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Enjoy this article or stare at my eyes forever, mwahhahahaha
Enjoy this article or stare at my eyes forever, mwahhahahaha
It's been almost two months since I joined this club and wrote my first article, based on my list of favorite Disney Princesses and boy has my list changed. First, this is my opinion's and I know they're not that popular, but try to respect them, and two, I love all the princesses, so even number 11 has a special place in my heart. Anyway let's get started.

11. Merida

Sigh, I honestly don't want to put Merida here, because I love her so much. Sadly, I just can't put her any higher. I actually really like her spunky personality and her love for her family. I find her relationship with her dad BEYOND cute, and her relationship with her mom really touching. Yes, she makes mistakes, but I don't think they should define her. I'm sure after I get more used to her being a part of the line up she'll slowly move up on this list.

10. Cinderella

GASP! I was actually considering for Cindy to be in last, but then I just looked at the banner and saw her looking so magical and I couldn't dare do it! Now, Cindy actually has a lot of spunk! I was actually surprised when I watched the movie how much aggression she actually had. I find it great that Cindy is so realistic and flawed, yet I think that's what put's her here. When I watch a DP movie, I want to see a princess in La la land where everything goes right, I don't want to see a realistic princess, if that makes sense... I just can't really connect to Cindy for some reason, and it really pains me to put her here!

9. Ariel

This, this is where it starts to get really hard. From here on out I love all the princesses to the moon and back. Ariel, I feel is one of those princesses I just have to defend. Yes, she's not my favorite, but I always feel bad when princesses get bashed, and I feel Ariel gets bashed a lot. I feel her couple of mistakes define her, which isn't the case. I love her personality. I love hows she's always so bubbly and charismatic, and how's she's dreamy and curious. It's so fun watching her, but at the same thing, something doesn't work with her. I don't know, I just feel it doesn't all mesh, I feel she needs a serious side to back it up or something!

8. Snow

BUT SNOW! It pains me to put Snow here, she's such a dear!!!!! She's so sweet and kind, and bossy? Okay, where'd that come from? I find it kind of annoying how, one, she's so positive about EVERYTHING. I mean, I don't like how she hides up her feelings by singing a song and acting like everything's okay (remember, my opinions), and two, I don't really like how she comes into the dwarfs house and bosses them around. Then again, I look at her face and listen to her cute voice and I can forgive her, so it's all good.

7. Jasmine

But Jasmine's a brat! She's so ungrateful! I'm soooo sick of hearing that, I don't even think she's a brat. She stands up for herself and speaks her mind, which I can respect because I have a hard time doing that...I love her sass! I mean, if she was the main character, instead of Aladdin, I can see myself loving her even more, because we'd get to see even more of her! I feel she falls in the same boat as Ariel, they get defined by there mistakes. It's really sad....

6. Belle

I thought I'd never see the day where Belle left my top 5, but it has happened. I'm slowly starting to lose interest in Belle, I mean her only flaw is that she likes to read, making her seem like she's better then everyone else? I feel if you have to look that deep to find a flaw, you're too perfect. And lately, Belle has just sort of been not that interesting, I mean trust me I'm still in love with her. Her relationship with the beast (while superficial, but don't get me started on that....) is really sweet and admirable. Also, I love how she takes care of her Papa, it just shows how much of a down to earth person she is. I also like her sarcastic and almost snobby attitude, it's entertaining. All together, Belle's a lovely lady, but not my favorite.

5. Tiana

I was really torn between this and number 4, but I'm crazy about TIANAA!!!! I never thought I'd see the day where she'd be in my top 5, but it's here. Tiana is such a dear!!!!!! I love her determination, her sass, her relationship with Char and her mom and her dad, her sass, her down to earthness?, her sass, her dreaminess, her sass. As you can tell, I love sass. And I love Tiana! Ugh, I can't even put it into words, the only problem is she just needs to learn to let loose and have some fun!!! If she could do that more often, she'd definitely be top 3 material!

4. Pocahontas

Poca is a breath of fresh air for me. I love her I don't care attitude, and how she's so wild, but serious also. She has so much wisdom, yet makes mistakes and isn't a know it all. I love her relationship with Nikoma, they really compliment each other. I love her connection to nature and how she's so spirited. I just love her! I hate how people say she looses her personality in the second half of the movie. She was just going through a lot, and had a lot on her mind, and just because she wasn't jumping off waterfalls, doesn't mean she looses her personality. She's so much deeper than that.

