jafar (at first anyway, Jasmine had complete power over him) but Snow White is a brat for telling the dwarfs what to do.

The people who accuse her, Cindy, and Aurora of being “passive” and never doing anything but “sitting around” waiting for their guys- uhhh, no, You should really watch their movies before blindly repeating what all their haters regurgitate. If you’d see them, you’d realize not a single one of the heroines of any era “sits” around. Two were under spells and thus, physically unable to save themselves. They have pretty dang good excuses.

Cinderella represents hope, that by waiting bad things out, staying strong, good things will reward you. Not to mention she would be an idiot for trying to run away- to what? Seriously I honestly would LOVE to know what people who bash Cinderella for doing the smart thing- staying- would rather she do. Please, speak up! Would you have her become a whore? Join a dangerous, backbreaking sweatshop? Do you guys forget they were NO women's shelters or abuse hotlines back then? Women were nearly powerless. Stop judging them as modern people- they are NOT MODERN. Their movies about the stories, themselves, and their reactions, NOT their adventures or action. Anyway, as Disney himself said, she wanted the prince, so she went to the castle and got him. No waiting here. He didn't rescue her, either, or even come find her himself. Of all the girls that get bashed, I am stupefied by the amount of hate Cinderella gets. Really, she's like THE perfect role model in every way. She and Belle are somewhat similar, so why is Belle seen as strong and feminist and Cinderella not?

And Aurora? Please. That girl’s birthday was ruined, she found out the man she liked couldn’t be with her, and the enormous responsibility of monarch was forced upon her. Did she throw a fit like Merida and refuse to accept her responsibility? No. Did she selfishly run away from her problems to pursue her own desires like Ariel and Jasmine? No. (And I’m not condemning them, just pointing out they did bad things too yet get little to no criticism for it, and when they do get fiercely defended.) SHE WENT UP TO THAT CASTLE CRUSHED AS SHE WAS AND PUT DUTY OVER DESIRE. That takes an amazingly strong woman. I don’t know if I would be strong enough to do that, myself.

Besides, what is so horrible about being passive? You have to be sometimes, like in bad situations where suddenly making a bad move is pretty dumb. They weren’t passive anyway; people today (especially younger people) are just too rebellious, self-centered, and can’t stand seeing others being stronger than they are, taking abuse but never giving it back, seeing women properly use their gentleness as a strength.

And why exactly are the newer princesses brave for doing reckless things, yet Snow White is stupid, a moron, has no common sense, is an idiot, when she takes the apple? Rapunzel went off with a stranger and befriended dangerous thugs. Belle (you know, the supposedly "intelligent" one) went into the west wing where Heaven knows what sort of danger might have waited for her. Jasmine ran away from home with no money and went to a stranger's house ALONE (if that isn't the equivalent or worse to what Snow White did I donno what is). Mulan endangered her whole family as well as herself by disguising as a boy and running off to war to do something that in all likelihood would probably not work (luckily it did). Pocahontas, LIKE AURORA AND SNOW, was told specifically to stay away from the strangers, but no, she's too interested (this is the "wise" one, too), even when John clearly does not look peaceful and friendly when he aims his gun at her (and yeah, the cliff thing).

I don't think I even need to go into Ariel's territory, lol, just that her foolish behavior is defending to death. She "acts like a teenager"! Okay? That's an excuse? Well, guess what? She's older and knows better than Snow White, isn't sheltered like her, so what is her excuse? You can only use "SHE'S JUST A KID, LEAVE HER ALONE!!!" as a a valid argument for so long. Snow White and Aurora act like teenagers but no, they're simply idiots. Disney fan double standards!