3. Mulan

I used to not like Mulan very much.....as in she was number 9, but woah now she's in the top 3! I've come to appreciate Mulan so much more and realize how similar we both are to each other. We're both awkward, we both struggle to speak our mind, we both try so hard to please the people around us, we both don't exactly fit in. I feel she's so much more than a "tomboy" or "the brave one", while she is selfless in brave, I feel that isn't all she is, and she should really be given a second look.

2. Rapunzel

THIS IS WHERE I'M OBSESSED. I love Rapunzel with a burning passion, honestly GAHHHH. I can't even put it into words. She's the princess that does the most character transformation. She went from being a crazy, rambunctious, kind, little girl, to a strong independent woman. I love her attitude, "Did I stutter mother, or should I even call you that" BEST LINE EVERRRRRRRRR. Honestly, she's so kind, and I love her and yeah. When I love something a lot, it's hard for me to put it into words, but yeah. *Awkwardly moves on to number one*

1. Aurora

Awww Aurora! Not her! Okay, guys, as I've said above, I love the underdog, and there's no bigger underdog than Aurora. I love her subdued and layered personality. I love how there's more than meets the eye. I love how she's so kind, yet awkward, and I love how she's so dreamy. I love how she's friends with all the animals, and is so comfortable around them. I just love her, she's a breath of fresh air for me.

So that's my list. Like it or not, these are my favorite princesses and they're here to stay....I think....oh gosh *begins second guessing everything* I'm just gonna submit this! Thanks for reading my rant guys. *Internet kisses*
Yeah....random picture......k
Yeah....random picture......k
Which One will be my Prettiest?
Which One will be my Prettiest?
Ok so as you can see i also try to make a list about my Prettiest Disney Princesses and it was so hard, why Disney have to make all of their Princesses so gorgeous? Anyway i warned you that if you go to read it you will find a lot grammatic errors because english is not my native language so feel free to correct me!

10 Rapunzel

Ok don't get me wrong I think that she is pretty but she has some really akward features like Huge bug eyes, big head and wierd teeth! I also really like her hair Oh her hair it's so pretty, her best feature imo too bad Flynn cut all of her hair and turned them into...
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posted by faya27
Chapter 1

"Melody, wake up," said Eric as he patted his five-year-old daughter on the arm.

"Five more minutes, Daddy," Melody yawned.

"But Melody today is your first day at your new school. If you don't get up, you'll be late," Eric responded.

"I don't want to go to school today!" said Melody.

"Melody, get out of bed right now or I'll spank you," Eric firmly stated.

Melody's eyes went wide and quickly got out of bed. Eric left while she got dressed. She took her pink pajamas off and tossed them on her bed. Then, Melody slowly put her on her outfit on. She dressed slowly since she did not want to...
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“I can’t leave you.” She whispered.  	“You never will,” he said. “No matter what happens, I’ll always be with you, forever.” 	“Forever?” she asked.  	“Yes,” he answered. “Even through death.”
“I can’t leave you.” She whispered. “You never will,” he said. “No matter what happens, I’ll always be with you, forever.” “Forever?” she asked. “Yes,” he answered. “Even through death.”


“I can’t leave you.” She whispered.
    “You never will,” he said. “No matter what happens, I’ll always be with you, forever.”
    “Forever?” she asked.
    “Yes,” he answered. “Even through death.”
    “Death,” she cried. “No! John, you can’t leave me, you just can’t!”
    The darkness overcame her and his whisper disappeared.
    “John!” She called for him, but there was no reply. “John! Where are you?! Please...
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He grabbed her other hand and held onto them tightly, which only made it harder for Pocahontas.
He grabbed her other hand and held onto them tightly, which only made it harder for Pocahontas.

    Pocahontas took a deep breath, thinking of how she would tell John it was over. Since she had just recently seen John Smith and found her love again, she knew the only way to be happy was to leave John.
    When she was back in her village, she saw that John wasn’t there. When she asked where he was, she learned he was by the river. She made her way to the river and saw that he was alone.
    “Good,” she thought. “At least I can do this in private.”
    She walked up to John...
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He waited so long to see her and had almost given up hope that he never would, but now looking into her eyes, he decided to give in to temptation no matter what the consequences may be.
He waited so long to see her and had almost given up hope that he never would, but now looking into her eyes, he decided to give in to temptation no matter what the consequences may be.

    They were both silent. They didn’t know what to say, but they knew they had to say something. When he looked into her eyes, he still saw so much truth and light, that he was tempted to kiss her. He waited so long to see her and had almost given up hope that he never would, but now looking into her eyes, he decided to give in to temptation no matter what the consequences may be.
    He slowly moved his face toward hers, determined to kiss her. It was quiet all around them; it was almost as if time had...
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She wandered aimlessly through the forest, just praying that she would find him.
She wandered aimlessly through the forest, just praying that she would find him.

    It was still dark when Pocahontas woke up the next morning. She had to leave before John woke or he might suspect something. She didn’t have time to think about what he would think of her decision. She knew he wouldn’t like it, but she had to follow her heart.
    “I was stupid for giving up John Smith,” she thought as she made her way through the forest. “He was the best thing that ever happened to me and I have to find him.”
    Pocahontas didn’t know what would happened...
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2 Days ago i was feeling so helpless, i even cried (and i don’t cry that much), i had this project, and i was suppose to delivre it the next day, and i had absolutely no ideas, ME ! the godess of ideas, anyway, the project was to work on my own picture, cut it in half, one to make a Simplification with the colors Ghosh, and the other to make it collage (lol rhythms)

i did the Ghosh, and the collage NO IDEA what i was gonna do, tried a lot of times and no use, and why i care so much ? because the project in the speciality that i want (i’m in Fine Arts), and if i didn’t do great at it, it...
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Ariel was walking through the castle halls, observing the portraits hung up everywhere. She missed all those times with her family, before she got married to Eric.
"Ariel?" someone called.
She turned around. "Charming! How's Snow?"
Her brother walked up to her. "Heartbroken. That retard left her for some reason."
Ariel's heart sank. "Ohhh, poor Snow..."
"Which is why I'm not allowing him in this castle," he continued.
Ariel hit the wall. "What? Char, don't you think that's kind of cruel?"
Charming shook his head. "Serves him right for leaving Snow." His gaze was fixed at her for a moment.
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Behind giant mountains of coral, the princesses witnessed a beautiful palace with a village down below.
"Girls," said Ariel, "Welcome to Atlantica!"
The girls couldn't believe their eyes even more than they could believe they were breathing underwater.
"It's beautiful," Snow White whispered.
Ariel nodded. "No time for sightseeing. We've got our hubbies to save!" and she zoomed off toward the castle.
"Finally, she's being serious," Jasmine said.
In the castle, the girls got to meet Ariel's father, King Triton, for the first time.
King Triton hugged his daughter. "Ariel, it's great to see you...
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posted by avelinforl32
I hope it's not too late doing my list and i'm not very good making articles, so, it's my first time. So enjoy!

I used to love her, she's pretty, wise, fun and she even jumped on a cliff, but then she got boring and serious after she met John Smith. Don't get me wrong, i like her, but i would like her to stick with her risking, fun loving personality.

When i watched PatF, she's just so serious,(not as serious as Pocahontas). I was very interested on Charlotte and Naveen than her. But i love her determination and hardworking to open her restaurant, but she's too...
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Okay so things aren't looking too good for us is it? The sun has set so Aurora's curse is broken, so I guess we don't need to be calling this Sleeping Beauty since the beauty isn't sleeping. Anyway back on topic Maleficent looks madder than my ma when she's fighting with my sister and trust me that's saying something because they yell so loud that I get complaints from pluto. Well back on track she looks like she was going to zap us like she did her minons.

"No the sun! My spell! After all these years for nothing!" shouted Maleficent

"Aurora grab the ruby slippers so she can't hurt you" I said...
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Rapunzel's part is spoiler-free so hakuna matata! ;) Rapunzel actually dropped 2 spaces while I was writing this :P

10. Tiana

I respect Tiana so much; she’s the first princess to really have a realistic goal. She’s not looking for love or a prince that will sweep her off her feet. She’s practical and knows that hard work is what’s going to benefit her in the future. I love that she’s aware that dreams aren’t just handed out. You have to earn them. However, my problem with Tiana is her uptight attitude. I also prefer more romantic and dreamy princesses also, but I do find her goals...
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Merry Christmas, firegirl1515! I hope you enjoy this friendship fic with Ariel and Rapunzel. I know you have asked for Rapunzel/Flynn, but I hope this is all right. XD I am only really good at writing, unfortunately.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy. Here is your friendship fic with Ariel and Rapunzel!