Anyway, why so much hate for Snow doing what she is good at (ie housekeeping)? When a woman chooses to be a professional maid or cook or daycare teacher she is making a choice like radical feminists say they want for women, yet when a woman chooses to do that for her own family (in Snow’s case, it was kind of both a professional job as well as for family), she is anti-feminist, weak, a doormat, etc. Such irrational hypocrisy and double standards! Really, she was a resourceful organizer, a business-savvy girl, and an enticing chef. What’s horrible about being good at cleaning? I wish I myself was that good. I barely have energy and patience to pick up my shoes after work. Is it "empowering" and progressive to live in squalor? What is so horrifying about living for others rather than the self?

Overall, I think it’s interesting that Snow White seems to be the kind of person people either love or hate. Barely ever any neutral opinions. She’s such an icon of feminine beauty, optimism, traditional womanhood, everything that stands in stark contrast with everything our rebellious, me-first culture holds dear. Today, if you don’t act like a man with boobs, you are weak and unworthy of respect. If you respond to abuse with gracious love, you are a doormat. If you take care of a family or pursue traditionally feminine activities, you set feminism back 100 years and deserve no less than scorn. This totally defeats the purpose of real feminism, the kind our (Christian, I might add) foremothers in women’s rights wanted. It’s even against second wave feminism. Do any of you who hold this belief realize how incredibly sexist and anti-women it is? It is also sexist to men to imply their help is offensive and degrading to women but the other way around, is good.

Frankly, I wish more women weren’t so afraid to be feminine anymore or acting so threatened by traditional femininity (and for that matter, traditional manhood and chivalry), that we’d all try to have more grace and forgiveness and patience like the original heroines, who are, sadly, far better than they are ever given credit for. Their kind of humble attitudes strike our culture in the face; it does not know what to make of those with servants’ hearts. People who see modest, gentle women and insult them are losers. Not in the “HAHA LOSER FAIL” sense, but in the sense that they see they are not strong enough to try to succeed and become better people than they are, and mock people who do try. It’s “too hard” for them, so they try to drag down the winners to their level. Hey, misery loves company!

I hope this helps or at least comforts fellow Snow White fans, or anyone who likes the old girls or relates to them more. I truly wish they made ‘em like they used to (Eilonwy and Jane Porter are pretty good ones, though.) Lots of these points were borrowed or inspired by waltdisneyconfessions or an interesting thread on the SWAT7D board at imdb.com.
added by angelbarbie20
added by angelbarbie20
Pocahontas couldn't get that thought out of her head. Yes, she'd LOVE to have more children in the future, but a part of her felt like her heart belonged to Mace. *I'm sure it's just my relentlessness.* she thought. However, the more she thought about it, the more her stomach turned. "Is everything OK?" Mulan asked worriedly. "I'm fine. I'm just exhausted." Pocahontas lied. Mulan knew she was lying. "You're lying." she comprehended. Pocahontas sighed in defeat.

"OK, I'll tell you. John just told me he wants to have more children." she spilled. "I think that's great!" Mulan replied excitedly....
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posted by avatar_tla_fan
"She went off in that direction."

The man then pointed towards a building very far away from them.

"She went into the building?" Someone else asked the man.

"I don't know."

The person narrowed his eyes, "Are you sure about that?"

"I'm telling you the truth. I. Do. Not. Know."

"Fine, I believe you. Let's head towards that building then."

They started to go to the building.


Ariel was sitting in the building the person had mentioned. She was worried.

Belle's body was sitting next to her. Ariel didn't know why she had taken the body with her, she had no use for it.

Maybe it's because I didn't...
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posted by Stitch1993
So this my first article, so what better to show my favorite DP and their princes.
Remember this is personal opinion..

Disney Princess

4)Snow White

Disney Princes

8)The Prince
9)John Smith
11)Flynn Rider

Princess Films

1) The Little Mermaid
2) Slepping Beauty
3) Cinderella
4) Snow White
5) Beauty and the beast
6) Aladdin
7) Mulan
8) Pocahontas
9) The Princess and the Frog
posted by avatar_tla_fan
The people talked amongst themselves.

"I still don't understand what happened."