“Oh, de king is going to make crab claws outta me when he hears dis!” the tiny red crab lamented. Sebastian trembled with fear as he imagined the sea king, Triton, with his classic disapproving look.

Flounder frowned at Sebastian's words. “He’s gone, Ariel. We should go back.”

Ariel sat on...
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A/N#1: Well this Chapter 6 and I really don't know where this chapter
is going to go....so I will see where it takes itself.

Chapter 6:

"Why do you think they let us go?" I heard Adam ask from beside
me as we walked over branches and bushes, we were nearing the
Stopping completly and leaning against a tree I looked at him for
awhile trying to come up with an answer.
"The Honest truth is that I really don't know why he let us go, but
we now probably created a war" This scared me, what would my parents
think hearing that I had been kidnapped by Natives on the day of
my arrival because I had...
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Congratulations cromulanfav! :D
She's October's princess of the month! You really deserved this - you're always online and work so hard to contribute. You definitely have put a lot into this spot and it's great to see you get some appreciation for that. :)
In honour of her achievement, here's an interview with our fan of the month!

1) How does it feel to be fan of the month?
I don't know, happy. Many good things have happened to me lately, so I wasn't as exicted about being fan of the month as I could have been. But I'm happy that it was Mulan month.

2) Who are your favourite princesses and why?...
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The first Prettiest Princess countdown was done about seven months ago by princesslullaby, and the article for the results was written six months ago. Since then, I've noticed that people's opinions have changed on several princesses: Belle, Pocahontas, Cinderella, Mulan, and others. I thought a redo should happen, so I got the okay from you guys, and here this is!
EDIT: Pictures (of course) are refusing to download. I add pictures by adding them to iPhoto and then selecting them from it while making picks or articles. So, iPhoto is not connected to the Internet...
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posted by LisaForde
Here is a little fanfic on the Disney Princesses Belle & Snow White and others . Enjoy

One day Belle was in the woods singing a song when suddenly she bumped into Snow White who was on the run from her wicked stepmother who wanted her dead.’Oh excuse me miss I am lost and I don’t know where this road takes me to’ said a terrifying Snow White who was as white as a ghost. ‘Oh well I am Belle and there is a nearby house next by, I hear they are very hospitable and very caring’ Belle said to Snow White.’Oh thank you so much Belle I will see you soon’ Snow White said in delight...
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*~DreamyGal Productions~*
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
I thought it was time that I update this list, since my opinions have changed over time!

9. Mulan
Wait and see, when we're through, boys will gladly go to war for you.
Wait and see, when we're through, boys will gladly go to war for you.

Sorry Mulan fans...unfortunetely she is last on my list...that doesn't, however, mean that I don't think she is pretty. She's quite lovely. I just think they played it safe with her looks because she had to pass as a boy as well. My favorite feature on her is her long silky hair.

8. Tiana
She is my "Evangeline".
She is my "Evangeline".

Tiana is very easy on the eyes. Even though she had a humble upbringing and childhood, she is elegant....
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Picture credit to Alafastanzio.
Picture credit to Alafastanzio.
Yes, my list changed again. Please don't be too shocked when you read the results. I worked hard on this article, and more importantly, I worked hard on deciding. 9. Ariel
Even if you tried to come find me, I lock my windows and doors at night, and I have an attack dog, so yea. Ariel is my least favorite for many reasons. She's selfish, makes stupid decisions, leaves her family for a guy at 16, and a lot more. Sorry Ariel fans. 8. Tiana
Sorry Tiana, you just didn't impress me. She just doesn't know how to have fun, and she falls in love with Naveen out of the blue. It doesn't seem like she has...
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posted by disney_prince
Welcome. This is my Disney Princess jukebox, I have links to all the important Princess songs, I haven't put every song from every film in here, I've tried to be slightly selective. Thats it really, have a listen to some of the musical masterpieces to come out of the Disney Princess films with ease.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Snow White, fairest one of all.
Snow White, fairest one of all.

The one...well, two songs that started it all

The perfect song to raise your spirits if you've been banished from your kingdom and your step mother has attempted to murder you

Yeh, if only.

Cinderella, the princess bride.
Cinderella, the...
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