"Did she get it?"

"What happened?!"

"Have you found her body?"

Everything went quiet when this was said.

"Wh- What body?" Somebody asked.

"The girl's body."

"The one who was looking at the security camera?"

"No. The one who was with her."

"I thought she escaped with the other one."

"No, the other one pushed her off of the building."

There was silence.

"I doubt she's still alive..."

"We should at least look for her body."

"Okay, we'll do that."

They searched for her body, but they couldn't find it.

"Let's keep searching, it's...
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This is part two of my article series, and we're moving onto Belle, who is ranked twelve in my favorites list.

Previous Parts:

My Original Thoughts

The first time I watched "Beauty and the Beast" was a loooong time ago. My mother loved, and still loves, that movie, along with my sister. Naturally, they made me watch it over.. and over.. and over. No matter what though, I never got a real opinion of Belle. She was just kind of there. At all my costume parties, and such, my mom and older sister always tried me to dress up in Belle attire for Halloween, but I left that for all the other girls....
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posted by avatar_tla_fan
Belle woke up. She was lying down in what looked like a Hospital.

How did I get here? What happened? She questioned herself.

The doctor looked up and saw her.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm- I'm fine."

"You look worried."

"What happened?"

"A girl found you, with lots of glass stabbed into you, inside your house."

"The- the-"



"What about them?"

"They were the ones that did this."

The doctor cast a worried look. He then walked away.

Belle then noticed that somebody was near her. She looked over to see a girl with bright red hair.

"Hi, what's your name?" Belle asked her.

"I don't really...
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posted by avatar_tla_fan
"Are... Are you Snow White?"

"TIANA?" Snow White yelled.

"Yes, it's me. Can you leave?"

"No, I won't leave."

"Why? You refused to come and let me help you. But now you need me?"

"Yes. I do need you."

"For what?"

"Well, I don't know. Your house is in ruins. I wanted shelter."

"Oh, oka-"




"Can you- can you help me?"

"I- I- No."

Snow White turned around and left Tiana.

"Please help me! I'll do anything! Please!"

"No." Snow White replied.

Tiana began screaming and crying. The house began to collapse. Snow White ran.

"I'm sorry, but bye."

Tiana fell into the ruins of the house. She was dead....
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The day began as hectic for Pocahontas. She had a teething Mace who was NOT happy at all, she had dishes that needed to be washed, she had the whole inside of the cottage to clean, and she had further arranged plans to visit Merida. Pocahontas just wanted to go "Shove it!" and just escape from it all. (A/N: That expression is inspired by an old country song! XD) But, she knew she couldn't do that. Especially now since she was a mother. Yet, like all new mothers, she didn't know what to do to make Mace feel better. She took a deep breath.

"Pocahontas, what's wrong?" John asked entering the cottage....
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Source: http://storybrooke.tumblr.com/
posted by avatar_tla_fan
Yes, I know that I re-make this article every month or so, but my lists change so often that I need some way to show all of my opinions at the moment, so here we go.


The ones I love:

1. Snow White.
2. Cinderella.
3. Aurora.
4. Pocahontas.
5. Tiana.
6. Anna.

The one I like:

7. Elsa.

The ones I'm neutral towards:

8. Ariel.
9. Merida.
10. Jasmine.

The one I dislike:

11. Rapunzel.

The one I strongly dislike:

12. Belle.

The one I hate:

13. Mulan.

Beauty List:

1. Cinderella.
2. Mulan.
3. Rapunzel.
4. Ariel.
5. Merida.
6. Belle.
7. Snow White.
8. Pocahontas.
9. Tiana.
10. Anna.
11. Elsa.
12. Aurora....
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added by Madmozell
posted by CRaZy_rawR
As some of you older users know, I have been on fanpop for over a year. (a year & two months to be exact..) In June/July, I took an absence due to the crazy drama, trolls, and fights consuming this place. It just wasn't fun anymore! I was becoming depressed (not just bc of this place; a lot of stuff was going on in my life), but I'm happy to say it's all better now. (:

I started high school two months ago, I have sold over fifty of my book that was published in May, and I have started my second novel! With all this going on in my life, I thought it would be nice to have Disney come back...
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posted by MR0290553
I would adopt this sweet girl in a heartbeat!
I would adopt this sweet girl in a heartbeat!
1.    Penny
She is adorable and overrated! This poor orphaned little girl did not give up, even though she was kidnapped and forced to go down a scary black hole! She was kind to the mice, and had faith that they would help her! She was kind to Rufus, and instead of keeping the diamond for herself, she gave it to a museum! I would adopt her!
2.    Wendy
Another adorable girl, who was brave! She was sweet to Tinkerbelle and the lost boys, even though they tried to kill her!
3.    Little Elsa
Sweet and playful, and she was smart to know to call her parents when Ana was hurt!
4.    Little Tiana
Good daughter and good friend!
5.    Alice
Smart and imaginative! Sweet too!
posted by MR0290553
Snow White is my favorite princess, if I could be like any of the princsesses, I would choose her!
Snow White is my favorite princess, if I could be like any of the princsesses, I would choose her!
1.    Snow white
Snow White is kind and optimistic no matter what is going on in her life. She is selfless, graceful and humble.
2.    Cinderella
Like Snow, Cinderella is kind to everyone. She is never rude, she is optimistic and shows grace to those who mistreat her.

3.    Aurora
Aurora is graceful and kind despite her awkward living situation that would make me uncomfortable. Although she is hesitate, she sacrifices her own happiness for the good of the kingdom.

4.    Elsa
Elsa is strong, beautiful and powerful. She...
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posted by MissCassecou
How is everyone today?
Anyway some of you might know/remember that I am currently conducting a series of polls in order to eliminate every DP First Encounter to find out which one is the best. We're currently up to the top four, but I shall do the bottom half today and let you know the top five when it's all ready.
I define first encounter as when the couple first communicate with each other and are face to face, therefore when Ariel sees Eric on the boat dancing with Max, I did not count that one and instead counted the encounter she had with him in Part of your World Reprise.
So when...
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Mulan was cleaning the house when she saw a look of devastation on Shang's face as he walked in. "Is everything okay?" she asked worried. Shang tried to keep himself from breaking down. "Shang, whatever it is, you can tell me." Mulan tried to comfort. Shang couldn't take it anymore, reached his breaking point, and broke down crying. "Shang what is it?" Mulan asked again. "They found my father's remains." Shang answered through his sobs. Mulan gasped. "Shang, that's horrible!" she said.

Shang tried to say something, but cried once more. Ling, Yao, and Chien Po came in the house slowly. "I see...
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So do I look 20 or do I look older or younger than 20?
So do I look 20 or do I look older or younger than 20?
Since I turned 20 today I decided to write a special getting to know me article, it'll overall be pretty much like all the other ones out there, but I'll also ask you if you think I look like a 20 year old or if I look older or younger than 20 with the help of a picture, but anyway enjoy :)

My real name is Teresa and my birthday is today on September 16th and of course I was born 1994, I personally think I look slightly younger than 20, but some has said that I look older than 20

I'm from Sweden and I live there, I live not so far away from the capital of Sweden, Stockholm, I actually live in...
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posted by avatar_tla_fan
Belle was your typical popular girl at school. Liked by everyone, for no reason at all. Of course, she couldn't just be happy with the popularity she had, she needed more of it. She wanted love. Love from someone who cares about her for more than just looks. Belle went to the same school as Mulan and Aurora. Mulan liked Belle alright, at least. She just saw her as irritating, but she still liked her. Aurora straight up couldn't stand her. She didn't know what it was, but she saw her as just.. Something she couldn't explain. She didn't like her, but reasons why..? She didn't know.

Aurora was...
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